How To Build A Financial Dashboard In 5min Using Cursor AI + Voice

Mckay Wrigley
26 Aug 202406:25

TLDRIn this video, the creator demonstrates how to build a fully functional financial dashboard in Cursor AI within 5 minutes using voice commands and the Better Dictation tool. The dashboard features a sidebar, charts, and an insights page. Despite encountering errors and needing to install libraries, the video showcases the rapid development process made possible by AI, concluding with a mock trading platform dashboard that allows users to compare stock data.


  • 🎯 The goal is to build a fully functional financial dashboard in Cursor AI within 5 minutes using voice commands.
  • 🗣️ The tool 'Better Dictation' is utilized for voice-to-code conversion throughout the process.
  • 📊 The dashboard is designed with a sidebar, a central area for charts, and a right-side insights page.
  • 🛠️ Cursor Composer is employed to create and modify components of the dashboard.
  • 🔍 Issues like missing chart components and errors are addressed in real-time using voice commands.
  • 🔗 The use of 'react-chart' library is highlighted for creating the charts.
  • 🔧 Debugging and error resolution are demonstrated as part of the voice-assisted coding process.
  • 📈 Interactive elements like pop-up dialogs for chart data are implemented via voice instructions.
  • 📱 The dashboard is intended to be interactive, allowing users to click on chart elements for more information.
  • 💾 Mock data for stocks is generated to simulate a trading platform environment.
  • ⏱️ The entire process, from start to finish, is completed in under 5 minutes and 30 seconds, showcasing the efficiency of voice-assisted coding.

Q & A

  • What is the main objective of the video?

    -The main objective of the video is to demonstrate how to build a fully functional financial dashboard in Cursor AI using voice commands within less than 5 minutes.

  • Which tool is used for voice-to-code functionality in the video?

    -The tool used for voice-to-code functionality in the video is called 'Better Dictation'.

  • What are the three main components of the dashboard described in the video?

    -The three main components of the dashboard described are a sidebar on the left, a section for displaying charts in the middle, and an insights page on the right.

  • What issue did the creator encounter with 'chart one' during the dashboard creation?

    -The creator encountered an issue where 'chart one' could not be resolved because it did not exist, which required creating the chart components.

  • How does the video demonstrate the efficiency of using AI and voice commands in coding?

    -The video demonstrates the efficiency by showing the rapid creation of a dashboard with minimal manual coding, using voice commands and AI to generate and fix code.

  • What error occurred when trying to implement the chart components, and how was it resolved?

    -An error occurred due to unsupported server component types. It was resolved by installing the required 'recharts' library and making necessary code adjustments.

  • What feature does the creator want to add to the dashboard for interactive data display?

    -The creator wants to add a feature where clicking on a bar in the bar chart or a dot on the line graph would display a dialogue box with information about that specific data segment.

  • How does the video highlight the importance of mock data in the context of the dashboard?

    -The video highlights the importance of mock data by showing how it can be used to simulate a trading platform, making the dashboard more realistic and functional for demonstration purposes.

  • What additional feature does the creator attempt to add towards the end of the video?

    -Towards the end of the video, the creator attempts to add a feature that allows the selection of two stocks to be compared in a comparison view.

  • What is the final outcome of the video, and how long did it take to achieve?

    -The final outcome is a fully working dashboard with test data, created in 5 minutes and 27 seconds using only voice commands and without writing a single line of code.

  • What message does the video convey about the potential of AI in software development?

    -The video conveys that AI has the potential to significantly accelerate the workflow in software development by automating coding tasks through voice commands and AI-assisted composition.



💻 Creating a Dashboard with Voice Commands

The speaker begins by introducing a challenge to create a fully functional dashboard in less than 5 minutes using only voice commands through a tool called Better Dictation. They open a blank dashboard page in Cursor Composer and dictate the creation of a dashboard component with a sidebar, a chart display area in the middle, and an insights page on the right. The speaker emphasizes using voice commands throughout the process, with the exception of using hotkeys. The video demonstrates Cursor Composer's ability to generate components based on voice input, but also shows some errors that arise from non-existent chart components. The speaker corrects these by creating the missing chart components and installing necessary libraries. The goal is to have an interactive dashboard where clicking on chart elements opens a dialogue with data for that segment.


🚀 Accelerating Workflow with AI and Voice

In the second paragraph, the speaker reflects on the rapid development process using voice commands and AI features like Cursor Composer. They highlight the efficiency of using these tools to accelerate workflow, even within the constraint of a five-minute challenge. The speaker demonstrates adding features such as mock data for a stock trading platform and a comparison view for selected stocks. Despite the time constraint, they manage to implement these features, showcasing the power of AI in coding. The video concludes with the speaker encouraging viewers to learn these skills and become builders themselves, emphasizing the transformative potential of AI in software development.



💡Cursor AI

Cursor AI is a code-writing tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate code based on natural language prompts. In the context of the video, the presenter uses Cursor AI to create a financial dashboard without manually writing any code, demonstrating how AI can accelerate the development process. The tool is instructed through voice commands, showcasing its capability to understand and execute complex tasks like building a dashboard with components for charts and insights.


The use of 'voice' in the video refers to the method of interaction with Cursor AI, where the presenter issues commands using speech instead of typing. This highlights the hands-free and efficient way of working with AI tools, which can be particularly useful for rapid prototyping or for individuals with physical limitations that make typing difficult. The video emphasizes the seamless integration of voice recognition with code generation.


A 'dashboard' in the video refers to a user interface that displays information in a way that is easy to read and understand, typically used for monitoring and managing data. The financial dashboard being built in the video includes a sidebar, charts, and an insights page, which are all designed to provide a comprehensive view of financial data. The dashboard serves as the central theme of the video, illustrating the practical application of AI in creating functional and visually appealing interfaces.

💡Better Dictation

Better Dictation is a tool mentioned in the video that is likely used for voice-to-text conversion, enabling the presenter to dictate commands to Cursor AI. This tool plays a crucial role in the video by facilitating the hands-off approach to coding, where the presenter can focus on describing what they want to be created rather than manually inputting code.


In the video, 'Composer' refers to a component of Cursor AI that allows users to create and manage code structures. The presenter uses Composer to define the layout and functionality of the dashboard, such as the sidebar, charts, and insights page. Composer is integral to the video's demonstration, as it is the interface through which the AI generates the code for the requested features.

💡Chart Components

The term 'chart components' in the video describes the visual elements of the dashboard that display data graphically. The presenter instructs Cursor AI to create 'chart one' and 'chart two' to visualize financial data. These components are essential for the dashboard's functionality, as they provide a clear and interactive way to analyze data, such as stock prices or trading volumes.


Insights, in the context of the video, refer to the analytical or summary information that provides deeper understanding of the data presented on the dashboard. Initially, the presenter asks for an 'insights' page on the right side of the dashboard, but later corrects this to 'overview'. This change reflects the iterative nature of design and development, where initial ideas can be refined based on practical considerations or feedback.


A 'dialog' in the video is a user interface element that pops up when the user interacts with certain data points on the charts. The presenter instructs Cursor AI to create a dialog that displays information about the data point selected, such as details about a specific stock. This feature enhances user engagement by providing immediate, contextual information, which is crucial for making informed decisions based on the dashboard's data.

💡Mock Data

Mock data, as used in the video, refers to simulated or placeholder data used for testing and development purposes. The presenter asks Cursor AI to generate mock data for stock prices to demonstrate the functionality of the dashboard without needing actual financial data. This approach allows for the development and testing of the dashboard's features in a controlled environment before integrating real data.

💡Comparison View

In the video, a 'comparison view' is a feature that allows the user to compare different data sets, such as the stock prices of two companies. The presenter requests this feature to be added to the dashboard, demonstrating the ability of Cursor AI to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations. This feature is valuable for users who need to analyze and compare financial data to make informed decisions.


Coding a fully functional dashboard in Cursor using voice in less than 5 minutes.

Utilizing Better Dictation tool for voice-to-text coding.

Creating a dashboard component with a sidebar, chart display, and insights page.

Cursor Composer is used to handle voice commands and generate code.

Encountering an error with 'can't resolve chart one' and resolving it by creating the missing chart components.

Installing the Recharts library to support chart components.

Fixing an unsupported server component type error by pasting and correcting the code.

Removing the 'insides' page from the dashboard using voice commands.

Adding interactivity to display data in a dialog when clicking chart elements.

Generating mock data for stock trading platform simulation.

Updating chart components with realistic-looking stock data.

Adding a feature to select and compare two stocks in a comparison view.

Demonstrating the power of AI coding and the potential to accelerate workflow with Cursor.

Completing the dashboard with test data and voice commands only, without writing code.

The importance of learning AI coding skills for future development.

Final dashboard completion in 5 minutes and 27 seconds, showcasing the efficiency of voice coding.