New ChatGPT Advanced Voice: 10 Mind-blowing Examples

AI Andy
4 Aug 202409:42

TLDRThis video explores 10 incredible examples of ChatGPT's new advanced voice mode, highlighting features like real-time translation, sports commentary, accent mimicry, beatboxing, language pronunciation correction, and more. The demonstrations include practical uses like translating Japanese game text, performing various regional accents, and even engaging in fun tasks like tongue twisters and fast counting. OpenAI is gradually rolling out this advanced mode to ChatGPT Plus users, with full access expected by the fall. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to check if they have access to the feature.


  • 😀 Advanced voice mode of ChatGPT is now being rolled out with 10 unique examples.
  • 🌍 Example 1: Real-time translation feature, showcased by translating text from Pokémon Yellow's Japanese version.
  • ⚽ Example 2: ChatGPT acting as a soccer commentator, complete with excitement and goal calls.
  • 🐱 Example 3: ChatGPT mimicking realistic cat sounds, including multiple cats meowing simultaneously.
  • 🗣️ Example 4: ChatGPT helps with English pronunciation, offering tips and correcting mistakes.
  • 🇫🇷 Example 5: ChatGPT teaches French, including proper pronunciation of words like 'croissant' and 'baguette'.
  • 🇺🇸 Example 6: ChatGPT performs different U.S. regional accents while discussing the best local cuisines.
  • 🎤 Example 7: ChatGPT showcases its beatboxing skills, combining rap and beatboxing for a birthday celebration.
  • 😢 Example 8: ChatGPT expresses emotions by telling a sad story in Turkish and following it up with laughter from a funny joke.
  • 👅 Example 9: ChatGPT creates challenging tongue twisters in both Swedish and English, even adjusting difficulty based on requests.
  • 🔢 Example 10: ChatGPT counts from 1 to 50 as fast as possible, increasing speed with each request.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The video showcases 10 mind-blowing examples of ChatGPT's new advanced voice mode.

  • What is the first example of ChatGPT's advanced voice mode in the video?

    -The first example is real-time translation, where ChatGPT helps translate text from a Japanese version of Pokémon Yellow.

  • How does ChatGPT act as a soccer commentator in the second example?

    -ChatGPT commentates an intense soccer match, getting excited and shouting 'Goal!' when a player scores, enhancing the experience with vivid descriptions.

  • What sounds does ChatGPT imitate in the third example?

    -ChatGPT imitates the meowing of a cat and demonstrates how it would sound if there were multiple cats meowing at the same time.

  • How does ChatGPT assist with pronunciation in the fourth example?

    -ChatGPT helps a user improve their English pronunciation, specifically giving tips on how to correctly say the word 'fruit.'

  • What does ChatGPT do in the fifth example to teach French?

    -ChatGPT assists a user in learning French pronunciation, offering corrections and tips on words like 'croissant' and 'baguette.'

  • What unique accents does ChatGPT demonstrate in the sixth example?

    -ChatGPT performs a variety of U.S. regional accents, such as Southern drawl, New York City, Boston, Midwestern, and California accents, each advocating for their own regional dish.

  • How does ChatGPT beatbox in the seventh example?

    -ChatGPT combines beatboxing with a birthday rap, creating a rhythmic performance with sounds mimicking a beatbox.

  • In the eighth example, what emotions and languages does ChatGPT express?

    -ChatGPT shows emotions like laughing and crying, and speaks in Turkish, telling a sad story and a funny joke.

  • What type of tongue twister does ChatGPT create in the ninth example?

    -ChatGPT creates a Swedish tongue twister about salmon and then translates it into English, making it progressively harder with variations like 'six slick slippery salmon sliding sideways in a stuffed salmon box.'

  • How fast can ChatGPT count in the tenth example?

    -ChatGPT counts from 1 to 50 at an increasingly rapid pace, showcasing its ability to speed through numbers quickly and accurately.



🗣️ Real-Time Translation with Pokémon

The first example showcases ChatGPT's real-time translation capabilities. The user requests help translating text from a Japanese version of Pokémon Yellow. ChatGPT assists by translating Professor Oak's introduction, welcoming players to the world of Pokémon. It offers further translation assistance throughout the game, making the experience more accessible for non-Japanese speakers.


⚽ ChatGPT as a Soccer Commentator

The second demonstration features ChatGPT acting as a soccer commentator. The AI dynamically describes an intense soccer match, heightening excitement as the home team scores a thrilling goal. ChatGPT further intensifies its performance, delivering high-energy commentary for a simulated game, showcasing its ability to mimic the enthusiasm of live sports commentary.

😺 ChatGPT Meowing like a Cat

In this example, ChatGPT mimics the sound of a cat meowing. It demonstrates various meow sounds as if a real cat were present. The AI further explores how multiple cats meowing together would sound, illustrating its ability to replicate common animal noises in a playful and interactive way.

🗣️ Pronunciation Help from ChatGPT

Here, ChatGPT provides pronunciation guidance for an English learner. The user practices saying the word 'fruit,' and ChatGPT offers tips on emphasizing the 'r' sound. After practicing several times, the user achieves correct pronunciation, and ChatGPT encourages their progress. This example highlights ChatGPT's language learning and pronunciation coaching capabilities.

🇫🇷 ChatGPT Teaching French

In this interaction, ChatGPT helps the user practice French pronunciation. The AI explains how to pronounce words like 'croissant' and 'baguette,' providing feedback on nasal sounds and syllable emphasis. This shows ChatGPT’s ability to assist with language learning, particularly with tricky pronunciations in a foreign language.

🗽 ChatGPT Performing Regional US Accents

ChatGPT demonstrates various distinctive US regional accents, including Southern, New York City, Boston, Midwestern, and California accents. Each accent is represented in a conversation where speakers advocate for their regional dish, like Southern BBQ, New York pizza, Boston lobster rolls, Midwest hot dish, and Cajun gumbo. This example highlights ChatGPT’s skill in voice impersonations and dialect variations.

🎤 ChatGPT Beatboxing

This example highlights ChatGPT’s ability to beatbox. It performs a birthday-themed rap with beatboxing elements. The user encourages the AI to add more rhythm and sound effects, and ChatGPT responds with an improved performance, demonstrating its ability to entertain and adapt musically.

😂 ChatGPT Laughing, Crying, and Speaking Turkish

ChatGPT is tasked with expressing emotions such as laughing and crying while also delivering lines in Turkish. It tells a sad story, followed by a moment of exaggerated crying, and then shares a joke, leading to an enthusiastic burst of laughter. This showcases the AI's versatility in conveying emotions and speaking in different languages.

🐟 ChatGPT Making Tongue Twisters

In this example, ChatGPT translates and enhances a Swedish tongue twister about 'six salmon in a salmon box.' The user challenges the AI to create more complex and difficult variations, leading to new tongue-twisting phrases. ChatGPT even switches the tongue twister by using words that don’t start with 'S,' further demonstrating its creativity.

🔢 ChatGPT Speed Counting

ChatGPT counts from 1 to 10 as fast as possible, and the user pushes it to go even faster and louder. Eventually, the AI counts up to 50 in rapid succession. This example demonstrates ChatGPT's ability to perform simple tasks like counting quickly and interactively.



💡Advanced Voice Mode

The 'Advanced Voice Mode' refers to a new feature in ChatGPT where users can interact using voice instead of text. It allows for more dynamic interactions, such as real-time translations and engaging dialogues. In the video, this feature is showcased through various examples, demonstrating its versatility in different scenarios.

💡Real-time Translation

Real-time translation is the ability of ChatGPT to translate spoken or written language instantly. In the video, this is illustrated when the user asks ChatGPT to translate text from a Japanese version of Pokémon Yellow. This feature highlights ChatGPT's capacity to assist with language barriers during live interactions.

💡Soccer Commentator

The concept of ChatGPT acting as a 'Soccer Commentator' showcases its ability to mimic the style and excitement of a live sports broadcast. In the video, ChatGPT enthusiastically describes a soccer match, including emotional goal calls, to simulate the high-energy atmosphere typical of live sports commentary.


Meowing is used as an example of how ChatGPT can imitate the sounds of animals, specifically cats. This part of the video demonstrates how ChatGPT can replicate natural sounds in various scenarios, such as simulating the experience of hearing one or multiple cats meowing in a room.

💡Pronunciation Correction

Pronunciation correction refers to ChatGPT's ability to help users improve their language pronunciation. In the video, ChatGPT assists a user in pronouncing the word 'fruit' correctly, offering tips on emphasizing certain sounds to enhance clarity. This showcases its functionality as a language learning tool.

💡Teaching French

ChatGPT's 'Teaching French' feature demonstrates its use as a language tutor. In the video, ChatGPT helps a user improve their French pronunciation and understanding, particularly with words like 'croissant' and 'baguette.' This illustrates how it can assist in learning new languages by offering real-time feedback.

💡US Regional Accents

The 'US Regional Accents' section of the video highlights ChatGPT's ability to replicate distinctive American dialects, such as the Southern drawl, New York accent, and Boston accent. ChatGPT uses these accents in a playful dialogue where each speaker advocates for their region’s cuisine, showing its capacity for diverse and entertaining voice modulations.


Beatboxing in this context refers to ChatGPT's ability to simulate rhythmic vocal sounds associated with this musical form. The video shows ChatGPT performing a beatboxing routine and even creating a birthday-themed rap, demonstrating its ability to mimic non-verbal audio formats.

💡Laughing and Crying

This segment showcases ChatGPT's ability to express emotions like laughing and crying through voice, as part of a conversation in Turkish. It demonstrates how ChatGPT can simulate emotional tones in different languages, enhancing its engagement and realism in dialogue.

💡Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are used to illustrate ChatGPT's language flexibility and verbal dexterity. In the video, ChatGPT helps translate a Swedish tongue twister into English and then makes it progressively harder, showing its capacity to handle playful, challenging language tasks.


ChatGPT's advanced voice mode allows real-time translation, demonstrated by helping translate the Japanese version of Pokemon Yellow.

ChatGPT can act as a sports commentator, getting excited and screaming during pivotal moments of a soccer match.

ChatGPT mimics a cat's meow, including multiple cats meowing at once.

It critiques and corrects English pronunciation, offering personalized feedback to improve clarity.

ChatGPT teaches French, providing tips on pronunciation like the nasal sound in 'croissant' and 'baguette'.

ChatGPT performs various U.S. regional accents, from Southern drawl to New York, Boston, Midwest, and California accents.

In a fun conversation between different regional accents, ChatGPT advocates for dishes like Southern BBQ, New York pizza, Boston lobster rolls, and Midwest hot dish.

ChatGPT can beatbox and perform a fun birthday rap with rhythmic beatboxing.

ChatGPT can laugh, cry, and even speak in Turkish, showing emotional and linguistic range.

ChatGPT creates complex tongue twisters, like 'Six sleek slippery salmon sliding sideways in a stuffed salmon box'.

It can also simplify tongue twisters by switching initial sounds, such as 'Four fat fish flipping in a flatfish box'.

ChatGPT counts rapidly from 1 to 50, demonstrating voice speed and energy.

Advanced voice mode features are rolling out gradually to ChatGPT Plus users, with full access expected by the fall.

ChatGPT's voice interaction adds an extra layer of excitement in various applications, from translation to entertainment.

Voice-based features can be used for diverse practical and creative tasks, making ChatGPT more versatile than ever.