First Ever Review: Turnitin’s Updated AI Detector & AI Paraphrasing Tool in Action

Tadhg Blommerde
7 Aug 202411:23

TLDRTurnitin has updated its AI detector with a new feature to identify AI paraphrasing, addressing the rise of tools designed to bypass plagiarism checks. The feature, released in July 2024, automatically runs on submissions for customers with AI writing detection enabled. It distinguishes between AI-generated and AI-paraphrased text, aiming to foster discussions on academic integrity and critical thinking. Despite concerns over accuracy, Turnitin emphasizes that their tool is not infallible and should not solely dictate disciplinary actions.


  • 📅 Turnitin updated its AI detector on July 16, 2024, to include AI paraphrasing detection.
  • 🔍 The new feature automatically runs on submissions for customers with Turnitin Originality or Authenticate and AI writing detection enabled.
  • 📝 Turnitin defines AI paraphrasing as rephrasing others' ideas using one's own words and structures, which can indicate understanding but also be used to deceive.
  • 🛠️ The AI paraphrasing detection identifies text likely paraphrased using tools like Quillbot, Grammarly, and Scribber, which are known as 'Spinners'.
  • 📉 There are concerns that AI paraphrasing tools enable academic dishonesty and impede students' intellectual growth.
  • 📚 A study cited by Turnitin shows that AI-generated text paraphrased by tools like Quillbot can fool AI detectors, suggesting a need for better detection methods.
  • 🔎 Turnitin's new feature not only detects AI-generated text but also flags text that may have been further modified by AI paraphrasing tools.
  • 💡 The updated tool is intended to initiate discussions on academic integrity and critical thinking, rather than solely for punitive measures.
  • 🌐 The detection capabilities are integrated into the existing similarity report, with AI writing and paraphrasing segments highlighted differently for easy interpretation.
  • 📊 A new highlight bar in the report shows the percentage of content likely AI-generated and AI paraphrased, providing a clear breakdown for educators.
  • 🔍 Turnitin acknowledges the limitations of technical solutions and recommends staff training to detect AI paraphrasing, emphasizing the tool as a discussion starter, not a sole disciplinary measure.

Q & A

  • What is Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature?

    -Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature is an enhancement to their AI detector, designed to identify instances where AI paraphrasing tools may have been used to modify AI-generated text in submitted content.

  • When was Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature released?

    -Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature was released on the 16th of July, 2024.

  • How does Turnitin define paraphrasing?

    -Turnitin defines paraphrasing as the practice of rephrasing or restating someone else's ideas or information using your own words and sentence structures.

  • What are 'Spinners' in the context of Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection?

    -In the context of Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection, 'Spinners' are AI paraphrasing tools that analyze text input and generate alternative versions conveying the same information using different words or sentence structures.

  • What concerns does the use of AI paraphrasing tools raise according to Turnitin?

    -The use of AI paraphrasing tools raises concerns about academic integrity, as students might use them to modify AI-generated content to evade AI detection software, promoting deception and hindering intellectual growth and academic development.

  • How does Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature work?

    -Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature runs automatically on every submission and highlights text segments that the model predicts were likely written by an AI tool or further modified using an AI paraphrasing tool.

  • What is the purpose of Turnitin's updated detection tool?

    -The updated detection tool is intended to be used as a data point to start discussions about academic integrity and to help students understand the importance of critical thinking abilities.

  • How does Turnitin integrate the AI paraphrasing detection into its existing system?

    -Turnitin integrates AI paraphrasing detection into the existing similarity report, highlighting AI writing and AI paraphrasing segments in different colors for easy interpretation by educators and users.

  • What does Turnitin recommend regarding the use of the data surfaced by their AI paraphrasing tool?

    -Turnitin recommends that the data from their AI paraphrasing tool should not be used as the sole basis for disciplinary action but as a starting point for discussions about the misuse of AI paraphrasing tools.

  • What is the false negative rate for AI text according to the speaker's informal testing?

    -According to the speaker's informal testing, there is a false negative rate for AI text of about 50 to 60%.

  • How does Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature handle human paraphrased work?

    -Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection feature does not flag human paraphrased work; it only runs the paraphrasing model on segments flagged as AI generated.



🤖 Turnitin's New AI Paraphrasing Detection Feature

Turnitin has introduced an AI paraphrasing detection feature to enhance its existing AI detector, aimed at identifying content that has been rephrased using AI tools to bypass plagiarism checks. Launched on July 16, 2024, this feature automatically runs on submissions for customers with Turnitin's AI writing detection capabilities. The feature defines paraphrasing as the act of rewording others' ideas using one's own words and structures, which is seen as a demonstration of understanding. However, AI paraphrasing tools, referred to as 'Spinners,' are causing concerns as they can be used to modify AI-generated content to deceive detection software, potentially undermining academic integrity and intellectual growth. Turnitin's model has been tested against popular paraphrasing tools like Quillbot, Grammarly, and Scribber, and it can identify AI-generated text that has been paraphrased. The new feature is designed to initiate discussions on academic integrity and enhance critical thinking among students.


🔍 Balancing Technical Solutions with Staff Training

The video script discusses the limitations of relying solely on technical solutions like Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detector to combat the misuse of AI paraphrasing tools. It references a paper that suggests a more balanced approach, emphasizing the importance of staff training to detect automated paraphrasing and reduce student reliance on such tools. Turnitin acknowledges the potential for an ongoing 'arms race' and advises that its detection tool should not be the sole basis for disciplinary action. Instead, it should initiate conversations about academic integrity. The script also mentions an updated FAQ page by Turnitin, explaining the workings of the AI paraphrasing detector and its integration with the AI writing model. It clarifies that the AI paraphrasing detector only analyzes text flagged as AI-generated and does not flag human-paraphrased work. The video also touches on the challenges of accurate AI detection, with the presenter expressing skepticism about the precision of such tools, citing a false negative rate of 50-60% for AI text detection.


📝 Testing Turnitin's AI Detection Capabilities

The presenter conducts an experiment to test Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection capabilities. They use a free version of an AI tool to generate a 1,000-word essay on a specific topic and then run the output through two different paraphrasing tools: Quillbot and Article Spinner. The goal is to see if Turnitin can accurately detect AI-generated and AI-paraphrased content. The results show that Turnitin flags the original AI-generated text as 100% AI-written, which is an improvement from previous versions. When the text is paraphrased using Quillbot, Turnitin correctly identifies it as both AI-generated and AI-paraphrased, with a 9% AI-generated and 91% AI-paraphrased rating. However, when the text is paraphrased using Article Spinner, Turnitin flags the entire text as AI-generated but fails to recognize it as AI-paraphrased, despite the entire essay being paraphrased. This demonstrates the tool's ability to detect AI involvement but also highlights potential inaccuracies in distinguishing between different types of AI manipulation.



💡AI Detector

An AI Detector is a software tool designed to identify content generated by artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, Turnitin's AI Detector is an updated feature that aims to discern AI-generated content from human-written work. The script mentions that Turnitin has launched a new AI paraphrasing detection feature to enhance the capabilities of its AI Detector, which is part of the ongoing effort to maintain academic integrity in the face of tools designed to bypass detection.

💡AI Paraphrasing

AI Paraphrasing refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to rephrase or restate existing content using different words or sentence structures while retaining the original meaning. The video discusses Turnitin's new feature that detects AI paraphrasing, which is significant as it addresses the concern that students might use AI tools to paraphrase content and attempt to deceive plagiarism detection systems.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is the principle of honesty and trustworthiness in academic settings, which includes avoiding plagiarism and ensuring that one's work is original. The video emphasizes the importance of academic integrity by discussing how Turnitin's AI Detector and AI Paraphrasing Tool can help educators identify instances of AI-generated or AI-paraphrased content, thereby promoting honesty and originality in student work.


Turnitin is a company that provides academic plagiarism detection and originality checking services. The video script discusses Turnitin's updated AI Detector and AI Paraphrasing Tool, which are part of their suite of tools designed to help instructors identify and address AI-generated content and paraphrasing in student submissions.


Plagiarism is the act of using another person's work or ideas without proper attribution and presenting them as one's own. The video script mentions that Turnitin's tools are designed to combat plagiarism by detecting AI-generated content and AI paraphrasing, which are methods that students might use to evade detection of plagiarized material.


Quillbot is mentioned in the script as one of the popular AI paraphrasing tools that Turnitin's AI Detector has been tested against. The video discusses how Turnitin's model is capable of identifying text that has been run through paraphrasing tools like Quillbot, which are sometimes used to modify AI-generated content to evade detection.

💡AI Writing

AI Writing refers to the process of creating written content using artificial intelligence. The video script refers to AI writing detection capabilities, which are features of Turnitin's tools that can identify text that has been generated by AI, as opposed to being written by a human.


Authenticity, in the context of the video, relates to the genuineness of student work, ensuring that it is original and not generated or altered by AI tools. Turnitin's updated AI paraphrasing detection feature is described as a means to maintain the authenticity of student submissions by identifying instances of AI-generated or AI-paraphrased content.


Spinners, as mentioned in the script, are tools that rephrase or 'spin' text to create a new version of the same content. The video discusses how Turnitin's AI Detector can identify AI-generated text that has been run through 'Spinners', which are used to modify content in an attempt to bypass plagiarism detection systems.


Discerning, in the context of the video, refers to the ability to distinguish between AI-generated content and human-written work. The video highlights Turnitin's efforts to help instructors discern AI-generated content from genuine student work through the use of their AI Detector and AI Paraphrasing Tool.

💡Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is the ability to think independently and evaluate information objectively. The video script suggests that Turnitin's tools can be used not only to detect AI-generated content but also to start discussions with students about academic integrity and to help them develop their critical thinking abilities by understanding the implications of using AI tools to generate or paraphrase their work.


Turnitin has launched a new AI paraphrasing detection feature to enhance its AI detector capabilities.

The feature was released on 16th July 2024 and was rolled out in the following days.

Customers with Turnitin Originality or Authenticate and AI writing detection can access AI paraphrasing detection.

AI paraphrasing detection will run automatically on submissions unless turned off by administrators.

Turnitin defines paraphrasing as rephrasing ideas or information using one's own words and sentence structures.

AI paraphrasing tools are also known as 'Spinners' and can generate alternative versions of text.

Turnitin's model can identify AI-generated text likely paraphrased using popular Spinners like Quillbot and Grammarly.

AI paraphrasing raises concerns about academic integrity as it can be used to evade AI detection software.

Turnitin's new feature aims to identify AI paraphrasing used to modify AI-generated text in submissions.

The updated detection tool provides insights to help students understand academic integrity and develop critical thinking.

AI writing and paraphrasing segments are highlighted in different colors for easy interpretation.

A new highlight bar shows the percentage of content likely AI-generated and AI-paraphrased.

Turnitin acknowledges the ongoing arms race in AI detection and the importance of staff training.

The data from Turnitin's tool should not be the sole basis for disciplinary action but a starting point for discussion.

Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detector does not flag human paraphrased work and gives each sentence a score.

AI Writing Check, a tool referenced by Turnitin, has shut down due to the sophistication of new AI tools.

Turnitin claims to keep false positive rates under 1% for documents with over 20% likely AI content.

The AI paraphrasing detector only runs on segments flagged as AI-generated by the AI writing model.

Testing shows that Turnitin's AI detector can flag 100% of text as AI-generated, even after paraphrasing.

The tool impressively discriminates between AI-generated and AI-paraphrased text, despite some inaccuracies.