OpenAI Releases Smartest AI Ever & How To Use It

The AI Advantage
12 Sept 202421:15

TLDROpenAI has unveiled its latest AI model, '01', designed for advanced reasoning capabilities. Available to ChatGPT Plus and Teams users, it excels in science, math, and coding tasks. The model operates differently, taking time to 'think' before responding, akin to human problem-solving. While access is limited, it promises to revolutionize tasks requiring complex reasoning, with potential future applications in various domains beyond its current specialized fields.


  • 😲 OpenAI has released a new AI model named '01', which is designed for advanced reasoning capabilities.
  • 🔐 Access to the new model '01' is limited to ChatGPT Plus and Teams users, with specific message limits per week.
  • 💼 The API access for '01' is currently available only to users who have spent $1,000 or more, placing them in the tier five category with OpenAI.
  • 🤔 Reasoning in AI is described as thinking about a task for more than a few seconds, which is a key feature of the new model.
  • 📈 The model shows significant improvements in reasoning-related tasks, particularly in science, math, and coding domains.
  • 📊 In a comparison, while GPT-4 scored 13% on an International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) qualifying exam, the reasoning model scored 83%.
  • 📝 The new model processes requests differently, taking more time to 'think' before generating responses, especially for complex tasks.
  • 🔄 The model's approach to tasks like creating a business plan or translating complex phrases shows a more human-like reasoning process.
  • 🚀 The model's capabilities hint at a future where AI can autonomously decide the best course of action by considering various tools and models available to it.
  • 💡 Prompting tips for the new model suggest using shorter, goal-based prompts rather than detailed, step-by-step instructions.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of OpenAI's new model titled '01'?

    -The new model '01' is significant because it specializes in reasoning, which is defined as thinking about something for more than a few seconds. This model takes a different approach compared to previous models like GPT-4, focusing on tasks that require more thought and less straightforward responses.

  • Who has access to OpenAI's '01' model and what are the limitations?

    -Access to '01' is available to all Chat GPT Plus and Teams users. However, there are limitations: '01 preview' allows 30 messages per week, '01 mini' allows 50 messages per week, and API access is unlimited but has been rolled out only to users who have spent $1,000 or more, placing them in the tier five category with OpenAI.

  • How does the '01' model differ from previous models in terms of task performance?

    -The '01' model is designed to perform better on reasoning-related tasks in the domains of science, math, and coding. It is not a magic bullet for all tasks but shows significant improvements in areas that require multi-step reasoning and thinking, unlike previous models that might provide immediate but less considered responses.

  • What is the Chain of Thought technique mentioned in the script?

    -Chain of Thought is a prompting technique that includes a little more reasoning and thinking. By adding 'think step by step' to a prompt, improved results can be achieved on reasoning-related tasks. This technique is closely related to the way the '01' model operates.

  • How does the '01' model perform on tasks that are not related to science, math, or coding?

    -While the '01' model is optimized for science, math, and coding tasks, it also shows potential for improving other types of tasks that require complex reasoning. The script provides examples where the model handles translation and palindrome creation with a level of thoughtfulness that was not present in previous models.

  • What is the difference in processing time between the '01' model and GPT-4 when generating responses?

    -The '01' model takes longer to generate responses because it engages in multi-step reasoning before providing an answer. For example, creating a business plan with a $2,000 budget took the '01' model 9 seconds to think and plan before generating the response, whereas GPT-4 starts generating immediately.

  • How does the '01' model handle translation tasks compared to GPT-4?

    -The '01' model demonstrates a more nuanced approach to translation tasks, capable of understanding and translating idiomatic expressions in a way that is contextually appropriate. This is showcased in the script where the model successfully translates a complex German idiom into English, maintaining the essence of the phrase.

  • What are some prompting tips for using the '01' model effectively?

    -Effective prompting for the '01' model involves keeping prompts short and goal-oriented. Avoid instructing the model to 'think step by step' as it is designed to do this inherently. Additionally, less is more with this model; over-specifying details can lead to worse performance compared to goal-based prompts that allow the model to figure out the details itself.

  • What features does the '01' model currently lack that are planned for future updates?

    -As of the information provided in the script, the '01' model currently lacks tools such as a code interpreter, web browsing capabilities, image generation, and image upload. These features are on the road map for future updates, which will allow the model to automatically select the most appropriate tools and models for a given task.

  • What is the potential impact of the '01' model's reasoning capabilities on everyday users?

    -The potential impact on everyday users is still to be determined, but the '01' model's advanced reasoning capabilities could make it more useful for complex tasks that require thoughtful consideration. For users not working in science, math, or coding, the benefits may be less immediate but could still offer improvements in areas like financial calculations and complex planning.



🚀 Introduction to OpenAI's New Reasoning Model

OpenAI has introduced a new model named '01', which is designed to specialize in reasoning, defined as thinking about something for more than a few seconds. This model is different from previous models like GPT-4 and is aimed at improving performance in reasoning-related tasks. The model is currently accessible to ChatGPT Plus and Teams users with certain limitations. For instance, ChatGPT 01 preview allows 30 messages per week, while 01 mini allows 50 messages per week. API access is unlimited but is only available to users who have spent $1,000 or more, placing them in the tier five category with OpenAI. The model's reasoning capabilities are particularly focused on domains like science, math, and coding, and it employs a technique known as 'Chain of Thought' to enhance its performance in these areas.


🤖 Demonstrating the Model's Multi-Step Reasoning

The script showcases the model's ability to engage in multi-step reasoning through examples. It contrasts the new model's approach with that of GPT-4, where the latter would generate responses immediately without much thought. The new model, however, takes time to 'think' before generating an answer, which is likened to human thought processes. The video provides examples of how the model handles complex tasks such as creating a business plan, generating palindromes, and translating idiomatic phrases. These examples illustrate the model's enhanced capabilities in reasoning and planning, which are significant steps towards more agentic AI behavior.


📈 Comparing Model Performance in Reasoning Tasks

The video script includes a comparison of the new model's performance in reasoning tasks against GPT-4. It highlights the model's improved performance in mathematics, with benchmarks showing a significant leap in its ability to solve complex problems. For instance, while GPT-4 could solve 13% of the problems in a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad, the new model could solve 83%. The script also discusses the model's potential usefulness beyond the domains of science, math, and coding, suggesting that its ability to handle financial calculations and complex planning could be beneficial in everyday life.


💡 Practical Applications and Prompting Tips

The script delves into practical applications of the new model, particularly in financial calculations and business planning. It suggests that the model's improved reasoning capabilities could be useful in everyday tasks that require more than a few seconds of thought. The video also provides prompting tips for getting the best out of the model, advising users to keep prompts short and goal-oriented. It contrasts this with traditional prompting methods and emphasizes that the new model works best when given clear goals rather than detailed instructions. The script also mentions that the model currently lacks certain tools like code interpreter, web browsing, and image generation, but these are expected to be added in the future.


🔮 Future Directions and Conclusions

The final paragraph discusses the future of the technology, highlighting the potential for the model to autonomously select the most appropriate tools and models to achieve a given goal. It suggests that the model is a significant step towards AI that can make decisions like a human would. The script concludes by encouraging viewers to explore the capabilities of the new model and to stay updated with the channel for more insights and practical applications. It also hints at the possibility of discovering 'hidden gems' in the model's capabilities.




Reasoning refers to the cognitive process of making logical conclusions or inferences from premises or evidence. In the context of the video, it is a capability of the new AI model '01' released by OpenAI, which specializes in more complex thought processes beyond simple responses. This is exemplified by the model's ability to 'think step by step' before generating an answer, particularly useful in domains like science, math, and coding.

💡Chain of Thought

The 'Chain of Thought' is a technique in AI prompting that involves guiding the AI to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. This method is highlighted in the video as a way to improve the AI's performance on reasoning tasks. It's likened to how humans approach problems, by thinking through each step methodically, which the new AI model is designed to mimic.


GPT stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer', a type of deep learning model developed by OpenAI. The video discusses GPT models, particularly GPT-4 and the new model '01', which are part of a series known for their advanced natural language processing capabilities. The script contrasts the reasoning abilities of these models, with '01' showing significant improvements in tasks requiring deeper thought.

💡API Access

API, or Application Programming Interface, access allows developers to integrate AI models into their applications. The video mentions that API access to the new AI model '01' is limited to users who have spent $1,000 or more with OpenAI, indicating a tiered access system based on usage and financial commitment.

💡Science, Math, and Coding

These domains are highlighted as areas where the new AI model '01' excels due to its advanced reasoning capabilities. The video suggests that the model can perform tasks at a PhD level in these areas, which is significant as it implies the model can handle complex calculations, programming logic, and scientific inquiries that were previously challenging for AI.

💡Thinking Step by Step

This phrase is used in the video to describe the AI model's approach to problem-solving. It emphasizes the model's ability to simulate human thought processes by breaking down tasks into sequential steps. This is showcased through examples where the model takes time to 'think' before providing an answer, mirroring how a human would approach a complex problem.


A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequences of characters that reads the same forward and backward, ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization. In the video, the AI model's ability to create meaningful palindromes is used as an example of its advanced reasoning and language manipulation capabilities, showcasing its ability to handle complex linguistic tasks.


Translation in the context of the video refers to the AI model's ability to convert text from one language to another while maintaining meaning and context. The video provides an example of the model's impressive translation capabilities, particularly with idiomatic expressions, demonstrating its nuanced understanding of language.

💡Optimal Level of Spend

This term is used in the video to discuss budget allocation strategies for launching a brand. The AI model is prompted to determine the 'optimal level of spend', which it does by considering various factors and providing a strategic recommendation. This example illustrates the model's ability to apply reasoning to financial planning and marketing strategy.

💡Cognition Labs

Cognition Labs is mentioned in the video as the builder of an AI agent preview, indicating their involvement in the development of advanced AI technologies. Their work is relevant to the discussion as it represents ongoing innovation in the field, with the video suggesting that their techniques and tools could enhance the capabilities of AI models like '01'.


OpenAI released a new model called 01, which focuses on advanced reasoning.

01 is available to ChatGPT Plus and Teams users, with message limits: 30 messages per week for 01 preview and 50 for 01 mini.

The model is particularly strong in reasoning tasks related to science, coding, and mathematics.

01 offers improvements in problem-solving compared to GPT-4, scoring significantly higher in mathematical benchmarks.

GPT-01 solved 83.3% of problems in a math Olympiad qualifying exam, compared to GPT-4's 13.3%.

The model takes more time to process complex tasks by thinking step-by-step, leading to better results in reasoning.

OpenAI has incorporated techniques like Chain of Thought prompting into the 01 model, enhancing its reasoning capabilities.

The model excels at tasks that require multi-step thinking, such as financial planning, coding, and mathematical proofs.

GPT-01 performs well in translation tasks, providing more contextually accurate translations by reasoning through idiomatic expressions.

While the model shines in technical fields, it also demonstrates improvements in creative tasks like generating palindromes.

01 introduces a new way of interacting with AI, where it mimics the behavior of multiple agents collaborating to solve problems.

Traditional prompting methods like 'think step-by-step' are no longer necessary with 01, as it naturally reasons through tasks.

Simpler, goal-based prompts lead to better outcomes with 01, allowing the AI to reason more effectively.

GPT-01 preview currently lacks tools like code interpreter and web browsing, but these features are planned for future updates.

OpenAI is moving towards a future where AI models and tools will auto-select the best approach for tasks based on user goals.