How I BUILT A YouTube Channel Using Only AI

15 Jun 202308:16

TLDRThis video details the process of creating a successful YouTube channel with the aid of AI tools, specifically The creator shares insights on generating video ideas, scripting, and monetization strategies beyond AdSense, including affiliate marketing. The video showcases the power of AI in crafting a compelling title, script, and even voiceovers, leading to significant earnings from affiliate commissions within the first 30 days of launching the channel.


  • 😀 The creator used AI tools to build a YouTube channel focused on online business and entrepreneurship tips.
  • 💡 They utilized Cohesive to generate video ideas, titles, and scripts, which helped in selecting a niche and creating content.
  • 💰 The video discusses the high earning potential of finance and business advice channels on YouTube.
  • 🔍 The creator chose to optimize content for YouTube search to ensure evergreen content that can attract views for years.
  • 🎯 The strategy involves leveraging both YouTube search and browse algorithms for video discovery.
  • 📈 The channel was designed to earn money not only from AdSense but also through affiliate marketing, specifically with Shopify.
  • 📊 The creator emphasizes the importance of targeting a specific audience to increase conversion rates for affiliate programs.
  • 📈 After 30 days, the channel had generated significant affiliate revenue despite not being monetized by AdSense.
  • 📊 The video's success in affiliate marketing is attributed to its ability to target an audience actively seeking solutions.
  • 🌟 The creator predicts that with consistent views, the channel could potentially earn a substantial income from both AdSense and affiliate marketing.

Q & A

  • What is the main tool used to generate YouTube video ideas, titles, and scripts as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main tool used is, an AI tool that helps come up with YouTube video ideas, titles, scripts, and more.

  • What niche was chosen for the YouTube channel after using the brainstorming tool on

    -The chosen niche was 'Online Business and Entrepreneurship tips', as it aligns with the creator's experience and interest.

  • How much money can a video with 10 million views potentially make from AdSense alone, according to the video?

    -A video with 10 million views could potentially make between three hundred thousand and one million dollars just from AdSense alone.

  • What is the 'unfair advantage' the creator mentions they have when starting their YouTube channel?

    -The 'unfair advantage' refers to the use of AI tools, specifically those designed to provide comprehensive YouTube video scripts and titles.

  • What are the two strategies for growing a YouTube channel mentioned in the transcript?

    -The two strategies are creating content tailored for YouTube's browse and suggested videos algorithm, and making content optimized for YouTube search.

  • Why is focusing on YouTube search considered a smarter approach to growing a channel according to the video?

    -Focusing on YouTube search is considered smarter because it allows for the production of Evergreen content that can continue getting views for years, as opposed to viral content that may not be sustainable in the long term.

  • What is the additional monetization source implemented alongside YouTube AdSense in the channel strategy?

    -The additional monetization source is affiliate marketing, specifically through the Shopify affiliate program.

  • How much revenue was generated from affiliate marketing in the first 30 days after the channel's launch?

    -In the first 30 days, the channel generated a total of 272 euros and 56 cents from affiliate marketing.

  • What is the significance of the video's conversion rate mentioned in the transcript?

    -The significance is that the video, which is about maximizing conversion rates, itself has a high conversion rate, leading to a substantial income from affiliate marketing despite being a new channel.

  • What is the potential monthly income projection for the channel if it reaches 100K views per month?

    -If the channel reaches 100K views per month, it could potentially make an extra two to three thousand dollars from AdSense and an additional five to seven thousand dollars from affiliate marketing, totaling a possible ten thousand dollars profit per month.

  • What does the creator suggest as the key to making money from YouTube without needing millions of views?

    -The creator suggests that the key is having a high-quality catalog of videos that rank on YouTube and generate new views consistently.



🚀 Launching a YouTube Channel with AI Assistance

The speaker shares their experience of creating a YouTube channel focused on online business and entrepreneurship tips, using AI tools like Cohesive to generate video ideas, titles, and scripts. They emphasize the high earning potential of finance and business channels on YouTube and their decision to proceed with this niche despite the competition. The speaker also discusses strategies for growing a YouTube channel, focusing on optimizing content for YouTube search to ensure evergreen content and long-term views. They mention diversifying income sources beyond YouTube AdSense, such as affiliate marketing, and their use of the Shopify affiliate program. The speaker concludes by highlighting the importance of a well-designed channel and the power of Cohesive AI in creating a compelling first video.


📈 Monetizing a YouTube Channel through Affiliate Marketing

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the results of their first month with the new YouTube channel. Despite not being able to monetize through YouTube AdSense within the first 30 days, they successfully implemented affiliate marketing strategies, particularly with Shopify, to generate revenue. The speaker is pleasantly surprised by the earnings from affiliate commissions, amounting to 272 euros and 56 cents, which they attribute to the video's ability to target a specific audience seeking solutions. They predict that with consistent views and optimization, the channel could potentially earn a significant income from both affiliate marketing and YouTube AdSense, highlighting the importance of creating high-quality, evergreen content that ranks well on YouTube. The speaker also promotes Cohesive SEO as a valuable tool for creating video titles, scripts, and other social media content.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is utilized to automate and streamline the process of creating a YouTube channel. This includes generating video ideas, titles, scripts, and even voiceovers. The video emphasizes the efficiency and effectiveness of AI tools like in producing content that can compete in a crowded market.

💡YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is a platform where users can upload, manage, and share videos with a global audience. The video's theme revolves around the creation and growth of a YouTube channel using AI. The channel in question is focused on online business and entrepreneurship tips, aiming to provide valuable content to viewers while also generating revenue through various monetization strategies.

💡Video Idea

A video idea is a concept or theme for a video that a creator intends to produce. In the script, the use of AI to brainstorm and generate 50 best YouTube niches for 2023 exemplifies how AI can assist in coming up with video ideas that are both relevant and potentially popular. The video idea is crucial as it sets the direction for the content and helps in attracting viewers.


Monetization in the context of YouTube refers to the process of generating income from the content uploaded to the platform. The video discusses various monetization strategies, including YouTube AdSense, affiliate marketing, and sponsored videos. It highlights the importance of diversifying income sources rather than relying solely on AdSense revenue.

💡Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is material that remains relevant and valuable to viewers over an extended period, regardless of when it was produced. The video suggests creating content tailored for YouTube search to produce evergreen videos that continue to attract views and generate revenue for years to come.


In the context of YouTube, the algorithm refers to the system that recommends videos to users based on their viewing habits and preferences. The video mentions two approaches to growing a channel: one is to create content for the YouTube browse and suggested videos algorithm, and the other is to optimize content for YouTube search.

💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where a business rewards affiliates for each customer brought in by the affiliate's marketing efforts. The video discusses signing up for a Shopify affiliate program as a way to monetize the channel from the start, highlighting the potential earnings from each customer acquired through affiliate links.

💡Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of optimizing web content to increase the percentage of visitors that convert into customers. The video's example of creating a Shopify CRO video illustrates how AI can be used to generate a script that provides valuable tips to viewers, potentially increasing the channel's conversion rate for affiliate marketing.


A voiceover is a production technique where a voice is recorded and added to a video, typically to narrate or explain the visual content. The video script mentions using AI to create a voiceover for the script, demonstrating how AI can automate not only the creation of the script but also the narration of the video.

💡 is an AI tool mentioned in the video that helps in generating YouTube video ideas, titles, scripts, and voiceovers. It is portrayed as a powerful tool that simplifies the process of content creation, allowing the channel creator to focus on other aspects of channel growth and monetization.


Built a YouTube channel using AI tools for idea generation, scripting, and more.

Utilized Cohesive to brainstorm and generate 50 best YouTube niches for 2023.

Chose 'Online Business and Entrepreneurship tips' as the niche due to personal interest and experience.

Highlighted the high earning potential of finance and business channels on YouTube.

Mentioned earning up to a million dollars from a single video through AdSense alone.

Decided to proceed with the chosen niche despite high competition.

Discussed the use of AI to gain an unfair advantage in content creation.

Created a channel focused on Shopify and conversion rate optimization.

Outlined two strategies for growing a YouTube channel: one for YouTube browse and another for search optimization.

Emphasized the importance of creating Evergreen content for long-term views.

Explained the strategy of not relying solely on AdSense for income but also exploring affiliate marketing.

Shared personal experience of growing a channel to nearly 10,000 subscribers in a few months.

Described the process of designing a channel with a cover picture, profile picture, and bio.

Highlighted the importance of a good video title and thumbnail for video success.

Generated a video script using Cohesive AI for a Shopify conversion rate optimization video.

Discussed the process of recording a voiceover for the script using AI.

Outlined the steps to edit the video, prepare a thumbnail, and upload it to YouTube.

After 30 days, shared the results of the video's performance, including affiliate marketing earnings.

Mentioned earning 272 euros from affiliate marketing with just 11 clicks and 3 customers.

Discussed the high conversion rate of the video and its effectiveness in targeting a specific audience.

Projected potential earnings of $10,000 per month with 100K views per month from various monetization strategies.

Encouraged the use of Cohesive.SEO for assistance with YouTube video scripts, voiceovers, title ideas, and social media.