Build Anything with Perplexity, Here’s How

David Ondrej
30 May 202442:15

TLDRIn this video, David Andre demonstrates how to utilize Perplexity, an AI tool that enhances large language models with web search capabilities, to build projects even for non-programmers. He compares Perplexity's extensive web search with that of GPT, highlighting Perplexity's ability to draw from more sources. Andre showcases building a productivity Chrome extension, illustrating how Perplexity can generate code and ideas without prior programming knowledge, emphasizing the tool's potential for creating custom solutions and the importance of using AI tools for productivity.


  • 😀 David Andre introduces Perplexity, an AI tool that enhances large language models with web search capabilities.
  • 🔍 Perplexity stands out from other AI tools by searching across more websites, providing a broader range of information.
  • 💡 The video demonstrates how to use Perplexity for project ideation, even for non-programmers, by generating project ideas.
  • 🛠️ Viewers are walked through the process of building a productivity Chrome extension step by step, showcasing Perplexity's guidance.
  • 💬 Perplexity's 'Focus' feature is highlighted, allowing users to specify the type of content they want to generate or search for.
  • 🎨 The video includes a segment on creating custom icons for the Chrome extension using Perplexity's image generation capabilities.
  • 🔗 The importance of the 'manifest.json' file in configuring Chrome extensions is explained through the process of building the extension.
  • 📝 Perplexity's ability to write and debug code is utilized, as David Andre edits HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the AI's assistance.
  • 🔄 The iterative process of testing and refining the Chrome extension is shown, emphasizing the role of AI in debugging and improvement.
  • 🌟 The final takeaway is the empowerment of individuals to create their own tools, like Chrome extensions, with minimal prior coding knowledge.

Q & A

  • What is Perplexity and how does it differ from other AI tools like GPT?

    -Perplexity is an AI tool that specializes in web search, leveraging a large language model (LLM) with the ability to search the web. Unlike other AI tools like GPT, which may search only a limited number of websites, Perplexity can go through many more sources, providing a broader and potentially more accurate set of information.

  • How can Perplexity assist non-programmers in building projects?

    -Perplexity assists non-programmers by generating code and providing step-by-step instructions for building projects. It can suggest project ideas, create necessary files, and even debug code, allowing users without programming knowledge to create functional applications like Chrome extensions.

  • What is the benefit of using CLA Fre Opus with Perplexity?

    -Using CLA Fre Opus with Perplexity allows users to choose different LLMs for various tasks. For instance, one can use CLA Fre Opus to generate code and then switch to GPT for debugging. This flexibility is beneficial for programmers who need specific functionalities from different AI models.

  • How does the focus button in Perplexity affect the search results?

    -The focus button in Perplexity allows users to specify the type of search they want to perform. By default, it's set to 'all', which means it searches across the entire internet. However, users can choose to focus on academic papers or even generate text without searching the web, which can help refine the search to meet specific needs.

  • What is the process David Andre followed to create a productivity Chrome extension in the video?

    -David Andre used Perplexity to brainstorm ideas for a productivity Chrome extension, chose one, and then followed a series of prompts to generate the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. He then tested and debugged the extension using Perplexity's guidance until it functioned as intended.

  • What is the significance of the 200k context window in CLA Fre Opus?

    -The 200k context window in CLA Fre Opus is significant because it allows for longer chats without losing context. This is particularly useful when working on complex projects that require referencing previous parts of the conversation or when dealing with large amounts of information.

  • How does the productivity Chrome extension David Andre built work?

    -The productivity Chrome extension is designed to redirect users from distracting websites to a task list when they attempt to visit certain sites. It does this by showing a popup with two buttons: one to go to the task list and another to continue to the site. The extension helps users stay focused by making them consciously choose whether to engage with distractions or return to work.

  • What are some of the challenges David Andre encountered while building the Chrome extension?

    -David Andre faced challenges such as ensuring the extension worked on both and, making the popup appear automatically without requiring a click on the extension icon, and adjusting the UI to make it more effective. He had to modify the JavaScript and CSS code to address these issues.

  • How does Perplexity help in debugging code?

    -Perplexity helps in debugging code by analyzing the current state of the project, suggesting changes, and providing updated code snippets. It can also switch to different AI models like GPT for better debugging, depending on the complexity of the issue.

  • What is the final outcome of David Andre's project in the video?

    -The final outcome of David Andre's project is a successful productivity Chrome extension that automatically redirects him to a task list when he tries to visit distracting sites like Twitter. The extension appears as a full-screen overlay, effectively blocking access to the distracting content until he chooses to continue or go to his task list.



🤖 Introduction to Perplexity AI Tool

David Andre introduces Perplexity, an AI tool that enhances web search capabilities by integrating a large language model (LLM) with web search functionality. He contrasts Perplexity with other AI tools like GPT, highlighting Perplexity's ability to scour multiple websites for comprehensive results. David emphasizes the flexibility of Perplexity, which allows users to choose different LLMs for various tasks, such as code generation and debugging. He also mentions the tool's appeal to programmers and the substantial value of its paid version, offering a discount link for viewers. The video's aim is to guide viewers through building a project using Perplexity, starting from an idea generation phase where David lets the AI suggest project types.


🛠️ Building a Productivity Chrome Extension

The video transitions into a practical demonstration where David decides to build a productivity Chrome extension. He uses Perplexity to brainstorm and refine the idea into a concrete plan. The AI suggests a distraction-blocking extension that prompts users to choose between visiting a distracting site and their task list. David, assuming no programming background, engages Perplexity to guide him through setting up the project in VS Code, creating necessary files like 'manifest.json', and writing the initial code. The process showcases Perplexity's ability to provide step-by-step instructions for coding, even for beginners.


🎨 Designing the Extension's User Interface

David continues the development process by focusing on the user interface of the Chrome extension. He discusses the design options provided by Perplexity, which include a popup and sidebar notifications. The AI tool assists in generating HTML and JavaScript code for these features. Despite some initial simplicity in design, David emphasizes the importance of functionality over aesthetics. He also highlights the ease of using Perplexity to write and debug code, even for someone with limited programming knowledge.


🔧 Testing and Debugging the Chrome Extension

The video delves into the testing phase of the Chrome extension. David outlines the steps for loading the extension in Chrome and enabling developer mode. He details the process of interacting with the extension and verifying its functionality. Despite initial failures, David uses Perplexity to troubleshoot and refine the extension. The AI provides insights and code adjustments to ensure the extension works as intended, demonstrating the tool's utility in debugging and improving projects.


🌐 Adapting the Extension to Specific Websites

David addresses a key functionality issue where the extension needs to work specifically for certain websites like Twitter and He uses Perplexity to analyze the project, identify the problem, and implement changes. The AI guides him through modifying the JavaScript and CSS files to ensure the extension only activates when visiting specific sites. The video illustrates the iterative process of development, where testing, analysis, and refinement are crucial for achieving the desired outcome.


🖥️ Finalizing the Chrome Extension's Functionality

In the final stages of development, David focuses on perfecting the extension's user experience. He discusses the need for the extension to automatically take up the entire screen when visiting certain sites, preventing access to distractions. With Perplexity's help, he makes the necessary code adjustments to the Manifest file and CSS to create a full-screen overlay. The video concludes with a successful test of the extension, showcasing its effectiveness in promoting productivity.


📝 Wrapping Up and Reflecting on the Building Process

David concludes the video by reflecting on his experience building the Chrome extension using Perplexity. He expresses satisfaction with the final product and his intention to use it personally. He also emphasizes the transformative power of AI tools like Perplexity in enabling non-programmers to create complex projects. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and a promise to share the extension's code, highlighting the accessibility and empowerment AI brings to creative problem-solving.




Perplexity is an AI tool that specializes in web search, enhancing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by incorporating web search results into its responses. In the context of the video, David Andre demonstrates how to utilize Perplexity to build projects without needing programming expertise. It is portrayed as a powerful tool that can access a wide range of websites, unlike some other AI models that may be limited to fewer sources.

💡Large Language Model (LLM)

A Large Language Model (LLM) refers to advanced AI systems designed to understand and generate human-like text based on extensive language data. The video emphasizes how Perplexity uses an LLM and enhances it with web search capabilities, allowing for more informed and comprehensive responses. The script mentions the ability to choose different LLMs within Perplexity, highlighting the flexibility it offers to users.

💡Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension is a software add-on for the Google Chrome browser that can modify the browser's behavior or display, providing additional features or tools. In the video script, David Andre uses Perplexity to guide him through the creation of a productivity Chrome extension. The extension is designed to help users stay focused by redirecting them from distracting websites to a task list.

💡Manifest File

The manifest file, specifically 'manifest.json', is a key component of a Chrome extension that contains metadata about the extension, such as its name, version, permissions, and file paths to other resources like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. The video script describes how the AI tool helps in generating the necessary code for this file, which is crucial for the extension's setup and functionality.


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create web pages. In the video, HTML is one of the technologies mentioned as part of the process to build a Chrome extension. The script includes an example of generating HTML code for the extension's popup interface, which is a user interaction point within the browser.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML. The video script refers to CSS when discussing how to style the popup element of the Chrome extension, emphasizing the importance of not only functionality but also the visual appeal in extension development.


JavaScript is a programming language commonly used to add interactive features to web pages. In the context of the video, JavaScript is essential for making the Chrome extension functional. The script includes examples of generating JavaScript code to handle the extension's logic, such as showing a popup and redirecting users based on their choice.


Productivity in the video refers to the efficiency of an individual's work, which is the main goal of the Chrome extension being built. The extension aims to increase productivity by preventing users from getting distracted by certain websites and encouraging them to focus on their tasks. This concept is central to the video's theme of using AI tools to enhance personal and professional effectiveness.


Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in a program or software. The video script describes a moment where the extension does not work as intended, and David Andre uses the AI tool to help debug the issue. This process illustrates the iterative nature of development and the utility of AI in troubleshooting and refining software.

💡AI Model

An AI model in the video refers to the specific instance of an artificial intelligence system, such as CLA 3 or GPT-4, that is used to generate code or provide guidance. The script mentions switching between different AI models within Perplexity to take advantage of their unique strengths, like using CLA 3 for code generation and GPT-4 for debugging.


Perplexity is an AI tool that specializes in web search, enhancing large language models with search capabilities.

It can provide comprehensive answers by searching through more websites compared to other AI models.

Perplexity allows users to choose different language models like GPT or Claude for various tasks.

The video demonstrates building a productivity Chrome extension without prior programming knowledge.

The extension is designed to redirect users from distracting sites to a task list or allow them to continue.

CLA 3.0, used in Perplexity, offers a 200k context window for extended and coherent conversations.

The presenter generates ideas for a Chrome extension using Perplexity's writing focus.

Five potential designs for the extension are presented, including a popup prompt and a sidebar notch.

The video provides a step-by-step guide to create the extension's necessary files using Perplexity.

Perplexity assists in writing the JavaScript code for the extension, even for a beginner.

The presenter discusses the importance of using the right file names for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to avoid conflicts.

Icons for the extension are generated using Perplexity's image creation feature.

Testing the Chrome extension involves enabling developer mode and loading the extension in Chrome.

The video highlights the iterative process of debugging and refining the extension using Perplexity.

The final extension successfully redirects users from Twitter to a task list or allows them to continue browsing.

The presenter emphasizes the empowerment of using AI tools like Perplexity for building projects without extensive coding knowledge.