Pi Your Personal AI Review

AI Review Room
14 Mar 202410:53

TLDRIn this review, the host explores Pi, a personal AI with conversational abilities that surpass the mechanical responses of Siri. Pi, a benefit corporation, offers a free app for Android and Apple devices, focusing on providing personal intelligence and supportive conversation. The AI can discuss various topics, from scientific breakthroughs to job interviews, and even offers emotional support. The host gives Pi a rating of 4 out of 5, highlighting its potential for engaging users in meaningful conversations, especially for those who may lack companionship. The review suggests Pi could be beneficial for different age groups, including the elderly, to keep their minds active.


  • 🤖 The reviewer finds Pi, a personal AI, interesting due to its conversational ability, which is closer to natural human interaction compared to other AI like Siri.
  • 🌐 Pi is a benefit corporation, which means it operates with a purpose beyond profit, using its large language model for good.
  • 🆓 Pi is free to use and has an app available for both Android and Apple devices, offering a personal intelligence and supportive conversational AI.
  • 🗣️ Pi offers various voice settings, allowing users to choose between different types of voices, including male, female, British, and American accents.
  • 🧠 The AI can engage in threads and keep personal information, providing a more personalized conversational experience.
  • 🔍 Pi has search capabilities, enabling it to provide current information, such as weather updates.
  • 🌟 The AI can roleplay scenarios like job interviews and respond to prompts about scientific breakthroughs, showcasing its versatility.
  • 🎉 The reviewer appreciates Pi's ability to engage in supportive and sympathetic conversations, which can be beneficial for those seeking companionship or advice.
  • 🌱 Pi encourages users to build strong personal relationships through open communication and mutual respect, highlighting its potential in social interaction.
  • 👵👴 The AI could be particularly useful for the elderly who may be shut-in, providing them with voice conversations to keep their minds active.
  • 🌟 The reviewer rates Pi highly, giving it a solid four out of five, recognizing its uniqueness and potential to enhance users' lives through conversation.

Q & A

  • What does the reviewer find interesting about Pi AI?

    -The reviewer finds Pi AI interesting because it is closer to having a conversational ability that is more natural and less mechanical compared to other AI assistants like Siri.

  • What type of corporation is Pi AI?

    -Pi AI is a B Corp, which stands for Benefit Corporation, a type of corporation that is not for profit and focuses on using its business for social good.

  • Is Pi AI available for free?

    -Yes, Pi AI is available for free and has an app that can be downloaded on both Android and Apple devices.

  • What are the different voice settings available in Pi AI?

    -Pi AI offers a variety of voice settings, including different types of male and female voices, with options for British and American accents.

  • What is the feature of 'threads' in Pi AI?

    -Threads in Pi AI allow users to keep different types of personal information organized and accessible for future reference.

  • How does Pi AI handle current events and information?

    -Pi AI has a search capability that enables it to find and provide the most current information on various topics, such as scientific breakthroughs or weather updates.

  • What is one of the built-in prompts that the reviewer finds interesting?

    -One of the built-in prompts that the reviewer finds interesting is the ability to roleplay a job interview, which can be useful for practicing interview skills.

  • How does Pi AI respond to the user expressing sadness?

    -When the user expresses sadness, Pi AI responds empathetically, acknowledging the feeling and offering to discuss the reason behind the sadness.

  • What advice does Pi AI give to someone with a low-view YouTube video?

    -Pi AI advises that building a successful YouTube channel takes time and consistency, and encourages the user not to be discouraged by low views at the beginning of their journey.

  • What does the reviewer suggest as a potential use for Pi AI among the elderly?

    -The reviewer suggests that Pi AI could be used by the elderly, particularly those who are shut in or unable to see people regularly, as a way to keep their minds sharp and have engaging conversations.

  • How does the reviewer rate Pi AI on a scale from one to five?

    -The reviewer rates Pi AI a solid four out of five, appreciating its conversational ability and potential for personal use.



🤖 Introduction to Conversational AI

The speaker expresses interest in a conversational AI that is more advanced than Siri, which they find mechanical and lacking in understanding. They mention the potential of a next-generation AI from Apple and introduce Pi, a non-profit corporation with a language model that is free and available on Android and Apple devices. The speaker plans to demonstrate the AI's capabilities on their desktop, highlighting its personal intelligence and conversational skills. They discuss the AI's features, such as different voice settings and the ability to maintain threads of personal information. The speaker then explores various prompts, including scientific breakthroughs, job interviews, and popular YouTube videos, emphasizing the AI's conversational nature and its potential to provide support and companionship.


🌸 Exploring AI's Conversational Abilities

The speaker delves into the conversational abilities of the AI, noting its responsiveness and the variety of topics it can discuss, such as the cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C., and personal feelings. They compare the AI to other language models, highlighting its more human-like interactions. The AI's empathetic responses to expressions of sadness and its encouragement for building a successful YouTube channel are showcased. The speaker also touches on the AI's advice on personal relationships, emphasizing the importance of communication and mutual respect. They conclude by suggesting that the AI could be beneficial for people who lack companionship or for the elderly to keep their minds sharp, rating the AI a solid four out of five for its unique conversational capabilities.


📈 The Future of AI and Its Applications

The speaker, Mark, wraps up the discussion by emphasizing the potential of AI to enhance efficiency and productivity in various aspects of life. He mentions the power of large language models to provide information and knowledge that was previously inaccessible. Mark expresses excitement about exploring different use cases and scenarios involving AI, such as in relationships, education, and other areas. He invites viewers to subscribe to the AI Guy Show to stay updated on the latest content about AI and its applications, emphasizing the show's belief that AI is for everyone and can be a significant aid in many different areas.



💡Conversational ability

Conversational ability refers to the capacity of an AI to engage in a natural, human-like dialogue. In the context of the video, the reviewer finds Pi's conversational ability 'very interesting' because it seems to be closer to a human-like interaction compared to other AIs like Siri, which are described as 'mechanical' and lacking in understanding complex commands. The video suggests that Pi's AI might represent a 'next generation' of AI with improved conversational skills.

💡B Corp

B Corp, short for Benefit Corporation, is a type of corporation that includes a positive impact on society and the environment in its legally defined goals. The video mentions that Pi is a B Corp, indicating that it operates with a focus on benefiting the community and not solely on profit. This sets it apart from traditional corporations and aligns with the positive and supportive image the video tries to convey.

💡Large language model

A large language model is a complex AI system designed to understand and generate human-like text based on extensive data. In the video, the reviewer describes Pi as an 'Advanced large language model' that is capable of providing 'personal intelligence and supportive conversational AI.' This highlights the advanced nature of Pi's AI, which is able to process and respond to a wide range of queries and prompts.

💡Voice settings

Voice settings refer to the options available for an AI to communicate through different types of voices, which can include various accents, genders, and tones. The video script mentions that Pi offers 'different voice settings' including 'male, female,' and different accents like 'British' and 'American.' This feature enhances the user experience by allowing personalization and making interactions feel more natural.


Threads in the context of the video likely refer to the ability to maintain and organize different lines of conversation or topics within the AI interface. The script mentions that Pi allows users to 'keep different types of personal information' through threads, suggesting a feature that helps users manage and revisit various conversation topics or personal data.

💡Personal intelligence

Personal intelligence in the video is used to describe the AI's capability to provide personalized responses and support. The reviewer praises Pi for its ability to offer 'personal intelligence and supportive conversational AI,' indicating that the AI can adapt its responses to the user's needs and provide a more tailored and empathetic interaction.


Roleplay is a method of practicing or simulating a situation, often used for training or entertainment. The video script mentions roleplay as a feature of Pi, where users can 'roleplay your next job interview,' suggesting that the AI can simulate different scenarios to help users prepare for real-life events or just for fun.

💡Search capability

Search capability in the context of the video refers to the AI's ability to look up and provide current information. The reviewer tests Pi's search capability by asking about the weather in Washington, DC, and the AI successfully retrieves and provides the current weather conditions, demonstrating its utility in accessing up-to-date information.

💡Personal relationships

Personal relationships are discussed in the video as an essential part of human life. The AI provides advice on building strong personal relationships by 'communicating openly, honestly, and sharing your thoughts.' This shows that Pi's AI is designed to engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations that go beyond simple queries and responses.

💡YouTube channel

A YouTube channel is a platform for creators to upload and share video content. The video script includes a personal anecdote where the reviewer's last YouTube video only got 50 views, and the AI provides encouragement, suggesting that building a successful channel takes time and consistency. This illustrates the AI's ability to engage in relatable, supportive conversations.

💡Elderly generation

The elderly generation is mentioned in the video as a potential user group for Pi's AI. The reviewer speculates that the AI could be beneficial for older individuals who may be 'shut in' or have limited social interaction, suggesting that the AI could provide companionship and mental stimulation. This highlights the potential for AI to serve as a tool for social engagement and cognitive health.


The reviewer finds Pi, a personal AI, interesting due to its conversational ability, which is closer to natural human interaction compared to other AI like Siri.

Pi is described as potentially being the next generation of generative AI that Apple might release, indicating a step forward in AI technology.

Pi is a B Corp, which is a type of corporation that is socially and environmentally responsible, setting it apart from profit-driven companies.

The AI is free to use and has an app available for both Android and Apple devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

The reviewer will demonstrate Pi's capabilities on a desktop, highlighting its ability to provide personal intelligence and supportive conversation.

Pi offers different voice settings, including various accents and genders, allowing for a more personalized interaction.

Users can engage in threads to maintain different types of personal information, showcasing Pi's capacity for personalized conversations.

Pi has built-in prompts for various topics, such as scientific breakthroughs and popular culture, which can initiate engaging discussions.

The AI can roleplay scenarios like job interviews, providing a unique and interactive experience for users.

Pi's search capability allows it to provide current information, such as weather updates, enhancing its实用性.

The AI suggests outdoor activities based on weather conditions, showing its ability to offer contextually relevant suggestions.

Pi encourages open communication and provides advice on building strong personal relationships, demonstrating its supportive nature.

The AI is empathetic and can respond to users' emotional states, like feeling sad, offering安慰 and advice.

Pi can provide encouragement and motivation, as shown when the reviewer mentions their YouTube video views.

The reviewer speculates on the potential use of Pi for different age groups, including teenagers and the elderly, due to its conversational capabilities.

Pi's voice options could make it appealing for older generations who may be more comfortable with voice interactions.

The reviewer rates Pi as a solid four out of five, recognizing its uniqueness and conversational abilities compared to other AI models.

The AI show host encourages subscribers to explore different AI use cases and scenarios, highlighting the potential of AI to improve efficiency and productivity.

The host emphasizes the power of large language models like Pi, which provide access to vast amounts of information, a significant advantage in the AI field.