What is generative AI and how does it work? – The Turing Lectures with Mirella Lapata

The Royal Institution
12 Oct 202346:02

TLDRIn 'The Turing Lectures with Mirella Lapata', generative AI is explored as a technology that creates new content, such as text, images, or audio, by synthesizing parts it has seen before. The lecture delves into the evolution from single-purpose AI systems like Google Translate to more sophisticated models like GPT-4, capable of beating 90% of humans on SAT exams. It discusses the technology behind these models, the importance of scale in model parameters, and the challenges of alignment, ensuring AI behaves as intended. The talk concludes with a discussion on the future of AI, emphasizing the need for regulation and societal adaptation to mitigate risks while harnessing the benefits of this powerful technology.


  • 😀 Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as text, images, or audio, that they have not been explicitly programmed to produce.
  • 🔍 The term 'generative' in AI denotes the creation of new content based on patterns learned from existing data, rather than merely replicating it.
  • 📈 The capabilities of generative AI have evolved significantly over time, with systems like Google Translate and Siri being early examples, and more advanced models like GPT-4 demonstrating higher levels of complexity and understanding.
  • 💡 GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, is claimed to perform exceptionally well on standardized tests like the SAT and can generate text, code, and even create webpages based on user prompts.
  • 🌐 The rapid adoption of generative AI tools is evident, with ChatGPT reaching 100 million users within two months of its launch.
  • 🧠 The technology behind generative AI, such as transformers, involves training on vast amounts of text data to predict and generate human-like responses.
  • 📚 Language models like GPT are trained using a process called self-supervised learning, where the model predicts missing parts of text it has been trained on.
  • 💼 The size of AI models has grown exponentially, with GPT-4 boasting one trillion parameters, indicating the scale and complexity of the models.
  • 💰 The development and training of large AI models like GPT-4 are costly, with expenses reaching up to $100 million, highlighting the resources required for such advancements.
  • ⚖️ There are ethical and societal considerations with generative AI, including the potential for job displacement, the creation of fake content, and the environmental impact of the energy-intensive training process.

Q & A

  • What is generative artificial intelligence?

    -Generative artificial intelligence refers to AI systems that can create new content, such as text, images, or audio, that it hasn't necessarily seen before but can synthesize based on patterns it has learned.

  • How does generative AI create new content?

    -Generative AI uses algorithms, often based on neural networks, to learn patterns from existing data. It then uses these patterns to predict and generate new content that is similar but not identical to what it has been trained on.

  • What is the difference between generative AI and traditional AI systems?

    -Traditional AI systems are often designed for specific tasks, while generative AI is more flexible and can be used to create new content across various forms such as text, images, or audio.

  • Can you provide an example of generative AI in use?

    -An example of generative AI is Google Translate, which translates text from one language to another, creating new content based on the input it receives.

  • What is the significance of the quote by Alice Morse Earle in the lecture?

    -The quote by Alice Morse Earle is used to structure the lecture into three parts: the past, the present, and the future of AI, reflecting on the journey and evolution of AI technology.

  • How does the speaker describe the progression from Google Translate to more advanced AI like ChatGPT?

    -The speaker describes the progression as a move from single-purpose systems like Google Translate to more sophisticated models like ChatGPT, which can perform a wider range of tasks and generate more complex content.

  • What is the core technology behind ChatGPT?

    -The core technology behind ChatGPT is the transformer model, which is a type of neural network that is trained on vast amounts of text data to predict and generate human-like text.

  • Why is scale important in the development of generative AI models?

    -Scale is important because larger models with more parameters can process and understand more data, which allows them to make better predictions and generate more accurate and nuanced content.

  • What are some of the risks or challenges associated with generative AI?

    -Some risks and challenges include the potential for generating biased or offensive content, the difficulty in aligning AI behavior with human expectations, and the high cost and energy consumption associated with training large models.

  • How does the speaker address the future of generative AI?

    -The speaker addresses the future of generative AI by discussing the potential for regulation, the importance of mitigating risks, and the comparison of AI risks to other existential threats like climate change.



🤖 Introduction to Generative AI

The speaker begins by introducing the audience to generative artificial intelligence (AI), explaining it as a combination of AI and generative capabilities. AI is described as the ability to make a computer program perform tasks typically done by humans, while the generative aspect involves creating new content based on patterns the computer has learned. Examples of generative AI include audio, computer code, images, text, and video. The speaker focuses on text due to their expertise in natural language processing. They aim to demystify the technology and present it as a tool. The talk is structured around the past, present, and future of AI, with a historical perspective provided by a quote from Alice Morse Earle, emphasizing the importance of the present.


📈 Evolution and Impact of Generative AI

The speaker discusses the evolution of generative AI, noting that it is not a new concept, with examples like Google Translate and Siri being early forms of the technology. Google Translate, launched in 2006, and Siri, launched in 2011, are highlighted as significant milestones. The speaker also mentions the auto-completion features in smartphones and search engines as everyday instances of generative AI. The lecture then shifts to the more sophisticated capabilities of AI, exemplified by OpenAI's GPT-4, which is claimed to perform exceptionally well on standardized tests like the SAT and in various professional exams. The speaker also presents a comparison of user adoption rates between Google Translate, TikTok, and ChatGPT, illustrating the rapid growth in the use of generative AI.


🧠 The Technology Behind Generative AI

The speaker delves into the technology behind generative AI, focusing on language modelling. Language models are based on the principle of predicting the next word in a sequence given a context. The speaker explains that these models have evolved from simple counting mechanisms to sophisticated neural networks that can learn and predict word sequences. The process of training a language model involves using a large corpus of text, from which the model learns by predicting words that have been removed from sentences. The speaker also introduces the concept of a neural network, describing it as a series of interconnected nodes that process input data to produce output. The complexity of these networks is highlighted by the number of parameters they contain, with larger networks having more parameters and thus being more capable.


🔗 Understanding Neural Networks and Transformers

The speaker provides a deeper look into neural networks, particularly transformers, which are the foundation of models like GPT. Transformers are composed of blocks, each containing smaller neural networks, and are designed to process sequences of data, such as text. The speaker explains that transformers use a process called self-supervised learning, where they predict truncated parts of sentences from a large corpus of text. The lecture also touches on the importance of fine-tuning these pre-trained models for specific tasks, such as medical diagnosis or writing reports. The speaker emphasizes the significance of the number of parameters in determining the capabilities and complexity of a neural network model.


📊 Scaling Up: The Growth of Language Models

The speaker discusses the impact of scaling up language models, highlighting the increase in model sizes since 2018. They present a graph showing the exponential growth in the number of parameters, from GPT-1 to GPT-4, which boasts one trillion parameters. The speaker compares the size of these models to the human brain and discusses the amount of text that these models have been trained on. They also address the cost of training such large models, mentioning that GPT-4 cost $100 million to develop. The lecture concludes with a video illustrating the effect of scaling on the capabilities of language models, showing how increased parameters enable the model to perform more tasks.


🔄 The Role of Fine-tuning in Language Models

The speaker explores the concept of fine-tuning in language models, explaining how models like GPT are initially trained on a vast amount of data and then fine-tuned for specific tasks. They discuss the importance of aligning AI behavior with human expectations, using the HHH framework—helpful, honest, and harmless—as a guideline. The speaker also addresses the challenges of fine-tuning, including the need for human involvement to provide preferences and the associated costs. They demonstrate the process with examples of how the model can be trained to provide helpful, accurate, and safe responses.


🎓 Real-world Interactions with Generative AI

The speaker engages in a live demonstration with the audience, asking the AI questions and highlighting its capabilities and limitations. They showcase the AI's ability to provide detailed answers, generate creative content like poetry, and its struggles with brevity and relevance. The demonstration includes questions about historical figures, jokes, and even a request for a short song about relativity. The speaker emphasizes the AI's tendency to be verbose and the ongoing challenges in aligning its outputs with user expectations.


🌐 Societal and Ethical Considerations of AI

The speaker addresses the societal and ethical implications of generative AI, discussing the potential for job displacement and the risk of creating fake content. They provide examples of deep fakes and fake news generated by AI, highlighting the importance of regulation and societal awareness. The speaker also touches on the environmental impact of AI, noting the high energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with training and deploying large AI models. They conclude by emphasizing the need for responsible development and use of AI technologies.


🌟 The Future of Generative AI

In the final part of the lecture, the speaker reflects on the future of generative AI, acknowledging the uncertainty but expressing optimism. They quote Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the internet, who suggests that while super intelligent AI is not yet a reality, the potential for both beneficial and harmful AI exists. The speaker argues that regulation and societal oversight are crucial in mitigating risks. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of considering the benefits and risks of AI in the context of other global challenges, such as climate change, and the need for responsible stewardship of AI technologies.


🏁 Closing Remarks and Q&A

The speaker concludes the lecture by summarizing the key points and inviting questions from the audience. They reiterate the importance of understanding and regulating AI technologies and the need for ongoing dialogue about their impact on society. The speaker expresses gratitude for the audience's engagement and looks forward to a thoughtful Q&A session, highlighting the interactive nature of the lecture and the importance of community involvement in AI discourse.



💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as text, images, or audio, that they have not been explicitly programmed to produce. In the context of the video, generative AI is exemplified by systems like Google Translate and Siri, which generate responses based on input data. The video emphasizes that while generative AI is not a new concept, recent advancements have made it more sophisticated and capable of handling complex tasks, such as writing essays or coding programs.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, is the field of computer science that focuses on creating machines capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence. In the video, AI is described as a 'fancy term' for computers doing jobs that humans would otherwise do. The lecture aims to demystify AI, particularly generative AI, and show how it's evolved from simple auto-completion to complex content generation.

💡Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing is a subfield of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The speaker specializes in NLP, which is crucial for understanding how generative AI can generate human-like text. The video discusses how NLP enables AI to understand, interpret, and generate text, making it a key component in the development of generative AI systems.

💡Language Modelling

Language modelling is a technique used in NLP where a system is trained to predict the probability of a sequence of words. The video explains that language models, such as those used in ChatGPT, are trained to predict what word comes next in a sequence, based on the context provided. This predictive capability is fundamental to how generative AI generates new content.


Transformers are a type of neural network architecture that has become the industry standard for handling sequential data, particularly in NLP. The video mentions that transformers are the basis for models like GPT, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Transformers are capable of processing large amounts of data and making sophisticated predictions, which is why they are central to the advancement of generative AI.


Fine-tuning in the context of AI refers to the process of adapting a pre-trained model to a specific task by further training it with task-specific data. The video explains that while GPT models are pre-trained on vast amounts of data, they can be fine-tuned to perform specialized tasks more effectively. This process allows generative AI to be tailored to various applications, from writing to coding.


A prompt in the context of generative AI is an input given to the system that instructs it to perform a specific task or generate a particular type of content. The video provides examples of prompts, such as requests to write an essay or create a program, demonstrating how users can guide the AI's output through clear and specific prompts.

💡Self-supervised Learning

Self-supervised learning is a machine learning technique where the model generates its own training data by making predictions about the input data and learning from its mistakes. The video describes how language models are trained through self-supervised learning, where the model predicts missing parts of sentences in a large corpus of text, adjusting its predictions based on the actual content.


In the context of AI and neural networks, a parameter is a weight or value that the model learns during training. The video discusses the significance of the number of parameters in determining the complexity and capability of an AI model. Larger models, with more parameters, like GPT-4, are capable of more sophisticated tasks, illustrating the importance of scale in AI development.


Bias in AI refers to the tendency of a model to favor certain outcomes over others, often due to imbalances in the training data. The video touches on the issue of historical biases in AI, such as the model's outdated information about political figures, highlighting the need for careful training and fine-tuning to mitigate biased outputs.


Generative AI combines artificial intelligence with the ability to create new content.

Artificial intelligence automates tasks that would typically require human intervention.

Generative aspect of AI involves creating new content like audio, code, images, text, or video.

Generative AI has been present in tools like Google Translate and Siri for over a decade.

GPT-4 by OpenAI claims to outperform 90% of humans on SAT and excel in professional exams.

GPT-4 can be prompted to write essays, create programs, and design web pages.

ChatGPT reached 100 million users in just two months, showcasing rapid adoption.

The technology behind generative AI like ChatGPT is based on language modelling.

Language models predict the most likely next word in a sequence based on the context.

Training a language model involves predicting words in a large corpus of text.

Transformers are the neural network architecture used in models like GPT.

GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformers, indicating its foundation on transformers.

Fine-tuning a pre-trained model allows it to specialize in specific tasks.

As model sizes increase, their ability to perform a wider range of tasks also increases.

GPT-4 has one trillion parameters, making it an extremely large and capable model.

The cost of training models like GPT-4 is significant, reaching up to $100 million.

Generative AI models can exhibit biases and inaccuracies due to the data they were trained on.

The future of AI includes considerations of alignment, ensuring AI behaves as intended by humans.

Regulation and societal adaptation will play crucial roles in managing the impact of generative AI.