NovelAI Casual Friday Stream: Magical Salty Egg Artifacts & More 5/13/2022

14 May 2022103:10

TLDRThe stream features a lively discussion about NovelAI, with the host testing audio and engaging with the audience. They explore the concept of a magical salty egg artifact that can control minds, leading to humorous and bizarre scenarios, such as controlling people's actions and even attempting to use it in a McDonald's setting. The conversation takes unexpected turns, including a detour into the fictional practice of proctomancy for predicting future events, adding an absurd twist to the stream.


  • 🎤 The streamer begins by testing audio and volume levels, interacting with the audience about the clarity of their voice.
  • 🤖 Technical discussions about software and streaming tools take place, such as references to 'v2 bin' and 'streamlabs'.
  • 🍼 There's a humorous moment where the streamer talks about eating nuts and liking hazelnut flavor, adding a casual and relatable touch.
  • 🎮 The community suggests playing games like CS:GO and proposes a tournament, indicating a desire for interactive content.
  • 🗣️ A segment of the transcript discusses the use of voice modulation and the streamer's distinctive voice being recognized.
  • 📅 The streamer mentions working on the 'onlinetown' website, providing insight into their work-life and tasks.
  • 📹 There's a mention of a 'naked stream', indicating the streamer's comfort with humor and pushing boundaries for entertainment.
  • 🎶 The chat is active, discussing music and the stream's atmosphere, showing the community's engagement.
  • 🐔 The main creative segment involves a magical artifact - a salty egg that can control minds, which leads to a detailed narrative about its use.
  • 🏃‍♂️ A chaotic narrative ensues where the salty egg is used to control a trader, who then gets merged with a wall, showcasing the stream's imaginative storytelling.
  • 🍔 The story takes a humorous turn as the magical egg is used in a McDonald's setting, creating a satirical take on fast food and mind control.

Q & A

  • What was the topic of the NovelAI stream on 5/13/2022?

    -The topic of the NovelAI stream on 5/13/2022 was a casual Friday stream discussing magical salty egg artifacts and more.

  • What technical issues were discussed at the beginning of the stream?

    -The beginning of the stream discussed technical issues such as voice volume, the use of the term 'v2', and the functionality of the stream's chat feature.

  • What was the humorous moment regarding voice modulation?

    -A humorous moment was when the streamer mentioned their voice being '200' or mumbled, indicating a possible issue with the audio quality or modulation.

  • What food item was the center of a magical artifact discussion?

    -The magical artifact discussed was a salty egg that could be used to control minds.

  • What was the suggestion for using the magical salty egg?

    -The suggestion was to use the magical salty egg by rubbing it on food, which would then control the mind of whoever eats that food.

  • What was the weakness of the magical salty egg mentioned in the stream?

    -The weakness of the magical salty egg was that its effects would dissolve in water, rendering it useless in the rain.

  • What game was suggested to play during the stream?

    -The game suggested to play was CS GO, with the idea of making a tournament out of it.

  • What was the unexpected outcome when the trader used the magical egg on a schnitzel?

    -The unexpected outcome was that the trader became one with the wall after being commanded to bond with it, rather than just demonstrating the egg's mind control properties.

  • What was the plan involving the magical egg at a McDonald's?

    -The plan was to get a job at McDonald's, use the magical egg to salt fries, and then control the minds of customers who ate those fries.

  • What was the random aside about body temperature and cooking?

    -The random aside discussed whether the human body temperature could be used to cook food, such as potentially cooking a chicken inside a person's body.

  • What future plans for NovelAI were hinted at during the stream?

    -Future plans hinted at during the stream included looking for alternative monetization models and possibly doing streams with AI content.



🎙️ Stream Tech Check

The paragraph involves a streamer conducting a technical check of their voice levels and volume, addressing potential audio issues. They discuss the use of different branches for development and the sharing of a Discord announcement. There's also a mention of food, specifically nuts, and a lighthearted debate about nut preferences.


🎮 Gaming and Community Engagement

This section discusses the idea of engaging the community in activities like playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and organizing tournaments. There's a mention of technical difficulties with Streamlabs and a conversation about a date that involved working all day. The topic of work and personal projects is also touched upon.


📚 Creative Storytelling

The speaker discusses a casual stream without any major announcements. They decide to engage with the audience by participating in a weekly prompt from an online forum about a magical artifact. The narrative revolves around a magical chicken that lays eggs made of salt, which can be used to control minds when consumed.


🥚 The Magical Salty Egg

The focus is on a magical artifact—an egg made of salt—that has the power to control minds. The discussion explores the concept and potential uses of this artifact in a storytelling context. There's a humorous exchange about the egg's properties and its effects, including a debate on whether it would dissolve in water or during digestion.


🧙‍♂️ Magic Item Phobia

The paragraph delves into the protagonist's internal monologue about their fear of magic items, especially those with a will of their own. There's a detailed discussion about a magical item that can control minds and the protagonist's reluctance to use it. The conversation takes a humorous turn when they consider the implications of consuming the item themselves.


🏃‍♂️ Misadventures with Mind Control

This section describes a series of misadventures with the mind-controlling egg. The protagonist attempts to control the actions of a trader by making him rub the egg on a schnitzel and then eat it. The results are unexpected and lead to a comedic series of events, including the trader's transformation into part of a wall.


🍔 McDonald's and Mayhem

The narrative takes a turn to McDonald's, where the protagonist, now in possession of the magical egg, decides to use it to season fries. The plan is to control anyone who eats the salted fries. The paragraph describes the process and the protagonist's internal struggle with using such power.


🍟 Fries, Fear, and Mind Control

The focus is on the effects of the magical egg salt on customers at McDonald's. The protagonist observes as customers react to the fries, their fear growing as they realize they are under mind control. The paragraph describes the protagonist's satisfaction with their control over the customers and their fries.


🏠 Heading Home with a Magical Secret

The paragraph describes the protagonist leaving work with a basket of magically salted fries. There's a contemplation about the newly acquired powers and the potential not to use them for personal benefit. The protagonist also humorously considers the idea of 'chickens' and their association with the magical egg.


🔍 Proctomancy: Fortune Telling Unusual Style

This section introduces the concept of 'proctomancy', a form of divination involving the examination of rectums to predict future events. The paragraph delves into the details of this unusual practice, including the need for specific items to be placed within rectums and the process of examining them for predictions.


🤔 Deep Dive into Proctomancy

The conversation continues with a deeper exploration of proctomancy. There's a discussion about the process, including the use of electronic microscopes and the counting of eggs found in rectums during the examination. The paragraph also touches on the debate about whether proctomancy is related to 'proctology' or more of a form of 'prognancy'.


📚 Practomancy and Predictions

The paragraph discusses the practice of using 'practomancy' for forecasting, which involves analyzing various factors to predict future events. There's a mention of special equipment and the comparison between different types of divination practices, such as hepatomancy and hydromancy.


📝 Report from East Berlin

This section presents a report from East Berlin, discussing the improvement in forecasting skills over the years. It mentions the use of special equipment and the analysis of rectums for predictions. The paragraph also includes a fictional narrative about an expert named Peter and his experiences with practomancy.


🧐 The Science of Proctomancy

The paragraph delves into the scientific aspects of proctomancy, discussing the need for careful selection of rectums and the items they contain. It describes the process of examining the rectums and the significance of the items found within them in predicting future events.


📚 Practomancy Procedures

This section describes the detailed procedures of practomancy, including the use of a glass bowl, a solution of bleach water and vinegar, and the folding of a black cloth. The paragraph outlines a series of ritualistic actions that are believed to help in predicting the future.


🤷‍♂️ Proctomancy: A Parody

The paragraph appears to be a humorous take on proctomancy, with a focus on the absurdity of the practice. It includes a discussion about the examination of rectums and the items found within them, but in a way that pokes fun at the concept rather than taking it seriously.


🎉 Wrapping Up the Stream

The final paragraph summarizes the stream session, thanking viewers for joining and encouraging them to follow for notifications of future streams. There's a mention of the platform's monetization plans and the possibility of global settings for stories. The paragraph ends with a goodbye and an invitation to interact on social media.




A 'stream' in the context of the video refers to a live broadcast, typically over the internet, where content creators interact with their audience in real-time. The video's theme revolves around a casual Friday stream, indicating an informal and relaxed setting. An example from the script mentioning stream is when the speaker checks if they are live and adjusts their volume, ensuring their audience can hear them well.


In this script, 'Tubers' is a slang term used to refer to content creators on YouTube. The mention of 'V-Tubers' confirms this, as it's a portmanteau of 'virtual YouTubers'. The term is used in a light-hearted manner, indicating the speaker's familiarity and possibly their own involvement in the online content creation community.


The term 'artifacts' in the video script is part of a playful and imaginative narrative where the discussion revolves around magical objects with special powers. Specifically, a 'salty egg artifact' is mentioned, which is a whimsical creation for a story they are developing, adding a layer of fantasy and creativity to the video's content.

💡Mind Control

In the script, 'mind control' is associated with the fictional powers of the magical salty egg artifact. It's used in a humorous context where the egg, when consumed, controls the person's mind. This concept is integral to the story they are creating, adding an element of fantasy and control within the narrative.


McDonald's is mentioned in a humorous segment where the speaker imagines using the magical egg to season McDonald's fries, thereby controlling the minds of those who eat them. This reference not only adds a comedic element but also integrates a well-known brand into their creative storytelling, making it relatable to the audience.


Twitch is referred to as a potential platform for streaming. The script mentions issues with using Streamlabs and Twitch, indicating challenges faced by content creators in setting up and managing their live streams. This highlights the technical aspects of streaming that creators must navigate.


Proctomancy, while not an actual term, is humorously concocted in the script as a form of divination using the rectum. This fictional concept is used to create an absurd and humorous scenario, demonstrating the playful and imaginative nature of the discussion.


Divination, in the script, is tied to the humorous concept of 'proctomancy'. It's used to create a fantastical narrative where the characters engage in outlandish predictions, showcasing the creative and humorous storytelling that's part of the video's theme.


The term 'cloaca' is mentioned in a scientific context, referring to a common characteristic in human embryos. It's used to illustrate a point in a discussion that takes an educational turn, providing a moment of factual information amidst the video's otherwise light-hearted and humorous content.

💡VR Chat

VR Chat is referenced as a platform the speaker plays on, indicating a segment of the video where virtual reality gaming or socializing might take place. This suggests that the video's content spans various forms of interactive and immersive media.


Live stream testing and technical discussion about voice clarity and volume.

Miscommunication and confusion regarding the use of 'v2' and a 'parsec link'.

Casual conversation about the audience's day and suggestions for activities like playing CS:GO.

Discussion about the challenges of streaming and the use of Streamlabs.

Personal updates, including a date story and work on the 'onlinetown' website.

Introduction of a magical artifact concept: a mind-controlling salty egg.

Explanation of the magical salty egg's properties and its weaknesses.

Humorous debate about the nature of the magical artifact and its practical use.

Story development about acquiring the magical salty egg and its effects.

Comedic segment about attempting to use the magical salty egg in a McDonald's.

Satirical take on mind control and its implications using the salty egg.

Discussion about the potential of using the magical artifact for world domination.

Streamers' reflection on their own power and the moral implications of the story.

Unexpected turn of the story leading to a character's transformation into a wall.

Humor and chaos as the magical artifact's power leads to unintended consequences.

Discussion about the character's attempt to flee with the magical artifact.

Final thoughts on the stream, including reflections on the magical artifact story and future plans.