Quillbot vs Turnitin. Can Turnitin detect plagiarized work if it is paraphrased by Quillbot?

24 Jun 202304:46

TLDRThis video explores the limitations of Turnitin's plagiarism detection by submitting a plagiarized article and then paraphrasing it using Quillbot. Initially, Turnitin detects a 94% similarity rate. After paraphrasing, the similarity rate drops to 31%, and the original source is no longer identified. The video raises concerns about academic integrity, as it demonstrates how easily plagiarized work can pass as original, highlighting the need for new strategies to combat academic misconduct.


  • 📝 The video demonstrates a test to see if Turnitin can detect plagiarism in text that has been paraphrased by Quillbot.
  • 🔍 Initially, a plagiarized article copied directly from a journal is submitted to Turnitin, which accurately detects a 94% similarity.
  • 🖊️ The same article is then paraphrased using Quillbot, and resubmitted to Turnitin, resulting in a significantly reduced similarity score of 31%.
  • 🤔 Turnitin's detection capabilities are challenged as it no longer identifies all sections as plagiarized after paraphrasing.
  • 📉 The video highlights a decrease in the similarity index from 99% to 31% after using Quillbot's paraphrasing tool.
  • 🚫 The video creator emphasizes that the demonstration is not promoting academic misconduct but rather showcasing the limitations of plagiarism detection tools.
  • 🔄 After paraphrasing and rephrrasing with Quillbot, Turnitin fails to identify the original source, raising concerns about the reliability of such tools.
  • 📚 The video suggests that new strategies are needed in education and academia to address the issue of plagiarism detection, as current tools may not be sufficient.
  • 📢 The video serves as a cautionary tale for original writers, as their work could potentially be copied and passed off as original without detection.
  • 🔎 The video concludes by stressing the need for better tools and methods to ensure academic integrity in the face of advanced paraphrasing technologies.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate whether Turnitin can detect plagiarized work if it has been paraphrased using Quillbot.

  • What is the first step the presenter takes with the plagiarized article?

    -The first step the presenter takes is to submit the plagiarized article directly to Turnitin to check the similarity index.

  • What was the similarity index reported by Turnitin for the directly copied article?

    -Turnitin reported a similarity index of 94% for the directly copied article, indicating it was plagiarized.

  • How does the presenter alter the plagiarized article before resubmitting it to Turnitin?

    -The presenter uses Quillbot to paraphrase the plagiarized article before resubmitting it to Turnitin.

  • What was the similarity index reported by Turnitin after paraphrasing with Quillbot?

    -After paraphrasing with Quillbot, Turnitin reported a similarity index of 31%.

  • What additional step does the presenter take to further alter the article?

    -The presenter further alters the article by using Quillbot's rephrase tool.

  • What was the outcome when the rephrased article was submitted to Turnitin?

    -After rephrasing with Quillbot, Turnitin was unable to identify the original source of the article.

  • What concern does the presenter raise about the effectiveness of Turnitin in detecting plagiarism?

    -The presenter raises a concern that Turnitin may not effectively detect plagiarized work if it has been sufficiently paraphrased, which could lead to academic misconduct.

  • What does the presenter suggest might be necessary to address the limitations of Turnitin?

    -The presenter suggests that new strategies may need to be developed to address the limitations of Turnitin in detecting plagiarized work that has been paraphrased.

  • What is the presenter's stance on academic misconduct?

    -The presenter is against academic misconduct and is merely demonstrating the limitations of Turnitin to highlight the potential for such misconduct.

  • What is the final message of the video regarding the use of paraphrasing tools and plagiarism detection?

    -The final message is that while tools like Quillbot can effectively paraphrase text, it raises concerns about the integrity of academic work and the need for robust plagiarism detection methods.



📝 Testing Turnitin's Plagiarism Detection

The speaker begins by stating that the video is not promoting academic misconduct but is instead demonstrating the limitations of Turnitin. They describe a process where they submit a plagiarized article copied directly from a journal into Turnitin, which accurately detects the plagiarism with a high similarity score. The speaker then uses Quillbot to paraphrase the same article and resubmits it to Turnitin, observing a significant decrease in the similarity score. The purpose of this demonstration is to show that paraphrasing can reduce Turnitin's ability to detect plagiarism, which could be concerning for academic integrity.




Quillbot is a tool designed to assist with paraphrasing and improving the clarity of written text. In the context of the video, it is used to demonstrate how the tool can alter plagiarized text to reduce its similarity index as detected by Turnitin. The video shows that after using Quillbot to paraphrase a plagiarized article, the similarity score significantly decreases, indicating that Quillbot can effectively change the text's structure and wording to make it appear less plagiarized.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software widely used in educational institutions to check the originality of student submissions. The video script describes an experiment where a plagiarized article is submitted to Turnitin, and then the same article is paraphrased using Quillbot and resubmitted to see if Turnitin can still detect the plagiarism. The video highlights the limitations of Turnitin in detecting plagiarized work that has been altered by paraphrasing tools like Quillbot.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as one's own without proper attribution. It is considered academic misconduct and is generally frowned upon in educational and professional settings. The video discusses how tools like Quillbot can be used to paraphrase plagiarized content, potentially reducing the effectiveness of plagiarism detection by Turnitin.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct encompasses a range of behaviors that violate the standards of academic integrity, such as cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism. The video script includes a disclaimer that the demonstration of using Quillbot to paraphrase plagiarized content is not intended to promote academic misconduct but rather to highlight the limitations of plagiarism detection tools.


To paraphrase means to restate or reword a text, idea, or piece of information using different words while retaining the original meaning. In the video, the presenter uses Quillbot to paraphrase a plagiarized article, which significantly alters the text and reduces its similarity score in Turnitin, demonstrating the effectiveness of paraphrasing in changing the detectability of plagiarism.

💡Similarity Index

The similarity index is a measure used by plagiarism detection software like Turnitin to indicate the percentage of a document's content that matches sources in its database. The video shows that the similarity index of the plagiarized article is initially very high (94%), but after paraphrasing with Quillbot, it drops to 31%, suggesting that the text has been significantly altered.


Rephrasing is similar to paraphrasing but often implies a more thorough transformation of the original text. In the video, after initially paraphrasing the plagiarized article with Quillbot, the presenter further rephrases the text, which results in Turnitin being unable to detect the original source, indicating a more profound change in the text's structure and wording.

💡Educational Integrity

Educational integrity refers to the adherence to ethical principles and standards in academic work, including honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. The video highlights a concern for educational integrity by demonstrating how tools like Quillbot can potentially undermine the detection of plagiarism, which is a violation of these principles.

💡Academic Writing

Academic writing is a form of writing that is characterized by its precision, objectivity, and adherence to strict guidelines for citation and referencing. The video's discussion of plagiarism and the use of paraphrasing tools like Quillbot is relevant to academic writing, as it explores the challenges in maintaining originality and proper attribution in scholarly work.

💡Original Work

Original work in an academic context refers to a piece of writing or research that is the product of an individual's own efforts and ideas, without significant copying from others. The video script discusses the potential for original work to be plagiarized and then disguised through paraphrasing, raising concerns about the protection of intellectual property in academia.


Quillbot and Turnitin are tested to determine if Turnitin can detect plagiarism after paraphrasing with Quillbot.

The video does not promote academic misconduct but demonstrates the limitations of Turnitin.

A plagiarized article is submitted directly to Turnitin, resulting in a 94% similarity score.

The same article is paraphrased using Quillbot and resubmitted to Turnitin, showing a reduced similarity score of 31%.

Turnitin's ability to detect the original source is compromised after paraphrasing with Quillbot.

Quillbot's paraphrasing reduces the similarity index significantly, indicating its effectiveness in altering text.

The video raises concerns about the potential for academic dishonesty due to Turnitin's limitations.

The original article's text is shown before and after being paraphrased by Quillbot.

Turnitin fails to identify the original source after the text is rephrased, suggesting a potential loophole in plagiarism detection.

The video concludes that new strategies are needed to address the challenges posed by paraphrasing tools like Quillbot.

The video emphasizes the importance of original work and the challenges faced by educators and academia in detecting plagiarism.

The demonstration shows that Turnitin's detection capabilities can be bypassed with the right paraphrasing tools.

The video serves as a cautionary example of how plagiarism can go undetected in academic circles.

The potential for students to copy and submit journal articles as original work is highlighted as a significant problem.

The video suggests that reliance on platforms like Turnitin may not be foolproof in detecting all instances of plagiarism.

The demonstration concludes with a call for better tools and methods to ensure academic integrity.