OpenAI o1: ChatGPT Supercharged!

Two Minute Papers
13 Sept 202407:12

TLDROpenAI introduces o1, a revolutionary AI assistant that, unlike its predecessor GPT-4o, excels in reasoning and learning from minimal data. While it knows less, o1 demonstrates breakthrough performance in tasks requiring logical thinking and problem-solving, such as deciphering cryptic messages and solving complex puzzles. This paradigm shift in AI, combining neural networks with reinforcement learning, promises to propel research forward by enabling the AI to discover new insights. o1's capabilities are so advanced that it could win a gold medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics. Currently available to paid subscribers, o1 is poised to redefine AI's role in scientific discovery.


  • 🌟 OpenAI has introduced a new AI assistant named o1, which is a significant advancement in AI technology.
  • 🤔 The o1 model demonstrates breakthrough performance in certain areas but performs surprisingly worse in others, indicating a unique blend of strengths and weaknesses.
  • 🧠 Unlike its predecessor, o1 is not as knowledgeable but excels at reasoning and learning from minimal data, requiring time to think through problems.
  • 🔍 In a cryptography challenge, o1 outperforms the previous model by identifying '3 R’s in strawberry', showcasing its reasoning capabilities.
  • 📚 When faced with a crossword puzzle, o1's reasoning skills allow it to solve it effectively, unlike the previous model which failed.
  • 🧐 o1 represents a paradigm shift in AI, combining neural networks and reinforcement learning to mimic both fast and slow human thinking processes.
  • 🏅 If o1 were human, it could potentially win a gold medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics, highlighting its advanced problem-solving abilities.
  • 💡 The AI can generate all possible solutions to a problem, not just one, demonstrating its comprehensive analytical capabilities.
  • 🎮 o1 is capable of writing a functional snake game on its first attempt, including a start screen, showcasing its programming prowess.
  • 🔬 Scientists from various fields, including genetics and quantum physics, are already utilizing o1, indicating its potential for research and discovery.
  • 📅 o1 is expected to be available to paid subscribers, with some usage limits, allowing a broader audience to experiment with its capabilities.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the new AI assistant unveiled by OpenAI?

    -The new AI assistant unveiled by OpenAI is called o1.

  • How does the o1 AI assistant differ from the previous GPT-4o in terms of knowledge and reasoning?

    -The previous GPT-4o is not as smart but knows about almost everything, having read nearly the whole internet. In contrast, o1 does not know as much but is capable of reasoning and learning from very little data.

  • What is the significance of the '3 R's in strawberry' example mentioned in the script?

    -The '3 R's in strawberry' example illustrates o1's ability to reason and find patterns, even in simple tasks, showcasing its reasoning capabilities.

  • How does o1 handle complex tasks like crossword puzzles compared to the previous technique?

    -While the previous technique struggles with crossword puzzles, requiring reasoning and interconnectivity of answers, o1 performs exceptionally well, demonstrating its advanced reasoning skills.

  • What does the script imply about the potential of o1 in educational settings?

    -The script suggests that o1, with its ability to reason and learn quickly, would be a preferred 'student' in educational settings over one who has read extensively but cannot apply knowledge to new situations.

  • What is the combination of techniques used in the development of o1?

    -o1 is a combination of neural networks and reinforcement learning, integrating two different approaches to AI development.

  • How does o1's thinking process compare to human thinking modes as described in the script?

    -o1's thinking process is described as an AI implementation of the two modes of human thinking: fast thinking, which is quick and instinctive, and slow thinking, which involves deliberate, logical, and calculated decision-making.

  • What is the performance of o1 on the GPQA dataset, and what does this indicate?

    -o1 shows an insane jump in performance on the GPQA dataset, indicating that in certain cases, it can outperform some of the smartest humans.

  • What is the potential of o1 in competitive programming, as suggested by the script?

    -If o1 were a human participant in the International Olympiad in Informatics, it would have the potential to win a gold medal, suggesting a high level of competency in problem-solving and coding.

  • How does o1 approach problem-solving, as demonstrated by the script with the snake game example?

    -o1 approaches problem-solving with a step-by-step reasoning process, capable of not only providing a solution but also generating all possible solutions and adapting to new requirements, such as adding obstacles to a snake game.

  • When will o1 be available for users to try, and are there any limitations?

    -o1 is expected to be available for all paid subscribers, with some weekly limits, allowing users to experiment with its capabilities.



🤖 Introduction to AI Assistant o1

The video script introduces o1, a new AI assistant by OpenAI. It contrasts o1 with its predecessor, GPT-4o, highlighting that while GPT-4o has extensive knowledge, o1 excels in reasoning and learning from minimal data. The script illustrates this through examples where o1 outperforms GPT-4o in tasks requiring reasoning, such as solving a riddle and a crossword puzzle. The presenter, Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér, expresses excitement about o1's potential, likening it to having an 'Einstein in a box.' The script also mentions that o1 combines neural networks with reinforcement learning, marking a significant paradigm shift in AI.


🚀 o1's Coding and Problem-Solving Abilities

The second paragraph showcases o1's capabilities in coding and problem-solving. It describes an experiment where o1 is tasked with writing a snake game, which it does successfully on the first attempt, even including a start screen. The script then suggests enhancing the game by adding obstacles, and o1 adapts the code accordingly. The presenter expresses a desire to use o1 for more complex tasks like physics simulations. The script concludes by stating that o1 is the first AI technique with the potential to significantly advance research and discover new insights. It also mentions that o1 is available to paid subscribers, inviting viewers to share their experiences with the AI.



💡AI assistant

An AI assistant, as mentioned in the video, refers to artificial intelligence software designed to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. In the context of the video, OpenAI's new AI assistant, o1, is highlighted for its ability to reason and learn from minimal data, which is a significant leap from previous models like GPT-4o that were more knowledgeable but less capable of reasoning.


Reasoning in the video script refers to the ability of the AI model to think logically and draw conclusions from given information. The new AI model, o1, is praised for its enhanced reasoning capabilities, which allow it to solve complex problems like crossword puzzles and decipher patterns, as demonstrated in the script where it identifies '3 R’s in strawberry' after careful deliberation.

💡Neural networks

Neural networks are a set of algorithms modeled loosely after the human brain that are designed to recognize patterns. They are a crucial component of AI systems. The video discusses how o1 combines neural networks with reinforcement learning, indicating a significant advancement in AI technology. This combination allows the AI to learn from its environment through interaction, much like how the human brain learns.

💡Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to maximize some notion of cumulative reward. The video script highlights the integration of reinforcement learning with neural networks in the o1 model, suggesting a novel approach to AI that can adapt and improve over time through trial and error.


GPT-4o is referenced as the previous AI model before o1. It is described as less capable in reasoning but knowledgeable about a vast amount of information. The video contrasts GPT-4o with o1, emphasizing the latter's superior reasoning abilities despite having less overall knowledge.

💡Crossword puzzle

A crossword puzzle is a word game that requires solving clues to fill in a grid with words. In the video, the ability of the AI model o1 to solve a crossword puzzle is used as an example of its advanced reasoning capabilities. This showcases the AI's ability to understand context and make logical connections, which is a complex task for AI.

💡International Olympiad in Informatics

The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual international programming competition for high school students. The video suggests that if o1 were a human, it could win a gold medal at IOI, indicating its exceptional problem-solving and programming capabilities.

💡Snake game

The Snake game is a classic video game where the player controls a line which grows in length, avoiding obstacles. In the script, the AI model o1 is tasked with writing a snake game, which it accomplishes successfully on the first try. This demonstrates the AI's ability to understand and implement complex tasks, such as game development.


In the context of the snake game mentioned in the video, obstacles refer to the challenges or barriers that the snake must avoid while navigating the game. The script describes how the AI model o1 is asked to add obstacles to the snake game, further testing its problem-solving and programming skills.

💡Paradigm shift

A paradigm shift refers to a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. The video describes the introduction of the o1 AI model as a paradigm shift in AI, indicating that it represents a significant departure from previous models and could lead to new ways of thinking about and developing AI technology.


OpenAI introduces a new AI assistant named o1, marking a significant advancement in AI technology.

o1 demonstrates breakthrough performance in certain areas, yet performs surprisingly worse in others.

The new model o1 is capable of reasoning and learning from minimal data, unlike its predecessor GPT-4o.

o1 requires time to think and its chain of thought is extensive, indicating a deeper level of processing.

In a cryptography challenge, o1 outperforms GPT-4o by identifying '3 R’s in strawberry' after careful deliberation.

o1 excels at solving crossword puzzles, showcasing its ability to reason with interconnected clues.

The new AI model knows less but can reason better, a trade-off that Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér finds fascinating.

o1 is likened to 'Einstein in a box' due to its potential for theoretical derivation and understanding.

The AI combines neural networks and reinforcement learning, merging two distinct AI methodologies.

o1 is trained to think both fast and slow, mimicking human cognitive processes.

In the GPQA dataset, o1 shows an impressive leap in performance, sometimes surpassing human intelligence.

If o1 were human, it could potentially win a gold medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics.

o1 can solve complex problems, providing all possible solutions, not just one.

The AI is capable of writing a functional snake game on its first attempt, showcasing its coding prowess.

o1's ability to add obstacles to the snake game demonstrates its adaptability and creativity.

Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér expresses excitement about o1's potential to push research forward and discover new insights.

o1 is expected to be available to paid subscribers, with some usage limitations.

The transcript ends with an invitation for scholars to experiment with o1 and share their findings.