NovelAI GPT - Using Kayra and Instruct to Control the flow of writing

P Gatcomb
3 Aug 202321:05

TLDRToday's video explores NovelAI's new AI model, Kayra, and its instruct mode, revolutionizing collaborative storytelling with AI. Viewers learn to control the narrative by giving precise instructions to the AI, which generates text based on user prompts. The video demonstrates how to correct AI-generated content, integrate descriptions seamlessly, and avoid interference between instructions. It also showcases creating characters, developing lorebooks, and switching between text-based adventure and regular modes for versatile storytelling experiences.


  • 😀 NovelAI has introduced a new AI model named Kayra and an 'instruct' mode to enhance the writing experience.
  • 🔄 The 'instruct' mode allows users to guide the AI more directly by providing specific instructions for the content it generates.
  • 📝 Users can switch to 'instruct' mode by pressing Shift + '[', and it can behave differently in Editor Version 1 versus Editor Version 2.
  • 🔍 The AI prioritizes using existing content before generating new material, which can help maintain continuity.
  • 🎭 The tool can be used to write stories collaboratively, alternating between user input and AI-generated content.
  • 🚫 Care must be taken with instructions to avoid conflicts that can arise from multiple instructions interfering with each other.
  • 📚 The AI can be directed to describe scenes, characters, and settings in detail, which can enrich the storytelling.
  • 📈 Increasing the output length can provide more detailed responses from the AI, which can be useful for fleshing out ideas.
  • 🔗 The AI can integrate information from a user-created 'lorebook' to maintain consistency and depth in the story world.
  • 🔑 Config presets like 'Fresh coffee' and 'Blended coffee' can be used to control the direction of the story, with 'Blended coffee' offering more consistency through the CFG method.
  • 🏡 A text-based adventure mode has been added, allowing for a more interactive and game-like storytelling approach.

Q & A

  • What is NovelAI and how does it assist with writing?

    -NovelAI is a tool that assists users in writing stories by alternating between user-written content and AI-generated content. It allows for a collaborative storytelling experience.

  • What is the significance of the new AI model 'Kayra' in NovelAI?

    -Kayra is a new AI model in NovelAI that enhances the writing experience by providing more control over the flow of writing and better adherence to user instructions.

  • How does the 'instruct mode' in NovelAI work?

    -The 'instruct mode' allows users to give specific instructions to the AI, which then generates content based on those instructions. It can be activated by pressing the shift key and typing the instruction between curly braces.

  • What are the two methods to access the instruct mode in NovelAI?

    -Instruct mode can be accessed either by using the specific AI model itself or by typing an instruction between curly braces while in the editor.

  • How does NovelAI handle user instructions in the instruct mode?

    -In the instruct mode, NovelAI tries to generate content based on the user's instructions. It uses the existing context before creating new content.

  • What is the difference between editor version 1 and editor version 2 in NovelAI?

    -The difference lies in how the instruct mode is presented and how the AI processes the instructions. The script does not specify the exact differences, but it implies that there are variations in the user interface and functionality.

  • Why is it important to be mindful of the style and tense when using NovelAI?

    -Being mindful of style and tense ensures consistency in the generated content. NovelAI tends to follow the style and tense set by the user to maintain continuity in the story.

  • How can the instruct mode be used to describe scenes or characters in NovelAI?

    -The instruct mode can be used to provide detailed descriptions of scenes or characters by giving specific instructions to the AI, such as 'describe the appearance of an old, worn-out Victorian mansion.'

  • What is the 'lorebook' feature in NovelAI and how does it help with story development?

    -The 'lorebook' feature allows users to create and store character backgrounds, settings, and other world-building elements. It helps in maintaining consistency and provides a rich context for the AI to generate content.

  • How does NovelAI handle switching between different scenes or characters?

    -NovelAI can struggle with switching between different scenes or characters if not given clear instructions. Using scene breaks or clear transitions can help the AI understand the change in context.

  • What are the different config presets in NovelAI and how do they affect the writing?

    -Config presets control various aspects of the AI's behavior, such as how closely it adheres to instructions ('Fresh coffee' preset) or how creative it is ('Carefree' preset). These presets help guide the story in different directions based on the user's needs.



🤖 Introduction to Novel AI and Instruct Mode

The video introduces Novel AI, a tool that collaborates with users to write stories. It highlights the new AI model, Keira, and the Instruct mode, which allows users to guide the AI's generation process. The speaker demonstrates how to use Novel AI to alternate writing with AI input and shows how to correct AI-generated content. The tool's unique feature is the ability to adjust generated text, like changing 'bomb squad' to 'mob squad'. The video also explains the new Instruct mode, which can be activated by pressing Shift+[ and allows users to tell the AI exactly what to generate.


📝 Exploring Instruct Mode and Its Limitations

The speaker delves into the Instruct mode's capabilities, showing how to use it to describe scenes and characters. They caution viewers about potential issues, such as the AI's tendency to use existing text before integrating new instructions. The video illustrates how to work around these limitations by adjusting the input and output lengths. The speaker also discusses the AI's struggle with certain instructions and how to fix them by introducing scene breaks and tweaking the input. They emphasize the importance of clear instructions to avoid interference between different AI-generated parts of the story.


📚 Creating Lore and Character Development

The video showcases how to use Novel AI for character development and lore creation. The speaker demonstrates adding details about characters and generating stories based on these details. They explain how to use the tool to create a lorebook by copying and pasting generated information into a document. The video also highlights the ability to run multiple AI instances simultaneously for more complex storytelling. The speaker discusses the use of different presets to control the AI's behavior and the trade-offs between consistency and creativity.


🎭 Text-Based Adventure Mode and Its Features

The speaker introduces the text-based adventure mode in Novel AI, which allows for interactive storytelling. They show how to switch between text-based and regular adventure modes and how to use the tool to generate critical details for a story setting. The video demonstrates how to input actions and receive AI-generated responses that continue the narrative. The speaker also discusses the use of instructions to influence the AI's output and how to integrate these into the story. They highlight the importance of providing enough context for the AI to maintain a coherent narrative.


🔧 Fine-Tuning the AI Experience and Conclusion

In the final part of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of fine-tuning the AI's experience by providing it with enough information to stay on track. They mention the ease of using Novel AI compared to chat-based AI and suggest combining different types of AI for optimal results. The video concludes with a tip on how to keep the AI focused on the narrative and encourages viewers to continue writing and enjoy the creative process facilitated by Novel AI.




NovelAI is a tool designed to assist with creative writing, particularly for crafting stories. It operates by alternating between user input and AI-generated content, allowing for a collaborative storytelling process. In the video, NovelAI is highlighted for its new features that enhance the writing experience, making it easier for users to guide the narrative flow through direct instructions to the AI.


Kayra is a new AI model introduced by NovelAI, aimed at improving the user's writing experience. It represents an advancement in the AI's ability to understand and generate text based on user prompts. The video discusses how Kayra can be directed to generate content that fits specific user-provided scenarios, showcasing its utility in customizing the story's development.

💡Instruct Mode

Instruct Mode is a feature of NovelAI that allows users to give direct commands to the AI, specifying what kind of content they want to be generated. This mode is activated by pressing a specific key combination and typing instructions within curly braces. The video script provides examples of how users can leverage Instruct Mode to control the AI's output, such as describing a scene or character, making the writing process more guided and intentional.

💡Bomb Squad

The term 'Bomb Squad' is used metaphorically in the script to illustrate a scenario where the AI generates an unexpected or overly dramatic response to a user's input. It serves as a humorous example of the AI's creativity but also indicates the need for user control to direct the AI's output towards the desired narrative direction.

💡Contextual Integration

Contextual Integration refers to the AI's ability to consider existing narrative elements when generating new content. The video emphasizes the importance of providing the AI with a clear context to ensure that the generated content is coherent and integrates seamlessly with the story's existing framework. This is crucial for maintaining narrative consistency and continuity.

💡Output Length

Output Length in the context of NovelAI refers to the amount of text the AI generates in response to a user's input. The video mentions adjusting the output length as a way to control the detail and extent of the AI's contributions to the story. This can be particularly useful for fleshing out scenes or descriptions more thoroughly.

💡Character Development

Character Development is a key aspect of storytelling that involves creating detailed backstories, personalities, and appearances for characters. The video script shows how NovelAI's Instruct Mode can be used to generate detailed character profiles, which can then be incorporated into the story. This feature aids writers in building rich and complex characters.


The Lorebook is a feature within NovelAI that allows users to create and store information about their story's world, characters, and other elements. The video demonstrates how information generated by the AI can be added to the Lorebook and then referenced later to enrich the narrative. This tool helps in maintaining consistency and depth in world-building.

💡Text-Based Adventure Mode

Text-Based Adventure Mode is a feature that enables users to write in an interactive, choose-your-own-adventure style. The video highlights the ability to switch between this mode and regular writing mode, allowing for a more dynamic and interactive storytelling experience. This mode can be particularly engaging for users looking to create branching narratives or interactive fiction.

💡CFG Scale

CFG Scale, or Classifier Free Guidance scale, is a tool within NovelAI that adjusts the AI's behavior based on the user's preference for creativity versus consistency. The video script mentions that a higher CFG scale value makes the AI's output more consistent but at the cost of creativity. This setting is useful for users who need the AI to stay on track with their narrative direction.


NovelAI introduces Kayra, a new AI model for collaborative story writing.

Instruct mode allows users to guide the AI with specific directions.

Users can alternate between writing and AI contributions for a dynamic storytelling process.

The AI can adjust its contributions based on user feedback and instructions.

Instruct mode can be activated using keyboard shortcuts for convenience.

Different editor versions may have variations in how instruct mode is presented.

AI respects user-provided details and builds upon them in the story.

Users can control the output length of the AI's contributions.

The AI maintains the narrative style and tone set by the user.

Switching between 'I' and 'you' in the narrative can change the perspective of the story.

The AI can continue the story based on previously provided context.

Scene breaks can help the AI understand changes in narrative structure.

Instruct mode can be used to have the AI tell the entire story if desired.

The AI can generate lists or descriptions based on user prompts.

Users can create characters and add them to a lore book for later use in the story.

Config presets control the AI's behavior and can keep the story on track.

CFG scale offers a different type of guidance for the AI, making it more consistent.

Text-based adventure mode allows for interactive storytelling.

Users can switch between text-based adventure mode and regular mode as needed.