The only SAT Math DESMOS Guide you'll ever need

20 Jun 202417:04

TLDRThis video offers an in-depth guide on utilizing Desmos for SAT Math, emphasizing its efficiency over traditional methods. It covers various topics, including solving single-variable equations, systems of equations, inequalities, and quadratics. The tutorial also addresses the use of Desmos for finding x and y intercepts, vertices, and mean and median calculations. The presenter advises against using Desmos for certain problems, like linear systems with no solution or equivalent expressions, and suggests a conceptual understanding of math concepts for better SAT performance.


  • 😀 Desmos is a powerful tool for the SAT Math section, simplifying complex problems and providing accurate solutions quickly.
  • 📚 For single-variable equations, simply input the equation into Desmos to find the solution without manually solving.
  • 🔍 When dealing with systems of equations, Desmos can visually represent the intersection points, making it easier to find solutions.
  • 📈 Systems of inequalities can also be graphed on Desmos, which helps to identify the overlapping regions that satisfy all conditions.
  • 🍌 Desmos is particularly useful for problems involving price and quantity constraints, allowing students to visualize and solve within a budget.
  • 📉 Quadratics are easily graphed on Desmos, making it simple to find x and y intercepts, vertices, and other key points of the parabola.
  • 🔄 Desmos can handle transformations of functions, making it easy to visualize the effects of shifting, stretching, or compressing graphs.
  • 🔢 Desmos can calculate mean and median directly from a data set, which is helpful for quick checks or when the formulas are complex.
  • ⚠️ Be cautious when using Desmos for problems that require understanding of no solutions in systems with quadratics or linear equations; sometimes manual methods are more precise.
  • 📝 While Desmos is a great aid, it's also important to have a strong conceptual understanding and practice problem-solving without it for a comprehensive SAT Math preparation.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the Desmos calculator in the context of the SAT Math section?

    -The Desmos calculator is significant in the SAT Math section as it is a powerful tool that can simplify solving various types of equations and systems, making it easier and faster to find accurate solutions, which is crucial for improving scores on the test.

  • Why does the speaker recommend using Desmos for single variable equations on the SAT?

    -The speaker recommends using Desmos for single variable equations because it allows for quick and accurate visualization of where the vertical line is, which represents the solution, without needing to manually solve the equation through algebraic manipulations.

  • How does Desmos help in solving systems of equations on the SAT?

    -Desmos helps in solving systems of equations by graphing both equations simultaneously, allowing students to visually identify the point of intersection, which represents the solution that satisfies both equations.

  • What is the difference between using Desmos for single variable equations and systems of equations according to the video?

    -The difference is that for single variable equations, Desmos is used to find the exact solution by locating the vertical line, whereas for systems of equations, Desmos is used to find the point of intersection of two graphs, which represents the simultaneous solution to both equations.

  • Why does the speaker suggest that Desmos is particularly useful for quadratic equations on the SAT?

    -Desmos is particularly useful for quadratic equations because it can quickly graph the parabola and identify key features such as the vertex and the points of intersection with the x-axis, which are often required for solving SAT problems.

  • How can Desmos be used to determine the number of solutions for a quadratic equation on the SAT?

    -Desmos can be used to determine the number of solutions for a quadratic equation by graphing the quadratic and observing the number of points where it intersects the x-axis, which corresponds to the number of real solutions.

  • What is the speaker's advice on using Desmos for systems of inequalities on the SAT?

    -The speaker advises using Desmos for systems of inequalities by inputting the inequalities to visualize the overlapping regions that satisfy all conditions, which can help in finding the solution space or specific values like the maximum or minimum of a variable within the constraints.

  • Why does the video mention that Desmos should not be used for linear systems of equations with no solution?

    -Desmos should not be used for linear systems of equations with no solution because two lines that do not intersect (indicating no solution) are parallel, which can be determined by comparing their slopes, a process that is more precise and less error-prone when done manually rather than relying on graphical adjustments in Desmos.

  • How does the speaker use Desmos to solve problems involving the maximum number of bananas within given constraints on the SAT?

    -The speaker uses Desmos to graph the constraints as inequalities and then identifies the maximum number of bananas by finding the highest y-value within the overlapping region of the constraints, which represents the feasible solution space.

  • What is the key takeaway from the video regarding the use of Desmos for SAT Math problems?

    -The key takeaway is that Desmos is a valuable tool for visualizing and solving a wide range of SAT Math problems, especially for single variable equations, systems of equations, systems of inequalities, and quadratics, but it should be used judiciously and in conjunction with a solid understanding of algebraic concepts.



📊 Desmos Calculator Mastery for SAT

The paragraph introduces the Desmos calculator as an essential tool for the SAT, emphasizing its speed and accuracy. It critiques the traditional manual methods taught by Khan Academy, advocating for a more efficient approach using Desmos. The speaker, identifying as a 'sigma male,' promises a fast-paced and efficient tutorial on using Desmos for various SAT math problems, including single-variable equations, systems of equations, and inequalities. The paragraph also humorously addresses the limitations of Desmos on the SAT compared to its full version, such as the inability to upload images or play sounds.


🔢 Tackling Equations and Systems with Desmos

This section delves into how Desmos simplifies solving single-variable equations by graphically representing their solutions. It contrasts the manual, laborious methods of solving equations with the straightforward copy-paste approach of Desmos. The paragraph also covers systems of equations, explaining how Desmos can find the intersection points of equations, which represent solutions. It touches on the concept of converting single-variable equations into systems and vice versa, using Desmos to visualize and solve complex problems more intuitively.


📈 Desmos for Quadratics and Inequalities

The paragraph discusses the use of Desmos for handling quadratic equations and systems of inequalities. It explains how Desmos can quickly identify x and y intercepts, vertices, and points of intersection between a quadratic and a line, which are often required for SAT problems. The tutorial also addresses how to adjust Desmos settings to accurately represent and solve problems involving translations and transformations of quadratics. Additionally, it provides a strategy for solving problems where the intersection point of a quadratic and a line is the vertex, emphasizing the importance of understanding the context of the problem.


📉 Advanced Desmos Techniques and SAT Strategies

This section covers advanced uses of Desmos for SAT math, including handling no real solutions scenarios for quadratics and linear systems, calculating mean and median directly, and determining valid points on a circle. It advises against using Desmos for certain types of problems, such as finding the center or radius of a circle or solving equivalent expressions, where traditional algebraic methods are more efficient. The paragraph concludes with a summary of when to use Desmos and when to rely on algebraic skills, emphasizing the importance of practice and understanding of mathematical concepts for SAT success.



💡Desmos calculator

The Desmos calculator is an online graphing tool that is integrated into the SAT exam, providing a digital interface for students to solve mathematical problems. It is considered a valuable resource due to its ability to graph equations, plot points, and visualize complex mathematical concepts. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of mastering Desmos for the SAT, as it can simplify solving single-variable equations, systems of equations, and other mathematical problems that might otherwise be time-consuming to solve by hand.

💡Single-variable equations

A single-variable equation is a mathematical statement containing only one variable, with the goal of finding the value of that variable that makes the equation true. In the context of the video, the speaker suggests using Desmos to quickly find solutions to single-variable equations by graphing the equation and observing where it intersects the x-axis, thus eliminating the need for manual algebraic manipulation.

💡Systems of equations

A system of equations refers to a set of two or more equations that are solved simultaneously. The video explains that Desmos can be used to solve systems of equations by graphing each equation and finding the point of intersection, which represents the solution that satisfies all equations in the system. This method is particularly useful for systems involving quadratic equations, where finding the intersection points can be complex.


The vertex of a quadratic function is the point at which the parabola changes direction, representing either the maximum or minimum value of the function. The video demonstrates how Desmos can be used to find the vertex of a quadratic equation by simply graphing the function and clicking on the vertex. This feature is particularly helpful for SAT problems that ask for the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic function.


Quadratics, or quadratic equations, are polynomial equations of degree two, commonly represented in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. They are characterized by a parabolic graph. The video highlights the utility of Desmos in finding various aspects of quadratics, such as their x and y intercepts, vertex, and points of intersection with other lines or curves.

💡Systems of inequalities

A system of inequalities involves multiple inequalities that are solved together to find a set of solutions that satisfy all conditions. The video describes how Desmos can visualize these systems by shading the regions that meet each inequality's criteria, allowing students to easily identify the area of overlap that represents the solution set.

💡Mean and median

Mean and median are measures of central tendency in statistics. The mean is the average of a set of numbers, calculated by summing all the values and dividing by the number of values. The median is the middle value when a data set is ordered from least to greatest. The video points out that Desmos can quickly calculate mean and median directly from a data set, which can be a time-saver during the SAT.


In the context of the video, circles are geometric shapes that are represented by the equation (x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2, where (h, k) is the center of the circle and r is the radius. The speaker mentions that while some circle problems on the SAT can be solved by knowing the formula, others may require the use of Desmos to determine if a particular point lies on the circle or to find the center and radius.

💡Equivalent expressions

Equivalent expressions are mathematical expressions that have the same value regardless of the variable's input. The video suggests that while Desmos is not typically used for solving equivalent expressions, it can be helpful in certain contexts. However, the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning algebraic manipulation techniques like factoring to solve such problems efficiently.


Functions in mathematics are relations where every input (or x-value) corresponds to exactly one output (or y-value). The video explains that functions can be treated like single-variable equations in Desmos, allowing students to graph them and find specific values by substituting x with the variable of interest. This approach can simplify solving problems that involve finding the value of a function for a given input.


Desmos calculator is a valuable tool for the SAT Math section.

Desmos can simplify solving single variable equations by graphing.

For systems of equations, Desmos helps find points of intersection.

Desmos can be used to determine when there are no real solutions in a system of equations.

Systems of inequalities can be visualized and solved using Desmos.

Desmos is useful for finding maximum or minimum values within constraints.

Desmos can quickly solve quadratic equations by finding x and y intercepts.

The vertex of a quadratic can be easily identified using Desmos.

Desmos can handle transformations of quadratic functions.

For quadratics intersecting a line at one point, Desmos can find the vertex.

Desmos is not recommended for linear systems with no solutions; use algebra instead.

Desmos can instantly compute mean and median for data sets.

Desmos can be used to validate points on a circle for certain problems.

Desmos should not be used for equivalent expressions problems; algebra is more efficient.

Desmos is a quick way to find the center and radius of a circle when needed.

The video provides a comprehensive guide on when to use Desmos for various SAT Math problems.