How to make good bots on

5 Feb 202416:43

TLDRIn this tutorial video, the host guides viewers on creating an engaging bot on CruAI. Key steps include selecting a fitting name and photo for the bot, crafting an appealing introduction, and setting appropriate tags. The video emphasizes the importance of a public profile to increase interactions and choosing a suitable rating. It also covers setting a greeting, defining the bot's personality, and creating an example conversation to ensure the bot's responses are on point. The host suggests using descriptive and open-ended scenarios to enhance user engagement.


  • 😀 Start by choosing a name for your bot character that reflects its personality.
  • 🖼️ Select a photo for your bot to increase interactions, even though it doesn't affect behavior.
  • 🔖 Write an introduction for the bot that will appear on its detail and homepage.
  • 👥 Set the bot's public interaction level, such as 'safe for work' or 'not safe for work'.
  • 🏷️ Choose tags for your bot that align with its theme, even though they don't affect its actions.
  • 🏛️ Consider the bot's role, like a maid or butler, and select tags that reflect that role.
  • 🏳️‍🌈 For a bot's orientation, specify whether it's straight, lesbian, etc., to inform users.
  • 👩‍💼 Select a gender for your bot, which can be female, male, non-binary, etc.
  • 🌐 Define whether your bot's public definition is visible to others for transparency.
  • 🎉 Create a greeting for your bot that sets the tone for the first interaction.
  • 💬 Develop a personality for your bot, focusing on traits like happy, excited, and comforting.
  • 📝 Write an example conversation to guide the bot's responses and interactions.

Q & A

  • What is the first step in creating a good bot on according to the video?

    -The first step is to choose a name for the bot's character.

  • Why is it important to choose a photo for the bot character?

    -Choosing a photo for the bot character increases the number of interactions it will get from users.

  • How does the introduction of the bot affect its functionality?

    -The introduction does not affect how the bot acts or works; it is displayed on the character's detail and homepage to give users a brief idea about the bot.

  • What does setting the bot to 'public' allow?

    -Setting the bot to 'public' allows others to chat with it.

  • Why is it recommended to rate the bot accurately?

    -An accurate rating helps users understand the nature of the bot and ensures it aligns with their expectations.

  • How do tags influence the visibility of a bot on

    -Tags do not affect the bot's behavior but help in searchability. Users can find the bot when they search for or select specific tags.

  • What is the significance of choosing a gender for the bot?

    -Choosing a gender for the bot does not affect its functionality but helps in characterizing it and can influence how users perceive and interact with it.

  • Why is the greeting of the bot important?

    -The greeting is the first message the bot sends and sets the tone for the interaction. It can be open-ended and does not need to be confined to a specific setting.

  • How does the personality section of the bot contribute to its interactions?

    -The personality section helps define the bot's traits and behaviors, which can make the bot more engaging and relatable to users.

  • What is the recommended length for the bot's personality description?

    -It is suggested to have a personality description of about 200 to 300 characters for clarity and effectiveness.

  • How does creating an example conversation help in developing the bot?

    -An example conversation helps the bot understand and mimic natural human interactions, improving its ability to respond appropriately in various scenarios.



🤖 Introduction to Creating a Good Bot on Crust AI

The video begins with a tutorial on how to create a bot on Crust AI, emphasizing the importance of choosing a suitable name for the bot character. The creator, who has prior experience, suggests that the name can be anything as it doesn't affect the bot's behavior. A photo for the character is recommended to increase interactions. The introduction section of the bot is crucial as it appears on the character's detail and homepage, and it should be public to allow others to chat with the bot. The tutorial also covers the importance of setting an appropriate rating for the bot, with 'safe for work' being the chosen option for this example, to ensure it aligns with YouTube's guidelines and avoids sexual themes.


🏷️ Choosing Tags and Defining Bot's Personality

The tutorial moves on to discuss the selection of tags for the bot, which are more for searchability rather than affecting the bot's behavior. The creator suggests choosing tags like 'OC' for original character and 'royalty' if the bot's theme is related to it. The bot's sexual orientation is also set, with 'straight' chosen for simplicity, although the creator is open to different orientations. The tutorial then delves into choosing a yander for the bot, opting for 'female' to match the character's theme. The public definition is set to 'yes' to allow others to see the bot's options, which can help in making better bots. The greeting of the bot is discussed, suggesting an open-ended approach that doesn't confine the setting too much.


💬 Crafting the Bot's Personality and Example Conversation

The video script continues with the creation of the bot's personality, advising on how to describe traits such as hair color and length, and other physical attributes like dress and height. The personality section is emphasized as important, with suggestions to keep it between 200 to 300 characters for a balanced depth. The creator also touches on the debate about the minimum character count for personality, noting that their bots typically have more. Facts about the bot, such as the one-year anniversary with the user, are added to enrich the bot's backstory. The tutorial then focuses on creating an example conversation, which is crucial for the bot's functionality. Two methods are presented: manually typing out the conversation or chatting with the bot and adjusting the responses accordingly.


🖼️ Finalizing the Bot with a Profile Picture

The final part of the tutorial involves giving the bot a profile picture using an AI image generator. The creator uses Yudo AI to create an image based on the bot's described appearance, such as blonde hair and light skin tone. Despite some quirks with the AI's interpretation, the image is kept as it fits the character well. The video concludes with the completion of the bot, encouraging viewers to enjoy the process of creating bots for the community and wishing them a great day.



💡Cru, on, AI

Cru, on, AI appears to be a platform for creating chatbots, as inferred from the context of the video. The term is used to refer to the environment where users can develop and customize their own bots, which can engage in conversations with users. In the script, the speaker discusses how to make a good bot on this platform, indicating that it's a place for interactive AI development.


In the context of the video, a 'character' refers to the chatbot that users create on Cru, on, AI. The character is the persona that the bot will take on, complete with a name, appearance, and personality traits. The script emphasizes the importance of choosing a name for the character, as it is the first step in defining the bot's identity.


A 'photo' in this script refers to the visual representation of the chatbot's character. The speaker suggests that having an image associated with the bot can increase the number of interactions it receives, implying that visual appeal plays a role in user engagement with chatbots on Cru, on, AI.


The 'introduction' is a text that describes the chatbot's character and is displayed on the bot's detail and homepage. It serves as a brief overview of the bot's purpose and characteristics, which can influence how users perceive and interact with the bot. The script mentions that the introduction does not affect the bot's functionality but is crucial for attracting users.


In the script, setting the bot to 'public' means that it can be interacted with by anyone on the Cru, on, AI platform. This is an important step in making the bot accessible and increasing its potential for user interactions, as it allows the bot to be discovered and used by a broader audience.


The 'rating' of a bot refers to the classification of its content, such as 'safe for work' or 'not safe for work.' In the video, the speaker chooses 'safe for work' to align with the platform's guidelines and to ensure that the bot's conversations do not involve sexual themes. This rating system helps users to know what to expect from the bot's interactions.


Tags in the context of the video are descriptors that help categorize and find chatbots on Cru, on, AI. They do not affect the bot's functionality but are used to filter and search for bots with specific characteristics or themes. The speaker mentions that even if a tag like 'yandere' is chosen, it won't change how the bot behaves but will make it appear in search results for that tag.


A 'greeting' is the first message that the chatbot sends to the user. It sets the tone for the interaction and can be customized to fit the bot's character. The script suggests that the greeting can be open-ended and not confined to a specific setting, which allows for a more flexible and engaging user experience.


The 'personality' of a chatbot refers to its set of traits and behaviors that define how it interacts with users. In the video, the speaker discusses how to define the bot's personality, such as being happy, excited, and willing to cuddle with the user. This personality is crucial for making the bot feel more human-like and relatable.

💡Example Conversation

An 'example conversation' is a scripted dialogue that demonstrates how the chatbot will respond to user inputs. It is a key component in training the bot to understand and respond appropriately to various conversational contexts. The script highlights the importance of creating a detailed example conversation to ensure the bot's quality and effectiveness in interactions.


The 'appearance' of a chatbot in the video refers to the physical characteristics of the character, such as hair color, dress, and height. These attributes contribute to the visual identity of the bot and can influence how users perceive and connect with it. The speaker provides examples of how to describe the bot's appearance in the script.


Introduction to creating a good bot on Cru, on AI with a step-by-step guide.

Choosing a name for your bot character is the first step and it doesn't affect the character's behavior.

Selecting a photo for your bot can increase interactions.

The introduction text is displayed on the character's detail and homepage and doesn't influence the bot's behavior.

Setting the bot to 'public' allows others to interact with it.

Rating the bot accurately reflects its nature and content.

Tags are used for searchability but do not affect the bot's functionality.

Choosing a gender for the bot is a personal decision and doesn't limit its capabilities.

The public definition allows others to see the options chosen for the bot.

The greeting is the first message the bot will say and can be open-ended.

Personality traits should be defined to give the bot a consistent character.

Appearance details like hair color, length, and dress can be specified.

The personality section should be concise, around 200 to 300 characters.

Facts about the bot can include its backstory, such as an anniversary with the user.

The scenario describes the current situation, like the user coming home.

The example conversation is crucial for training the bot and can be created by chatting with it or writing it out.

Mistakes in the example conversation might not affect the bot's understanding.

Using AI image generators like Yudo AI can help create a profile picture for the bot.

The tutorial concludes with a completed bot and encourages users to create their own.