Create Ai VFX (Visual Effects) | With Runway Gen-3 | Full Tutorial

Atomic Gains
17 Aug 202414:21

TLDRThis tutorial showcases how to create stunning visual effects (VFX) using Runway Gen-3 and blend them into personal footage. The video covers various effects like explosions, plant growth, levitating objects, and liquid simulations. Tips for achieving static shots and matching color tones are shared, along with a demonstration of editing VFX with original footage using a free video editor. The tutorial concludes with a short film example, highlighting the potential of Runway for creating impressive VFX without a large budget.


  • 🎥 The video tutorial demonstrates how to create VFX shots using Runway Gen-3 and blend them into personal footage.
  • 🔥 The creator shares tips for achieving realistic effects like explosions, which can be impressive for social media posts or storytelling.
  • 📸 To ensure the best results, lock the camera on a tripod and set the focus manually to maintain sharpness on the subject.
  • ⚙️ Turn off auto white balance to prevent color shifts throughout the video, which is crucial for maintaining consistency in VFX integration.
  • 🖼️ Use a still frame from the video as a reference point for the VFX, which helps in aligning the generated effects with the original footage.
  • 🌄 Experiment with different prompts in Runway to achieve the desired static or dynamic effects, such as a car explosion or a plant growing.
  • 🌿 For growing effects, ensure to have a clean plate version of the footage to facilitate the blending of VFX with the original scene.
  • 🎨 Color grading is necessary to match the VFX footage with the original footage for a seamless integration.
  • 🎭 The video includes a walkthrough of editing VFX footage with original footage using a free video editor, emphasizing the importance of masking and color adjustment.
  • 🎵 Adding sound effects and cinematic elements like black bars can enhance the final video, making it more engaging and professional.
  • 🎬 The tutorial concludes with a short film example that incorporates various VFX techniques, showcasing the potential of Runway Gen-3 for creating compelling visual narratives.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video tutorial?

    -The main focus of the video tutorial is to demonstrate how to create impressive visual effects (VFX) shots using Runway Gen-3 and blend them into one's own footage for applications such as social media posts or storytelling.

  • What type of visual effect is used as an example at the beginning of the tutorial?

    -The tutorial starts with an example of creating an explosion effect, where the car explodes after the person gets into it.

  • Why is it important to lock the camera and focus when filming for VFX?

    -Locking the camera and focus ensures stability and consistency in the footage, which is crucial for seamlessly blending the VFX shots with the original footage.

  • What does the term 'Clean Plate' refer to in the context of VFX?

    -A 'Clean Plate' refers to footage that includes a version of the scene without the subject or effect, which is used to help composite the final shot with the VFX in post-production.

  • How does the tutorial suggest improving the realism of a plant growing VFX shot?

    -The tutorial suggests experimenting with different prompts to achieve a static shot where the plant morphs into a bigger plant, which enhances the realism of the growing effect.

  • What is the significance of using the 'last frame' option in Runway Gen-3?

    -Using the 'last frame' option in Runway Gen-3 allows the user to create a video that starts with the final state of the effect and then transitions back to the original state, creating a reverse effect.

  • How does the tutorial demonstrate the floating or levitating effect?

    -The tutorial shows a demonstration of a floating or levitating effect by using an image of a guitar and a prompt that makes the guitar appear to start floating.

  • What are simulations in the context of VFX, and how does Runway handle them?

    -Simulations in VFX refer to the imitation of natural phenomena like fire, smoke, or physical interactions. Runway handles them by accurately simulating the behavior of these elements in a realistic manner, considering the dimensions and context of the objects involved.

  • How does the tutorial advise editing the VFX footage with the original footage?

    -The tutorial advises using video editing software to align the VFX footage with the original footage at the desired moment, adjusting color grading for consistency, and using masking techniques to blend the effects seamlessly.

  • What additional tips does the tutorial provide for enhancing the final video edit?

    -The tutorial provides tips such as adding camera movement, using adjustment layers for color grading, applying cinematic filters, and incorporating sound effects to enhance the final video edit.



🎥 Creating VFX Shots with Runway

The video begins with the host explaining how to create impressive visual effects (VFX) shots using Runway's Gen 3 video generator. They plan to blend these VFX into their own footage to create eye-catching social media content or enhance storytelling. The host shares their favorite tips and showcases a short film they made using these effects. They start by filming a video of themselves getting into a car and then use Runway to generate an explosion effect after they enter the car. The video emphasizes the importance of locking the camera on a tripod, locking focus, and turning off auto white balance to ensure consistency. The host demonstrates how to take a screenshot at the desired effect point and upload it to Runway, choosing the first frame option and entering a prompt for a still, static shot of a car explosion. They experiment with different prompts to achieve the desired effect and discuss the importance of keeping the camera still for seamless blending with the original footage.


🌱 Transforming and Growing Effects

The host explores the transformation and growth effects by using an image of a plant. They aim to make the plant grow while someone is 'spraying' it, inspired by a Runway video. They start with a simple image and experiment with different prompts to achieve a static shot of the plant growing. The host emphasizes the need for experimentation with prompts to get the desired static effect. They also discuss the importance of having a clean plate version of the footage for blending with the VFX. The host demonstrates how to crop the image in Runway to keep the plant in focus and uses various prompts to achieve different growth effects. They show the final stitched video with the original footage, discussing the process of color grading to match the VFX with the original footage and using masks and animation effects for a seamless blend.


🎨 Editing and Enhancing VFX Footage

The host discusses the process of editing VFX footage with the original footage using a free video editor called CapCut. They demonstrate how to import the original and VFX footage, adjust color grading to match the two, and use masking techniques to blend the VFX into the original shot. The host also shows how to add camera movement and cinematic black bars for a more filmic look. They explain how to merge layers into a compound clip and add sound effects to enhance the video. The video concludes with the host showing a short film they created using all the techniques discussed in the video, along with added sound effects. The host encourages viewers to experiment with Runway and create their own VFX shots, offering a platform for sharing prompts and ideas.



💡VFX (Visual Effects)

VFX, or Visual Effects, refers to the process of creating and integrating imagery and environments that do not exist in the physical world, but are made to appear real for film, television, and other visual media. In the context of the video, VFX is used to create impressive and eye-catching shots that blend seamlessly with the original footage. Examples include the car explosion and the plant growing, which are effects generated to enhance storytelling and create engaging social media content.

💡Runway Gen-3

Runway Gen-3 is a video generation tool used in the video to create VFX shots. It is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate videos based on user prompts. The video demonstrates how to use Runway Gen-3 to produce various effects, such as explosions and growing plants, which are then integrated into the user's footage to create a more dynamic and visually appealing final product.

💡Social Media Posts

Social Media Posts are content shared by users on social media platforms. The video suggests that the VFX created with Runway Gen-3 can be used to make social media posts more eye-catching and engaging. By incorporating VFX, creators can stand out and attract more attention on platforms where visual content is highly competitive.


Storytelling is the art of conveying events in a narrative form. In the video, the use of VFX is highlighted as a tool to elevate storytelling by adding visual interest and depth to the narrative. The VFX shots, such as the car explosion and the floating guitar, serve to enhance the story and make it more captivating for the audience.

💡Autofocus and Auto White Balance

Autofocus and Auto White Balance are camera settings that, if left on, can cause unwanted changes in focus and color tone throughout a video. The video advises turning these off to ensure that the focus remains locked on the subject and the color tone stays consistent, which is crucial for creating VFX shots that can be accurately integrated with the original footage.

💡Still Frame

A still frame is a single, static image extracted from a video. In the video tutorial, the creator takes a still frame at the point where the VFX will be introduced. This frame serves as a reference for the VFX generation in Runway Gen-3, ensuring that the effect is accurately placed within the context of the original video.


In the context of the video, a 'prompt' is a descriptive input given to Runway Gen-3 to guide the AI in generating the desired VFX. For example, 'still tripod shot of a car exploding' is a prompt that specifies the type of shot and the effect to be created. The video shows how different prompts can lead to different outcomes, and experimenting with prompts is part of the creative process.


Simulation in VFX refers to the creation of realistic representations of physical phenomena, such as fire, smoke, or paint falling. The video demonstrates Runway Gen-3's ability to simulate these elements, which is crucial for creating believable effects. The simulation of green paint falling on a car is used as an example to show how the AI understands the dimensions of objects and the physics of the scene.

💡Color Grading

Color grading is the process of adjusting and enhancing the color of a video to achieve a specific look or mood. In the video, color grading is necessary to match the VFX footage with the original footage, ensuring that the integrated effects look natural and consistent with the rest of the scene.


Masking is a video editing technique used to hide or reveal certain parts of a video layer. In the video, masking is used to blend the VFX shots with the original footage by hiding parts of the VFX where it overlaps with the subject in the original video. This technique is crucial for creating a seamless integration of VFX into live-action footage.


Create mindblowing VFX shots and blend them into your own footage using Runway Gen-3.

Use Runway's video generator to create VFX shots for eye-catching social media posts or storytelling.

Explosions are impressive effects; the tutorial shows how to make a car explode after getting in.

Lock camera focus on the object to keep it in focus during the shot.

Turn off Auto white balance to prevent color shifts throughout the video.

Take a snapshot at the point where the effect should happen for use in Runway.

Choose 'first frame' or 'last frame' in Runway for the start or end of the VFX video.

Use prompts like 'still tripod shot' to keep the camera still during the VFX generation.

Experiment with different prompts to achieve the desired static shot for VFX.

Transform and grow effects can be applied to objects like plants, as shown in the tutorial.

Ensure a clean plate version of the footage for blending VFX with the original video.

Runway can create realistic floating or levitating effects, as demonstrated with a guitar.

Simulations like fire, smoke, and paint are well-handled by Runway, respecting object dimensions.

Animating images within a video is possible, with Runway keeping the rest of the scene static.

Edit VFX footage with original footage using video editing software like Premiere Pro or CapCut.

Color grading and masking are essential for blending VFX footage seamlessly with the original video.

Add camera movement and cinematic effects like black bars to enhance the final video.

The tutorial concludes with a short film showcasing the power of Runway for creating VFX without a huge budget.