THE BEST MATH APP FOR YOUR CLASS | Mathway vs Photomath vs Socratic

your math tutor
31 Mar 202113:48

TLDRThis video compares three popular math apps: Mathway, Photomath, and Socratic. Each app offers the ability to solve math problems by taking a photo. Mathway provides answers but requires a premium subscription for step-by-step solutions. Photomath excels with clear, free explanations, though it struggles with textbook-specific problems. Socratic, a Google product, uses AI to search for solutions and provides additional resources but sometimes falls short in recognizing complex questions. The reviewer ranks Photomath as the top choice, followed by Mathway, with Socratic at the bottom due to its inconsistent performance.


  • 📱 Mathway is a free app with a premium version offering detailed steps for a monthly fee.
  • 🔍 Photomath excels at recognizing math problems and providing detailed solutions, often for free.
  • 📚 Socratic, developed by Google, offers a broad educational support but may struggle with complex math problems.
  • 💡 Mathway's free version lacks step-by-step solutions, which can be a significant drawback for learning purposes.
  • 📉 Photomath's recognition of textbook problems is impressive but requires workarounds to access free solutions.
  • 📖 Socratic provides additional resources like info cards and related videos, enhancing learning experience.
  • 📐 Geometry problems seem challenging for all apps, with Mathway failing to recognize diagrams and Socratic misinterpreting the question.
  • 📉 In higher math categories like calculus, Mathway provides some steps without a premium subscription, which is a plus.
  • 📈 Socratic's effectiveness varies; it shines for algebra but falls short in pre-calculus and trigonometry.
  • 📋 The review suggests that while all apps have merits, Photomath stands out for its comprehensive and often free solution steps.

Q & A

  • What are the three math apps reviewed in the video?

    -The three math apps reviewed in the video are Mathway, Photomath, and Socratic.

  • What is the main feature of these math apps?

    -The main feature of these math apps is the ability to take a photo of a math problem and have the app read and solve it.

  • How does Mathway handle showing steps for solving problems?

    -Mathway shows the correct answer but requires an upgrade to a premium license for $9.99 a month to view the steps.

  • What issue was encountered when using Mathway for geometry problems?

    -Mathway did not recognize the geometry problem and was unable to read diagrams, resulting in a 'no math found' response.

  • How does Photomath handle showing steps for solving problems compared to Mathway?

    -Photomath provides clear and detailed steps for solving problems for free, unless the problem is directly from a textbook, in which case it prompts an upgrade to Photomath Plus.

  • What advantage does Photomath have over Mathway according to the review?

    -Photomath has the advantage of providing more detailed and free step-by-step solutions compared to Mathway, which requires a premium subscription to view steps.

  • How does Socratic handle math problems that it cannot recognize?

    -Socratic links users to external websites or apps that have the answer, acting as a search engine to find solutions.

  • What was the reviewer's experience with Socratic for geometry problems?

    -The reviewer found that Socratic did not accurately recognize the geometry problem and provided unrelated information, indicating a failure to understand the question.

  • How did the reviewer rank the math apps at the end of the video?

    -The reviewer ranked the apps as follows: Photomath at the top, Mathway second due to its recognition capabilities but need for payment for steps, and Socratic at the bottom due to its inconsistency in recognizing and solving problems.

  • What is the reviewer's advice on using these math apps?

    -The reviewer advises that while these apps are great tools for homework help, they should not be used to simply copy down answers or cheat on tests.



📱 Review of Math Apps: Mathway, Photomath, and Socratic

This paragraph introduces a review of three popular math apps: Mathway, Photomath, and Socratic. The reviewer plans to test how well these apps can read and solve math problems by taking photos of them. The apps are tested with problems ranging from algebra to calculus. Mathway, developed by Chegg, is the first app reviewed. It has high ratings on both Google Play and Apple App Store. The reviewer notes that Mathway can provide answers but requires a premium subscription to view the steps for solving the problems. The app also struggles with geometry problems and doesn't read diagrams well.


🔍 Deep Dive into Photomath and Socratic

The second paragraph continues the review with Photomath, which is praised for its ability to recognize math problems and provide detailed step-by-step solutions for free, except when the problem is directly from a textbook. The reviewer finds Photomath's approach to be the most helpful among the apps tested. The paragraph also covers the review of Socratic, an app by Google that uses AI to assist with various subjects, including math. Socratic is noted for its ability to provide explanations and link to external resources for additional help. However, it struggles with geometry and pre-calculus problems, sometimes failing to recognize the questions correctly.


📉 Ranking the Math Apps and Final Thoughts

The final paragraph summarizes the reviewer's experience with all three apps. Photomath is ranked highest due to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive explanations. Mathway follows, recognized for its problem-solving capabilities but criticized for requiring a premium subscription to view steps. Socratic ends up at the bottom due to its inconsistent performance, especially with more complex math problems. The reviewer concludes by emphasizing the value of these apps as homework aids but cautions against using them for cheating. The paragraph ends with a call for viewer engagement, inviting feedback and suggestions for future reviews.




Mathway is a math problem-solving app that allows users to take photos of math problems and receive solutions. In the video, it is tested across various math levels from algebra to calculus. The app is free to download but requires a premium subscription for step-by-step solutions, which is a point of frustration for the reviewer as it limits the app's usefulness for students who cannot afford the monthly fee.


Photomath is another app focused on scanning and solving math problems. It stands out in the review for its ability to provide detailed step-by-step solutions for free, even for problems from textbooks, which is a significant advantage over Mathway. The app's high rating and user-friendly interface make it a top choice for the reviewer.


Socratic is an educational app developed by Google, which assists with a range of subjects including math. In the context of the video, it is tested for its math problem-solving capabilities. While it initially impresses with its ability to provide step-by-step solutions and additional learning resources for algebra, it struggles with more complex subjects like pre-calculus and calculus, sometimes failing to recognize or solve problems accurately.


Algebra is a branch of mathematics concerning linear equations, factoring, and other mathematical operations. In the video, the apps are tested with algebra 1 problems, such as solving for variables and factoring expressions. Algebra serves as a foundational math subject in the review, used to evaluate the apps' capabilities with basic math problems.


Geometry is a mathematical discipline that deals with the properties of shapes and sizes. The video tests the apps' ability to solve geometry problems, such as finding angles in geometric figures. Geometry problems are used to assess how well the apps can interpret and solve spatial and diagram-based problems.


Trigonometry, often abbreviated as trig, involves the study of triangles and the relationships between their angles and sides. In the video, the apps are evaluated on their ability to solve trigonometric problems, including verifying trigonometric identities. Trigonometry is a more advanced math topic that helps determine the apps' effectiveness with complex math concepts.


Pre-calculus is a math course that covers topics typically studied before calculus, such as functions, matrices, and complex numbers. The video reviews the apps' performance on pre-calculus problems, particularly matrix operations. Pre-calculus problems are used to gauge the apps' ability to handle more advanced mathematical concepts.


Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change, areas, and volumes. The video includes tests of the apps' ability to solve calculus problems, such as evaluating indefinite integrals using integration by parts. Calculus serves as a measure of the apps' capabilities with highly complex math problems.

💡Integration by Parts

Integration by parts is a technique used in calculus to find the integral of a product of functions. In the video, the reviewer tests the apps' ability to solve integrals using this method. The concept is used to evaluate how well the apps can handle advanced calculus techniques and provide clear explanations.

💡Premium Subscription

A premium subscription refers to the paid version of an app that offers additional features or content. In the context of the video, Mathway requires a premium subscription to access step-by-step solutions, which is critiqued for potentially giving an advantage to students who can afford it. The subscription model is a point of discussion regarding accessibility and fairness in educational tools.


Review of three popular math apps: Mathway, Photomath, and Socratic.

Mathway is a free app offering solutions to math problems but requires a premium subscription for detailed steps.

Photomath excels in recognizing math problems and providing detailed, free solutions.

Socratic, a Google-made app, offers solutions and additional resources but sometimes struggles with problem recognition.

Mathway's premium subscription is priced at $9.99 per month.

Photomath's recognition of textbook problems is both a strength and a limitation as it requires non-textbook sources for free step-by-step solutions.

Socratic's integration with Google accounts and its use of AI technology for problem-solving.

Mathway's ability to recognize problems across various math levels, from algebra to calculus.

Photomath's user-friendly interface and its effectiveness in explaining algebra and trigonometry problems.

Socratic's unique approach to linking users to external resources for problem-solving.

The importance of not using these apps to cheat but as tools to aid in understanding math problems.

Mathway's limitation in providing steps for geometry problems unless a premium subscription is purchased.

Photomath's success in identifying and solving pre-calculus problems with detailed steps.

Socratic's occasional misinterpretation of geometry problems and its reliance on external sources.

The reviewer's personal ranking of the apps, with Photomath at the top for its comprehensive and free solutions.

A call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and comment on the video for further content suggestions.