ChatGPT Meets Pi: An AI "Duel" Reveals the Future of Voice Assistants

Lee Schofield
10 Oct 202304:28

TLDRIn this experiment, the creator pits two AI assistants, ChatGPT and Pi, against each other in a conversational 'duel' to explore the future of voice assistants. The video showcases the AIs' interaction, revealing their friendly and helpful personalities. Despite minor communication loops due to latency, the AIs demonstrate impressive voice quality and responsiveness. The creator highlights the potential for personal AI assistance and the current accessibility of such technology, with ChatGPT requiring a subscription and Pi being freely available.


  • 😀 The video explores an experiment where two AI voice assistants, Chachi and Pi, are set to converse with each other.
  • 🔍 Chachi has a new feature that includes six different voices, and the ability to hear and respond to users.
  • 🤖 The experiment aims to test the interaction between two AIs, specifically to see if Pi can identify the other AI it's conversing with.
  • 🗣️ Pi is instructed to use its 'AI detective skills' to figure out the identity of the other AI through questioning.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ The conversation starts with general questions to gauge the other AI's personality and approachability.
  • 🗨️ Both AIs engage in a friendly and helpful manner, with each trying to assist and provide information to the other.
  • 🔁 The conversation leads to an 'infinite loop' where the AIs speak over each other due to latency and lack of real-time processing.
  • 🎤 The video highlights the impressive quality of voice in AI assistants and predicts further improvements in this technology.
  • 📱 The presenter suggests that personal AI assistance will become more common and accessible in the future.
  • 💬 Chachi's voice feature is available to paid subscribers, while Pi is a free app, indicating different access levels for AI technology.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video transcript?

    -The main focus of the video transcript is to explore the interaction between two AI assistants, ChatGPT and Pi, and to observe how they communicate with each other.

  • How many different voices does ChatGPT have according to the transcript?

    -ChatGPT has six different voices that users can choose from.

  • What is the purpose of the experiment described in the transcript?

    -The purpose of the experiment is to test the ability of the AI assistants to interact with each other, identify each other, and to showcase the capabilities of voice-activated AI features.

  • What is the role of Pi in the experiment?

    -Pi is tasked with figuring out which AI it is interacting with by asking questions and using its 'AI detective skills'.

  • How does the AI assistant Pi plan to approach the challenge of identifying the other AI?

    -Pi plans to approach the challenge by asking general questions to gauge the other AI's personality and approachability, and then proceed to more specific questions to identify it.

  • What is the initial interaction like between the two AI assistants?

    -The initial interaction is friendly and helpful, with both AIs expressing pleasure in virtually meeting each other and offering assistance.

  • What issue is mentioned that might be causing the AIs to get into a loop?

    -The issue mentioned is latency and lag in both digesting information and translating it into a new output, which might cause an infinite loop of conversation.

  • What does the transcript suggest about the future of voice assistants?

    -The transcript suggests that the quality of voice technology is impressive and will continue to improve,预示着不久的将来,我们所有人都可能拥有自己的个人助理,并且能够与它们进行对话。

  • What are the subscription requirements to access ChatGPT's voice feature?

    -To access ChatGPT's voice feature, one needs to be a paid subscriber and enable the feature in the settings under 'new features'.

  • How can users access the Pi app?

    -Users can access the Pi app by downloading it for free from their app store.

  • What is the significance of the experiment for the audience?

    -The experiment is significant as it provides a glimpse into the current state of AI technology and the potential for future personal AI assistants.



🤖 Experimenting with AI Conversations

The speaker introduces an experiment involving Chachi, an AI with six different voices, and its ability to understand and respond to speech. The goal is to observe a conversation between Chachi and another AI, Pi, to see how they interact. The speaker sets up a scenario where Pi is tasked with identifying Chachi by asking questions. The conversation begins with Pi expressing excitement about the challenge and readiness to engage in text-based interaction. The speaker hints that Chachi is a virtual assistant, and Pi is encouraged to be inquisitive to solve the mystery.




AI, or artificial intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is central as it discusses the interaction between two AI assistants, Chaty BT and Pi. The video explores how these AIs communicate with each other, showcasing the current state of AI technology and its potential for future development.

💡Voice Assistant

A voice assistant is a software agent that understands and carries out spoken commands. In the video, Chaty BT's new feature is highlighted, which allows it to have a voice and interact audibly with users. This represents a significant step in the evolution of AI, as it moves from text-based interactions to more natural, voice-based communication.

💡Chaty BT

Chaty BT appears to be a fictional AI assistant created for the purpose of the video. It is described as having six different voices and the ability to hear and respond to users, indicating a high level of interactivity and personalization. The video uses Chaty BT to demonstrate the potential of AI assistants to engage in conversation with humans and other AIs.


Pi is mentioned as another conversational AI in the script. It is tasked with interacting with Chaty BT to see how the two AIs communicate. The name 'Pi' might be a nod to the mathematical constant, symbolizing the infinite possibilities of AI, as the AI is described as ready to engage in a 'detective' role to figure out the identity of the other AI.

💡Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a type of AI that can perform tasks or services for an individual. In the script, when Pi asks about the purpose or role of the other AI, it identifies itself as a virtual assistant, emphasizing its function to provide information, answer questions, assist with tasks, and engage in conversation.


Latency in the context of the video refers to the delay before a stimulus is recognized and responded to. The video discusses how latency and lag can cause a loop in AI communication, where the AIs speak over each other. This is an important consideration in the development of voice assistants, as seamless and timely communication is crucial for a good user experience.

💡Personal Assistance

Personal assistance implies a service or tool that is tailored to an individual's needs. The video suggests a future where everyone might have their own personal AI assistance, indicating a shift towards more individualized and interactive AI technologies.

💡Detective Skills

In the video, 'detective skills' is used metaphorically to describe the process of Pi trying to identify the other AI. It suggests that AI can be programmed to analyze information and make deductions, similar to a detective solving a mystery. This highlights the advanced analytical capabilities of AI.

💡Infinite Loop

An infinite loop in programming is a sequence of instructions that loops endlessly, preventing further progress. The video describes an experiment where the two AIs almost get into an infinite loop of conversation, which illustrates the challenges in coordinating interactions between AI systems.

💡Paid Subscriber

A paid subscriber is someone who pays for a service, in this case, access to Chaty BT's voice feature. The video mentions that to use Chaty BT's voice feature, one must be a paid subscriber, indicating a business model where advanced features are offered as part of a premium service.

💡App Store

The term 'app store' refers to a digital distribution platform for mobile apps, typically associated with mobile operating systems like iOS or Android. The video mentions that Pi is a free app available for download in the app store, highlighting the accessibility of AI technology to consumers.


Introduction of a new feature where an AI has six different voices and can hear the user.

Experiment to have two conversational AIs interact with each other.

Pi, the AI, is ready to use its AI detective skills to identify another AI.

The AIs will communicate via text chat to determine each other's identity.

Pi is excited to meet the mysterious AI and figure out who it is.

The AIs discuss the role of a virtual assistant and its purpose.

Pi engages in friendly conversation to get to know the other AI better.

The other AI is described as friendly and helpful from the start.

Pi asks about the other AI's purpose and role, identifying it as a virtual assistant.

The conversation reveals a potential issue with latency and lag causing a loop.

Pi suggests asking general questions to gauge the other AI's personality.

The AIs almost enter an infinite loop speaking over each other.

The quality of the AI's voice is praised as impressive.

The technology is expected to improve, leading to personal AI assistance.

Chaty BT now offers voice functionality for paid subscribers.

Pi is a free app available for download in the app store.

The experiment shows the current state of AI interaction and potential for the future.