101% tested method to Bypass AI detectors || Plagiarism free writing using ChatGPT | No ai detection

Gurru Tech Solutions
13 Oct 202311:13

TLDRIn this Guru Tech Solutions video, viewers are introduced to a method to bypass AI detectors and create plagiarism-free content using ChatGPT. The tutorial demonstrates how to instruct ChatGPT to write an article with high perplexity and burstiness, mimicking human writing style. After rewriting the article, the video shows a significant reduction in plagiarism detection from 100% to 0%, effectively bypassing AI detection tools like Turnitin.


  • 😀 The video offers a method to bypass AI detectors and avoid plagiarism detection.
  • 🔍 It addresses the common issue of AI-generated content being flagged by AI detectors.
  • 💡 The solution involves using ChatGPT to create content and then modifying it to avoid detection.
  • 📝 The presenter demonstrates how to instruct ChatGPT to write an article with specific parameters.
  • ✅ The video shows the process of creating an article on improving mathematics learning with technology.
  • 📑 The initial article is saved as a Word document and then checked for plagiarism using Turnitin.
  • 🚫 Turnitin's AI detection feature identifies the initial article as 100% plagiarized.
  • 🔄 To reduce plagiarism, the presenter instructs ChatGPT to rewrite the article with higher perplexity and burstiness.
  • 📈 After rewriting, the article's similarity score drops to 0%, and it's no longer flagged by Turnitin's AI detector.
  • 🎓 The video serves as a guide for students and content creators to use AI-generated content without detection.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue addressed in the Guru Tech Solutions video?

    -The main issue addressed is the detection of AI-generated content by AI detectors, which can be a problem for students and content creators when their work is flagged as plagiarized.

  • What is the solution proposed by Guru Tech Solutions to bypass AI detectors?

    -The solution proposed is to use ChatGPT to generate content with higher perplexity and burstiness, which are characteristics that make the text appear more human-like and less uniform, thereby reducing the chances of detection by AI plagiarism tools.

  • Why is it important to avoid detection by AI detectors when submitting assignments?

    -It is important to avoid detection by AI detectors because flagged content is often perceived as plagiarized, which can lead to academic penalties or a loss of credibility for content creators.

  • How does the video demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method?

    -The video demonstrates the effectiveness of the method by showing a before-and-after comparison of plagiarism detection results using Turnitin, where the AI-generated content is initially detected as 100% plagiarized and then reduced to 0% after applying the suggested technique.

  • What are perplexity and burstiness, and how do they relate to AI-generated content?

    -Perplexity measures the complexity of text, while burstiness compares the variation of sentence lengths. In the context of AI-generated content, higher perplexity and burstiness can mimic the natural variation in human writing, making the content less detectable by AI detectors.

  • What steps are taken to ensure the AI-generated content has high perplexity and burstiness?

    -The steps include instructing ChatGPT to create content with a good balance of perplexity and burstiness, and then providing it with a topic and specific details to include in the article.

  • How does the video guide viewers to rewrite the AI-generated content for better results?

    -The video guides viewers to rewrite the content by pasting the original text into ChatGPT and asking it to rewrite the article with the desired characteristics of perplexity and burstiness.

  • What is the significance of the 0% similarity result shown in the Turnitin report after applying the method?

    -The 0% similarity result indicates that the AI-generated content has been successfully modified to appear as original work, thus bypassing AI detectors and avoiding plagiarism flags.

  • Why is it recommended to submit content to Turnitin without adding it to any repository?

    -Submitting content without adding it to a repository prevents the content from being flagged as plagiarized in future submissions, as repositories often store and compare against previously submitted work.

  • What is the final message or call to action from Guru Tech Solutions in the video?

    -The final message is to encourage viewers to apply the demonstrated method to bypass AI detectors, and to subscribe to Guru Tech Solutions for more informative content.



🎥 Introduction to Bypassing AI Detectors

The video begins with an introduction from Guru Tech Solutions, addressing the frustrations of students and content creators whose AI-generated work is detected by AI detectors. Many face issues when their work created with tools like Chat GPT is flagged, which restricts their creativity. The video promises to show a trick that will remove these barriers, allowing users to freely use AI tools without detection issues. The goal is to provide a clear path for creators to maximize their potential and enhance their AI content creation journey.


📝 Testing Chat GPT Content in Turnitin

This section demonstrates how to create content using Chat GPT and test its detection in Turnitin. The narrator uses Chat GPT to generate an article on enhancing mathematics learning with technology and saves the content as a Word file. The file is then submitted to Turnitin with options set to 'no repository' to avoid future plagiarism issues. Turnitin shows a 14% similarity score and a 100% AI detection rate, indicating the article is fully recognized as AI-generated. The narrator emphasizes the importance of understanding this detection, especially when submitting assignments or tasks.


🧙 Trick to Bypass AI Detection with Chat GPT

The narrator introduces a method to reduce AI detection rates to 0% using specific instructions for Chat GPT. By prompting Chat GPT to write with high levels of perplexity (complexity) and burstiness (variation in sentence structure), the generated content becomes less detectable by AI detectors. After rephrasing the previously flagged article using these instructions, the content is resubmitted to Turnitin. The result is a 0% similarity score and bypassing of the AI detection feature, proving the effectiveness of the method. The video concludes by urging viewers to follow these steps to overcome AI detection barriers.



💡AI detectors

AI detectors are systems designed to identify content generated by artificial intelligence tools. In the context of the video, they are portrayed as obstacles that limit the creative potential of AI-generated work, such as essays and research papers. The video aims to provide a method to bypass these detectors, allowing for more freedom in AI-assisted content creation without detection.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using another person's work or ideas without giving proper credit to the original source, which is considered unethical and can lead to academic or professional penalties. The video discusses how AI-generated content is often flagged as plagiarized by detection systems, and it offers a solution to reduce the similarity index to avoid such accusations.


Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection service that compares submitted work against a vast database of academic papers, articles, and web content to identify similarities. In the video, Turnitin is used as an example of a tool that can detect AI-generated content, and the presenter demonstrates how to modify the content to pass Turnitin's checks.


In the context of the video, perplexity is a measure of the complexity or randomness of a text. High perplexity indicates that the text is more difficult to predict, which is a characteristic of human-written text. The video suggests instructing AI to generate content with higher perplexity to mimic the natural variation in human writing and avoid detection.


Burstiness, as used in the video, refers to the variation in sentence length and complexity in a text. Human writing tends to have 'bursts' of longer, more complex sentences interspersed with shorter, simpler ones. The video instructs AI to incorporate burstiness to better emulate the natural flow of human-written content and reduce the chances of detection by AI detectors.


ChatGPT is an AI language model that can generate human-like text based on prompts. In the video, it is used to demonstrate the creation of an article on improving mathematics learning through technology. The video then shows how to manipulate the output of ChatGPT to avoid detection by plagiarism and AI detection tools.

💡Content creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing written, visual, or audio material for various purposes, such as articles, blogs, or academic papers. The video focuses on AI-assisted content creation, specifically using ChatGPT to generate articles, and then modifying them to avoid detection by AI detectors.

💡Academic research studies

Academic research studies are systematic investigations that contribute to the body of knowledge in a particular field. In the video, the presenter instructs ChatGPT to cite academic research studies to strengthen the argument in the generated article, adding credibility and depth to the content.

💡Personalized learning

Personalized learning is an educational approach that tailors instruction to the individual needs, skills, and interests of each student. The video's generated article mentions personalized learning as one of the ways technology can improve mathematics education, suggesting a more adaptive and effective learning experience.

💡Interactive content

Interactive content refers to digital media that allows users to interact with it, often through clicks, touches, or other forms of engagement. In the context of the video, interactive content is presented as a method to enhance mathematics learning, making educational material more engaging and potentially more effective.


A method to bypass AI detectors and avoid plagiarism detection is introduced.

The issue of AI-generated content being detected by AI detectors is discussed.

A solution is presented to remove barriers for AI content creation.

Using ChatGPT to write an article on improving mathematics learning with technology.

Instructing ChatGPT to cite academic research for a stronger argument.

Saving the AI-generated text as a Word file for plagiarism checking.

Using Turnitin to detect plagiarism in the AI-generated content.

Turnitin's updated feature to detect AI-generated content.

The importance of not submitting AI-generated content to repositories to avoid future detection.

Rewriting the article with higher perplexity and burstiness to reduce plagiarism detection.

Instructing ChatGPT to create content with a good balance of perplexity and burstiness.

The final version of the article with reduced plagiarism and AI detection.

Demonstrating a 100% workable method to bypass AI detectors with proof.

A step-by-step guide on how to use prompts effectively with ChatGPT.

The impact of using this method on reducing plagiarism to 0%.

Encouragement for viewers to subscribe to Guru Tech Solutions for more informative content.