How I "Humanize" ChatGPT AI Content...

Matt Diggity
28 Feb 202411:06

TLDRMatt Diggity shares his method for making AI-generated content sound more human-like using ChatGPT. After testing 67 prompts, he identifies eight effective ones that help create content with personality, personal experience, fact insertion, and audience targeting. These techniques, when combined, produce content that's indistinguishable from human writing. He demonstrates how to train ChatGPT to mimic a specific person's writing style and incorporate personal anecdotes. Additionally, he introduces prompts to avoid AI clichés, ensure varied sentence structures, and insert recent facts. Diggity also discusses using Surfer AI to automate the process of generating human-sounding content with SEO optimization.


  • 🧠 The video discusses strategies to make AI-generated content sound more human-like, using ChatGPT as an example.
  • 🔍 Matt Diggity, the founder of SEO businesses, shares his experience in optimizing AI content for better human-like quality.
  • 📝 Eight key prompts are identified to enhance the human-like nature of AI content: personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting.
  • 🎯 The video provides a method to train ChatGPT to emulate a specific person's writing style, including tone, structure, and vocabulary.
  • 💡 Personal experience is integrated into AI content by teaching it about the author's background and opinions to add authenticity.
  • 🚫 The script suggests avoiding certain phrases and words frequently used by AI to reduce its robotic tone.
  • 📚 Fact insertion is crucial for AI content to be current and informative, with examples of how to prompt ChatGPT to include recent data.
  • 📈 'Burstiness' in content refers to varying sentence and paragraph lengths to mimic natural human writing patterns.
  • 🗣️ 'Unfluffing' involves ensuring that every sentence in the content provides value, avoiding unnecessary filler.
  • 👥 Audience targeting is emphasized to tailor content to specific demographics, tones, and reading levels.
  • 🌟 When combined, these techniques can produce AI-generated content that is nearly indistinguishable from human-written material.

Q & A

  • What was Matt Diggity's goal in testing different prompts for ChatGPT?

    -Matt Diggity aimed to make ChatGPT sound more human-like through the use of specific prompts, ultimately creating content that could be mistaken for being written by a human.

  • How many prompts did Matt Diggity test to humanize ChatGPT's content?

    -Matt Diggity tested 67 different prompts to achieve a more human-like tone in ChatGPT's responses.

  • What are the eight categories of prompts that Matt Diggity found to be effective in humanizing ChatGPT's content?

    -The eight effective categories of prompts are personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting.

  • How did Matt Diggity establish a baseline to test the effectiveness of his prompts?

    -Matt Diggity established a baseline by having his team of channel viewers rate the likelihood of a piece of content being AI-generated or human-written without any humanizing prompts.

  • What is the purpose of the 'persona prompts' in Matt Diggity's testing?

    -Persona prompts are used to train ChatGPT to write in a specific person's style, such as Matt Diggity himself, by analyzing their tone, sentence structure, and other writing characteristics.

  • How did Matt Diggity incorporate personal experience into the AI-generated content?

    -Matt Diggity used personal experience prompts by providing ChatGPT with his about page and personal opinions to give the AI-generated content a unique touch and make it more relatable.

  • What is 'perplexity' in the context of Matt Diggity's content humanization strategy?

    -Perplexity refers to the use of prompts that encourage ChatGPT to avoid using common AI phrases and words, making the content sound less robotic and more like it was written by a human.

  • How does 'burstiness' contribute to making ChatGPT's content sound more human?

    -Burstiness is achieved by prompting ChatGPT to vary sentence and paragraph lengths, which mimics the natural writing patterns of humans and contrasts with the uniformity often found in AI-generated content.

  • What is the role of 'fact insertion' in Matt Diggity's approach to humanizing AI content?

    -Fact insertion involves providing ChatGPT with specific, up-to-date facts to include in the content, which adds credibility and relevance, making the AI-generated content more informative and human-like.

  • How does Matt Diggity ensure that the AI-generated content is free from 'fluff'?

    -Matt Diggity uses unfluffing prompts that instruct ChatGPT to exclude any unnecessary or filler content, ensuring that every sentence contributes value to the overall piece.

  • What is the significance of 'flavor prompts' in Matt Diggity's content humanization process?

    -Flavor prompts are designed to make the AI-generated content more engaging by encouraging the use of humor, idioms, metaphors, and natural dialogue, which are elements typically found in human writing.

  • How does Matt Diggity ensure that the AI-generated content is tailored to a specific audience?

    -Matt Diggity uses audience targeting prompts to specify the demographic information, tone preferences, and reading level of the target audience, allowing ChatGPT to create content that resonates with that specific group.



🤖 Humanizing AI Content with Prompts

Matt Diggity shares his experience in refining AI-generated content to sound more human-like. He experimented with 67 different prompts and identified eight effective ones, which he categorizes into personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting. These prompts are designed to enhance ChatGPT's output to meet Google's helpful content guidelines, which emphasize originality, personal touch, and readability. Matt's testing involved a team of 30 viewers who rated the human-like quality of the AI-generated content. He demonstrates how to train ChatGPT to mimic a specific person's writing style, including tone, sentence structure, and emotional expression. The video also covers how to inject personal experience and opinions into AI-generated content to make it unique and engaging.


🔍 Leveraging Seasonal Trends for SEO

The script describes a successful SEO strategy where the anticipation of increased summer travel led to the creation of a guide on sleeping on planes. This content was effectively pitched to travel journalists using MuckRack, resulting in valuable backlinks from prominent websites. The strategy emphasizes the importance of aligning content with current trends and journalist interests to earn quality links. The video then transitions into discussing techniques to make AI-generated content less robotic and more perplexing, which involves avoiding clichéd phrases and using a curated list of words to enhance the content's authenticity. The effectiveness of these techniques is validated through viewer testing, which rates the human-like quality of the content.


🌟 Enhancing AI Content with Facts and Personalization

This section delves into the importance of incorporating current and relevant facts into AI-generated content, which ChatGPT's models may not be aware of due to their training data cutoff. The script provides a method to manually insert recent facts to enrich the content. It also touches on 'unfluffing' content, ensuring each sentence provides value, and调味 the content with a conversational and humorous tone to make it more engaging. The video further discusses the significance of understanding the target audience and customizing content to match their demographics, preferences, and reading levels. The use of Surfer AI is highlighted as a tool that automates the process of extracting and integrating facts and audience preferences into AI-generated content for improved SEO performance.



💡Humanizing AI Content

The process of making AI-generated content sound more natural and less robotic. In the video, this is achieved through various strategies such as using specific prompts to train ChatGPT to mimic human writing styles, including the use of humor, rhetorical questions, and avoiding AI-typical phrases. The goal is to create content that is indistinguishable from that written by a human, enhancing its appeal and effectiveness.


In the context of the video, prompts are the specific instructions given to ChatGPT to guide the AI in generating content. These prompts are crucial for 'humanizing' the AI's output by setting the tone, style, and content focus. For example, the video discusses using prompts to train ChatGPT to emulate a specific person's writing style or to incorporate personal experiences and facts.


A persona refers to a specific character or individual whose voice and style the AI is trained to mimic. The video explains how to use a persona prompt to train ChatGPT to write in the style of a particular person, such as the video creator himself, ensuring that the AI-generated content sounds like it comes from a real individual with a distinct voice.

💡Personal Experience

Incorporating personal anecdotes and experiences into AI-generated content to make it more relatable and authentic. The video suggests providing ChatGPT with information about the author's background and opinions to infuse the content with a personal touch, which can help distinguish it from generic AI output.

💡Fact Insertion

The act of including real and relevant facts into AI-generated content to enhance its credibility and informativeness. The video illustrates how to instruct ChatGPT to use specific, up-to-date facts within the content, which can make the AI's output more compelling and trustworthy.


Refers to the avoidance of using certain words or phrases that are commonly associated with AI-generated content, which can make it sound unnatural. The video provides an example of a perplexity prompt that instructs ChatGPT to avoid using certain words, leading to more varied and less predictable language use.


This term relates to the variation in sentence and paragraph lengths in writing, which is more characteristic of human writing. The video discusses how to prompt ChatGPT to create content with heterogeneous paragraph and sentence lengths to mimic the 'burstiness' of natural human writing.


The process of removing unnecessary or filler content from AI-generated text to ensure that every sentence provides value. The video demonstrates how to instruct ChatGPT to avoid fluff and focus on delivering concise, informative content.


Adding a unique 'flavor' or style to the AI-generated content to make it more engaging and enjoyable to read. The video suggests using prompts that encourage ChatGPT to be conversational, empathetic, and occasionally humorous, incorporating idioms and anecdotes to give the content a more human-like quality.

💡Audience Targeting

Writing AI-generated content with a specific audience in mind, tailoring the language, tone, and content to suit their preferences and needs. The video explains how to use prompts that inform ChatGPT about the target audience's characteristics, ensuring that the content resonates with the intended readers.


The author tested 67 different prompts to humanize ChatGPT's responses.

Eight prompts were found to be game changers for humanizing AI content.

These prompts are categorized into personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting.

The video offers a method to make ChatGPT sound like any desired human, including the viewer or a favorite copywriter.

Google's helpful content guidelines emphasize originality, personal experience, and easy readability, which ChatGPT struggles with by default.

A team of 30 viewers helped rate the human-like quality of content produced by different prompts.

A baseline was established by rating a standard ChatGPT output, which scored very low on the human-like scale.

Persona prompts are used to train ChatGPT to mimic a specific person's writing style.

Personal experience prompts help integrate the author's background and opinions into the AI-generated content.

Perplexity prompts encourage the use of less common words to avoid an overly robotic tone.

Burstiness prompts ensure variation in sentence and paragraph length to mimic human writing patterns.

Fact insertion prompts address the need for up-to-date and factual information in AI-generated content.

Unfluffing prompts focus on eliminating unnecessary fluff and ensuring every sentence provides value.

Flavor prompts aim to make content engaging by incorporating humor, idioms, and natural dialogue.

Audience targeting prompts help tailor content to a specific demographic, tone preference, and reading level.

Combining all these prompts results in highly human-sounding AI-generated content.

Surfer AI is introduced as a tool that automates the process of humanizing content by extracting data from top-ranking articles.

Surfer AI offers a way to earn free credits for its service, streamlining the content creation process.