OpenAI o1: ChatGPT 2.0 UPGRADE - INSANE Improvements

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13 Sept 202429:04

TLDRThe video explores the advancements in OpenAI's AI model, now referred to as 'o1', which still operates within the Chat GPT framework. The presenter, an experienced language teacher, compares the capabilities of the new 'o1' model with previous versions by testing its understanding of language nuances. Examples include explaining the English present tense to Italian speakers and clarifying the use of 'Ti Amo' versus 'Ti Voglio Bene' in Italian. The 'o1' model demonstrates improved subtlety recognition and instructional depth, offering pronunciation guides and more nuanced language lessons, indicating a significant upgrade from previous models.


  • 😀 The new OpenAI model is referred to as 'o1', but it's still part of the ChatGPT suite, hence the name 'ChatGPT' is technically still applicable.
  • 🧠 The presenter is an expert in language teaching, having taught in Italy and Spain, and uses their expertise to evaluate the AI model's understanding of language nuances.
  • 📚 A key test for the AI model is explaining the English present tense to an Italian native speaker, highlighting the subtleties of the present perfect tense.
  • 🆚 The 'o1' model is compared with 'chat GPT 40', with 'o1' showing a better grasp of language subtleties, especially in explaining grammatical concepts.
  • 🇮🇹 The AI's explanation of the Italian phrase 'Ti Amo Bene' is analyzed, with 'o1' providing a more accurate description that includes both platonic and romantic contexts.
  • 🗣️ 'o1' includes pronunciation guides for Italian phrases, which is beneficial for non-Italian speakers trying to learn the language.
  • 👶 A lesson plan for teaching action verbs to seven-year-olds is critiqued, with 'o1' providing a more engaging and effective approach.
  • ⏰ The 'o1' lesson plan adapts to the context of teaching in Italy by considering the typical class duration of one hour.
  • 🎓 The AI's lesson plan incorporates all four language learning pillars: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, which is a comprehensive approach to language teaching.
  • 🌟 The 'o1' model's lesson plan is deemed superior by the presenter, who has six years of teaching experience, indicating a significant upgrade from previous models.

Q & A

  • What is the new OpenAI model referred to in the title?

    -The new OpenAI model referred to in the title is OpenAI o1, which is an upgrade to the previous model and is still related to Chat GPT.

  • Why might the naming of the new model be considered confusing?

    -The naming of the new model, OpenAI o1, might be considered confusing because it has removed 'GPT' from the model name, yet it is still used within Chat GPT, leading to potential misunderstandings about its relation to previous models.

  • What is the presenter's area of expertise as mentioned in the script?

    -The presenter is an expert in language teaching, having taught languages for six to seven years, particularly in Italy and Spain.

  • What is the challenge for Italians learning the English present perfect tense as discussed in the script?

    -Italians find it difficult to learn the English present perfect tense because the Italian equivalent 'manato' has a different meaning and use case compared to the English tense, often leading to confusion.

  • How does the presenter plan to demonstrate the improvements in the new OpenAI model?

    -The presenter plans to demonstrate the improvements in the new OpenAI model by comparing its responses to those of the previous model when explaining subtle language nuances, specifically in the context of teaching grammar to Italian native speakers.

  • What is the difference between the explanations provided by Chat GPT 40 and OpenAI o1 regarding the present perfect tense?

    -Chat GPT 40 provided a good basic overview of the present perfect tense, while OpenAI o1 included more detailed explanations, side-by-side comparisons with Italian, and addressed the nuances that are challenging for Italian learners.

  • What is the meaning of the Italian phrase 'Ti Amo Bene' as discussed in the script?

    -The Italian phrase 'Ti Amo Bene' translates to 'I care for you' or 'I love you' in English. It is used to express affection, warmth, or deep friendship, and while it is generally considered less intense than 'Ti Amo', which is reserved for romantic love, it can also carry romantic implications when said to a partner.

  • How does the presenter evaluate the effectiveness of language learning tools like Chat GPT?

    -The presenter evaluates the effectiveness of language learning tools by assessing their ability to provide nuanced explanations, side-by-side comparisons for clarity, and practical examples that can be applied in real-world scenarios.

  • What is the main takeaway from the comparison between Chat GPT 40 and OpenAI o1 in terms of language teaching?

    -The main takeaway is that OpenAI o1 provides more detailed, nuanced, and practically applicable explanations compared to Chat GPT 40, making it a significant upgrade for language teaching applications.

  • How does the script highlight the importance of context in language learning?

    -The script highlights the importance of context in language learning by showing how OpenAI o1 incorporates cultural and linguistic context into its explanations, making the learning material more relatable and easier to understand for the target audience.



🤖 Introduction to OpenAI GPT Model Comparison

The speaker begins by addressing the confusion surrounding the naming of the new OpenAI GPT model, clarifying that despite being called 'AI O1', it is still part of the Chat GPT family. They express their intent to demonstrate the model's capabilities by using their expertise in language teaching. The speaker has experience teaching languages in Italy and Spain, and they plan to use this background to test the model's understanding of subtle language nuances. They compare the new model to Chat GPT 40 and Claude Sonic 3.5, aiming to show the differences in handling complex language concepts.


📚 Language Teaching Expert's Analysis of GPT Models

The speaker uses their experience as a language teaching expert to evaluate the new OpenAI model's ability to understand and explain the English present tense to an Italian native speaker. They highlight the difficulty Italians face with the English present perfect tense due to its different usage and meaning compared to Italian. The speaker reviews responses from Chat GPT 40 and the new model, noting that while Chat GPT 40 provides a good summary, the new model offers a more nuanced explanation, including the use of the auxiliary verb 'have' and its role in forming the present perfect tense.


🗣️ Deep Dive into Language Nuances: Italian vs. English

The speaker continues their analysis by comparing the explanations provided by Chat GPT 40 and the new model regarding the use of the present perfect tense in English versus the Italian 'passato prossimo'. They point out that the new model offers a more detailed and accurate explanation, including side-by-side comparisons that are beneficial for language learners. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these nuances for Italian speakers learning English and how the new model's response is more suitable for educational purposes.


💬 Exploring Cultural Phrases and Language Barriers

The speaker tests the models' understanding of cultural phrases by asking about the Italian expression 'TVO Bene', which has a complex and layered meaning. They find that Chat GPT 40's response is partially correct but misses the mark on the romantic implications of the phrase. In contrast, the new model provides a more accurate explanation, acknowledging the phrase's use in both platonic and romantic contexts. This example further illustrates the new model's ability to grasp subtle language details.


🏫 Lesson Planning for Language Teaching

The speaker evaluates the models' responses to a request for a lesson plan for teaching action verbs and the present continuous tense to seven-year-olds in Italy. They critique Chat GPT 40's lesson plan for its lack of practicality and clarity, particularly in its use of flashcards and action songs. The new model's lesson plan is praised for its structure, including a more engaging warm-up with action songs, clear introduction of action verbs, and interactive activities that promote student participation and understanding.


🌟 Conclusion on the Advancements in AI Language Models

In conclusion, the speaker reflects on the significant improvements in the new OpenAI model over Chat GPT 40, especially in the context of language teaching. They highlight the new model's ability to provide detailed, contextually appropriate, and interactive lesson plans that could be effectively used in a classroom setting. The speaker expresses excitement about the potential of these advancements for both educational and programmatic applications.



💡OpenAI o1

OpenAI o1 refers to an upgraded model from OpenAI, which is a significant improvement over previous versions. In the context of the video, it is showcased as a model that can understand subtle nuances in language better than its predecessors. The script highlights a comparison between the o1 model and earlier versions like Chat GPT 40, emphasizing the advancements in language understanding and processing capabilities.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI that is designed to interact with users in a natural language conversation. The video script discusses Chat GPT 40 and Chat GPT o1, indicating different versions of the model with varying capabilities. The script uses Chat GPT as a point of comparison to demonstrate the improvements in the o1 model.

💡Language Teaching Expert

The term 'Language Teaching Expert' in the video script refers to the speaker's background and qualifications in teaching languages. The speaker uses their expertise to evaluate the AI models' ability to understand and teach language concepts, such as grammar tenses and phrases. This expertise is crucial for assessing the AI's performance in language-related tasks and providing insights into the model's capabilities.

💡Present Perfect Tense

The 'Present Perfect Tense' is a grammatical concept that the video script uses to illustrate the AI models' understanding of language nuances. It is a tense used in English to describe actions that occurred at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue to the present. The script compares how the AI models explain this tense to an Italian native speaker, highlighting the differences in their explanations and the accuracy of the information provided.


Neapolitan is a dialect of the Italian language spoken in the Naples region of Italy. In the video script, the speaker mentions understanding Neapolitan as part of their language expertise. This is relevant as it adds to the speaker's credibility in evaluating the AI's language teaching capabilities, especially in the context of explaining complex grammatical structures like the Present Perfect Tense.

💡TVO Bene

TVO Bene is an Italian phrase that the video script uses to demonstrate the AI models' understanding of cultural and linguistic subtleties. The phrase translates to 'I care for you' or 'I love you' in English and is used to express affection or deep friendship. The script compares the AI models' explanations of this phrase to highlight their ability to grasp and convey the nuances of language and culture.

💡Lesson Plan

A 'Lesson Plan' in the video script refers to a structured approach to teaching a specific topic or skill. The speaker evaluates the AI models' ability to create effective lesson plans for teaching English to young learners in Italy. The script provides examples of lesson plans generated by the AI models, critiquing their effectiveness and suitability for the target audience.

💡Action Verbs

Action verbs are a type of verb that express an action or a state of being. In the video script, the speaker uses action verbs to test the AI models' capability to teach English grammar to young learners. The script includes a comparison of lesson plans that involve teaching action verbs in the present continuous tense, showcasing the AI models' understanding of language teaching methods.

💡Present Continuous Tense

The 'Present Continuous Tense' is a grammatical tense used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or around it. The video script discusses how the AI models explain this tense to young learners, emphasizing the importance of understanding its usage in English and comparing it with its Italian counterpart.


TEFL stands for 'Teaching English as a Foreign Language'. In the video script, the speaker contrasts their TEFL training with the capabilities of the AI models in creating effective language teaching materials. The script suggests that the AI models can produce lesson plans and explanations that are on par with or superior to traditional TEFL training methods.


Introduction to the new OpenAI model, o1, and its relation to ChatGPT.

Explanation of the naming conventions and the evolution from ChatGPT to o1.

The presenter's expertise in language teaching and its relevance to evaluating AI language models.

Detailed comparison between ChatGPT 40, Claude Sonic 3.5, and the new o1 model.

Demonstration of the subtle nuances in language understanding by the o1 model.

Explanation of the English present tense and its challenges for Italian native speakers.

Analysis of the differences between the English present perfect tense and its Italian counterpart.

The o1 model's superior ability to provide nuanced language explanations for language learners.

Comparison of the o1 model's response to teaching English grammar to Italian students versus ChatGPT 40.

The o1 model's inclusion of side-by-side language comparisons for better understanding.

Clarification of the Italian phrase 'Ti Amo Bene' and its romantic implications.

The o1 model's accurate translation and cultural context of Italian expressions.

Practical phrases for travelers to Naples provided by the o1 model with pronunciation guides.

Evaluation of the o1 model's lesson plan for teaching action verbs to seven-year-olds.

The o1 model's lesson plan's effectiveness in engaging young learners through interactive activities.

The presenter's endorsement of the o1 model's capabilities for language teaching and learning.

Conclusion on the significant improvements and practical applications of the o1 model in language education.