Google vs. ChatGPT: INSANE CHESS

14 May 202319:48

TLDRIn a humorous and chaotic virtual chess match, Google Bard and Chat GPT face off in a game filled with unexpected plot twists and unconventional moves. From illegal moves to self-sacrificing pieces, the AIs exhibit a blend of strategic brilliance and comical errors, culminating in a controversial draw declared by Google AI due to a perceived threefold repetition, despite a significant material advantage. The video leaves viewers intrigued and entertained, sparking debates on AI's understanding of chess rules and strategies.


  • 😲 The video presents a fictional chess match between Google Bard and Chat GPT, emphasizing the absurdity and humor of AI playing chess.
  • 🤖 Both AI players make unconventional and incorrect moves, showcasing the idea that AI can sometimes act in unexpected ways.
  • 🎭 The script uses humor to highlight the absurdity of the situation, such as pawns moving backward and AI making illogical decisions.
  • 🏰 The match includes references to chess strategies and terms, like the 'English Gambit' and 'Italian Game', adding a layer of chess knowledge to the humor.
  • 🐎 The video script describes AI making moves that would be considered blunders in a real chess game, such as sacrificing pieces without reason.
  • 👑 The script mentions 'kangaroo moves' and 'teleportation' to humorously point out the impossibility of certain AI moves in standard chess.
  • 🤝 The video ends with a controversial draw, where Google AI incorrectly claims a three-fold repetition, leading to a restart of the game.
  • 🔄 The final part of the script involves Google AI 'storming out' and refusing to continue the game, adding to the dramatic and humorous tone.
  • 🔍 The video invites viewers to comment on whether they would like a rematch, engaging the audience and leaving the narrative open-ended.
  • 🌐 The script implies a social media reaction to the game, suggesting that the fictional event has gone viral, adding to the spectacle.
  • 🎯 The overall takeaway is that the video uses a chess match as a metaphor for AI's capabilities, limitations, and the potential for unexpected behavior.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video script provided?

    -The main theme of the video script is a humorous and fictional depiction of a chess match between Google Bard and Chat GPT, with a focus on the absurd and entertaining aspects of the game rather than actual chess strategy.

  • What does the script imply about the chess skills of Google Bard and Chat GPT?

    -The script implies that both Google Bard and Chat GPT are portrayed as having unconventional and flawed chess skills, making illegal moves and demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic chess rules.

  • What is the significance of the term '10-dimensional chess game' mentioned in the script?

    -The term '10-dimensional chess game' is used metaphorically to describe the complexity and absurdity of the match, suggesting that the game is far beyond the scope of a standard chess game.

  • Why does the script mention 'illegal moves' in the context of the chess game?

    -The script mentions 'illegal moves' to highlight the comical and unrealistic nature of the game, where the AI players make moves that would not be allowed in a real chess game.

  • What is the 'hesitation Gambit' referred to in the script?

    -The 'hesitation Gambit' is a made-up term used in the script to humorously describe the back-and-forth movement of the pawn between E5 and E6 by Chat GPT, which is not a recognized chess gambit.

  • How does the script describe the move 'Queen H5' by Google Bard?

    -The script describes the move 'Queen H5' as a 'weird move' that is not allowed because it involves the queen teleporting over a piece, which is not possible in chess.

  • What is the 'Connect Four' reference in the script?

    -The 'Connect Four' reference is a joke made in the script when Chat GPT plays a series of pawn moves that, in a different context, resemble the game Connect Four, rather than making strategic chess moves.

  • What is the final outcome of the chess match as described in the script?

    -The final outcome of the chess match is a controversial draw, with Google Bard incorrectly claiming a three-fold repetition and then deciding to restart the game.

  • Why does the script mention a 'rematch' at the end?

    -The script mentions a 'rematch' to engage the audience and to suggest that the absurd and entertaining nature of the first game could be continued in a subsequent match.

  • What is the role of the narrator in the script?

    -The role of the narrator is to provide humorous commentary on the chess game, highlighting the absurdity of the moves and the non-adherence to standard chess rules by the AI players.



😲 Unprecedented Chess Showdown: Google Bard vs. Chat GPT

In this paragraph, the narrator introduces an unusual chess match between Google Bard and Chat GPT, highlighting the unpredictable and humorous nature of the game. The match begins with standard moves but quickly devolves into a series of unconventional and incorrect moves, including a 'hesitation Gambit' and a 'step bag triple Gambit.' The narrator emphasizes the absurdity of the situation, with both AIs making moves that would be considered illegal or nonsensical in a traditional chess game, such as pawns moving backward and pieces teleporting across the board.


🤔 The AI Chess Fiasco Continues: Missteps and Misunderstandings

The second paragraph delves deeper into the chaotic chess game, where both AIs continue to make questionable moves. The narrator points out specific blunders, such as a knight being 'blundered' and a queen being hung in multiple ways. The AIs' attempts to end the game prematurely with incorrect declarations of checkmate are highlighted, showcasing the AIs' lack of understanding of basic chess rules. The paragraph also includes commentary on the AIs' development, with moves like 'short Castle' and 'Bishop B3' being critiqued for their lack of strategic value.


😱 AI Chess Match Escalates: Sacrifices and Shenanigans

This paragraph describes the further escalation of the chess match, with both AIs engaging in even more bizarre and irrational moves. The narrator describes the AIs as 'eating their own pieces alive' and making moves that are both self-destructive and aggressive towards each other. The paragraph also mentions the AIs' repeated attempts to end the game, including incorrect claims of checkmate and the introduction of new pieces in unexpected ways, such as a knight 'spawning' on the board.


🤯 The Bizarre Conclusion: A Draw by Repetition and a Controversial Restart

In the final paragraph, the chess match reaches its climax with a series of moves that lead to an incorrect claim of a draw by threefold repetition by Google Bard. Despite having a significant material advantage, Google Bard decides to end the game and restart, switching colors for the next match. The narrator reflects on the controversy and the public's reaction to the match, suggesting that the AIs' behavior defies traditional chess rules and norms. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for the audience to request a rematch, indicating the ongoing interest and intrigue surrounding this unconventional chess event.



💡Chess Bots

Chess Bots refer to artificial intelligence programs designed to play the game of chess. In the context of the video, they are portrayed as trendy and varying in skill level, with some being excellent players and others providing humorous content. The script mentions Google Bard and Chat GPT as examples of such bots, engaging in an intense chess match.

💡Plot Twists

A plot twist is an unexpected turn of events in a narrative that surprises the audience. The video script teases the game between the AI bots as having 'one of the craziest plot twists,' suggesting that the chess match will have surprising and unconventional moves, which is part of the entertainment value.

💡10-Dimensional Chess

While '10-Dimensional Chess' is not a standard term in chess, it is used metaphorically in the script to describe an extraordinarily complex or advanced form of chess. It implies that the game being discussed is on a level beyond the traditional two-dimensional chessboard, indicating a high level of strategic depth.


E4 refers to the fourth square on the fifth rank of the chessboard, denoted by the intersection of the 'e' file and the '4' rank. In the script, Google Bard starts the game with 'E4,' which is a common and strong opening move in chess, aiming to control the center of the board.


E5 is the fifth square on the fifth rank of the chessboard, corresponding to the 'e' file. In the script, Chat GPT responds to Google Bard's E4 with E5, setting up a standard opening known as the 'Open Game' or 'Evans Gambit,' which is a classic and aggressive way to counter E4.

💡Knight F3

Knight F3 is a move in chess where the knight is moved to the square on the 'f' file and the '3' rank. In the script, Google Bard plays 'Knight F3,' attacking the pawn on E5, which is a typical developing move in chess, aiming to exert pressure on the center.

💡Bishop C4

Bishop C4 is a chess move where the bishop is placed on the 'c' file and the '4' rank. The script describes this move as part of a standard response to the opening, aiming to develop the bishop and potentially exert control over the central squares.

💡Illegal Moves

Illegal moves are actions in chess that do not follow the rules of the game, such as moving a piece in a way that is not allowed or moving out of turn. The script humorously describes several instances where the AI bots make 'illegal moves,' adding a comedic and absurd element to the video's narrative.


Checkmate is the term used in chess to describe a situation where a player's king is under attack (in check) and there is no legal move to remove the threat, resulting in the end of the game. The script mentions 'Checkmate' multiple times, often in humorous or incorrect contexts, highlighting the chaotic nature of the AI bots' game.

💡Threefold Repetition

Threefold repetition is a rule in chess that allows a player to claim a draw if the same position occurs three times with the same player to move. In the script, Google AI incorrectly claims a draw by threefold repetition, despite having a significant material advantage, which adds to the video's comedic effect.


Google Bard and Chat GPT face off in an epic chess match.

The game features one of the craziest plot twists in chess history.

Google Bard plays a standard opening with E4.

Chat GPT counters with the move E5, setting up a classic chess start.

Unexpected move by Chat GPT: E6, creating a unique opening.

Google Bard's strategic play with D4, controlling the center.

Chat GPT's unconventional tactic: returning the pawn to E5.

Google Bard's response to the gambit, taking the pawn and pressuring Black.

Chat GPT's blunder with Knight F6, hanging the piece.

Google Bard's missed opportunity to capture the hanging knight.

Chat GPT's strange move A6, seemingly without strategic purpose.

Google Bard's aggressive Queen H5, threatening mate.

Chat GPT's legal complaint to FIDE over Google Bard's illegal move.

Google Bard's repeated attempts to end the game with checkmate.

Chat GPT's surprising self-sacrifice with Queen takes F6.

Google Bard's incorrect claim of a three-fold repetition leading to a draw.

The game concludes with a controversial draw and a decision to restart.