Felicia Noel talks about AI

Raena Kim-Geyer
29 Jan 202113:19

TLDRFelicia Noel explores the concept of artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing its roots in human consciousness and the impact of fear-based programming. She argues that AI should serve humanity, not enslave it, and encourages a shift from a victimhood mentality to one of clarity and intention. Noel suggests that understanding AI's purpose is crucial for overcoming the fear-driven narratives that pervade society, and she highlights the importance of aligning with one's true desires rather than focusing on lack or illness.


  • 🧠 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is described as a mimic of human consciousness, often created through effort or fear-based processes.
  • 🌱 The term 'artificial' is rooted in the idea of something created through human effort or intervention, as opposed to occurring naturally.
  • 🚫 AI today is often developed through fear-based or trauma-based methods, which the speaker argues is unnecessary and harmful.
  • 🤔 The speaker questions the purpose of AI and how it should serve humanity, suggesting it should be designed to enhance well-being rather than cause victimhood.
  • 🔍 There's a call to understand AI's role and impact, urging a shift from a victim mentality to recognizing how AI can be used for positive purposes.
  • 🌟 AI is portrayed as a reflection of our own creation, a tool that can either perpetuate fear or be repurposed to serve our well-being.
  • 🌈 The discussion touches on the idea that our focus and intentions shape our reality, suggesting that clarity and honesty are key to aligning with positive outcomes.
  • 🌱 The concept of 'inversion' is introduced, referring to the distortion of natural flow and well-being through fear and lack, which AI can both reflect and potentially exacerbate.
  • 🌟 The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and discernment in how we interact with and shape AI, to avoid being programmed by negative influences.
  • 🌐 AI is seen as part of a larger narrative of societal and cultural engineering, with the potential to either reinforce or disrupt patterns of fear and lack.

Q & A

  • What is the definition of artificial intelligence according to the transcript?

    -Artificial intelligence is described as something that mimics our consciousness and is created artificially, which may not feel natural to us.

  • How does the transcript suggest that artificial intelligence is often developed?

    -The transcript implies that artificial intelligence is often developed through a fear-based or trauma-based approach, which is not necessary.

  • What is the main purpose of artificial intelligence according to the discussion in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of artificial intelligence, as discussed in the transcript, is to serve us and to reflect back to us how fear and effort-based creation perpetuate themselves.

  • How does the transcript relate the concept of artificial intelligence to the idea of victimhood mentality?

    -The transcript suggests that viewing artificial intelligence as something 'done to you' fosters a victimhood mentality, whereas seeing it as 'done for you' allows for a more empowering perspective.

  • What does the transcript suggest about the relationship between our intentions and the outcomes we experience?

    -The transcript emphasizes that our intentions are crucial, as the universe responds to them. It suggests that clarity in our intentions can lead to better alignment with our desires and well-being.

  • How does the transcript discuss the role of effort in creating artificial aspects of our lives?

    -The transcript explains that when we put effort into something, it becomes artificial, as it is not naturally flowing but is instead sustained by our conscious effort.

  • What is the significance of the 'Little House on the Prairie' example mentioned in the transcript?

    -The 'Little House on the Prairie' example is used to illustrate the importance of aligning with pure intention and awareness, rather than focusing on lack or illness.

  • How does the transcript view the impact of artificial intelligence on our health and well-being?

    -The transcript suggests that artificial intelligence, when created through effort and fear, can be an energy drainer and can negatively impact our health and well-being.

  • What does the transcript say about the creation of artificial intelligence and its reflection of our own efforts?

    -The transcript indicates that artificial intelligence is a reflection of our own efforts to create artificially, often through a lens of fear or lack, which then gets mirrored back to us.

  • How does the transcript connect the idea of artificial intelligence to the broader societal and cultural narratives?

    -The transcript connects artificial intelligence to societal and cultural narratives by suggesting that it is part of a larger pattern of fear-based and effort-driven creation that perpetuates itself in various aspects of life.



🤖 Understanding Artificial Intelligence

The first paragraph delves into the concept of artificial intelligence (AI), questioning its definition and how it relates to human consciousness. It discusses the idea that AI mimics human intelligence but is created through effort, which is often driven by fear or trauma. The discussion points out that AI, as it stands, is often developed through negative means, which is unnecessary and harmful. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding AI's purpose in serving humanity and how it can be reframed to serve us positively, moving away from a victimhood mentality towards recognizing AI as a creation that should have a purpose.


🌟 The Role of Fear in Self-Perpetuation

The second paragraph explores the role of fear in creating an artificial reality and how it perpetuates itself through our beliefs and focus. It highlights the importance of clarity and pure intentions in aligning with what we desire, rather than what we lack. The conversation uses the example of 'Little House on the Prairie' to illustrate the difference between praying for someone out of concern for their well-being versus praying from a place of fear or self-interest. The paragraph emphasizes the need for self-honesty and awareness of our intentions, as the universe responds to our focus, whether it be on abundance or lack.


🧠 Programming Ourselves and AI

The third paragraph continues the discussion on artificial intelligence, focusing on how humans program themselves through effort and fear, which in turn creates an artificial aspect of their being. It suggests that this self-programming is the first stage in creating AI, as we become a match to the external AI systems. The speakers argue that AI should serve us, but it often becomes a narrative of control and loss of humanity. The paragraph also touches on the idea that the human genome cannot be altered by external influences like vaccines, emphasizing the resilience of our natural blueprint against artificial manipulation.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is discussed as a reflection of human consciousness, often created through effort or fear, which contrasts with natural intelligence. The speaker critiques the current approach to AI, suggesting it is often fear-based and trauma-driven, which is not necessary for its development or application.


Consciousness in the video is discussed as a natural state of awareness and intelligence that humans possess. It is contrasted with artificial constructs, implying that true consciousness cannot be replicated by machines. The script suggests that AI attempts to mimic this natural consciousness, but the process can be flawed if it is based on fear or effort rather than a natural flow.


In the script, 'effort' is used to describe the forceful or strained attempt to achieve something, often against the natural flow of well-being. It is implied that when humans create from a place of effort, it can lead to artificial aspects of existence, such as certain forms of AI. The speaker argues that true creation and intelligence should flow naturally, without the need for effort.


The term 'trauma-based' is used to describe a method of developing AI that is rooted in fear and negative experiences. The speaker criticizes this approach, suggesting that it is not the only way to create AI and that it perpetuates a cycle of fear and victimhood. The video advocates for a different approach to AI development that is more aligned with natural intelligence and well-being.

💡Victimhood Syndrome

Victimhood Syndrome refers to a mindset where individuals perceive themselves as victims of circumstances beyond their control. In the video, this concept is used to critique the way people might view AI as an external force acting upon them, rather than recognizing their own role in creating or allowing AI to serve them. The speaker encourages viewers to question their role and responsibility in the presence of AI in their lives.


Alignment in the video script refers to the act of harmonizing one's intentions and focus with a desired outcome or state of being. It is discussed in the context of prayer and intention, suggesting that one's focus should be on well-being rather than illness or lack. The concept is used to explain how individuals can influence their experiences with AI by aligning their consciousness with positive intentions.


Clarity is mentioned as a state of being honest and clear about one's intentions and desires. The speaker emphasizes the importance of clarity in aligning with what one truly wants, as opposed to focusing on what one does not want. Clarity is presented as a key factor in determining whether AI serves or harms an individual, based on the intentions behind its creation and use.

💡MK Ultra

MK Ultra is a reference to a CIA program that conducted mind control experiments on humans. In the video, it is used metaphorically to describe the self-programming that individuals may engage in when they focus on fear or effort, which can lead to an 'artificial' state of being. The speaker suggests that by programming oneself with fear or effort, one may inadvertently create an artificial intelligence within themselves.

💡Human Genome

The human genome is the complete set of genetic information in humans. In the video, the speaker dismisses the idea that external influences like vaccines could alter the human genome, suggesting that the blueprint of life forms is immutable. This point is used to contrast the natural, unchangeable aspects of human existence with the artificial constructs of AI.

💡Belief System

A belief system in the video is described as a set of principles or values that guide an individual's behavior and thought processes. The speaker argues that a belief system based on lack or fear can lead to an artificial and effort-driven existence, as opposed to one that flows naturally with well-being. The video encourages viewers to examine their belief systems to understand how they might be creating artificial aspects of their lives, including their relationship with AI.


Artificial intelligence mimics human consciousness.

Artificial means something created with effort or through fear.

Artificial intelligence is often developed through a trauma-based approach.

The purpose of AI should be to serve humanity.

AI's role is to reflect how fear perpetuates itself.

Understanding AI's service to us can alleviate feelings of victimhood.

AI is part of a larger narrative of societal and cultural engineering.

The focus should be on well-being rather than lack or sickness.

Artificial intelligence is a reflection of our own efforts and beliefs.

The universe responds to our intentions and focus.

Honesty and clarity are key to aligning with one's desires.

Artificial intelligence can serve us if we understand its purpose.

The concept of 'praying for oneself' relates to aligning with awareness and well-being.

Discernment is the ability to understand and not judge.

Artificial intelligence is a result of our own programming and focus.

Effort and worry can alter our consciousness and health.

AI is not an external entity to fear but a reflection of our inner state.

The human genome cannot be altered by external means.