New OpenAI is Crazy Powerful

Asmongold TV
12 Sept 202414:22

TLDRThe video discusses OpenAI's new model, which can code a simple video game from a prompt, showcasing its advanced capabilities. The model, referred to as '01 preview,' is highlighted for its ability to think before providing answers, which sets it apart from previous models. The game 'squirrel finder' is used as an example, where the model's code is tested and found to work effectively. The video also touches on the potential impact of AI on coding jobs, suggesting that while AI may handle routine tasks, experienced coders will still be needed for refinement. Additionally, the model's ability to generate and solve a 'nonogram' puzzle is demonstrated, illustrating its logical and mathematical prowess.


  • 😲 OpenAI's new model is capable of coding a simple video game from a prompt, showcasing significant advancements in AI capabilities.
  • 💭 The model, referred to as '01 preview', demonstrates a thoughtful approach by planning out the code structure before providing a final answer.
  • 🐨 The game 'squirrel finder' is used as an example to illustrate the model's ability to understand and execute complex coding tasks from a verbal description.
  • ⏰ The model takes 21 seconds to think before generating the code, indicating a more deliberate and human-like problem-solving process.
  • 📉 Discussion suggests that AI could potentially take over many coding jobs, but also acknowledges the need for experienced coders to refine AI-generated code.
  • 🍓 The game involves avoiding strawberries and finding a squirrel icon within a time limit, with the model successfully implementing these game mechanics.
  • 🎮 The model's code is tested and shown to work, with the game being playable and meeting the described requirements.
  • 🧠 The script highlights AI's potential in logical and mathematical tasks, suggesting it's better suited for these than tasks requiring human intuition.
  • 🔍 The model is also used to generate and solve a 'nonogram' puzzle, demonstrating its ability to handle creative and pattern recognition challenges.
  • 🤖 The release of 'o1' and 'o1 mini' models is announced, with 'o1' being a more thoughtful model and 'o1 mini' a faster, smaller version.
  • 🎓 The script ends with a discussion on the importance of reasoning in AI, and how training AI to think through problems can lead to significant improvements.

Q & A

  • What is the new model from OpenAI capable of doing?

    -The new model from OpenAI is capable of coding an entire simple video game from a prompt, which previous models might have struggled with.

  • What is the name of the simple video game mentioned in the script?

    -The simple video game mentioned in the script is called 'squirrel finder'.

  • How does the new OpenAI model approach coding prompts?

    -The new OpenAI model approaches coding prompts by thinking before giving the final answer, using a thinking process to plan out the structure of the code and ensure it fits the constraints.

  • What are the features of the 'squirrel finder' game?

    -The 'squirrel finder' game features a koala that the player must avoid, strawberries that spawn every second and must be avoided, and a squirrel icon that appears after 3 seconds which the player must find to win.

  • What is the significance of the model thinking for 21 seconds before providing the final answer?

    -The significance of the model thinking for 21 seconds before providing the final answer is to demonstrate its ability to gather details on the game's layout and plan the code structure thoroughly.

  • What is the potential impact of AI on coding jobs according to the script?

    -The script suggests that AI could lead to a future where a few coders do the jobs of many, with AI handling the 'busy work' and allowing more experienced coders to refine the code.

  • What is the 'nonogram' puzzle mentioned in the script?

    -The 'nonogram' puzzle is a type of logic puzzle where a grid must be filled in based on numerical clues that indicate how many squares in each row or column are filled in consecutively.

  • How does the AI model generate and solve the nonogram puzzle?

    -The AI model generates a nonogram puzzle by creating a 5x5 grid with numerical clues that represent the pattern of filled squares. It then solves the puzzle by interpreting these clues and filling in the grid accordingly.

  • What is the 'aha' moment mentioned in the script in relation to AI reasoning?

    -The 'aha' moment in the script refers to the realization that training the AI model to generate its own chain of thoughts through reinforcement learning (RL) can lead to better reasoning capabilities than if humans wrote out the thought process for it.

  • What is the difference between the 'o1 preview' and 'o1 mini' models mentioned in the script?

    -The 'o1 preview' model is a larger model designed to showcase the capabilities of the upcoming 'o1' model, while the 'o1 mini' is a smaller, faster model trained with a similar framework as 'o1' but with less computational resources.

  • Why is reasoning important in AI models?

    -Reasoning is important in AI models because it allows them to turn thinking time into better outcomes, especially for complex tasks that require logical and methodical thinking, rather than just immediate answers to simple questions.



💻 AI's New Coding Capabilities

The script discusses OpenAI's new model, which can code a simple video game from a prompt. The game, 'Squirrel Finder,' involves a koala character that the player must avoid, and a squirrel that appears after three seconds. The player controls the koala with arrow keys. The AI's ability to convert conversational English into technical language is highlighted. The script also touches on the potential impact of AI on coding jobs, suggesting that AI might handle the 'busy work,' allowing human coders to focus on more complex tasks. The AI's code for the game is shown, and the presenter plays the game, noting the speed at which the squirrel appears.


🎮 AI-Generated and Solved Puzzles

The script continues with a demonstration of AI's ability to generate and solve puzzles. A 5x5 nonogram puzzle is created where the solution is the letter 'M.' The AI generates the puzzle and then solves it, illustrating the letter 'M.' The discussion points out the AI's strength in mathematical and logical tasks, suggesting that combining human intuition with AI's logical capabilities is a challenge. The script also mentions the release of new AI models named 'o1' and 'o1 mini,' which are designed to think more before answering questions, indicating an improvement over previous models like GPT-40.


🧠 The Evolution of AI Reasoning

The final paragraph delves into the concept of AI reasoning, comparing it to human thought processes. It discusses the importance of 'thinking time' in improving outcomes and the 'aha' moments in AI development. The script shares anecdotes from AI researchers about breakthroughs in training AI to reason better, such as training the model to generate its own chain of thoughts. The discussion also touches on the frustration with AI's earlier inability to self-correct in math problems, and the excitement when models started to show self-reflection and questioning. The script ends with a commentary on the irony of Microsoft laying off gaming staff while AI in gaming is advancing, and a brief, unrelated comment on gender demographics in the workplace.




OpenAI refers to a research laboratory that focuses on creating artificial general intelligence (AGI). In the context of the video, OpenAI is highlighted for its development of advanced AI models capable of complex tasks such as coding and problem-solving. The video discusses the new model's capabilities, indicating a significant leap in AI technology.

💡Coding Prompt

A coding prompt is a request or a task that requires writing a specific piece of code to fulfill a certain function or solve a problem. In the video, the coding prompt is to write code for a simple video game called 'squirrel finder,' demonstrating the AI's ability to understand and execute complex instructions in programming.

💡Squirrel Finder

Squirrel Finder is a simple video game mentioned in the script where the objective is to find a squirrel icon amidst other bouncing icons. This game is used as an example to showcase the AI's coding capabilities, as it needs to generate code that not only creates the game logic but also handles user interaction and game mechanics.


Reasoning in the context of AI refers to the ability of a model to think and plan before providing an answer or solution. The video emphasizes the AI's enhanced reasoning capabilities, where it 'thinks' for a certain period before generating code, ensuring that the solution is well-structured and adheres to the given constraints.

💡Technical Language

Technical language is the specialized terminology used in specific industries or fields, such as programming. The video script highlights the AI's impressive ability to transform conversational English into precise technical language, which is crucial for accurate coding and software development.


Boilerplate code is a set of code that is reused across different programs without much change. In the video, it is suggested that AI can generate boilerplate code that is free from syntax errors, which can then be refined by a human programmer. This indicates a potential shift in how coding tasks are approached, with AI handling the initial setup.


A nonogram, also known as a griddler or picross, is a type of logic puzzle where a grid must be filled in based on numerical clues. In the video, the AI is tasked with generating and then solving a nonogram puzzle, illustrating its problem-solving capabilities and the potential for AI in educational and entertainment applications.

💡Logical Thinking

Logical thinking is the process of reasoning that uses valid reasoning to reach conclusions. The video discusses how AI models are becoming better at merging logical thinking with human intuition, which is essential for complex problem-solving and decision-making beyond purely mathematical or logical tasks.

💡AI Art

AI Art refers to the creation of artwork by artificial intelligence. The video script compares the current state of AI coding to the early days of AI-generated art, suggesting that as AI technology matures, it will improve in quality and capability, just as AI-generated art has evolved over time.

💡Reon Model

The term 'Reon model' seems to be a reference to a new type of AI model that emphasizes reasoning over immediate response. The video suggests that this new model, named 'o1', will 'think' more before answering, which could lead to more accurate and thoughtful responses compared to previous models.


OpenAI's new model can code an entire simple video game from a prompt.

The model, named O1 Preview, is better at handling complex prompts compared to previous models.

The coding prompt involves creating a game called 'squirrel finder'.

O1 Preview thinks before giving the final answer, planning out the structure of the code.

The game involves avoiding strawberries and finding a squirrel icon to win.

The model's ability to transform conversational English into technical language is impressive.

AI's potential to replace human coders in doing 'busy work' is discussed.

The model generates code for the game, including game instructions and screen setup.

The game is played, demonstrating the model's ability to create functional code.

The model is also used to generate and solve a 5x5 nonogram puzzle in the shape of the letter 'M'.

The model's reasoning capabilities are highlighted, turning thinking time into better outcomes.

The model's ability to refine search spaces and handle tasks with mutual dependencies is noted.

The model's challenge in merging human intuition with logical thinking is discussed.

OpenAI is releasing two models: O1 Preview and O1 Mini, with O1 Mini being a smaller and faster version.

Reasoning is defined as the ability to turn thinking time into better outcomes for tasks.

The 'aha' moment in training the model for reasoning is described.

The model's improvement in solving math problems and self-questioning is highlighted.

The potential of AI in gaming and its impact on the job market is discussed.