How To Humanize AI Text Writing in Minutes: Simple Proven Hacks for Undetectable AI [2024]

Just Jay: Insights & Reviews
15 Feb 202408:38

TLDRThis video tutorial offers practical tips on humanizing AI-generated text to make it undetectable as AI-written. It showcases the use of 'undetectable AI' tool to transform formal, descriptive AI text into a more natural, human-like style. The presenter demonstrates how to use the tool effectively, discusses the importance of humanizing AI text for better user engagement, and recommends using the tool for various content types. Additionally, a free course is offered to learn AI writing techniques that can revolutionize content marketing.


  • 😀 The video discusses methods to humanize AI-generated text to make it indistinguishable from human-written content.
  • 🛠️ It introduces 'Undetectable AI', a tool that can detect and humanize AI-written text to avoid detection by AI detectors.
  • 📝 The presenter demonstrates using the free Chat GPT 3.5 model to generate an article, which is then processed through 'Undetectable AI'.
  • ✅ 'Undetectable AI' is rated by Forbes as the number one AI Detector and offers a humanization feature to rewrite content.
  • 📈 The tool provides options for different reading levels and content purposes, such as essays, articles, and marketing materials.
  • 🔍 It checks the AI-generated content against known AI detectors like GPT, Copyleak, and others to ensure the text will pass as human-written.
  • 💡 The presenter suggests minor edits might be necessary after using the tool, but the output is generally good to go.
  • 🎓 The video also mentions a free course that teaches how to write AI content that can bypass AI detectors without the need for tools.
  • 🔗 Links to the 'Undetectable AI' tool and the free course are provided in the video description for interested viewers.
  • 📈 The presenter emphasizes the importance of humanizing AI text for better user engagement and to establish a connection between humans and machines.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to humanize AI-generated text using various tools and techniques to make it undetectable as AI-written content.

  • Which AI model is demonstrated in the video?

    -The video demonstrates using the Chat GPT 3.5 model, which is the free version that most people use.

  • What is the purpose of using the 'undetectable AI' tool mentioned in the video?

    -The 'undetectable AI' tool is used to detect and humanize AI-generated text, making it appear as if it was written by a human and not detected by AI detectors.

  • How does the 'undetectable AI' tool work?

    -The tool works by rewriting the AI-generated text to mimic human writing style and tone, thus reducing the likelihood of detection by AI content detectors.

  • What are the different reading levels and purposes available in the 'undetectable AI' tool?

    -The tool offers different reading levels such as high school, university, and doctorate, and purposes like general writing, essay, article, marketing material, story, cover letter, report, business material, and legal material.

  • How does the video demonstrate the effectiveness of the 'undetectable AI' tool?

    -The video demonstrates the effectiveness by showing the original AI-generated text being detected by AI detectors and then after using the 'undetectable AI' tool, the same text passes the AI detection tests.

  • What other tools are mentioned in the video for checking AI detection?

    -The video mentions 'Content at Scale' and 'Zero GPT' as other tools for checking if the text is detected as AI-written.

  • What is the free course offered in the video and what does it teach?

    -The free course offered is called 'Revolutionize your business with Chat GPT: Master AI writing techniques for unprecedented rankings.' It teaches how to create human-like text that passes AI detection without using any tools.

  • What are some of the content AI content detectors mentioned in the video?

    -Some of the content AI content detectors mentioned are GPT, OpenAI Writer, Cross Plag, Copyleak, and Skill Zero GPT.

  • How can viewers access the free course mentioned in the video?

    -Viewers can access the free course by clicking the link provided in the video description box.



🤖 Introduction to Humanizing AI Text

The speaker introduces the topic of the video, which is about techniques to humanize AI-generated text. They mention that they will be using the free version of Chat GPT 3.5 for demonstration purposes. The speaker also informs viewers about resources and a free course available in the video description. They proceed to demonstrate how AI-written text can be detected and then humanized using a tool called 'undetectable AI'. This tool is described as an advanced AI detector and humanizer that is both affordable and effective. The tool is used to check the AI-written text for detection and then to humanize it, making it undetectable by AI detectors. The speaker also discusses the importance of adjusting the tool's settings for readability and purpose, such as choosing the appropriate reading level and content type.


🔧 Tools and Techniques for AI Text Humanization

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the effectiveness and affordability of the 'undetectable AI' tool. They demonstrate how the tool can be used to check and humanize AI-generated text, ensuring it passes as human-written content. The speaker also mentions other AI content detectors like 'content at scale' and 'zero GPT', showing that the humanized text passes these detectors. They emphasize the tool's ability to rewrite content to remove AI detection and enhance user experience. The speaker then promotes a free course that teaches how to create human-like text without tools, providing a step-by-step guide on using Chat GPT effectively. The course is described as a valuable resource for bloggers and content marketers looking to improve their content's quality and authenticity. The speaker concludes by encouraging viewers to like the video, visit their blog, and subscribe to the YouTube channel for more content.



💡Humanize AI Text

Humanizing AI text refers to the process of making text generated by artificial intelligence systems sound more natural and less robotic, thereby making it indistinguishable from text written by a human. In the context of the video, the presenter discusses various techniques and tools to achieve this, such as using the 'undetectable AI' tool to rewrite AI-generated content in a way that it appears to be written by a human. This is crucial for improving user experience and establishing trust, as it makes AI-generated content more relatable and less detectable by AI detectors.

💡Chat GPT 3.5

Chat GPT 3.5 is a version of the AI language model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the video, the presenter uses this model to demonstrate how AI-generated text can be detected as non-human. The script mentions using Chat GPT 3.5 to write an article on humanizing AI text, which is then used to show the effectiveness of the 'undetectable AI' tool in making the text appear human-written.

💡AI Detector

An AI Detector is a tool or system designed to identify whether a piece of text has been generated by an AI or written by a human. The video discusses the use of such detectors to test the effectiveness of the 'undetectable AI' tool. The presenter uses AI detectors like 'content at scale' and 'zero GPT' to verify that the AI-generated text has been successfully humanized and is no longer detected as AI-written.


Readability refers to the ease with which a reader can understand a written text. The 'undetectable AI' tool offers different readability levels, such as high school, university, or journalist, which can be selected based on the intended audience or the complexity of the content. In the video, the presenter mentions adjusting the readability level to match the desired tone and sophistication of the AI-generated text.


The purpose of a text refers to the intended use or goal of the content, such as general writing, essays, articles, marketing material, or legal documents. The 'undetectable AI' tool allows users to select the purpose of their text, which helps in tailoring the humanization process to better suit the specific needs of the content. This ensures that the rewritten text not only appears human but also serves its intended purpose effectively.

💡Content at Scale

Content at Scale is mentioned as one of the AI content detectors used in the video to check if the AI-generated text has been successfully humanized. It is used to ensure that the text does not get flagged as AI-written, which is essential for maintaining the authenticity and credibility of the content in the eyes of both search engines and human readers.

💡Zero GPT

Zero GPT is another AI content detector mentioned in the video. It is used to verify that the AI-generated text has been successfully transformed into human-like text by the 'undetectable AI' tool. The presenter uses this detector to demonstrate that the text, which initially failed AI detection tests, now passes as human-written after being processed by the tool.

💡Humanize Button

The 'Humanize Button' is a feature within the 'undetectable AI' tool that triggers the process of rewriting AI-generated text to make it appear as if it was written by a human. The video shows the presenter using this button to transform an AI-written article into a version that is undetectable by AI detectors, thus achieving the goal of humanizing the content.

💡Detection Likelihood

Detection Likelihood in the context of the video refers to the probability that a piece of text will be identified as AI-generated by detection tools. The 'undetectable AI' tool provides a visual representation of this likelihood, with green check marks indicating that the text is unlikely to be detected as AI-written. This is an important metric for content creators who want to ensure their AI-generated content blends seamlessly with human-written material.

💡Free Course

The presenter mentions a free course that teaches viewers how to create human-like text using AI without the need for external tools. This course is positioned as a comprehensive guide that covers the process from start to finish, including the use of prompts and writing styles to generate content that is both engaging and undetectable as AI-generated. The course is offered as a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their content marketing efforts with AI.


How to humanize AI text using simple proven hacks.

Introduction to Chat GPT 3.5 model for demonstration purposes.

Demonstration of AI detection in AI-generated text.

Introducing 'undetectable AI' tool for text humanization.

Using 'undetectable AI' to remove AI detection and enhance text quality.

Options for adjusting readability and purpose in the 'undetectable AI' tool.

Process of checking AI content with 'undetectable AI' and humanizing it.

Result of humanized text with undetectable AI detection likelihood.

Using multiple AI content detectors to ensure text passes as human-written.

Comparing original and humanized text for differences.

Minor edits needed for finalizing humanized AI text.

Using 'Content at Scale' for additional AI text humanization.

Testing humanized text with 'Zero GPT' AI content detector.

Achieving the end goal of AI-generated text passing as human-written.

Availability of a free course on mastering AI writing techniques.

How to create human-like text without tools using Chat GPT.

Summary of the video's content and a call to action for the free course.