Vidu AI Tutorial - NEW Amazing Text To Video AI Generator

12 Aug 202407:42

TLDRThe Vidu AI Tutorial introduces an innovative text-to-video AI generator, Video Studio, a formidable competitor in the AI space. The tutorial showcases the platform's capabilities, highlighting the text-to-video and image-to-video features. Through detailed prompts and AI enhancements, users can create high-quality videos from scratch, such as a Corgi swimming or a boy playing guitar by the river, with minimal distortion. The video also covers upscaling options and advanced features like animation, ensuring a consistent character representation. The tutorial concludes with a demonstration of character reference videos, emphasizing the AI's ability to maintain character consistency across generated content.


  • 😀 The tutorial introduces a new text-to-video AI generator called 'Vidu AI', which is a competitor to other AI platforms like ML-Killing AI.
  • 🎥 The AI can generate videos from text prompts, with options to enhance the prompts for better quality output.
  • 🐶 A sample video created by the AI is showcased, depicting a Corgi dog swimming in a pool, emphasizing the realism of the video.
  • ⏱️ The AI can produce high-quality videos quickly, as demonstrated by the 30-second creation time for the Corgi video.
  • 🎸 Another example shows a video of a young man playing guitar by the riverside, created from a short text prompt.
  • 🔍 The AI has an upscaling feature that can enhance the resolution of generated videos, with options for 'Vice Table' or 'Creative'.
  • 🛠️ Users can re-edit their prompts if they are not satisfied with the initial video output, allowing for adjustments and refinements.
  • 🎨 Advanced features include the ability to animate videos, although there may be limitations on the duration for free users.
  • 🖼️ The AI also supports image-to-video generation, using either the first frame of a video or character references from a photo.
  • 📸 Consistency between the original image and the generated video is highlighted, with details like freckles, eyebrows, and clothing being accurately reproduced.
  • 📹 The tutorial concludes with a call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and download any generated videos they wish to keep.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the Vidu AI Tutorial?

    -The main topic of the Vidu AI Tutorial is introducing a new text-to-video AI generator, which is a direct competitor to ML-Killing AI and other similar platforms.

  • What are the two primary methods to create videos in the Vidu AI platform as mentioned in the tutorial?

    -The two primary methods to create videos in the Vidu AI platform are 'text to video' and 'image to video'.

  • What is the significance of enhancing the prompt in the text-to-video process?

    -Enhancing the prompt is significant because it helps the AI to better understand the user's request and generate a higher quality output.

  • How long does it take for the AI to generate a video from a prompt according to the tutorial?

    -The AI can generate a video from a prompt in around 30 seconds, as demonstrated in the tutorial with the example of a dog swimming.

  • What is the difference between using a first frame and character references in image-to-video creation?

    -Using a first frame means the AI will use the image as the starting point for the video without additional context. Character references, on the other hand, allow the AI to use the image as a guide for the character's appearance and actions in the video.

  • What feature does the tutorial demonstrate for improving video quality?

    -The tutorial demonstrates the 'upscaling' feature, which allows users to enhance the resolution of their generated videos to HD or higher.

  • Can users edit their prompts after the video has been generated?

    -Yes, users can re-edit their prompts after the video has been generated by selecting the 're-edit' option, which allows them to modify the prompt and generate a new video.

  • What is the advantage of using character references in image-to-video creation?

    -Using character references ensures that the generated video maintains consistency with the original image, such as facial features, clothing, and overall appearance.

  • How does the tutorial suggest users can download their generated videos?

    -The tutorial suggests that users can download their generated videos by clicking on the 'download' button provided in the platform.

  • What is the tutorial's advice on creating effective prompts for the AI?

    -The tutorial advises that for the best quality output, prompts should be very specific and helpful to the AI, ideally long and detailed to guide the AI more effectively.



🎥 Introduction to Video AI: Text-to-Video and Image-to-Video Tutorial

The script introduces a new AI-based video creation tool called Video Studio or Video AI, which is a direct competitor to other AI technologies. The tutorial focuses on text-to-video and image-to-video capabilities within the platform. The user is guided through the process of enhancing prompts for better AI output and is shown how to use both long and short prompts to generate videos. The video quality and the speed of creation are emphasized, with examples of a Corgi swimming and a boy playing guitar by the riverside. The script also discusses upscaling options and the ability to re-edit and animate videos, although certain features are limited to paid users. The tutorial concludes with a brief mention of downloading and sharing options available within the platform.


🖼️ Image-to-Video Conversion and Character Consistency

The second paragraph delves into the image-to-video feature of the AI tool, demonstrating how to use a still image as a starting point for video creation. It explains the option to use the image as a first frame or as a character reference. The script shows examples of videos created from images of a woman closing her eyes and a boy riding a bicycle, highlighting the consistency of character features in the generated videos. The importance of creating a complementary prompt for character reference is stressed to ensure quality output. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of how to download the generated videos and a final comparison between the original images and their video counterparts, emphasizing the tool's ability to maintain character consistency.



💡Text To Video AI Generator

A 'Text To Video AI Generator' refers to an artificial intelligence-based tool that can convert written text into video content. In the context of the video, this technology is showcased as a powerful feature that allows users to create videos by simply inputting text prompts. The script mentions using this feature to generate videos with detailed scenes, such as a 'dog swimming in a swimming pool' and 'a young man playing guitar by the Riverside', demonstrating the capability of the AI to interpret and visualize text descriptions into engaging video content.

💡Enhance Prompt

The term 'Enhance Prompt' is used within the video to describe a feature that improves the quality of the video output by refining the text prompts provided by the user. The script suggests that using this feature can lead to more accurate and higher-quality video generation. For instance, the video creator mentions enhancing a prompt before generating a video of a 'Corgi swimming', which results in a video with detailed textures and minimal distortion.


In the video, 'Upscaling' refers to the process of increasing the resolution or quality of a video. The script describes an option to upscale videos to 'HD' or '4K' quality, indicating that the AI generator is capable of not only creating videos from text but also enhancing their visual quality. An example given is upscaling a video of a 'boy playing guitar by the Riverside' to HD quality.

💡Image To Video

This concept in the video script refers to the process of converting still images into video content. The video tutorial demonstrates how to use an image as a starting point for video creation, with options to use the image as the first frame or as a character reference. An example provided is using an image of 'a woman closing her eyes' to create a video where the woman's eyes open and close in a natural manner.

💡Character References

The term 'Character References' is used to describe the use of an image as a reference for generating a video with a consistent character appearance. The script explains how the AI can maintain the characteristics of the person in the image, such as their clothing and facial features, when creating the video. An example given is using a photo of 'a boy riding his bicycle' to create a video where the boy's appearance and the bicycle match the original image.


In the context of the video, 'Animation' refers to the process of giving lifelike movement to still images or characters within a video. The script mentions an option to animate videos, where the AI adds movement to a static image, creating a dynamic and engaging video sequence. An example is animating a video of 'a boy playing in the Riverside', where the boy appears to be moving naturally within the scene.

💡Editing Platform

The 'Editing Platform' mentioned in the script is the interface where users can manipulate and edit their video content. It is described as having options for text-to-video and image-to-video creation, as well as features for enhancing prompts and upscaling videos. The platform is central to the video's theme, as it is the tool through which users interact with the AI generator to create their videos.

💡Video Studio

The term 'Video Studio' in the script refers to the name of the AI-based video creation tool being introduced. It is positioned as a competitor to other AI video generators and is described as having advanced features for creating videos from text and images. The video tutorial serves as an introduction to the capabilities and user interface of the Video Studio platform.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the underlying technology that powers the video generator described in the script. It is used to interpret text or image inputs and create corresponding video content. The script highlights the advanced capabilities of AI in understanding and visualizing complex prompts, such as generating a video of a 'dog swimming' with detailed textures and minimal distortion.


In the video, 'Prompts' are the text inputs provided by users to guide the AI in generating video content. The script emphasizes the importance of creating specific and detailed prompts to achieve high-quality video outputs. Examples in the script include long and descriptive prompts for generating videos of a 'Corgi swimming' and a 'young man playing guitar by the Riverside'.

💡User Interface

The 'User Interface' is the visual layout and interaction design of the Video Studio platform, as described in the script. It is where users interact with the AI generator, input prompts, and manipulate video settings. The script provides a walkthrough of the interface, highlighting its features and options for creating and editing videos.


Introduction to a new competitor in AI video generation, Video Studio or Video AI.

The AI can create seamless and impressive sample videos from text prompts.

Tutorial on using the Video AI platform for text-to-video and image-to-video generation.

Option to enhance prompts for better AI output quality.

Demonstration of a long and specific prompt resulting in a high-quality video of a Corgi swimming.

A short prompt example creating a video of a young man playing guitar by the Riverside.

Upscaling feature to improve video resolution, currently in beta for the 'Creative' option.

Re-editing option allows users to refine their prompts and generate new videos.

Advanced feature to animate videos, limited to 4 seconds for non-paid users.

Introduction to image-to-video generation using a sample image of a woman.

Consistency in character features maintained when turning a photo into a video.

Option to use character references for generating videos that match the original photo's details.

Demonstration of a character reference video maintaining the original photo's clothing and background.

Highlighting the consistency of character features in generated videos.

Downloading and sharing options for generated videos.

Encouragement to like, subscribe, and look forward to the next tutorial.