Build your own GPTZero and Turnitin like App: AI Plagiarism Detector Tool

AI Anytime
7 May 202365:39

TLDRIn this AI Anytime channel video, the host guides viewers through the development of an AI application designed to detect plagiarism in language model responses. Inspired by tools like GPTZero and Turnitin, the tutorial focuses on building a Streamlit app using NLP techniques and metrics such as perplexity and burstiness. The video provides a detailed explanation of these metrics, their mathematical formulas, and how they can be used to determine if content is AI-generated. The host also discusses the limitations of such tools and emphasizes the importance of manual verification for accuracy.


  • 🌟 The video presents a project to develop an AI application that detects plagiarism in language model responses, inspired by tools like GPTZero and Turnitin.
  • 🔍 The app will use NLP techniques and metrics such as perplexity and burstiness to determine if content is AI-generated.
  • 🤖 Perplexity measures how well a language model predicts a sequence of words, with lower values indicating higher confidence in predictions.
  • 📊 Burstiness measures the deviation of word occurrences from the average frequency in a text, helping identify non-uniform distributions.
  • 💡 The video explains how to mathematically calculate perplexity and burstiness, which are crucial for the AI plagiarism detection logic.
  • 🛠️ The tutorial walks through building a Streamlit app step-by-step, incorporating the NLP techniques and providing a user interface for text analysis.
  • 👨‍💻 The presenter demonstrates coding in Python, using libraries like NLTK, Transformers, and PyTorch, to implement the detection logic.
  • 📝 The app analyzes input text, calculates perplexity and burstiness scores, and provides insights into whether the content is likely AI-generated.
  • 📊 Plotly is used to visually represent the top repetitive words in the input text, adding another layer of analysis.
  • ⚠️ The video concludes with a disclaimer, emphasizing that the tool should not be the sole basis for determining plagiarism, and results should be used responsibly.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the AI application discussed in the video?

    -The main goal of the AI application discussed in the video is to detect plagiarism in language model responses, specifically to determine if content is generated by AI or not.

  • Which tools are mentioned in the video as existing AI plagiarism detection tools?

    -The video mentions GPTZero and Turnitin as existing AI plagiarism detection tools.

  • What metrics are used to determine if content is generated by an AI according to the video?

    -The video discusses using perplexity and burstiness as metrics to determine if content is generated by an AI.

  • What is perplexity in the context of language models?

    -Perplexity measures how well a language model predicts a given sequence of words. A lower perplexity indicates that the language model is more confident and accurate in predicting the next word.

  • How is perplexity calculated mathematically?

    -Perplexity is calculated as 2 to the power of the negative entropy of the sequence, where entropy is the average negative log probability of each word.

  • What does burstiness measure in text?

    -Burstiness measures the deviation of word occurrences from the average frequency in a text, helping to understand the distribution of word occurrences and identify significant deviations.

  • What is the significance of the burstiness score in the context of AI-generated content?

    -The burstiness score indicates the deviation of word frequency in the text. A higher score suggests a more uneven distribution of word occurrences, which might be a cue for AI-generated content.

  • What is the role of the GPT-2 model in the AI plagiarism detection app?

    -The GPT-2 model is used as a baseline language model to calculate perplexity scores for the input text, helping to determine if the text is likely generated by an AI.

  • How does the video suggest using the AI plagiarism detection tool responsibly?

    -The video suggests using the AI plagiarism detection tool as a supplement to manual verification and not as a sole decision-maker due to the potential inaccuracy of the tool.

  • What is the purpose of the disclaimer mentioned in the video?

    -The purpose of the disclaimer is to caution users that the results from the AI plagiarism detection tool are not fully accurate and should be used responsibly, without relying solely on them for making decisions.



🌟 Introduction to AI Calligrism Detection Project

The speaker introduces an engaging project aimed at developing an AI application to detect calligrism in language, specifically to discern whether text is generated by AI. The project involves creating a Streamlit app inspired by tools like GPT-3 and Turnitin, which are known for detecting AI-generated content. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding NLP techniques and metrics such as perplexity and burstiness to build the app.


📚 Delving into Perplexity and Its Mathematical Formula

The speaker provides an in-depth explanation of perplexity, a metric that measures a language model's ability to predict a sequence of words. They discuss the concept of entropy and its relation to perplexity, explaining that a lower perplexity indicates the model is more confident in its predictions. The mathematical formula for perplexity is introduced, highlighting its significance in the AI calligrism detection process.


🔢 Practical Example of Calculating Perplexity

A practical example is given to illustrate how to calculate perplexity using a simple sentence. The speaker demonstrates the process of tokenizing the sentence, calculating the negative log probability for each word, and then determining the entropy. They explain how these calculations are used to compute perplexity, which is essential for the AI application being developed.


📈 Burstiness: Measuring Deviation in Word Occurrences

The concept of burstiness is introduced as a metric that measures the deviation of word occurrences from their average frequency in a text. The speaker explains how burstiness can help identify AI-generated content by analyzing the distribution of word occurrences. They provide a step-by-step example of calculating burstiness, emphasizing its importance alongside perplexity in the detection process.


💻 Building the AI Calligrism Detection Application

The speaker transitions into the coding phase of the project, discussing the creation of a Streamlit application. They outline the necessary libraries and dependencies, such as NLTK and Transformers, and begin writing the code to calculate perplexity and burstiness scores. The aim is to provide users with insights into whether their text is AI-generated based on these metrics.


🛠️ Coding the Perplexity and Burstiness Functions

Detailed coding of the functions to calculate perplexity and burstiness is presented. The speaker writes Python functions that utilize the GPT-2 model to process input text and compute the metrics. They explain the code, focusing on the use of the GPT-2 tokenizer and model from Hugging Face, and how the functions will be integrated into the Streamlit app.


📊 Integrating and Visualizing Results in the Streamlit App

The speaker continues the development of the Streamlit app by integrating the perplexity and burstiness functions. They discuss the logic for determining whether content is AI-generated based on threshold values of the metrics. Additionally, they introduce a function to visualize the top repetitive words in the text using Plotly Express, enhancing the app's analytical capabilities.


🚨 Disclaimer on the Limitations of AI Detection Tools

The speaker emphasizes the limitations of AI calligrism detection tools, cautioning against their use as the sole basis for decision-making. They stress the importance of manual verification and critical thinking when evaluating content authenticity. A disclaimer is added to the app to inform users of these limitations and to encourage responsible use of the tool.


🔍 Testing the AI Calligrism Detection Tool

The speaker tests the AI calligrism detection tool using content from various sources, including Wikipedia and an article from McKinsey, to demonstrate the app's functionality. They also test the tool with content generated by ChatGPT to show how it can detect AI-generated text. The results are discussed, highlighting the app's ability to provide insights based on perplexity and burstiness scores.


📝 Conclusion and Call for Feedback on the AI Detection Project

In conclusion, the speaker summarizes the video's exploration into developing an AI calligrism detection tool using perplexity and burstiness metrics. They reiterate the importance of using such tools responsibly and invite feedback and suggestions for improvement. The speaker expresses openness to collaboration and further development of the project.



💡AI Plagiarism Detector

An AI plagiarism detector is a tool designed to identify content that may have been generated by artificial intelligence rather than written by a human. In the context of the video, the host is developing an application that uses natural language processing techniques to detect AI-generated text. The detector analyzes text based on metrics like perplexity and burstiness, which can indicate whether the text adheres to patterns typical of human writing or follows the more mechanical style of AI language models.


Streamlit is an open-source library used to create and share data apps quickly. In the video script, the host mentions building a Streamlit app inspired by other AI detection tools, indicating that Streamlit serves as the framework for their application. This tool allows for the easy creation of interactive interfaces for machine learning models, which is essential for the real-time analysis of text provided by users in the video's app.


Perplexity is a measure used in the context of language models to indicate how well the model predicts a sequence of words. A lower perplexity score suggests that the language model is more confident in its predictions. In the video, perplexity is one of the metrics used to determine if text appears to be generated by an AI or not, with the logic based on how coherent and random the AI's output is compared to human writing.


Burstiness measures the deviation of word occurrences from the average frequency in a text. It helps identify any significant deviation in the distribution of word occurrences. In the video, burstiness is used alongside perplexity to create logic that derives insights into whether content is AI-generated. High burstiness might indicate human writing, as it shows a deviation from uniformity, which is less common in naturally occurring text.

💡NLP Techniques

NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques are methods used by computers to understand, interpret, and manipulate human language. In the video, NLP techniques are central to building the AI plagiarism detector app. These techniques likely include text analysis, statistical modeling, and machine learning algorithms that can assess the linguistic features of the input text to determine its origin.


GPT-0 is mentioned as a pre-existing AI detector tool that claims to identify AI-generated content. The video aims to develop a similar tool, suggesting that GPT-0 serves as inspiration. It implies that GPT-0 has gained enough recognition to have a user base of over one million, indicating the demand and relevance of AI plagiarism detection in various fields.


Turnitin is an academic tool used to check students' submissions for originality by comparing them against a vast database of internet content, academic papers, and periodicals. In the script, Turnitin is referenced as a paid tool that educators use to flag papers or assignments that may be AI-generated, highlighting concerns about academic integrity in the age of AI.

💡Generative AI Model

A generative AI model is a type of artificial intelligence system capable of creating new content based on learned patterns. In the video, the host discusses the challenge of detecting whether content has been generated by such a model. The app being developed aims to analyze text to determine if it was created by a generative AI model or written by a human.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is mentioned as the source for the GPT-2 model, which is an open-source implementation of the transformer-based language model. The video script suggests using this model as a baseline for the AI plagiarism detector app. Hugging Face is known for its library of pre-trained models that can be fine-tuned for various NLP tasks, including the detection of AI-generated text.


NLTK, or Natural Language Toolkit, is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning. In the video, NLTK is used for natural language processing tasks like tokenization and n-gram analysis, which are crucial for calculating metrics such as perplexity and burstiness.


Introduction to developing an AI application to detect plagiarism in language model responses.

Building a Streamlit app inspired by GPTZero and Turnitin for AI plagiarism detection.

Exploring NLP techniques and metrics such as perplexity and burstiness for content analysis.

Perplexity as a measure of how well a language model predicts a sequence of words.

Burstiness as a measure of deviation of word occurrences from the average frequency in a text.

The mathematical formula for calculating perplexity using entropy.

Example of calculating perplexity with a bigram model and a sample sentence.

Tokenization as the first step in calculating perplexity and burstiness.

Using the GPT-2 model from Hugging Face for the AI plagiarism detection tool.

Importing necessary libraries like NLTK, torch, and plotly for the application.

Creating functions to calculate perplexity and burstiness scores from text input.

Setting up a Streamlit interface with a text area, analysis button, and result display.

Explanation of how to preprocess text data for the AI model.

Demonstration of the AI plagiarism detection tool with sample content from Wikipedia and news articles.

Testing the tool with content generated by ChatGPT to see if it detects AI generation.

Discussion on the limitations and responsible use of AI plagiarism detection tools.

Final thoughts on the potential of the developed tool and its application in various contexts.