Discover Prompt Engineering | Google AI Essentials

Google Career Certificates
13 May 202430:29

TLDRPrompt engineering is the art of crafting effective text inputs to guide AI models in generating desired outputs. The video emphasizes the importance of clear and specific prompts to elicit useful responses from AI. It introduces the concept of iteration in prompt refinement and explores few-shot prompting, which enhances AI performance by providing examples. The script also discusses the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as potential biases and inaccuracies, and the necessity of critical evaluation of AI output. Practical examples illustrate how to use LLMs for various tasks, like content creation, summarization, and problem-solving, in a workplace context.


  • 😀 Prompt engineering is the practice of creating effective prompts to elicit useful output from generative AI.
  • 🔍 Clear and specific prompts are crucial for guiding AI models to generate desired outputs.
  • 🔁 Iteration is key in prompt engineering; evaluating output and revising prompts can significantly improve results.
  • 🧠 Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast amounts of text to identify patterns and generate responses.
  • ⚖️ LLMs can sometimes produce biased or inaccurate outputs due to limitations in their training data.
  • 🎯 Few-shot prompting, where examples are included in the prompt, can enhance the performance of LLMs by providing contextual cues.
  • 🛠 Prompts should include verbs and necessary context to guide the AI towards the intended output.
  • 📊 LLMs can be used for various tasks like content creation, summarization, classification, extraction, translation, and editing.
  • 🚀 Iterative processes in prompt engineering often involve multiple attempts to refine and achieve optimal AI output.
  • ❓ It's important to critically evaluate LLM output for accuracy, bias, sufficiency, relevance, and consistency.

Q & A

  • What is prompt engineering?

    -Prompt engineering is the practice of developing effective prompts that elicit useful output from generative AI. It involves designing the best prompt you can to get the desired output from an AI model.

  • Why is it important to be clear and specific when creating prompts for AI?

    -Being clear and specific in prompts is crucial because it increases the likelihood of receiving useful output from AI. The more precise the instructions and context provided, the better the AI can understand and respond to the request.

  • What is the role of iteration in prompt engineering?

    -Iteration plays a significant role in prompt engineering as it involves evaluating the AI's output and revising the prompts to improve results. It's an ongoing process that helps refine the prompts to achieve the desired output.

  • How do Large Language Models (LLMs) generate responses to prompts?

    -LLMs generate responses by identifying patterns in large amounts of text data they've been trained on. They predict the most likely next word or words in a sequence based on these patterns and the context provided by the prompt.

  • What is few-shot prompting and how does it improve AI output?

    -Few-shot prompting is a technique where two or more examples are provided in the prompt to guide the AI. It improves AI output by giving the model additional context and examples to better understand the desired format, style, or pattern of the response.

  • Why might an LLM's output sometimes be biased or inaccurate?

    -An LLM's output may be biased or inaccurate due to limitations in its training data, which might contain societal biases or lack sufficient information on certain topics. Additionally, LLMs have a tendency to 'hallucinate' and generate factually incorrect information.

  • How can you use an LLM for content creation in the workplace?

    -In the workplace, LLMs can be used for content creation by generating emails, plans, ideas, and more. They can also help write articles, create outlines, and summarize lengthy documents, among other tasks.

  • What are some limitations of LLMs that users should be aware of?

    -LLMs may have limitations such as producing biased or inaccurate outputs, insufficient content on specific domains, and a tendency to hallucinate. Users should critically evaluate all outputs for factual accuracy, bias, relevance, and sufficiency.

  • How can including examples in a prompt, like in few-shot prompting, affect the AI's response?

    -Including examples in a prompt can significantly affect the AI's response by providing a clearer understanding of the desired output format, style, or pattern. This can lead to more accurate and contextually relevant responses from the AI.

  • Why is it important to critically evaluate LLM output before using it?

    -It's important to critically evaluate LLM output before using it to ensure that the information is accurate, unbiased, relevant, and sufficient for the intended purpose. This step helps maintain the quality and reliability of the information used in decision-making or other applications.



💡 Introduction to Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art of crafting effective prompts to elicit desired responses from AI, akin to how we use language to influence human interactions. It's crucial for getting useful outputs from conversational AI tools. Yufeng, a Google engineer, explains that clear and specific prompts are key to successful AI interaction. Prompts are inputs that guide AI models in generating responses, and their effectiveness can be improved through iteration and evaluation. The course aims to teach how to design prompts for better AI output, understanding LLMs' capabilities and limitations, and the importance of critical thinking and creativity in prompt engineering.


🧠 Understanding LLMs and Their Training

Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI models trained on vast amounts of text to identify patterns and generate responses. They learn from diverse text sources, and their performance improves with higher quality data. LLMs predict the next word in a sequence based on computed probabilities, which allows them to respond to various prompts. However, they may sometimes produce biased or inaccurate outputs due to limitations in training data or a tendency to 'hallucinate'. It's essential to critically evaluate LLM outputs for accuracy, bias, relevance, and sufficiency. The training data's quality directly influences the AI's ability to generate useful responses.


🔍 Enhancing Output with Specific Prompts

The quality of the prompt significantly affects the AI's output. Clear, specific prompts with relevant context are necessary for LLMs to generate useful responses. An example is given where an LLM fails to recommend suitable vegetarian restaurants without specific prompting. The importance of iterative prompting is emphasized, where initial prompts are refined based on output evaluation to achieve better results. The text also discusses various applications of LLMs in the workplace, such as content creation, summarization, classification, extraction, translation, editing, and problem-solving, highlighting the need for human guidance to overcome LLM limitations.


🔄 The Power of Iteration in Prompt Engineering

Iterative processes are crucial in prompt engineering, where initial prompts are evaluated and revised to improve output. The text explains that LLMs may not always provide optimal results on the first attempt due to differences in models or inherent limitations. It's important to critically evaluate outputs and iterate by adding context or refining phrasing. An example is provided where a prompt to find colleges with animation programs is iteratively improved to include necessary details and a table format for better organization. The text also advises on starting a new conversation if previous prompts influence the output, emphasizing the importance of iteration in achieving the desired results.


🎯 Few-Shot Prompting and Its Applications

Few-shot prompting is a technique where examples are included in prompts to guide LLMs in generating responses. It's particularly useful for tasks requiring specific styles or formats. The text explains the concept of 'shot' in prompting, with zero-shot providing no examples, one-shot providing one, and few-shot providing two or more. Few-shot prompting can improve LLM performance by clarifying the desired output format or style. An example is given where an LLM is prompted to write a product description in a specific style, using few-shot prompting with examples. The text advises experimenting with the number of examples for optimal results and concludes by encouraging the application of these prompting techniques in various AI models for improved outcomes.



💡Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering is the practice of crafting effective prompts that elicit useful output from generative AI. It involves designing the best text input possible to guide AI models like conversational AI tools to generate desired responses. In the video, prompt engineering is central to improving the quality of AI output, as it teaches how to create clear and specific prompts that provide the AI with the necessary context to respond accurately. For example, a business owner might use prompt engineering to ask an AI for marketing ideas tailored to their clothing store, making the prompt specific to get useful suggestions.

💡Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models, or LLMs, refer to AI models that are trained on vast amounts of text data to identify patterns and generate human-like text responses. These models are capable of predicting the next word in a sequence based on statistical analysis of word relationships. The video explains that LLMs learn from diverse text sources, which influences their ability to generate responses. However, their output can sometimes be biased or inaccurate due to limitations in their training data, emphasizing the importance of prompt engineering to guide them effectively.


In the context of the video, 'output' refers to the text or information generated by an AI model in response to a prompt. The quality of output is directly influenced by the quality of the prompt provided to the AI. The video stresses the importance of clear and specific prompts to achieve useful output, such as a list of marketing ideas for a clothing store or an outline for an article on data visualization.


Iteration in prompt engineering is the process of refining and revising prompts to improve the AI's output. It involves evaluating the AI's response, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting the prompt accordingly. The video uses the example of planning a company event, where initial prompts might not yield the desired themes, and through iteration, a more specific prompt is crafted to get a relevant list of themes for a professional conference.

💡Few-shot prompting

Few-shot prompting is a technique in prompt engineering where two or more examples are provided in the prompt to guide the AI's output. This method helps the AI model understand the desired format, style, or pattern by providing it with specific examples. The video illustrates few-shot prompting with an example of generating a product description for a skateboard, where descriptions of other products are given as examples to follow a similar style.


Context in prompt engineering is the background information or specific details included in a prompt to help the AI model generate more accurate and relevant output. The video explains that providing clear and specific context is crucial for the AI to understand the task at hand. For instance, when asking for restaurant recommendations for a vegetarian, the context of 'vegetarian options' must be included in the prompt for the AI to suggest suitable restaurants.


In the video, 'hallucination' refers to AI outputs that are factually inaccurate or not true. This can occur when an LLM generates text based on its training data that does not align with reality. For example, an LLM might incorrectly state the founding date of a company or the number of its employees. The video highlights the importance of critically evaluating AI output for accuracy to avoid relying on hallucinated information.

💡Content creation

Content creation using LLMs involves leveraging AI to generate various types of textual content, such as emails, plans, and articles. The video provides an example of using an LLM to create an outline for an article on data visualization best practices, demonstrating how AI can assist in drafting initial content that can be further developed by humans.


Summarization in the context of the video refers to the AI's ability to condense lengthy text into shorter, more concise forms while retaining the main points. The video illustrates this with an example of summarizing a paragraph about project management strategies into a single sentence, showcasing how AI can be used to quickly grasp and communicate essential information.


Classification, as discussed in the video, is the process of categorizing data or text into predefined classes or groups. An example given is classifying customer reviews as positive, negative, or neutral based on the sentiment expressed. This showcases how AI can be used to analyze and organize large sets of data efficiently.


Prompt engineering is designing the best prompt to get the desired output from AI.

Language is used to prompt others to respond in a particular way.

A prompt is text input that instructs an AI model on how to generate output.

Clear and specific prompts are crucial for useful AI output.

Prompt engineering involves creating prompts that elicit useful output from generative AI.

Iteration is key in prompt engineering; evaluate output and revise prompts as needed.

Few-shot prompting is a technique that provides two or more examples in a prompt.

LLMs generate output based on patterns identified in their training data.

LLMs can predict the next word in a sequence by analyzing word relationships.

LLMs may have limitations such as bias or hallucination due to their training data.

It's important to critically evaluate all LLM output for accuracy and relevance.

Prompt engineering requires human guidance to achieve the best results from LLMs.

Examples in prompts can guide LLMs to generate responses in a desired format or style.

Zero-shot prompting provides no examples and relies solely on the LLM's training.

Few-shot prompting can improve LLM performance by providing additional context and examples.

The number of examples in a prompt can affect the flexibility and creativity of LLM responses.

Prompt engineering is an iterative process that often requires multiple attempts to optimize output.

Prompts should include necessary context to guide LLMs in generating useful and relevant output.