AI Prompt Engineering Tips for Data Analysis

Maven Analytics
21 Aug 202406:27

TLDRThis video delves into the art of AI Prompt Engineering for data analysis, emphasizing the importance of clear and specific prompts to elicit accurate responses from AI tools. It outlines best practices like providing context, setting complexity levels, and understanding model limitations. Examples illustrate how refining prompts can yield more tailored and useful information, from Excel formulas to industry-specific KPIs. The video also touches on the iterative nature of prompt refinement and the value of setting the right tone for responses, making complex topics accessible.


  • 💡 Prompt engineering is crucial for getting effective responses from AI tools like chat GPT.
  • 🔍 Be clear and specific with your prompts for better AI output.
  • 📊 Include context and examples, such as cell references or column names, for generating formulas or code.
  • 🎭 Establish roles for AI in specific use cases, like a career coach or marketing specialist.
  • 🎓 Set the tone or complexity level of the AI's response to match your needs.
  • 🚫 Understand the limitations of AI models, such as lack of knowledge on recent events.
  • 🔄 Refine and iterate your prompts based on the quality of AI responses.
  • ✅ Use detailed prompts to receive specific and actionable information from AI.
  • 📈 Tailor your prompts with industry-specific context to get more relevant AI assistance.
  • 🧠 Utilize the AI's ability to play different roles to structure responses in a professional manner.
  • 📝 Adjust the complexity of AI explanations to match your audience's understanding level.

Q & A

  • What is the importance of data skills in today's world?

    -Data skills are crucial as they are used by companies like Amazon, Netflix, Starbucks, and Uber to make informed decisions, manage supply chains, and connect services in real time. Moreover, data literacy is beneficial for everyone, not just tech companies or professional analysts.

  • What is the relationship between the quality of input and the output of generative AI tools?

    -The quality of the output from generative AI tools like chat GPT is directly dependent on the quality of the input or prompt provided by the user.

  • What is prompt engineering and why is it significant?

    -Prompt engineering is the practice of constructing prompts to generate effective and accurate responses from AI tools. It's significant because it can enhance the interaction with AI, leading to better and more relevant outputs.

  • What are some tips for writing effective prompts for AI tools?

    -Tips include being clear and specific, providing context and examples, establishing roles for specific use cases, setting the tone or level of complexity, and understanding model limitations.

  • Why is it important to be clear and specific when crafting prompts?

    -Being clear and specific helps AI tools to generate more accurate and relevant responses, as it reduces ambiguity and provides a clear direction for the AI to follow.

  • How can providing context and examples improve the quality of responses from AI tools?

    -Providing context and examples gives AI tools a better understanding of the user's needs, which can lead to more tailored and accurate responses, especially when generating formulas or code.

  • What is the benefit of establishing roles for AI tools in specific use cases?

    -Establishing roles allows the AI to tailor its responses to the specific context of the role, which can result in more relevant and practical advice or information.

  • Why is it helpful to set the tone or level of complexity in your prompts?

    -Setting the tone or level of complexity helps calibrate the AI's response to match the user's understanding and needs, making the information more accessible and useful.

  • What are some limitations of AI tools that users should be aware of?

    -AI tools may have limitations such as inability to provide help with certain tasks or lack of knowledge on recent current events, as they are based on the data they were trained on.

  • How can users refine their prompts based on the responses they receive from AI tools?

    -Users can refine their prompts by iterating based on the quality of the responses they receive, taking advantage of the AI's conversational nature and its ability to remember the context of previous prompts.

  • What is an example of a good prompt for generating an Excel formula for year-over-year growth?

    -A good prompt would be: 'Can you give me an Excel formula to calculate year-over-year growth data for this year in cells C2 through C100, and data for last year in cells B2 through B100?'

  • How can including details like variable names, data types, and cell ranges improve the responses from AI tools?

    -Including such details helps AI tools to generate more precise and actionable responses, especially when the user is looking for specific formulas or code.

  • What is the advantage of using prompts to establish roles like a data QA engineer?

    -Establishing roles can lead to responses that are structured and detailed in a way that reflects the approach a professional in that role might take, providing more practical and relevant guidance.

  • How can setting the tone of a prompt affect the complexity of the AI's response?

    -Setting the tone can simplify or elaborate on the complexity of the response, making it more suitable for the user's level of understanding or the context in which it will be used.

  • What is the benefit of explaining complex topics in a simplified manner using AI tools?

    -Simplifying complex topics makes them more accessible and easier to understand, which is particularly helpful for learning and can be more efficient than sifting through multiple sources.



💡 Enhancing Data Literacy with Prompt Engineering

This paragraph emphasizes the importance of data literacy in various industries, not just tech companies or analysts. It introduces the concept of generative AI tools like chat GPT and the significance of crafting effective prompts. The paragraph outlines best practices for writing prompts, such as being clear and specific, providing context and examples, establishing roles for specific use cases, setting the tone or complexity level, and understanding model limitations. It also discusses the iterative nature of refining prompts based on the quality of responses received.


📈 Practical Prompt Engineering Examples and Tips

The second paragraph provides practical examples and tips for prompt engineering. It suggests simplifying complex topics by adjusting the tone of the prompt, such as explaining concepts to a child or a C-level executive. The paragraph also highlights the effectiveness of using prompts to tailor responses to specific roles or industries, like a data QA engineer or a marketing specialist. It concludes with an invitation to explore more about data literacy through a free course offered by Maven Analytics, catering to individuals, leaders, and data professionals.



💡Data Literacy

Data literacy refers to the ability to read, work with, analyze, and argue with data. It is a crucial skill in today's data-driven world, as it enables individuals to make informed decisions and contribute to data-driven discussions. In the context of the video, data literacy is presented as a skill that everyone can benefit from, not just tech companies or professional analysts. The video aims to help viewers improve their data literacy by mastering the art of prompt engineering with AI tools.

💡Generative AI Tools

Generative AI tools are artificial intelligence systems designed to generate human-like text based on the input they receive. They use large language models (LLMs) to understand and respond to user prompts. The video emphasizes the importance of high-quality input, or prompts, to receive useful output from these tools. Examples of generative AI tools include chatbots like Chat GPT, which can be used for a variety of tasks from data analysis to content creation.

💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the practice of constructing effective prompts for AI systems to generate accurate and useful responses. It is an emerging field that focuses on optimizing the interaction with AI tools. The video discusses several tips for good prompt engineering, such as being clear and specific, providing context, and setting the tone for the response. The goal is to craft prompts that lead to the most informative and relevant output from AI systems.

💡Clear and Specific Prompts

A clear and specific prompt is one that is direct and unambiguous, allowing the AI to understand exactly what information or action is being requested. The video suggests that being clear and specific is the first step in creating effective prompts. For instance, instead of asking a vague question like 'how do you calculate year-over-year growth?', a better approach would be to provide details such as the range of cells containing the data.

💡Context and Examples

Providing context and examples in a prompt helps the AI to generate more accurate and relevant responses. This can include details like cell references, column names, or specific scenarios. The video illustrates this by suggesting that including such details in a prompt about Excel formulas or industry metrics can lead to more precise and actionable advice from the AI.

💡Roles for Specific Use Cases

Establishing roles for AI in specific use cases can help tailor the responses to the needs of the user. The video gives an example of asking Chat GPT to play the role of a career coach or a marketing specialist. This approach allows the AI to respond in a manner that is aligned with the expertise and perspective of the assigned role.

💡Tone and Complexity

Setting the tone or level of complexity in a prompt allows users to calibrate the depth and style of the AI's response. The video suggests that users can ask for explanations tailored to different audiences, such as a child or a C-level executive. This enables the AI to adapt its language and the complexity of the information to suit the intended recipient.

💡Model Limitations

Understanding model limitations is crucial when using AI tools. The video points out that there are certain topics or types of information that these tools may not be able to assist with, such as recent current events or highly specialized knowledge. Recognizing these limitations helps users set realistic expectations and avoid potential misinformation.

💡Refining and Iterating Prompts

The video highlights that crafting the perfect prompt often requires refinement and iteration. Since AI tools are conversational and remember the context of previous interactions, users can easily adjust their prompts based on the quality of the responses they receive. This iterative process helps in achieving more accurate and useful outputs from the AI.

💡Dirty Data

Dirty data refers to data that contains errors, duplicates, or inconsistencies, which can compromise the quality of analysis and decision-making. The video uses the term in the context of a scenario where a new employee is tasked with cleaning and preparing data for analysis. The AI is prompted to provide a step-by-step plan for data quality assurance, reflecting the importance of data cleaning in the data analysis process.

💡Data QA Engineer

A Data QA Engineer is a professional responsible for ensuring the quality of data within an organization. Their role involves identifying and correcting data issues to maintain data integrity. In the video, the AI is asked to play the role of a Data QA Engineer, providing guidance on how to approach the data cleaning process. This demonstrates the application of role-specific prompts to generate targeted advice from AI tools.


Data skills are essential beyond tech companies and professional analysts.

Generative AI tools like chat GPT rely on the quality of input prompts.

Prompt engineering is the practice of crafting effective prompts for AI.

Be clear and specific in your prompts for better AI responses.

Providing context and examples can enhance the AI's output.

Establish roles for AI in specific use cases, like a career coach or marketing specialist.

Set the tone or complexity level of the AI's response to match your needs.

Understand the limitations of AI models, such as lack of knowledge on recent events.

Refine prompts iteratively based on the AI's responses.

Example of a bad prompt: 'How do you calculate year-over-year growth?'

A good prompt includes specifics like cell references for Excel formulas.

Adding context can lead to more tailored AI responses.

Establishing roles can structure the AI's response in a professional manner.

Setting the tone can simplify complex topics for easier understanding.

Use prompts to get simplified descriptions of technical topics.

AI can provide step-by-step plans when prompted with a specific role.

Maven Analytics offers a free data literacy foundations course.