How to Become an AI Prompt Engineer For Beginners

Corbin Brown
30 May 202411:20

TLDRIn this tutorial, viewers learn the essentials of becoming an AI prompt engineer, a role pivotal in software development. The video, based on the creator's 10 months of experience integrating AI into software, focuses on crafting effective prompts using OpenAI's dashboard. Key concepts include understanding system and user roles, leveraging variables like 'temperature' for creativity and 'max tokens' for cost control, and structuring prompts with clarity. A practical example of developing an email responder using concise instructions and specific variables is provided, offering a scalable solution for email communication.


  • 😀 The video aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of becoming an AI prompt engineer.
  • 🛠️ The speaker shares insights based on their experience of integrating AI into software over 10 months.
  • 🔧 The tutorial focuses on creating effective prompts for software development rather than general chatbot interactions.
  • 💡 Understanding the roles of 'system' and 'user' in crafting prompts is crucial for effective AI communication.
  • 💼 The 'system' part of a prompt contains instructions for the AI, while the 'user' part provides the data for processing.
  • 📊 Variables like 'Max tokens' and 'temperature' are important for controlling the AI's output length and creativity.
  • 💬 'Max tokens' limit the output length to manage costs, with 500 to 1,000 tokens being a suggested range.
  • 🌡️ 'Temperature' adjusts the creativity level of the AI's responses, with lower values ensuring consistency.
  • 📝 The speaker demonstrates how to structure prompts with six major parts: context, steps, input format, output format, example output, and specific instructions.
  • 💌 An example is given for creating an email responder, highlighting the importance of clarity and conciseness in prompt engineering.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video on AI prompt engineering?

    -The video focuses on teaching viewers how to become an AI prompt engineer, specifically for the development of software, using OpenAI's dashboard as an example that can be applied to other AI providers.

  • What is the significance of the 'system' and 'user' roles in crafting AI prompts?

    -In crafting AI prompts, 'system' refers to the instructions given to the AI provider, dictating what to do, while 'user' refers to the data provided to the AI for processing. This distinction helps in creating effective prompts.

  • Why is it important to understand the role of 'system' and 'user' when creating prompts?

    -Understanding the roles helps in crafting effective instructions for the AI and providing the correct data, ensuring that the AI can process the information accurately and produce the desired output.

  • What are the two major variables the video suggests focusing on when creating AI prompts?

    -The two major variables to focus on are 'temperature' and 'Max tokens'. 'Temperature' controls the creativity of the AI's output, while 'Max tokens' set a limit on the length of the output to manage costs.

  • How does the 'temperature' variable affect the AI's output?

    -A lower 'temperature' results in less creative but more consistent outputs, whereas a higher 'temperature' can lead to more creative but potentially unpredictable responses.

  • What is the purpose of setting a 'Max tokens' limit in AI prompts?

    -Setting a 'Max tokens' limit prevents the AI from generating excessively long outputs that could incur high costs, providing a balance between output length and cost efficiency.

  • What is the structure of a prompt according to the video?

    -A prompt should have six major parts: full context, steps, input format, output format, example output, and specific instructions. This structure helps in creating a clear and effective prompt for the AI.

  • Why is it recommended to keep the instructions concise in AI prompts?

    -Concise instructions are easier for the AI to understand and process, reducing the chances of errors and ensuring that the AI can quickly and accurately perform the task.

  • How does the video demonstrate creating an effective prompt for an email responder?

    -The video demonstrates by creating a prompt with clear instructions, steps, input and output formats, and specific instructions tailored for responding to emails, ensuring that the AI can generate appropriate email responses.

  • What is the significance of the 'example output' section in a prompt?

    -The 'example output' section provides a template for the AI to follow, showing how the final output should look with specific variables and formatting, which helps in achieving consistent results.



💡 Introduction to AI Prompt Engineering

The speaker introduces the topic of AI prompt engineering, emphasizing its importance in software development. They share their experience of building AI-integrated software and outline the goal of the video: to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of how to become an AI prompt engineer. The speaker mentions using OpenAI's dashboard as an example but clarifies that the principles can be applied to any AI provider. The video focuses on creating effective prompts for software development, contrasting it with prompt crafting for chatbots. The speaker highlights the expanding field of AI prompt engineering and its potential for creating value.


🔧 Crafting Prompts for AI Software Development

The speaker delves into the specifics of crafting prompts for AI in the context of software development. They explain the importance of understanding the roles of 'system' and 'user' within the AI interaction. The 'system' is where instructions are inputted, guiding the AI on what to do, while the 'user' represents the data provided to the AI. The speaker discusses the use of API endpoints and the variables that can be adjusted, such as 'temperature' and 'max tokens,' to control the AI's output. 'Temperature' affects the creativity of the AI's responses, while 'max tokens' set a limit on the length of the output to manage costs. The speaker emphasizes the need for consistency in AI responses, especially in a scalable software context.


📝 Developing an Email Responder with AI

The speaker guides the audience through the process of creating an email responder using AI. They demonstrate how to set up the system prompt with specific instructions for the AI, focusing on conciseness and specificity. The speaker outlines the six major parts of crafting instructions: identifying context, outlining steps, specifying input and output formats, providing an example output, and giving specific instructions. Each part is explained with the aim of creating a functional API endpoint for email responses. The speaker uses a practical example to illustrate how to structure the prompt and input data, resulting in a scalable and effective email responder.



💡AI Prompt Engineer

An AI Prompt Engineer is a professional who specializes in crafting effective prompts for artificial intelligence systems. In the context of the video, this role involves creating instructions that guide AI in performing tasks, such as responding to emails, within software applications. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding how to prompt engineer to leverage AI for scalable and automated processes.

💡Open AI Dashboard

The Open AI Dashboard is a platform mentioned in the video where AI Prompt Engineers can interact with AI models. It serves as a user interface for managing and testing AI interactions, allowing engineers to set parameters and receive outputs based on the prompts they've designed.

💡Completion Calls

In the script, completion calls refer to the process of inputting data into an AI system and receiving an output based on that input. It is likened to a conversation where the AI provides a response after being given a prompt, which is central to the functionality of AI in software development.

💡System and User Roles

The video distinguishes between the 'system' and 'user' roles in AI prompt engineering. The system role involves inputting instructions to the AI, while the user role provides the data that the AI will process. Understanding these roles is crucial for structuring effective prompts and ensuring the AI behaves as intended.

💡Max Tokens

Max tokens is a parameter within AI systems that sets a limit on the number of tokens the AI can generate in response to a prompt. Tokens are often used as a measurement for charging purposes, with higher token counts correlating to more text. In the video, setting an appropriate max token limit is discussed as a way to control costs and output length.


Temperature is a variable that adjusts the creativity level of AI outputs. A lower temperature results in more consistent, predictable responses, while a higher temperature allows for more creative but potentially unpredictable outputs. The video suggests using a lower temperature for tasks that require consistency, such as email responses.

💡API Endpoint

An API endpoint is a specific URL that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of AI prompt engineering, an API endpoint is where the AI receives prompts and returns responses. The video discusses how to configure these endpoints for effective AI interaction.

💡Input Format

Input format refers to the structure and organization of the data provided to the AI system. The video explains the importance of defining this format in the prompt to ensure the AI understands how to process the incoming data, such as recognizing the subject and body of an email.

💡Output Format

Output format is the structure in which the AI presents its responses. The video provides an example of specifying an output format for email responses, ensuring that the AI's replies are formatted correctly and include the necessary information.

💡Specific Instructions

Specific instructions are detailed directives included in the prompt to guide the AI's response. In the video, these might include requirements such as keeping the email body to a maximum of four sentences or ensuring that certain information is included. These instructions help tailor the AI's output to meet specific needs.


The video provides a comprehensive guide on becoming an AI prompt engineer.

The presenter shares personal experience from 10 months of building AI integrated software.

The tutorial can be applied to any AI provider like OpenAI, Gemini, or Anthropic.

AI prompt engineering is an expanding field with numerous opportunities.

The video focuses on creating effective prompts for software development.

Understanding the role of system and user in crafting prompts is crucial.

System prompts are instructions to the AI, while user prompts are the data provided.

API endpoints in AI involve variables like max tokens, temperature, and presence penalty.

Max tokens set a limit on the output length to manage costs.

Temperature adjusts the creativity level of AI outputs.

Consistency is key for scalable products, suggesting lower temperature settings.

The video includes a practical example of creating an email responder using AI.

Instructions for the AI are broken down into six major parts for clarity.

Identifying context is the first step in crafting system instructions.

Steps outline the exact process the AI should take with the provided data.

Input format instructs the AI on how to interpret the incoming data.

Output format defines how the AI should structure its responses.

Example output provides a template for the AI to follow.

Specific instructions ensure certain elements are included in the AI's output.

The video concludes with a successful demonstration of a scalable email response endpoint.

The playlist 'From Concept to Software' is recommended for further learning.