How to do Prompt Engineering and properly use ChatGPT / LLMs | Prompt Engineering Guide | Tamil

Hareesh Rajendran
26 Apr 202410:22

TLDRThis video tutorial delves into the art of Prompt Engineering, crucial for effectively utilizing ChatGPT and other LLMs. It introduces various prompt types like 'one-shot' and 'few-shot learning', emphasizing the importance of task, context, exemplar, persona, format, and tone in constructing effective prompts. The video also touches on using data science for immersive learning and real-world application, suggesting that a well-crafted prompt can significantly enhance interaction with AI, leading to more accurate and relevant outputs.


  • 🔍 Prompt Engineering is a technique to interact effectively with AI, like ChatGPT, to get desired responses.
  • 💡 Types of prompts include 'one-shot' where a single input provides the answer, and 'example-based' where examples are given to guide the AI.
  • 📝 Good prompts consist of a task, context, exemplar, persona, format, and tone, which help the AI understand the query better.
  • 🛠️ Following a structured format for prompts can lead to more accurate and relevant outputs from AI systems.
  • 👨‍💻 The 'exemplar' and 'persona' are crucial components of a prompt as they help tailor the AI's response to the user's context.
  • 📑 The 'format' and 'tone' of the prompt can influence how the AI presents its response, such as ASCII diagrams or PDFs.
  • 📈 Using prompt engineering can enhance productivity, as it can be applied to various tasks like generating code or writing essays.
  • 🏢 The video suggests using prompt engineering in professional settings, including job interviews and project presentations.
  • 🌐 There are online platforms that offer immersive learning experiences and job opportunities related to prompt engineering and AI.
  • 💼 The video also touches on the importance of understanding one's user persona and background to effectively use AI tools.
  • 📚 The speaker encourages continuous learning and self-improvement in the field of AI and prompt engineering.

Q & A

  • What is Prompt Engineering?

    -Prompt Engineering is the process of crafting input prompts to elicit desired responses from AI systems like ChatGPT. It involves structuring your queries in a way that the AI can understand and provide the most accurate and relevant answers.

  • What are the different types of prompts mentioned in the video?

    -The video mentions several types of prompts: one-shot prompts where a single input is given, exemplar prompts where examples are provided, and persona prompts where the user assumes a specific role or identity.

  • How can you improve the quality of responses from AI systems?

    -You can improve the quality of responses by following a structured format that includes task, context, exemplar, persona, format, and tone. This helps the AI understand the query better and provide more accurate outputs.

  • What is the significance of exemplar and persona in prompt engineering?

    -Exemplar and persona are important in prompt engineering as they provide context and role-play scenarios that help tailor the AI's response to specific needs or situations, making the interaction more personalized and relevant.

  • Can you give an example of a task-based prompt?

    -A task-based prompt could be 'Generate a three-month plan,' 'Show me how to crack a coding interview,' or 'Summarize the top three takeaways from a given source.' These prompts are clear and direct, asking the AI to perform a specific task.

  • What is the role of context in crafting effective prompts?

    -Context in prompt engineering provides background information that helps the AI understand the broader scenario or the specific environment in which the task is to be performed, leading to more relevant and accurate responses.

  • How can the tone of a prompt affect the AI's response?

    -The tone of a prompt can influence the style and formality of the AI's response. For example, a formal tone might result in a more professional reply, while a casual tone could lead to a more conversational response.

  • What is the importance of following a format when creating prompts?

    -Following a format when creating prompts ensures that the AI receives all necessary information in a structured manner, which aids in generating more precise and useful outputs.

  • How can prompt engineering be applied in a professional setting?

    -Prompt engineering can be applied in a professional setting by using task-based prompts, incorporating relevant context, and adopting a persona that aligns with the professional role, such as a hiring manager or a project lead.

  • What are some practical examples of prompt engineering mentioned in the video?

    -The video gives examples like generating a code, writing an essay, or crafting an email. It also discusses using prompts for more complex tasks like creating a three-month plan or summarizing key points from an interview.



🔍 Introduction to Prompt Engineering

The speaker begins by addressing audience inquiries about 'prompt engineering,' a technique for eliciting desired responses from AI systems. They introduce the concept by explaining that it involves crafting specific prompts to receive accurate AI outputs. The video aims to explore the value of prompt engineering. The speaker outlines different types of prompts, such as 'one-shot' prompts that yield immediate answers without further interaction. They also discuss the importance of structuring prompts with clear tasks, context, exemplars, personas, format, and tone to achieve the best results. The speaker shares personal experiences, mentioning how they use prompt engineering daily and the positive outcomes they've achieved. They also touch on the use of data science in prompt engineering and the benefits of interactive learning through real-world projects.


📚 Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques

In this paragraph, the speaker delves deeper into advanced prompt engineering techniques, emphasizing the importance of providing context and task clarity when interacting with AI. They give examples of how AI can adapt to different scenarios, such as providing recipes based on available ingredients or offering solutions to hypothetical situations. The speaker also discusses the concept of 'persona' in prompt engineering, explaining how it can be used to simulate specific roles or perspectives to elicit tailored responses. They provide examples of how to use persona in prompts, such as pretending to be a hiring manager seeking assistance. The paragraph concludes with a call to action for viewers to explore and utilize advanced chat technologies and to upgrade their prompt engineering skills.


🎓 Closing Thoughts on Prompt Engineering

The speaker concludes the video with a motivational message, encouraging continuous learning in the field of prompt engineering. They sign off with a positive note, accompanied by music, suggesting that viewers should keep enhancing their skills to stay updated with the latest advancements in AI interaction techniques.



💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the art of formulating questions or queries in a way that elicits the most accurate and useful responses from AI systems like ChatGPT. In the video, it's described as a method to get the desired answers clearly by following a specific format. It's central to the video's theme as it's the main technique discussed for interacting effectively with large language models (LLMs).

💡One Shot

One Shot is a type of prompt where a single input is given to the AI, and it provides the correct answer immediately. The video mentions this as one of the prompt types, illustrating how concise and direct queries can be effective for obtaining straightforward answers.


Context in the video script refers to the background information or the setting in which a task is performed. It's crucial for AI to understand the situation and provide relevant responses. The video emphasizes that providing context can significantly improve the output quality of AI systems.


An exemplar in the script is a model or example that demonstrates how to structure a prompt effectively. It's highlighted as an important piece when constructing prompts, as it helps in guiding the AI to understand the expected format and style of the response.


Persona in the video is used to describe the role or identity that the user might assume when interacting with the AI. It helps in tailoring the responses to fit the user's perspective or professional role, such as a hiring manager or a software engineer, which is exemplified in the script.


Format in the context of the video refers to the structure or layout of the prompt. It's essential for organizing the information in a way that the AI can process efficiently. The video suggests that specifying the format can lead to more predictable and usable outputs.


Tone is the attitude or mood conveyed in the way the prompt is written. The video mentions that the tone can influence the style of the AI's response, whether it's formal, casual, optimistic, or pessimistic. It's a subtle but significant aspect of prompt engineering.


A task in the video is a specific action or instruction given to the AI, such as generating a code, writing an essay, or summarizing information. The script explains that clearly defining the task is fundamental to receiving accurate and relevant outputs from the AI.

💡Interactive Learning

Interactive learning, as mentioned in the video, involves engaging with the AI in a dynamic and participatory manner, often through real-world projects. It's presented as a way to enhance understanding and skill development, making the learning experience more immersive and practical.

💡Data Science

Data science in the video is alluded to as a field where prompt engineering can be applied to analyze and interpret complex data sets. It's suggested as a way to leverage AI for more advanced tasks, indicating the broad applicability of prompt engineering beyond simple queries.

💡Job Opportunities

Job opportunities in the script refer to the potential employment prospects that can be explored through the effective use of AI and prompt engineering. The video suggests that mastering these skills can lead to better job prospects, as indicated by the mention of hiring partners and active learners.


இந்த வீடியோவில் prompt engineering மற்றும் ChatGPT / LLMs ஐ சரியாக எவ்வாறு பயன்படுத்துவது பற்றி காண்பிக்கின்றன.

ஒரு prompt engineering மூலம் நீங்கள் விரும்பினால் விடைகளை தெளிவாக பெறலாம்.

ஒரு prompt வழிமுறை பின்பற்றி, சரியான விடைகளைப் பெறலாம்.

ஒரு prompt வகைகள்: ஒரு shot prompt மற்றும் பல shot prompt.

ஒரு shot prompt மூலம், ஒரு கேள்விக்கு சரியான விடை பயன்படுத்தி அளிக்கலாம்.

பல shot prompt மூலம், பல தகவல்களை அளிக்க முடியும்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, முதன்மையான வேலை, சூழல், எடுத்துக்காட்டு, பாசன, வடிவம் மற்றும் தோன்றல் பற்றி கருதி一下吧.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, எடுத்துக்காட்டு மற்றும் பாசன இரண்டு முக்கிய பங்குகளாக இருக்கின்றன.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, வடிவம் மற்றும் தோன்றல் உங்களுக்கு ஏதாவது வேண்டுமானால் அதை குறிப்பிடவும்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, முன்னுரிமையான பணியை விளக்க உதவுகின்றன.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, எளிதில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் அல்லது பல பணிகளுக்கும் பயன்படுத்தப்படும்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, எளிதில் பணிகளை அல்லது பல பணிகளை விளக்க உதவுகின்றன.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உதாரணமாக குறிப்பிடலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உதாரணங்களின் மூலம் உதவி பெறலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் சூழல் மற்றும் வெற்றி பற்றி விளக்க உதவுகின்றன.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் பின்னணி அல்லது நோக்கங்களையும் குறிப்பிடலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் சூழல் அல்லது நிலைமை பற்றி விளக்க உதவுகின்றன.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உதாரணங்களின் மூலம் உதவி பெறலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் பாசன மற்றும் வடிவம் பற்றி விளக்க உதவுகின்றன.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல் அல்லது விடைகளை வடிவம் மற்றும் தோன்றல் படி உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை ASCII அட்டவணை அல்லது PDF வடிவத்தில் உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை புள்ளிகள் அல்லது மார்க்டேஸின் வடிவத்தில் உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை பைதான் வரிசை அல்லது பிளாக் அடிப்படையில் உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை உங்கள் சூழல் அல்லது விஷயத்தில் பொருந்தும் உதாரணங்களில் உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் சூழல் அல்லது நிலைமையை விளக்குவதன் மூலம் உதவி பெறலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை உங்கள் சூழல் அல்லது விஷயத்தில் பொருந்தும் உதாரணங்களில் உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை உங்கள் சூழல் அல்லது நிலைமையை விளக்குவதன் மூலம் உருவாக்கலாம்.

ஒரு prompt ஐ உருவாக்க, உங்கள் வினவல்களை அல்லது விடைகளை உங்கள் சூழல் அல்லது நிலைமையை விளக்குவதன் மூலம் உருவாக்கலாம்.