How to Paraphrase in 5 Easy Steps | Scribbr 🎓

31 Oct 201903:55

TLDRIn this video, Jessica from Scribbr explains how to paraphrase in five easy steps. First, read the passage thoroughly, then note key concepts, write your version without looking at the original, compare the two texts, and finally, cite the source. Jessica also offers four tips: start the sentence differently, use synonyms, change the sentence structure, and break or combine sentences. Paraphrasing is important for maintaining your own voice and ensuring your work flows better than quoting. The video also highlights when quoting is necessary.


  • 📚 Paraphrasing is rewriting a passage in your own words without changing its original meaning.
  • 👀 Read the passage multiple times to ensure you fully understand it before paraphrasing.
  • 📝 Note down the key concepts of the passage to help you when you rewrite it.
  • ✍️ Write your paraphrased version without looking at the original text.
  • 🔍 Compare your paraphrased text with the original to ensure it's different enough.
  • 📖 Use synonyms and change sentence structures to make your paraphrased text unique.
  • 🔄 Break long sentences into smaller ones or combine short ones to alter the flow.
  • 📑 Always cite the source of the text you're paraphrasing.
  • 💡 Start your paraphrased text with a different sentence structure or point than the original.
  • 🚫 Avoid quoting directly from the source; instead, show that you've understood and can rephrase the information.

Q & A

  • What is the definition of paraphrasing?

    -Paraphrasing is the act of rewriting a specific passage from someone else's work in your own words without changing the original meaning or omitting any information.

  • Why is paraphrasing important in academic writing?

    -Paraphrasing is important in academic writing because it shows that you've understood and digested the source material, maintains the flow of your paper, and ensures your voice remains dominant while presenting information.

  • What are the five easy steps to paraphrasing?

    -The five easy steps are: 1) Read the passage multiple times to fully understand it. 2) Note down the key concepts. 3) Write your version without looking at the original. 4) Compare your paraphrase with the original and make changes if necessary. 5) Cite the source.

  • What should you do if your paraphrase is too similar to the original text?

    -If your paraphrase is too similar to the original, make changes by using different words, altering the sentence structure, or adjusting the voice (active to passive or vice versa).

  • What are some tips to improve paraphrasing?

    -Some tips include: 1) Start your first sentence at a different point from the original. 2) Use synonyms. 3) Change the sentence structure. 4) Break long sentences into smaller ones or combine short sentences.

  • How does using synonyms help in paraphrasing?

    -Using synonyms helps in paraphrasing by replacing words with alternatives that convey the same meaning, making the text unique without altering its core message.

  • Why should sentence structure be changed during paraphrasing?

    -Changing the sentence structure during paraphrasing helps create a distinct version of the text, reducing similarities with the original and making your paraphrase stand out.

  • When should quotes be used instead of paraphrasing?

    -Quotes should be used when you want to provide a precise definition, present an author’s position, or support your argument with the exact words from a source.

  • What is the advantage of paraphrasing over quoting?

    -The advantage of paraphrasing over quoting is that it demonstrates a deeper understanding of the content and helps maintain the flow and cohesiveness of your paper.

  • What tools can help with paraphrasing?

    -Using tools like a thesaurus for finding synonyms and citation generators (e.g., Scribbr Citation Generator) can assist in effective paraphrasing and proper source citation.



📚 Mastering Paraphrasing

Jessica from Scribbr introduces viewers to the concept of paraphrasing, which is the act of rewriting a passage from another source in one's own words without altering the original meaning or omitting information. The video outlines five steps for effective paraphrasing: 1) Read the passage multiple times for comprehension, 2) Note key concepts, 3) Write the paraphrased version without looking at the original, 4) Compare and adjust for similarity, and 5) Cite the source. Additionally, four tips are provided to enhance paraphrasing skills: starting sentences differently, using synonyms, altering sentence structure, and breaking or combining sentences. The video contrasts paraphrasing with quoting and emphasizes the importance of paraphrasing for a better paper flow and maintaining the writer's voice. It concludes with an invitation for viewers to engage by liking the video and asking questions in the comments.




Paraphrasing refers to the act of rewriting a passage from another source in one's own words without changing the original meaning or omitting any information. It is a crucial skill in academic writing, as it allows for the expression of ideas in a new form while maintaining the integrity of the original source. In the video, Jessica emphasizes the importance of paraphrasing by providing a step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively.

💡Academic Goals

Academic goals are the objectives that students set for themselves in their educational pursuits. These can include achieving high grades, developing critical thinking skills, or mastering specific subjects. The video aims to assist viewers in reaching their academic goals by teaching them how to paraphrase, which is a valuable skill in research and writing.

💡Key Concepts

Key concepts are the central ideas or themes that are essential to understanding a piece of text. In the context of the video, Jessica advises viewers to note down these concepts when paraphrasing, as they form the foundation of the original passage's meaning. Identifying and incorporating key concepts ensures that the paraphrased version accurately reflects the original text.


Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. The video suggests using synonyms as a strategy for paraphrasing, which helps to create a different wording while preserving the original meaning. For instance, if the original text uses the word 'exposed,' a synonym like 'revealed' could be used in the paraphrased version.

💡Sentence Structure

Sentence structure refers to the way sentences are constructed in terms of their grammatical components. The video advises changing the sentence structure as a method of paraphrasing. For example, if the original text uses an active voice, the paraphrased version could use a passive voice, or vice versa, to create a different expression of the same idea.


Citation is the act of acknowledging the source of information used in a piece of writing. In academic writing, proper citation is crucial to avoid plagiarism and to give credit to the original authors. The video mentions citing the source after paraphrasing, which is an important step in the process to ensure academic integrity.


Quoting is the direct use of another person's words or ideas, often enclosed in quotation marks. The video distinguishes quoting from paraphrasing, noting that while quoting involves copying the source verbatim, paraphrasing requires rewording the original text. Quoting is typically used for specific purposes, such as providing a definition or supporting an argument.


A thesaurus is a reference book or software that lists words grouped by similarity of meaning. In the video, Jessica suggests using a thesaurus to find synonyms, which can aid in the paraphrasing process by providing alternative words to express the same idea in a different way.


Voice, in the context of writing, refers to the unique style or perspective that an author brings to their work. The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining one's voice in academic writing, which is achieved by paraphrasing rather than quoting. This ensures that the writer's ideas and interpretations are at the forefront of the paper.


Flow in writing refers to the smooth and coherent progression of ideas and sentences. The video suggests that paraphrasing can improve the flow of a paper by integrating the cited information more seamlessly than quoting. This results in a more natural and unified presentation of the writer's arguments and ideas.


Learn how to paraphrase in five easy steps.

Paraphrasing is rewriting a passage in your own words without changing the meaning.

Read the passage several times to fully understand the meaning.

Note down the key concepts of the passage.

Write your version without looking at the original text.

Compare your paraphrase with the original and make changes if too similar.

Cite the source of the text to avoid plagiarism.

Use the Scribbr citation generator for easy citation.

Start your first sentence at a different point from the original.

Use synonyms to vary your language.

Change the sentence structure to alter the flow.

Switch between active and passive voice.

Break long sentences into smaller ones or combine short ones.

Avoid using quotes when paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing shows you have digested the text.

Your voice will remain dominant in your paper when paraphrasing.

Use quotes for definitions, author's positions, or supporting arguments.

Watch the video on how to quote for more information.

Like the video if you've learned something.

Ask questions in the comments for further clarification.