Unbelievable! The Easiest Way to Bypass AI Content Detection - How I Did It!

Andy Stapleton
10 Apr 202409:58

TLDRThis video explores the effectiveness of various AI content detection bypass tools by testing them on a rewritten PhD abstract. The results show that while tools like Turnitin and GP0 struggle to detect AI-generated content, Originality performs better. The video also reviews five AI bypass services, with Fasley and Undetectable proving most successful in evading detection. However, the author advises against submitting AI-generated content as-is, suggesting it should be used to aid understanding and personal work, not for direct submission.


  • 🔍 The video discusses the effectiveness of various services in bypassing AI content detection systems.
  • 🎓 The presenter used a PhD abstract written in 2011 to test the originality and AI detection capabilities of different tools.
  • 📊 Tools like Turnitin and GP0 were tested, with mixed results in detecting AI-generated content.
  • 🤖 ChatGPT was used to rewrite the abstract, and the results were then checked by the detection tools.
  • 📈 Originality detected AI content more effectively than Turnitin and GP0, with high accuracy.
  • 💡 Five AI bypass tools were tested: Fasley, Stealth Writer, Undetectable, Bypass AI, and Phrasify.
  • 🚀 Undetectable and Fasley performed the best in bypassing AI detection, with Originality still detecting a slight chance of AI content.
  • 📝 Phrasify and Undetectable were recommended for their ability to fool Originality's detection system.
  • 🚫 The presenter warns against submitting AI-generated content as one's own without significant modification and understanding.
  • ✅ The video concludes by suggesting using AI tools as a scaffold for understanding and not for direct submission.

Q & A

  • What was the purpose of the test conducted in the video?

    -The purpose of the test was to evaluate the effectiveness of different AI content detection bypass services by rewriting a PhD abstract and checking the detection results from various tools.

  • Which tool was initially used to check the originality of the PhD abstract?

    -The initial tool used to check the originality of the PhD abstract was Turnitin, which confirmed that the abstract was not AI-generated.

  • What was the result when the PhD abstract was rewritten by Chat GPT and checked by Turnitin, Originality, and GPT-3?

    -Turnitin showed a 40% AI likelihood, Originality showed 100% AI, and GPT-3 showed 94% AI, indicating that Turnitin was not as effective in detecting AI content.

  • How many AI detection bypass tools were tested in the video?

    -Five AI detection bypass tools were tested in the video.

  • What was the outcome when the content was processed through the Fasley AI tool and checked by the detection services?

    -Fasley AI successfully bypassed detection by Turnitin and GPT-3, but Originality showed a 3% chance of AI generation.

  • Which tool was found to be the most effective at detecting AI content, even after bypass tools were used?

    -Originality was found to be the most effective at detecting AI content, even after the content had been processed by bypass tools.

  • What was the result when the content was processed through Stealth Writer and checked by the detection services?

    -Stealth Writer's output was detected as 0% AI by Turnitin and GPT-3, but Originality gave it a 39% AI score.

  • How did the 'Undetectable' tool perform in the AI detection tests?

    -The 'Undetectable' tool successfully bypassed Turnitin and GPT-3, but Originality detected a 2% chance of AI generation, making it one of the best performers in the test.

  • What was the outcome when the content was processed through 'Bypass AI' and checked by the detection services?

    -Bypass AI's output was detected as 100% AI by Originality, indicating it was not effective in bypassing AI detection.

  • What advice does the video give regarding the use of AI content bypass tools?

    -The video advises against solely relying on AI content bypass tools and suggests using their outputs as a scaffold for understanding and creating original work, rather than directly submitting the AI-generated content.



🔍 Testing AI Detection Bypass Tools

The speaker begins by discussing their experiment with five different AI detection bypass services, using their PhD abstract from 2011 as a baseline for comparison. They first check the originality of the abstract using Turnitin, Originality, and Gp0, confirming it's not AI-generated. Then, they use Chat GPT to rewrite the abstract and recheck it with the same tools, finding that Originality and Gp0 detect AI content, while Turnitin does not. The speaker then tests five AI detection bypass tools: Fasley AI, Stealth Writer, Undetectable, Bypass AI, and Phrasify. Each tool is used to modify the AI-generated text to make it appear human-written. The results vary, with some tools being more effective at bypassing AI detection, particularly Originality and Gp0. The speaker also notes the quality of the rewritten abstracts, mentioning that some phrases and choices are unnatural and would not be suitable for academic submission.


📊 Analysis of AI Bypass Tool Effectiveness

In the second paragraph, the speaker continues their analysis of AI detection bypass tools. They discuss the effectiveness of each tool in fooling AI detection systems, particularly Turnitin, Originality, and Gp0. The speaker notes that Turnitin and Gp0 are easily fooled by the tools, while Originality is more accurate in detecting AI-generated content. They also mention that despite the tools' effectiveness in bypassing detection, the quality of the rewritten text is questionable and not suitable for academic submission. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not simply copying and pasting AI-generated content but using it as a scaffold to build one's own understanding and work. They conclude by suggesting that viewers check out another video for more information on AI tools for academics and researchers.



💡AI Content Detection

AI Content Detection refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to identify content that has been generated by AI rather than by a human. In the context of the video, the speaker is testing various services to see if they can successfully bypass these detection systems. The video's theme revolves around the effectiveness of different AI tools in detecting AI-generated content, and how some services can help to 'trick' these systems into thinking the content is human-written.

💡PhD Abstract

A PhD Abstract is a summary of a doctoral dissertation, providing an overview of the research conducted and the findings. In the video, the speaker uses an abstract from their own PhD work, written in 2011, as a baseline to test the AI detection systems. The abstract is initially non-AI generated, serving as a control to compare against the AI-generated versions that are created later in the video.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service widely used in academic institutions to check the originality of student submissions. The video mentions Turnitin as one of the systems that the speaker is trying to bypass with AI-generated content. The effectiveness of the services being tested is partly judged by how well they can fool Turnitin's detection algorithms.

💡Originality Score

An Originality Score is a percentage that indicates the amount of content in a document that is unique compared to a database of existing works. In the video, the speaker mentions Originality as a service that provides such scores. The goal of the services being tested is to lower the Originality Score, suggesting that the content is less likely to be detected as AI-generated.

💡AI Bypass Tools

AI Bypass Tools are services designed to modify AI-generated content in such a way that it can evade detection by AI content detection systems. The video reviews several such tools, including Fasley AI, Stealth Writer, and others, to evaluate their effectiveness in reducing the likelihood of detection by AI detection systems like Turnitin and Originality.


To 'humanize' content in this context means to alter it in a way that makes it appear as though it was written by a human rather than an AI. The video discusses the use of AI Bypass Tools to humanize AI-generated content, with the aim of making it more difficult for detection systems to identify it as AI-generated.


GP0 is mentioned in the video as another AI content detection system that the speaker is testing. The effectiveness of the AI Bypass Tools is judged by how well they can reduce the detection rates of AI-generated content by GP0, alongside Turnitin and Originality.


Plagiarism is the act of using another person's work or ideas without giving proper credit, which is unethical and often prohibited in academic settings. The video indirectly touches on plagiarism by discussing the use of AI-generated content and the tools designed to bypass detection systems, which could be used to plagiarize without detection.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity refers to the ethical standards and principles of honesty and trustworthiness in academic work. The video's discussion of AI content detection and bypass tools raises questions about academic integrity, as using such tools to pass off AI-generated content as one's own could be seen as a violation of these principles.


Paraphrasing is the act of rewording or rephrasing a text while retaining its original meaning. The video suggests that using AI-generated content as a scaffold and then paraphrasing it to add personal understanding and information could be a way to use AI tools ethically in an academic context.


Tested five best services to bypass AI detection.

Original PhD abstract from 2011 showed no AI content.

Rewritten abstract by Chat GPT detected as 40% AI by Turnitin, 100% by Originality, and 94% by GP0.

Turnitin not effective at detecting AI content.

Originality detected AI better than Turnitin and GP0.

Fasley AI service successfully bypassed AI detection.

Stealth Writer showed 39% AI detection by Originality.

Undetectable service performed best in bypassing AI detection.

Bypass AI service failed to bypass Originality's AI detection.

Hick bypass showed 56% AI detection by Originality.

Turnitin and GP0 were less effective at detecting AI compared to Originality.

Fasley and Undetectable were best at bypassing AI detection.

Using AI content tools should be for scaffolding understanding, not direct submission.

AI-generated content can have unnatural word choices and should be revised.

Encourages responsible use of AI content tools for academic writing.