The ultimate guide for studying with ChatGPT

Justin Sung
9 Apr 202334:23

TLDRDr. Justin Sung explores the impact of Chat GPT and AI on learning, emphasizing that while AI can facilitate information gathering and suggest learning strategies, it cannot replace higher-order learning processes. He advises leveraging AI to enhance learning efficiency by using it for idea generation, creating analogies, and feedback on study strategies, but warns against relying solely on AI for factual knowledge without critical engagement.


  • 😲 Chat GPT-3 has rapidly gained popularity, reaching a million users in three days and a hundred million users in two months, outpacing platforms like Instagram and Tick Tock.
  • 🧠 Dr. Justin Sung, a learning coach and consultant, emphasizes the importance of understanding AI's potential in the context of learning and efficiency.
  • 📚 The video discusses the potential of AI in education, suggesting that it could revolutionize how we learn by assisting with tasks like creating lesson plans and generating practice questions.
  • 🤔 It's crucial to approach AI with a strategic mindset, considering the type of work AI should and should not do to maximize its benefits for learning.
  • 🧩 AI can aid in constructing knowledge structures by providing information and analogies, but it's essential for learners to engage in higher-order thinking processes to evaluate and integrate this information.
  • 📈 The video highlights the importance of 'desirable difficulty' in learning, suggesting that AI should be used to facilitate challenging cognitive tasks rather than simply providing easy facts.
  • 🔍 Chat GPT's current limitations include an inability to discern truth from falsehood and a lack of depth in generating complex knowledge structures, suggesting the need for careful prompting by users.
  • 🧐 Dr. Sung suggests using AI to brainstorm and check gaps in understanding, but also cautions against relying solely on AI for deep learning, as it cannot replace the neural processes required for true comprehension.
  • 📝 The video stresses the need for a learning strategy that leverages AI to enhance higher-order learning processes, which are likely to remain valuable even as AI continues to evolve.
  • 🏆 For long-term success in an AI-integrated world, learners should focus on developing strategies that combine AI assistance with self-regulated, higher-order learning techniques.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Chat GPT 3 in the field of AI?

    -Chat GPT 3 has taken the world by storm and grown rapidly, reaching a million users in just three days and a hundred million users in two months, which is significantly faster than other platforms like Instagram and Tick Tock. It represents a substantial leap in AI technology and has the potential to change the way we learn.

  • Who is Dr. Justin Sung and what is his expertise?

    -Dr. Justin Sung is a former medical doctor who has transitioned to being a full-time learning coaching consultant. He has worked with tens of thousands of learners to teach them more efficient learning strategies and is currently involved in a significant AI and machine learning project in partnership with Google.

  • What are the limitations of Chat GPT 3 that Dr. Justin Sung mentions?

    -Dr. Justin Sung points out that Chat GPT 3 does not inherently know what is factually true or false, and it struggles with creating robust, highly prioritized, well-examined relationships. It also cannot literally create the organizational structure in our brains or help with retrieving information, which are crucial aspects of higher order learning.

  • How can Chat GPT be used to enhance learning according to the video?

    -Chat GPT can be used to generate ideas, concepts, and analogies that can facilitate higher order learning. It can help with identifying what to learn, finding relevant information, and providing feedback for creating knowledge structures. However, it is heavily dependent on the user's ability to ask the right questions and provide the necessary parameters for the AI to generate useful content.

  • What is the importance of higher order knowledge structures in learning?

    -Higher order knowledge structures are crucial for understanding relationships, comparisons, and prioritizations among different concepts. They enable the application of knowledge in various contexts, problem-solving, and are particularly valuable for performance in higher education and professional settings.

  • How does Dr. Justin Sung define desirable difficulty in learning?

    -Desirable difficulty refers to the cognitive load that comes with higher order learning processes. It is the effort required to engage in deep thinking, such as analyzing, evaluating, and creating relationships between concepts. While it may be challenging, it is beneficial for creating high-quality learning and knowledge retention.

  • What is the role of self-regulated learning in leveraging AI for education?

    -Self-regulated learning is the ability to monitor one's learning and make corrections as necessary. It is essential for leveraging AI effectively in education because it allows learners to guide the AI's assistance, ensuring that the AI contributes to the development of higher order knowledge structures and learning processes.

  • Why is it not effective to use Chat GPT just for retrieving facts?

    -Using Chat GPT solely for retrieving facts is not effective because it does not facilitate higher order learning or the creation of valuable knowledge structures in the brain. It is akin to reading a textbook, which does not necessarily enhance one's ability to think critically or apply knowledge in diverse contexts.

  • How can AI help in the process of finding the right information to learn?

    -AI can assist in identifying what to learn first by generating a list of important concepts and their order of study. It can also provide ideas and feedback on relationships and analogies, which can help in creating a scaffold for understanding a topic. This allows learners to focus their learning time strategically.

  • What is the future outlook on AI's role in learning and education according to Dr. Justin Sung?

    -Dr. Justin Sung anticipates that AI will continue to grow and integrate into society, changing the needs of workers and the focus of higher education. He emphasizes that higher order learning will remain valuable until AI potentially overtakes all aspects of learning, making it crucial for learners to adapt and focus on developing higher order knowledge structures.



🌪️ Chat GPT's Impact on Learning

The video introduces the rapid rise of Chat GPT 3 and its significant impact on the world. It discusses the speed at which it gained users compared to other platforms like Instagram and Tick Tock. Dr. Justin Sung, a learning coach and consultant, emphasizes the importance of understanding AI's potential to transform learning. He critiques common uses of Chat GPT, suggesting they often fail to maximize its value. Sung has been studying AI and working on a project with Google, which has given him insight into AI's capabilities and limitations. He stresses the need to engage with AI in a way that enhances learning efficiency and effectiveness.


🤖 Long-term Strategy for AI in Learning

Dr. Sung advises against hastily integrating Chat GPT into learning systems, as AI is rapidly evolving. He suggests creating a long-term strategy that can adapt to AI advancements. The video delves into the importance of understanding AI's role in learning from a broader perspective, focusing on the evolution of knowledge structures and the need for higher-order thinking. Sung explains the concept of 'knowledge like bricks,' where mere possession of facts is insufficient; it's the ability to connect and build upon them that holds value. He advocates for a deep understanding of AI's potential to enhance learning, rather than just procedural knowledge of using Chat GPT.


🧠 Cognitive Load and Higher Order Learning

This section discusses the importance of cognitive load in learning, differentiating between passive learning and active engagement with information. It explains that while some cognitive load is beneficial for learning, learners often shy away from tasks that are too effortful. The concept of 'desirable difficulty' is introduced, where challenges in learning lead to better retention and understanding. The video connects this to the need for higher order learning processes, which involve analysis, evaluation, and the creation of knowledge structures. These processes are crucial for problem-solving and applying knowledge in various contexts, which are key skills in both academic and professional environments.


📚 The Role of AI in Learning Processes

Dr. Sung outlines the four key processes essential for effective learning: identifying what to learn, finding the right information, processing that information, and practicing retrieval. He notes that while AI can assist with finding information, it's less effective at creating robust knowledge structures or facilitating retrieval practice. The video emphasizes that AI is a tool that can help generate ideas and content but does not replace the need for learners to engage in higher order thinking and self-regulated learning. Sung also touches on the limitations of current AI in understanding and generating contextually rich, prioritized knowledge, suggesting that while AI can be a valuable aid, it should be used strategically to enhance learning efficiency.


🔍 AI's Limitations in Deep Learning Facilitation

The video highlights AI's current limitations in facilitating deep learning, particularly in creating nuanced, contextually rich knowledge structures. It discusses how AI struggles with tasks that require complex reasoning and prioritization, which are critical for higher learning. Dr. Sung suggests that while AI can provide superficial answers or basic information, it does not yet reach the level of expertise needed for in-depth academic work. He also notes the challenges in training AI to understand and generate high-quality performance measures, which are necessary for it to learn and improve its outputs. The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of using AI as a tool to augment human learning processes, rather than relying on it to replace the need for strategic, higher order learning.


🚀 Leveraging AI for Higher Order Learning

Dr. Sung shares his personal experience using AI to enhance his learning and writing processes. He explains how AI can be used to generate ideas, analogies, and content that can then be evaluated and refined through higher order thinking. The video suggests that AI can be particularly useful in the initial stages of learning, such as generating a syllabus or providing feedback on study materials. However, it also stresses that the effectiveness of AI in learning is heavily dependent on the learner's ability to engage in higher order processes. Sung concludes by encouraging viewers to develop learning strategies that incorporate AI as a tool to facilitate, rather than replace, the need for deep, self-regulated learning.


🌟 The Future of Learning with AI

In the final section, Dr. Sung discusses the future of learning in the age of AI. He predicts that as AI becomes more integrated into society, the value of higher order learning will increase. He emphasizes the need for learners to develop strategies that focus on building higher order knowledge structures, as these are likely to remain valuable even as AI capabilities expand. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to adapt their learning methods to incorporate AI effectively and to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly technologically advanced world. Sung invites viewers to explore his other videos or join his training program for more in-depth guidance on self-regulated, higher order learning.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT, specifically referring to Chat GPT-3, is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. It has gained significant attention for its ability to generate human-like text based on user prompts. In the video, Chat GPT is discussed as a tool that can revolutionize learning by providing information and answering questions, but it's also noted for its limitations, such as the inability to discern truth from falsehood without proper context or internet access.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The video emphasizes AI's growing role in learning and education, suggesting that it can augment the learning process but also requires a strategic approach to maximize its benefits.

💡Learning Efficiency

Learning efficiency pertains to the effectiveness and speed with which an individual can learn and retain new information. The script discusses how AI, including Chat GPT, can potentially increase learning efficiency by providing quick access to information and facilitating higher-order thinking processes.

💡Cognitive Load

Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort being used in working memory during learning. The video explains that while some cognitive load is beneficial for deep learning, too much can be overwhelming. AI can help manage cognitive load by handling information retrieval, allowing learners to focus on higher-order tasks.

💡Desirable Difficulty

Desirable difficulty is a concept in educational psychology that suggests learning is most effective when it presents an optimal level of challenge. The video script uses this term to argue for the use of AI to push learners towards higher-order thinking without overwhelming them.

💡Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within a hierarchy, from lower-order thinking (remembering and understanding) to higher-order thinking (analyzing, evaluating, and creating). The video discusses how AI can assist in facilitating higher-order learning processes as outlined in Bloom's Taxonomy.

💡Self-regulated Learning

Self-regulated learning is the ability of a learner to monitor and control their own learning process. The video suggests that AI tools like Chat GPT can support self-regulated learning by providing feedback and suggestions, but the ultimate control and application lie with the learner.

💡Higher Order Knowledge Structures

Higher order knowledge structures refer to complex cognitive frameworks that allow for the integration, relationship-building, and abstract thinking necessary for expert-level understanding. The video argues that AI can assist in building these structures by providing prompts and analogies that encourage deep thinking.

💡Retrieval Practice

Retrieval practice is a learning strategy that involves actively recalling information from memory to strengthen learning. The video notes that while AI can suggest retrieval strategies, it does not replace the need for the individual to engage in the actual practice of retrieving information.

💡Interleaved Retrieval

Interleaved retrieval is a technique where learners practice retrieving different types of information in an alternating or mixed fashion, which can improve learning. The video script mentions that AI could potentially provide guidance on how to perform interleaved retrieval, although the actual practice is up to the learner.


Chat GPT 3 has rapidly gained popularity, reaching a million users in just three days.

Dr. Justin Sung, a former medical doctor turned learning coach, discusses the impact of AI on learning.

AI's potential to change learning is vast, but many are not leveraging it to its full potential.

Dr. Sung has been studying AI and working on a significant AI project with Google.

Chat GPT can be used to enhance lesson plans, create syllabuses, and generate practice questions.

Learners can use AI to find sources, screen information, and generate knowledge through specific prompts.

The importance of understanding how to write effective prompts for AI to yield better results.

AI should be used strategically to complement and enhance one's learning rather than as a standalone tool.

The challenge of creating a learning strategy that is adaptable to AI's rapid evolution.

Knowledge structures and the ability to use knowledge are essential in the modern world.

Higher order knowledge structures involve integration and abstraction, which are valuable in learning and work.

Bloom's revised taxonomy guides the cognitive processes needed to build higher order knowledge structures.

Cognitive load is a necessary part of learning that leads to higher quality encoding of information.

Desirable difficulty in learning is a concept where effort leads to better learning outcomes.

Self-regulated learning involves monitoring one's learning process and making necessary adjustments.

AI can assist in identifying what to learn and in finding relevant information efficiently.

AI's limitations include the inability to inherently discern factual truth and to create robust knowledge relationships.

The future of AI in learning likely involves improved capabilities but also the need for humans to adapt their learning strategies.

The importance of integrating higher order learning processes into one's study methods to leverage AI effectively.

AI's role in generating ideas and analogies to facilitate higher order thinking and learning.

The necessity for learners to practice retrieval of information, a process AI cannot perform for them.

AI is here to stay, and its integration into learning and the workplace necessitates a shift in how we approach education and skill development.