7 ChatGPT Prompts No One Is Talking About 🤯

Hasan Aboul Hasan
14 Mar 202313:42

TLDRThis video explores seven innovative ChatGPT prompts that can revolutionize content creation and online business. It demonstrates how to enhance writing, translate text into emojis, craft viral Twitter threads, generate privacy policies, summarize books, and create email subject lines. The video also teases a mysterious seventh prompt, showcasing the potential of AI to act as an expert in various fields, providing valuable insights and critiques. The content is aimed at empowering viewers with tools to save time and boost creativity in the digital age.


  • 😀 ChatGPT can analyze, fix, and improve writing by showing original and revised text with analysis of changes made.
  • 😄 It can translate sentences or words into emojis, which is useful for social media captions, headings, and email subject lines.
  • 😁 GPT can create a 10-tweet thread on a topic, optimized for virality with hashtags and emojis, within Twitter's character limit.
  • 😆 For new bloggers, GPT can generate common pages like privacy policies and terms in seconds, saving time and effort.
  • 😅 GPT can summarize any book by providing the author and title, offering main topics, key ideas, chapter titles, and more.
  • 🤔 With the right prompts, GPT can be used to build online businesses, such as a book summary website, at a low cost.
  • 😉 GPT can generate email subject line ideas based on specific formulas or topics, aiding in email marketing strategies.
  • 😊 It can act as a professional expert in various fields, providing opinions, extracting viewpoints from books, and even critiquing its own generated content.
  • 😌 Prompt engineering allows for the creation of powerful tools and online businesses by leveraging GPT's capabilities with specific instructions.
  • 😉 The video introduces a series on prompt engineering mastery, teaching how to integrate Python scripts with prompts for enhanced results.

Q & A

  • What is the first ChatGPT prompt discussed in the video designed to do?

    -The first prompt is designed to analyze, fix, and improve your writing. It shows the original text, the revised text, and an analysis of the changes made to help improve writing skills and understand mistakes.

  • How does the second prompt assist with social media content creation?

    -The second prompt helps translate sentences or words into emojis, which is useful for creating Instagram captions, marketing materials, headings, subject lines, email subject lines, or social media posts that require the best emoji representation of the text.

  • What is the purpose of the third prompt in relation to Twitter threads?

    -The third prompt is used to generate a 10-tweet thread on a specific topic, optimized for virality, containing hashtags and emojis, and adhering to Twitter's 280-character limit.

  • How can the fourth prompt help new bloggers or website owners?

    -The fourth prompt assists by generating common pages like privacy policies and terms pages. By entering the website URL and type, it provides a draft that can be copied and pasted onto the website with minimal adjustments.

  • What secret does the fifth prompt reveal about building an online business?

    -The fifth prompt demonstrates how to summarize any book by entering the author and title, providing a detailed summary that can be used to create book summary websites or tools at a low cost using AI.

  • What does the sixth prompt offer in terms of email marketing?

    -The sixth prompt generates email subject line ideas based on given topics or specific formulas. It can create subject lines that fit certain criteria or are based on successful formulas to improve open rates.

  • What is the main function of the seventh prompt as described in the video?

    -The seventh prompt is used to act as a professional expert in a given field, providing opinions, extracting viewpoints from books, or criticizing certain ideas, offering diverse perspectives for research or content creation.

  • How does the video suggest using ChatGPT prompts to enhance content creation?

    -The video suggests using ChatGPT prompts to enhance content creation by automating tasks such as writing improvements, emoji translations for social media, generating viral Twitter threads, creating legal pages for websites, summarizing books for online businesses, and crafting email subject lines.

  • What is the potential cost-effectiveness of using ChatGPT prompts for business as mentioned in the video?

    -The video mentions that using ChatGPT prompts for generating content like book summaries can be extremely cost-effective, with each summary costing as low as $0.002 based on the API pricing, thus saving significant time, money, and effort.

  • How does the video encourage viewers to learn more about prompt engineering?

    -The video encourages viewers to learn more about prompt engineering by offering a free course on the subject, promising to teach programming basics and how to integrate Python scripts with prompt engineering for advanced results.



😎 Enhancing Writing with AI Prompts

The speaker introduces a tool that uses AI prompts to analyze, fix, and improve writing. They demonstrate how to paste text into the tool, which then shows the original and revised versions, highlighting changes to help users understand their mistakes. The tool is praised for its efficiency and utility in improving writing skills. The speaker also mentions that the prompts, while lengthy, are designed to be comprehensive and instructive, ensuring viewers that all necessary information will be provided by the end of the video.


📈 Leveraging AI for Content Creation

The video continues with a discussion on using AI prompts for content creation, specifically for social media platforms like Twitter. The speaker shows how to generate a Twitter thread on a given topic, optimized for virality with hashtags and emojis, and within the character limit. They also touch on the broader application of AI in creating social media content and daily posts. Further, the speaker introduces a prompt that automates the creation of common website pages like privacy policies and terms, which can be formatted with markdown for direct use. The potential for building online businesses using such AI tools is highlighted, with the speaker sharing their experience of creating a book summary website using AI.


🔍 Deep Insights with AI-Generated Summaries

The speaker reveals a prompt that can summarize any book by inputting the author and title, providing a comprehensive overview including main topics, key ideas, chapter titles, and more. They discuss the potential of using such prompts to build an online business around book summaries, as they did with their website 'in quick sticks'. The cost-effectiveness and efficiency of generating book summaries using AI are emphasized, showcasing the potential for creating valuable content with minimal effort and cost. The speaker also mentions upcoming guides on building tools and businesses using AI APIs.

💡 Crafting Email Subject Lines with AI

The speaker explores the use of AI prompts to generate email subject line ideas. They demonstrate how to instruct the AI to generate subject lines based on specific formulas, showing two examples: one general and one tailored to a topic like affiliate marketing. The ability to customize and replicate successful subject line formulas is highlighted, emphasizing the utility of AI in creating targeted and effective email marketing campaigns.

🧠 Exploring Expert Opinions with AI

In this segment, the speaker showcases the versatility of AI prompts by asking the AI to act as an expert in various fields. They demonstrate three examples: providing an expert opinion on homeschooling in the AI era, extracting a specific author's viewpoint from a book, and critically analyzing a given viewpoint. The speaker emphasizes the potential of AI in aiding research and providing diverse perspectives, which can be particularly valuable for academic or professional inquiries.



💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the art of crafting input prompts to guide AI models like ChatGPT to produce specific, desired outputs. In the context of the video, prompt engineering is central to leveraging AI for various tasks such as improving writing, generating content, and extracting information. The video discusses how to use prompts effectively to interact with AI and get the best results, such as creating Twitter threads or summarizing books.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. The video script mentions ChatGPT as the tool used to demonstrate the effectiveness of various prompts. It is shown as a means to automate and enhance content creation, from social media posts to book summaries.

💡Emoji Translation

Emoji translation, as discussed in the video, involves converting text into emojis that convey the same sentiment or message. This is particularly useful for social media captions, marketing materials, and other contexts where visual communication is key. The video illustrates how a prompt can be used to get ChatGPT to translate phrases like 'I love you' into appropriate emojis.

💡Twitter Threads

A Twitter thread is a series of connected tweets that are strung together to tell a story or convey a complex idea. The video mentions using ChatGPT to generate a 10-tweet thread on a specific topic, optimized for virality, which includes the use of hashtags and emojis. This showcases how AI can assist in creating engaging social media content within character limits.

💡Book Summaries

Book summaries are condensed versions of books that capture the main ideas and key points. The video script provides an example of using a prompt to generate a summary of 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho. This demonstrates the potential of AI in creating quick insights from books, which can be beneficial for readers or content creators looking for efficient ways to consume information.


An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. In the video, the mention of OpenAI's API implies the use of technical interfaces to integrate AI capabilities into other platforms or tools. The script discusses how the API is used to build tools like email subject line generators or book summary creators.


In the context of AI language models like ChatGPT, tokens refer to the smallest units of text that the model uses to process and generate responses. The video explains how the cost of generating content with AI is often measured in tokens, which is important for understanding the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of using AI for various tasks.

💡Email Subject Lines

Email subject lines are critical for capturing the recipient's attention and determining the open rate of an email. The video script includes a prompt example for generating email subject line ideas, emphasizing the importance of personalization and creativity in digital marketing. It also shows how AI can help in crafting subject lines that are likely to perform well.

💡Content Creation

Content creation involves producing various forms of digital content, such as articles, videos, or social media posts. The video highlights how AI, through prompt engineering, can streamline content creation processes, from writing blog posts to crafting social media threads, making it easier for creators to produce engaging content at scale.

💡Online Business

An online business operates primarily on the internet, selling products or services digitally. The video discusses using AI and prompt engineering to build an online business, such as a website for book summaries, by leveraging AI's ability to process and generate content. This underscores the potential of AI to support entrepreneurial ventures in the digital space.


The first prompt assists in analyzing, fixing, and improving writing by showing original and revised text with analysis of changes.

The second prompt translates sentences into emojis, useful for social media captions and marketing materials.

The third prompt generates a 10-tweet thread on a given topic, optimized for virality with hashtags and emojis, within Twitter's character limit.

The fourth prompt creates common pages like privacy policies and terms pages for websites, streamlining a usually tedious task.

A trick to format output with headings using markdown at the end of prompts for better organization.

The fifth prompt summarizes any book by entering the author and title, providing main topics, key ideas, and more.

Using the fifth prompt, one could build an online business generating book summaries at a low cost.

The sixth prompt generates email subject line ideas based on given topics or specific formulas.

The seventh prompt acts as a professional children's behavior specialist, providing opinions and critiques on educational topics.

Prompt engineering can be used to extract specific viewpoints from books, saving time on research.

Critiquing viewpoints generated by the AI can lead to stronger, more informed opinions on various subjects.

The video is part of a series on prompt engineering mastery, teaching how to get the most out of AI tools.

Upcoming sessions will cover integrating Python scripts with prompt engineering for advanced results.

The course is designed for beginners, with explanations starting from the basics of programming.

The speaker encourages questions and discussion in the comment section for further engagement.