Deepfake Adult Content Is a Serious and Terrifying Issue

31 May 202311:12

TLDRDeepfake technology has led to a surge in non-consensual adult content, disproportionately affecting women. With AI tools like Dolly and mid-journey making deepfakes easier to create, the consequences for victims are severe, including job loss and social harassment. The lack of regulation and difficulty in tracking creators exacerbate the issue. Platforms are taking steps to combat this, but the challenge of moderation and the potential for AI to introduce biases in content remains. The video underscores the urgent need for critical awareness and robust regulation to prevent the malicious use of generative AI.


  • 😱 As of 2019, 96% of deepfakes on the internet were of a sexual nature, predominantly featuring non-consenting women.
  • 🤖 The advent of AI tools like DALL-E and Mid-Journey has made creating deepfakes alarmingly easy.
  • 👩‍🏫 A real-life case involved a teacher who was wrongfully dismissed after her likeness was used in a deepfake adult video.
  • 🚫 The repercussions for individuals, especially women, depicted in deepfake content can be career-destroying and deeply distressing.
  • 📈 Generative AI's potential for misuse is highlighted by the fact that it can convincingly portray real people in fabricated scenarios.
  • 💬 The issue of consent is critical, as deepfakes often depict individuals in sexually explicit situations without their permission.
  • 🔎 The difficulty in discerning between real and AI-generated content poses a significant challenge for legal and social frameworks.
  • 🛑 Limited legislation exists to combat deepfakes, with only a few states in the US having passed laws directly addressing them.
  • 🔒 Tech companies have a responsibility to prevent their tools from being misused to create non-consensual adult content.
  • 🌐 The pervasiveness of the internet means that victims of deepfakes cannot simply 'log off' to escape the harm caused by such content.
  • 🤔 The public needs to be educated on the dangers of deepfakes and the importance of critical thinking in the digital age.

Q & A

  • What was the percentage of deepfakes related to adult content on the internet as of 2019?

    -As of 2019, 96% of deepfakes on the internet were sexual in nature.

  • What are some AI tools that have made creating deepfakes easier?

    -AI tools like Dolly and mid-journey have made creating deepfakes easier than ever before.

  • How has the release of AI tools impacted the creation of deepfakes and their repercussions?

    -The release of AI tools has made creating deepfakes easier, leading to more devastating repercussions for non-consenting individuals, particularly women.

  • What happened to the teacher in a small town in the United States whose likeness appeared in a deepfake adult video?

    -The teacher was fired after her likeness appeared in a deepfake adult video, despite her never actually filming explicit content.

  • What is the role of generative AI in creating deepfake adult content?

    -Generative AI is used to create likenesses of real people and depict them in explicit situations without their consent, leading to serious harm and harassment.

  • What are some consequences faced by individuals portrayed in deepfake adult content?

    -Individuals portrayed in deepfake adult content face consequences such as loss of employment, harassment, body dysmorphia, and damage to their personal and professional lives.

  • How has the rise of deepfake technology affected the adult content industry?

    -The rise of deepfake technology has introduced problematic issues in the adult content industry, as it can be used to create non-consensual explicit content featuring real people.

  • What steps have some platforms taken to prevent the misuse of generative AI for creating deepfakes?

    -Some platforms like Dolly and mid-journey have taken steps to prevent the creation of likenesses of living people, and Reddit is working to improve its AI detection system to prohibit such content.

  • What challenges do content moderation systems face in combating the influx of AI-generated adult content?

    -Content moderation systems face challenges such as the vast volume of uploads, the difficulty in tracking down creators, and the lack of regulations or content moderation limits on personal websites.

  • How can the public help in curbing the effects of deepfake adult content?

    -The public can help by being more critical as information consumers, recognizing deepfake pornography, and reporting harmful videos when they see them.

  • What is the philosophical concept of 'hyper reality' as it relates to deepfakes?

    -Hyper reality is a state where our connection to reality is so disconnected that we can no longer distinguish between real and simulated experiences, making us vulnerable to manipulation through deepfakes and other simulations.



🚫 The Dangers of Deepfakes and AI in Adult Content

The paragraph discusses the alarming prevalence of deepfakes, particularly in the adult industry, where non-consensual and sexually explicit content is generated using AI tools like Dolly and mid-journey. It recounts the case of a teacher who was wrongfully dismissed after her likeness was used in a deepfake adult video, highlighting the devastating impact on the victims. The narrative emphasizes the need for better regulation and awareness to combat the misuse of generative AI, which can lead to severe consequences for individuals, including career damage and personal distress.


🛡️ Combating Deepfakes: Challenges and Efforts

This section delves into the challenges of tracking and prosecuting those who create deepfake content, given the ease with which it can be posted on personal websites without regulation. It mentions the efforts of companies like Dolly and mid-journey to prevent the creation of non-consensual likenesses and Reddit's advancements in AI detection to curb such content. The paragraph also addresses the sheer volume of content uploaded to platforms like PornHub, questioning the feasibility of effective moderation. It underscores the importance of platforms and governments taking responsibility to prevent the misuse of AI tools and the need for public awareness to recognize and report deepfake content.


🌐 AI's Impact on Reality and the Future of Deepfakes

The final paragraph contemplates the broader implications of generative AI on society, particularly concerning the blurring line between reality and simulation. It discusses the potential for AI to replace human roles in communication and design, leading to job displacement. The paragraph also raises concerns about the increased vulnerability to deception and manipulation as AI-generated content becomes indistinguishable from real human output. It concludes with a call for critical consumption of online content and a warning about the potential normalization of deepfake-induced harm if left unchecked.




Deepfakes refer to synthetic media in which a person's likeness has been replaced with someone else's using AI. In the video, deepfakes are highlighted as a serious issue, particularly in the context of non-consensual adult content. The video discusses how 96% of deepfakes found on the internet in 2019 were of a sexual nature, often involving non-consenting women, showcasing the profound violation of privacy and consent that deepfakes represent.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence used to create new content, such as images, videos, or text, that did not exist before. The video script mentions tools like Dolly and mid-journing, which have made the creation of deepfakes easier. This technology is central to the video's theme as it enables the production of convincing fakes that can lead to severe consequences for the individuals depicted.


The term 'non-consensual' is used in the video to describe the creation of adult content featuring individuals who have not given their permission for such use. The video emphasizes the ethical violation and potential harm caused by deepfakes, where individuals' likenesses are used without their consent, leading to personal and professional repercussions.

💡Sexual Assault

In the context of the video, sexual assault is mentioned to describe the act of creating and distributing deepfake adult content without the subject's consent. The video argues that by digitally manipulating someone's image to appear in explicit situations, the perpetrators are committing a form of sexual assault, as they are depicting sexual acts without the victim's permission.

💡Career Implications

The video discusses the severe career implications that can arise from being falsely depicted in deepfake adult content. It uses the example of a teacher who was fired after a deepfake video was circulated, illustrating how such incidents can lead to immediate and devastating professional consequences.


Legislation in the video refers to laws and regulations that are in place or needed to address the issue of deepfakes. It points out the lack of comprehensive laws to tackle deepfakes, with only a few states in the US having passed laws directly addressing them. The video calls for more legislation to regulate the use of generative AI and protect individuals from its misuse.

💡Content Moderation

Content moderation is the process of reviewing and controlling the content posted on online platforms. The video mentions that platforms like Reddit are working on improving their AI detection systems to prohibit deepfake content. However, it also raises concerns about the feasibility of moderating the vast volume of content uploaded, especially with the advent of AI tools that can generate content without human actors.


Hyperreality, as discussed in the video, is a philosophical concept that refers to a state where it becomes difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is simulated or fake. The video suggests that generative AI and deepfakes are contributing to a hyperreality where our perception of truth is increasingly distorted, making us vulnerable to manipulation.


Sexualization in the video refers to the over-sexualization of women in AI-generated content. It is mentioned that biases in AI algorithms, often influenced by the source of training data, can lead to the creation of images and videos that overly sexualize women, even when the intention is not to create explicit content.

💡Public Awareness

Public awareness is highlighted in the video as a crucial factor in combating the harmful effects of deepfake adult content. The video suggests that educating the public to recognize and report deepfakes can help limit their impact. It contrasts this with the initial skepticism towards Wikipedia, which eventually evolved into acceptance as the platform established credibility.


In 2019, 96% of deep fakes on the internet were sexual in nature, predominantly featuring non-consenting women.

AI tools like Dolly and mid-journing have made creating deep fakes easier than ever.

The repercussions for women involved in deep fakes can be devastating, including loss of employment and reputation.

A teacher was fired after her likeness appeared in a deep fake adult video without her consent.

Parents of students refused to believe the video was faked, highlighting the challenge of generative AI's realism.

The incident underscores the dangers of AI adult content if left unchecked.

Technology itself isn't the problem; it's the misuse of it and the lack of regulations that's concerning.

Masterworks, an award-winning fintech company, allows everyday investors to invest in art, providing a counterpoint to the negative uses of AI.

AI pornography might seem harmless, but it introduces problematic issues, especially when used without consent.

Generative AI is mainly used to create deep fakes that convince viewers a real person is involved in explicit acts without their consent.

The portrayal of women in suggestive situations without their permission is a form of sexual assault.

Victims of deep fakes face numerous consequences, including online harassment and damage to their personal and professional lives.

QTC Cinderella, a Twitch streamer, experienced severe body dysmorphia and harassment after deep fakes of her were circulated.

Deep fakes can be used to target public figures, potentially influencing elections or damaging careers.

Legislation on deep fakes is scarce, with only three U.S. states having passed laws directly addressing them.

Platforms like Dolly and mid-journey are taking steps to prevent the creation of likenesses of living persons.

The influx of AI-generated content challenges moderation systems, especially with the high volume of uploads on platforms like PornHub.

Victims of deep fakes cannot simply leave the internet, as it is integral to their livelihoods.

The responsibility to prevent deep fakes lies with platforms and governments, not the victims.

Generative AI tools can introduce biases, leading to the over-sexualization of women in AI-generated content.

The public needs to be trained to recognize deep fake pornography to limit its potential for harm.

As AI capabilities advance, the challenge of distinguishing between real and AI-generated content becomes more complex.

The inability to discern reality from simulation could lead to a loss of trust in online content and increased vulnerability to manipulation.