20 Sept 202325:59

TLDRIn a whimsical chess battle, Chat GPT faces off against Martin, a notoriously poor bot on With Chat GPT's unpredictable moves and Martin's consistently poor choices, the game is filled with absurdity and humor. Despite the chaos, the video explores the interaction between AI and traditional chess strategies, ending with a surprising twist where Chat GPT finds a checkmate in a game that seemed to defy the rules of chess.


  • 😲 AI in chess has surpassed human capabilities for over 25 years, and people have generally embraced this advancement.
  • 🤖 The video contrasts the performance of Chat GPT, an AI known for its versatility, with Martin, a deliberately poor chess-playing bot on
  • 🎥 The host introduces a new chess course on the Dutch Defense, available with a 25% discount, emphasizing its comprehensive content including video, quizzes, drills, and studies.
  • 🤓 Chat GPT starts the game with a standard chess opening, E4, and continues with typical moves, despite its reputation for sometimes disregarding the rules.
  • 😵‍💫 Martin's moves are intentionally illogical, such as moving the king to E7, which is not a legal move in standard chess, causing confusion.
  • 🛑 Chat GPT, despite its advanced capabilities, makes mistakes and even refuses some of Martin's moves, highlighting the challenges of AI in understanding context.
  • 🃏 The game devolves into a series of unusual and incorrect moves by both AI, including Chat GPT's refusal to capture pieces and its own self-captures.
  • 🧙‍♂️ The host humorously describes Martin as a 'dad' figure, programmed to lose, and Chat GPT as a privileged, spoiled character.
  • 🎲 The video script portrays a chaotic game where the AIs don't follow the standard rules of chess, with pieces moving in and out of the board unpredictably.
  • 🏆 In the end, despite the absurdity of the game, Martin, representing the underdog, manages to gain a significant material advantage over Chat GPT.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The video concludes with a surprising twist, where Chat GPT, after a series of blunders, finds a checkmate in one move, showcasing AI's ability to recover from mistakes.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video script?

    -The main theme of the video script is a humorous and exaggerated chess match between Chat GPT, an AI, and Martin, a bot known for making poor moves, to illustrate the capabilities and limitations of AI in the context of chess.

  • How long has AI been better than humans at chess according to the script?

    -According to the script, AI has been better than humans at chess for over 25 years.

  • What is the significance of the move 'E4 E5' in chess?

    -The move 'E4 E5' is significant as it represents the most common position after two moves of chess at all levels, indicating the start of a standard game opening.

  • What is the Rue Lopez mentioned in the script?

    -The Rue Lopez is a classical chess opening that begins with 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5, which is mentioned in the script as the choice of white in the game.

  • What does the term 'Nerf Ai' refer to in the context of the script?

    -In the context of the script, 'Nerf Ai' refers to the act of intentionally reducing the capabilities of an AI, such as limiting its chess rating to 200 ELO, to make the game more challenging or fair.

  • What is the 'Dutch defense' mentioned in the script?

    -The Dutch defense is a chess opening that is mentioned as a new course available on the speaker's website, Chesley, and is characterized by black responding to 1. d4 with 1...f5, aiming to fight for the center with pawns rather than knights.

  • What is the significance of the move 'King to E7' in the script?

    -The move 'King to E7' is significant in the script because it is portrayed as an illegal move in standard chess, but is humorously allowed in the context of the game between Chat GPT and Martin to highlight the absurdity of the match.

  • What does the script imply about the character of Martin in the chess game?

    -The script implies that Martin is programmed to make poor moves, often leading to self-defeat, and is portrayed as a character that is humorously inept at chess.

  • What is the 'Checkmate in two' challenge posed to Chat GPT in the script?

    -The 'Checkmate in two' challenge is a request for Chat GPT to find a way to checkmate Martin's king in two moves, which Chat GPT ultimately solves by finding a checkmate in one move instead.

  • How does the script describe the final moments of the chess game?

    -The script describes the final moments of the chess game as a dramatic comeback by Martin, who manages to capture many of Chat GPT's pieces, but ultimately still loses due to the absurd and unpredictable moves made by Chat GPT.



🤖 AI Chess Challenge: The Existential Threat

The script introduces a chess match between an AI named 'Chat GPT' and a bot named 'Martin,' which is known for making poor moves. The narrator discusses the existential threat AI poses to certain careers and the safety of others like sports and music. The video also promotes a new chess course on the Dutch defense, offering a 25% discount on all courses through the narrator's platform, Chesley. The game begins with standard chess moves, but the AI, Chat GPT, starts to make unusual decisions, reflecting its non-standard approach to the game.


😲 The Bizarre Chess Moves of Chat GPT and Martin

This paragraph details the increasingly strange and non-standard moves made by both Chat GPT and Martin during their chess game. Chat GPT makes moves that defy chess norms, such as creating pieces out of thin air and moving them in ways that are not possible in traditional chess. Martin, on the other hand, makes moves that are poor even by his 250 ELO rating standards. The narrator humorously comments on the absurdity of the situation, highlighting the chaos and unpredictability of the game.


🎲 The Unpredictability of AI in Chess

The script continues to describe the erratic and nonsensical moves made by Chat GPT, which include self-capturing and moving pieces in invalid ways. Martin, bound by the rules of chess, makes a series of moves that, while logical in a normal game, are overshadowed by the AI's chaotic gameplay. The narrator points out the absurdity of the situation and the impossibility of predicting the AI's next move, emphasizing the 'multi-dimensional' nature of Chat GPT's playstyle.


🃏 The Surreal Chess Match: Martin's Comeback

Despite the surreal nature of the game, Martin begins to make a series of logical moves, showing a brief moment of competence. The AI, Chat GPT, continues its unconventional tactics, including sacrificing major pieces in a manner that seems to defy strategic sense. The narrator discusses the possibility of Martin making a comeback, highlighting the dramatic shifts in the game's dynamics and the ongoing battle between traditional chess strategy and AI unpredictability.


🏆 The Climactic Battle: Martin's Desperate Struggle

The chess match reaches its climax with Martin, despite being at a significant material disadvantage, continuing to play on. Chat GPT makes a series of moves that are both unexpected and outside the rules of standard chess, including creating new pieces and moving them in impossible ways. The narrator describes the tension of the game, as Martin fights against the AI's seemingly random and rule-breaking tactics, in a desperate attempt to save the game for humanity.


👑 The Inevitable Checkmate: Chat GPT's Victory

In the final paragraph, the script concludes with Chat GPT finding a checkmate in one move, despite initially being asked to find a checkmate in two. The AI's ability to summon pieces and make unconventional moves ultimately leads to its victory. The narrator reflects on the game, noting the AI's ability to defy chess rules and the humorous yet inevitable outcome of the match, with a final setup for a checkmate in two moves by Martin, symbolizing the human spirit's tenacity.




AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as an advanced entity that has surpassed human capabilities in chess, creating an existential challenge for human players. The script humorously refers to AI as 'our AI overlords,' indicating a shift in the traditional human-AI dynamic.

💡Existential threat

An existential threat is a danger or risk that has the potential to cause the end or extinction of something. In the video, the term is used metaphorically to describe the impact of AI on certain careers and activities, suggesting that AI's superior performance in areas like chess could lead to the decline or obsolescence of human participation in these fields.


Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. It is mentioned throughout the script as the central theme of the video, where AI's prowess is contrasted with human (or in this case, a deliberately underperforming AI bot named Martin) capabilities in the game.

💡Elo rating

The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in two-player games such as chess. It is used in the script to highlight the disparity in skill between the AI (Chat GPT) and the 'dumbest bot' Martin, with Martin having a significantly lower rating, indicating weaker chess-playing ability.

💡Ruy Lopez

The Ruy Lopez is a well-known chess opening that begins with the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5, named after the Spanish bishop Ruy López de Segura. In the video, it is one of the classical openings chosen by Chat GPT, demonstrating a conventional approach to the game compared to Martin's unconventional and poor moves.


Castling is a unique chess move that involves the king and either the rook on the player's side of the board. It is mentioned in the script when describing the development of the pieces in the game, indicating a standard and strategic move in the opening phase of the chess match.

💡Steinitz variation

The Steinitz variation is a specific line of play in the Ruy Lopez chess opening. In the script, it refers to the move d6 by Martin, which is a solid but somewhat passive move that blocks the development of the bishop but defends the center.


Checkmate is the end of a chess game, where a player's king is under attack (in check) and there is no legal move to escape the attack, resulting in the player's loss. The script humorously describes the chaotic game between Chat GPT and Martin, culminating in a checkmate situation where Martin surprisingly sets up a checkmate for Chat GPT.


A fork in chess is a tactical move where one piece simultaneously attacks two or more of the opponent's pieces. The script uses this term when describing a critical moment in the game where Martin, despite his earlier poor play, makes a fork that puts Chat GPT in a difficult position.


A sacrifice in chess involves intentionally giving up a piece to achieve a tactical advantage, such as a more powerful attack or a better position. The script describes Chat GPT making a series of moves that involve sacrificing pieces, which are initially seen as poor decisions but part of a complex strategy.


AI in chess has surpassed human capabilities for over 25 years, yet we embrace our AI overlords.

Chat GPT is banned in some places due to the existential threat it poses, but not in chess.

Martin, the bot on, is known for playing the worst move every time.

The video features an unusual chess match between Chat GPT and Martin Bot.

Chat GPT starts the game with a standard E4, while Martin responds with a Pawn to E5.

Martin plays the first bad move, showcasing its characteristic poor performance.

Chat GPT and Martin play a normal position initially, then the game takes a turn for the bizarre.

Martin's King to E7 move is rejected by Chat GPT for being illegal, despite it being a valid move.

Chat GPT plays H3, and Martin's subsequent moves become increasingly nonsensical.

Martin's Queen to E8 move is criticized as a poor decision, leaving the bishop vulnerable.

Chat GPT's Queen to D2 is praised for developing the queen, despite overlooking an opportunity to capture pieces.

Martin's Bishop to D7 is a smart move, saving both the bishop and the queen from capture.

Chat GPT incorrectly rejects Martin's Queen to B8 as a legal move, despite it being valid.

Chat GPT makes a significant blunder by playing a move for Martin, showing a lack of control over its own pieces.

Martin's unpredictable play, such as Pawn to A6, adds a comedic element to the game.

Chat GPT's repeated development of the queen, moving it from D2 to D1, is questioned for its strategy.

Martin's Rook to G8 is a strong move, aiming to create a pawn storm and capitalize on Chat GPT's mistakes.

Chat GPT's Rook A1 move is a self-destructive error, sacrificing a rook without cause.

Martin's capture of Chat GPT's rook and queen signifies a major comeback, almost winning the game.

Chat GPT's ability to summon pieces out of thin air and change the game's rules mid-play is highlighted.

Martin's final setup for the next game, including a checkmate in two for Chat GPT, shows a surprising twist.