AI prompt engineering: A deep dive

5 Sept 202476:42

TLDRThe roundtable discussion delves into the art of prompt engineering, gathering insights from experts like Alex, David, Amanda, and Zack from Anthropic. They explore the essence of prompt engineering, its evolution, and its significance in maximizing AI model capabilities. The conversation traverses from the basics of crafting prompts to the future of the field, touching on the importance of clear communication, iteration, and the potential for models to elicit information directly from users, indicating a shift towards a more collaborative and intuitive interaction with AI.


  • 🔧 Prompt engineering is a process of communicating effectively with AI models to achieve desired outcomes, much like programming but through natural language.
  • 🧩 The term 'engineering' in prompt engineering refers to the systematic approach and iterative trial-and-error method used to refine prompts for AI models.
  • 💡 Good prompt engineering is about clear communication, understanding the AI model's capabilities, and being able to iterate on prompts to improve results.
  • 🤝 There's a collaborative aspect to prompt engineering, where the engineer works with the AI model to bring out its full potential.
  • 🔎 The role of a prompt engineer involves not just creating prompts but also integrating them into systems in a way that makes the overall interaction effective.
  • 🧠 The psychology of the AI model is important in prompt engineering, as understanding how the model interprets and acts on prompts is key to success.
  • 🔍 A good prompt engineer needs to consider edge cases and think through how the model will respond to unusual or unexpected inputs.
  • 🔄 Iteration is crucial in prompt engineering, with many rounds of back-and-forth communication with the model to refine and perfect the prompts.
  • 🤖 The future of prompt engineering may involve AI models helping humans to craft better prompts, turning the process into more of a collaborative effort.
  • 📚 Prompt engineering has evolved with the advancement of AI models, with techniques that were once hacks becoming integrated into the models' capabilities.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the roundtable discussion?

    -The main focus of the roundtable discussion is prompt engineering, exploring its definition, significance, and various perspectives from research, consumer, and enterprise sides.

  • What does Alex do at Anthropic?

    -Alex leads Developer Relations at Anthropic and was previously a prompt engineer, working on the prompt engineering team in various roles including solutions architect and research.

  • What is David Hershey's role at Anthropic?

    -David Hershey works with customers at Anthropic, primarily on technical aspects, helping with fine-tuning and addressing challenges in adopting language models and prompting.

  • What is Amanda Askell's goal in leading one of the Finetuning teams at Anthropic?

    -Amanda Askell aims to make Claude, an AI model, be honest and kind through her work leading one of the Finetuning teams at Anthropic.

  • Why is the process of iterating on prompts considered engineering?

    -Iterating on prompts is considered engineering because it involves trial and error, starting from scratch, and experimenting with different approaches independently, much like traditional engineering processes.

  • How does Zack Witten define prompt engineering?

    -Zack Witten defines prompt engineering as trying to get the most out of an AI model, working with it to accomplish tasks that wouldn't be possible otherwise, with a focus on clear communication.

  • What is the significance of the 'engineering' part in prompt engineering?

    -The 'engineering' part in prompt engineering signifies the systematic approach of trial and error, design, and integration of prompts within a system, which is essential for building reliable and effective applications using language models.

  • Why is it important to read model outputs closely?

    -Reading model outputs closely is important because it provides insights into the model's thought process, helps in understanding its reasoning, and allows for the identification of errors or areas for improvement in the prompts.

  • What does Amanda mean by 'externalize your brain' in the context of prompting?

    -Amanda means that to create effective prompts, one should articulate their thoughts and objectives clearly, as if explaining them to an educated layperson, ensuring that the model understands the task as intended.

  • How does the concept of 'jailbreaking' relate to prompt engineering?

    -Jailbreaking in prompt engineering refers to the practice of finding and exploiting the limits or vulnerabilities in a model's training to make it perform tasks it was not explicitly trained to do, often by using specific phrasings or approaches.

  • What is the future of prompt engineering according to the panelists?

    -The panelists suggest that prompt engineering will evolve, with AI models becoming better at understanding and eliciting information from users. The role of the prompt engineer may shift towards more collaboration and guidance with AI models, rather than just creating standalone prompts.



💡 Introduction to Prompt Engineering

The roundtable begins with an introduction to prompt engineering, a field that intersects various perspectives including research, consumer, and enterprise sides. The participants, Alex, David, Amanda, and Zack, discuss their backgrounds and experiences with prompt engineering, highlighting its importance in eliciting desired responses from language models. The conversation emphasizes the need for clear communication and the iterative nature of engineering the best prompts.


🔍 The Nature of Prompt Engineering

The discussion delves into the nature of prompt engineering, comparing it to programming models through clear instructions. The participants explore the idea that prompts can be seen as a form of natural language code, emphasizing the importance of precision and iteration. They also touch on the systems thinking required to integrate prompts effectively within broader systems, acknowledging the complexity that arises from real-world applications.


🤖 The Role of Iteration and Systems Thinking

Participants share insights on the iterative process of prompt engineering, comparing it to software development practices like version control. The conversation highlights the need to consider edge cases and unusual scenarios to strengthen prompts. The role of systems thinking is underscored, as prompts often need to be integrated into larger systems, requiring a deep understanding of how models interact with various data sources and user inputs.


🧠 The Psychology Behind Prompts

The roundtable explores the psychological aspect of prompt engineering, discussing the importance of understanding the 'psychology' of the model. Participants emphasize the need to communicate clearly with the model, akin to interacting with a person, and the value of reading model outputs to refine prompts. The discussion also touches on the challenges of unlearning assumptions and communicating tasks effectively to the model.


🔎 Trust and Intuition in Prompt Engineering

Participants discuss the development of intuition and trust in models through experience. Amanda shares her approach to testing model reliability by constructing detailed prompts and examining model responses across a variety of scenarios. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding model capabilities and the value of high-quality, well-crafted prompts over larger, less targeted datasets.


🛠️ The Art of Crafting Effective Prompts

The discussion turns to the art of crafting effective prompts, with participants sharing their experiences and strategies. Zack emphasizes the importance of providing detailed and clear instructions, while Amanda stresses the need for precision and the iterative process of refining prompts. The conversation also explores the use of metaphors and role-playing in prompts,权衡 the pros and cons of such techniques.


🤝 Collaboration and Feedback in Prompt Development

Participants discuss the value of collaboration and feedback in the prompt development process. They share experiences of using models to generate examples and the importance of giving models 'outs' for unexpected inputs. The conversation highlights the iterative nature of prompt engineering and the need for constant refinement to achieve the desired outcomes.


🌟 The Future of Prompt Engineering

The roundtable concludes with a forward-looking discussion on the future of prompt engineering. Participants envision a future where models are more integrated into the process, assisting with prompt generation and eliciting information from users. They speculate on the potential for models to understand and clarify user intentions, shifting the role of the prompt engineer towards more of a collaborative and introspective function.



💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the practice of carefully crafting input prompts to elicit desired responses from artificial intelligence models. In the context of the video, it is central to discussions around optimizing AI interactions. The participants explore how to effectively communicate with AI models through prompts, aiming to 'bring the most out of the model,' as Zack mentions. The concept is illustrated through various examples, such as Amanda's work on finetuning teams to make Claude 'be honest and kind,' showcasing the practical applications of prompt engineering in guiding AI behavior.


Finetuning, in the realm of AI, is the process of adjusting a pre-trained model to better perform a specific task. Amanda leads one of the Finetuning teams at Anthropic, where she works on enhancing the model's performance by fine-tuning it to be 'honest and kind.' This keyword is integral to the video's discussion on improving AI models through targeted adjustments post-training.

💡Language Models

Language models are AI systems designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input they receive. Throughout the script, language models are the subject of the roundtable's focus, as the participants discuss how to interact with and improve these models through prompt engineering. The term is used in discussions about the capabilities and limitations of models like Claude, emphasizing their role in contemporary AI research and applications.


Claude is a language model mentioned throughout the transcript as the AI system that the team at Anthropic is working to improve through prompt engineering. The name Claude is used to personify the model, making the discussion relatable and specific. It represents the ongoing efforts to enhance AI models' capabilities, as seen in Amanda's goal to make Claude 'be honest and kind' through finetuning.


迭代, or iteration in English, is a process of repeating a process with the aim of improving upon it. In the context of the video, iteration is a key part of prompt engineering, where prompts are refined through multiple cycles of feedback and adjustment. The participants discuss the importance of iterating on prompts to improve AI responses, as illustrated by Amanda's approach to finetuning where she sends 'hundreds of prompts to the model' in a short span to refine the interaction.

💡Clear Communication

Clear communication is emphasized as a vital skill in prompt engineering. It involves expressing instructions and tasks in a manner that is straightforward and easily understood by AI models. The video's participants stress the importance of being able to articulate what one wants from the model, as exemplified by Zack's statement that prompt engineering is about 'clear communicating' and 'understanding the psychology of the model.'

💡Edge Cases

Edge cases are situations or scenarios that are on the extremities of normal operations, often used to test the robustness of a system. In the script, edge cases are discussed in relation to prompt engineering, where Amanda explains the importance of considering unusual scenarios when constructing prompts to ensure the AI model can handle a wide range of inputs. This concept is crucial for developing prompts that are effective across various use cases.

💡Theory of Mind

Theory of mind is the ability to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions that may be different from one's own. In the transcript, the concept is applied to prompt engineering, where engineers must think about how the AI model will interpret their prompts. This is highlighted when discussing the need to anticipate the model's perspective, as in the case of writing prompts that account for how the model might view a given task.


A persona in the context of AI refers to a specific role or character that a model might be prompted to assume to better perform a task. The video participants discuss the use of personas in prompts, such as pretending to be a teacher or a student, to guide the model's responses. However, there's a debate on the effectiveness of this technique, with some suggesting that clear and direct communication of the task at hand might be more effective than assigning personas.

💡Chain of Thought

Chain of thought in AI refers to the process where the model is prompted to explain its reasoning step-by-step before providing an answer. This technique is discussed in the video as a way to improve the model's output by making its thought process more transparent. The participants debate whether the model's 'reasoning' is genuine or merely a computational space, but agree that prompting for a chain of thought often leads to better results.


The roundtable session focuses on prompt engineering from various perspectives including research, consumer, and enterprise sides.

Prompt engineering is about clear communication and understanding the psychology of the model to bring out its full potential.

The engineering aspect of prompt engineering comes from the iterative trial and error process with the model.

Prompts are a way to program models, requiring thought about data sources, latency, and data provision.

A good prompt engineer needs clear communication skills, the ability to iterate, and to think critically about potential prompt failures.

Prompt engineering is like writing natural language code, requiring precision and management akin to programming.

Reading model outputs is crucial for understanding the model's thought process and improving prompts.

Prompt engineering can make the difference between success and failure in experiments and deployments.

The model's ability to self-correct when given the right prompts can be a powerful aspect of prompt engineering.

Honesty in prompts can be more effective than using metaphors or personas, as models understand more about the world.

The importance of giving the model an 'out' in prompts for unexpected inputs to improve data quality and model responses.

The effectiveness of chain of thought in prompts and whether it reflects actual reasoning or just computational space.

Grammar and punctuation in prompts may not be necessary, but they reflect a level of attention to detail.

Prompt engineering has evolved from simple text completion to more nuanced and complex interactions with advanced models.

The future of prompt engineering may involve models helping with prompting, flipping the traditional relationship.

Prompt engineering might become less about teaching and more about making oneself legible to the model.

The philosophical approach to writing can be applied to prompt engineering for clarity and understanding.