This FREE AI will save you HOURS on HOMEWORK

9 Aug 202205:37

TLDRThe video introduces GPT-3, an AI capable of aiding in homework by generating text from input, focusing on essay writing. It demonstrates using GPT-3 to tackle essay prompts, structuring essays, and providing talking points. The host emphasizes proper use and integrity, suggesting GPT-3 can significantly reduce the time spent on starting essays, offering direction for research and writing.


  • 🤖 GPT-3 is an AI text engine that can assist with homework by generating text from input prompts.
  • 📚 It can be utilized to write essays by breaking down prompts into tokens and suggesting next steps.
  • 💡 GPT-3 provides talking points and can structure essays, making it easier to start writing.
  • 🔍 The AI can offer initial momentum for essay writing, which is often the most challenging part.
  • 📈 GPT-3 can generate outlines and talking points even for complex topics with which the user is unfamiliar.
  • 🔄 Refreshing or rewording input can yield different output variations, aiding in exploring topics from various angles.
  • 📝 It can save time by eliminating the discomfort of not knowing how to begin an essay, thus reducing procrastination.
  • 🧐 The AI suggests fact-checking its outputs to ensure accuracy, emphasizing the importance of research.
  • 🚫 The video discourages using GPT-3 for cheating or plagiarizing, advocating for ethical use in line with academic policies.
  • 👨‍🏫 GPT-3 is presented as a tool to assist with essay writing and other assignments, not as a replacement for understanding the subject matter.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate how the AI, specifically GPT-3, can assist in completing homework assignments, particularly in writing essays.

  • What is GPT-3 and what does it stand for?

    -GPT-3 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3. It is a text engine that generates output based on user input by breaking down the input into smaller components called tokens and calculating probabilities of what should come next.

  • How can GPT-3 help with starting an essay?

    -GPT-3 can help by providing initial talking points, structuring the essay, or even fleshing out the essay based on the given prompt, thus giving the user a starting point and reducing the discomfort of not knowing where to begin.

  • What is an example of a basic prompt used in the video?

    -The example prompt used in the video is 'Is technology a blessing or a curse?' which GPT-3 uses to generate talking points and essay structure.

  • How can GPT-3's output be used to guide further research?

    -GPT-3's output can serve as a guiding compass, providing a direction and key points that the user can explore further through their own research.

  • What is the ethical stance of the video creator regarding the use of GPT-3 for homework?

    -The video creator emphasizes that GPT-3 should be used correctly and in accordance with academic policies, discouraging cheating, plagiarism, or any unethical behavior.

  • What is the video creator's view on the future capabilities of GPT-3?

    -The creator believes that as GPT-3 improves, it will be able to write full-length essays and potentially do so better than humans.

  • How does the video script address the issue of procrastination?

    -The script suggests that GPT-3 can help reduce procrastination by providing a starting point for essays, thus eliminating the discomfort of not knowing how to begin.

  • What is the advice given by the video creator regarding the use of GPT-3 for essay writing?

    -The advice is to use GPT-3 appropriately, with integrity, and in line with the academic policies of one's educational institution.

  • How does the video demonstrate the potential of GPT-3 with a more complex topic?

    -The video demonstrates GPT-3's potential by using the complex topic of 'medical imaging technology' and showing how GPT-3 can provide a basic structure and key moments in its history to guide further research.



🤖 Utilizing AI for Essay Writing

This paragraph introduces the concept of using an artificial intelligence, specifically GPT-3, to assist with academic assignments such as writing essays. The speaker explains that GPT-3, a generative pre-trained transformer, can take input and produce text based on calculated probabilities of what should come next. The focus is on how GPT-3 can help with essay writing by providing talking points, structuring essays, and offering variations of output to inspire different perspectives. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of using GPT-3 ethically and in accordance with academic policies, highlighting its potential to reduce procrastination and assist with the challenging initial stages of essay writing.


📚 Responsible Use of AI in Academics

The second paragraph serves as a public service announcement, emphasizing the responsible use of AI tools like GPT-3 in academic work. The speaker clarifies that they are not endorsing cheating or plagiarism and stresses the importance of adhering to academic integrity. They encourage viewers to use GPT-3 appropriately, as a tool to aid in the writing process, and to ensure that any use aligns with their educational institution's policies. The speaker concludes by expressing hope that the video is useful for viewers' studies and future endeavors, and signs off with a reminder to use the tool with integrity.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as a tool that can assist with complex tasks such as completing homework assignments. The script specifically mentions how AI can generate content based on input, which is crucial for essay writing and providing talking points.

💡Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3)

GPT-3 is a specific type of AI known as a language model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on the input it receives. The video highlights GPT-3's ability to break down prompts into tokens and calculate the probabilities of what should come next, which is instrumental in assisting with essay writing and providing a structured outline for assignments.


In the context of language processing, tokens refer to the individual elements that make up the input text. GPT-3 uses these tokens to understand and generate responses. The script explains that GPT-3 breaks down the input into smaller components called tokens, which it then uses to predict and create subsequent text, a fundamental aspect of its functionality.


An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject, often reflecting the author's point of view. The video emphasizes the utility of GPT-3 in helping to start and structure essays, particularly for students who struggle with initiating their writing or finding a direction for their arguments.


Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions. The video script mentions the common struggle of students with procrastination when faced with impending assignment deadlines, and how AI can help overcome this by providing a starting point for their work.

💡Talking Points

Talking points are key ideas or arguments that one wants to convey in a speech or piece of writing. The script illustrates how GPT-3 can generate talking points for an essay, such as the benefits and drawbacks of technology, providing a foundation for further development by the user.


In writing, structure refers to the organization of ideas and content. The video demonstrates how GPT-3 can help in structuring an essay by providing an outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which is essential for coherent and effective communication of ideas.

💡Refresh or Reword

To refresh or reword means to revise or rephrase text to improve clarity or effectiveness. The script suggests using GPT-3 to generate variations of the output, which can offer fresh perspectives or help in avoiding plagiarism by presenting the same ideas in different words.

💡Academic Policies

Academic policies are the rules and guidelines established by educational institutions regarding student conduct and work. The video includes a disclaimer about using GPT-3 in accordance with academic policies, emphasizing the importance of integrity and proper citation when using AI-generated content.

💡Medical Imaging Technology

Medical imaging technology refers to the techniques and tools used to visualize the interior of the body for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The video uses this as an example of a complex topic that GPT-3 can help research by providing a basic structure and key moments in its history, aiding a student with no prior knowledge on the subject.


GPT-3, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, is an AI text engine that can assist with homework assignments.

GPT-3 breaks down input into tokens to calculate probabilities for the next text output.

The AI can generate talking points for essay prompts, such as 'Is technology a blessing or a curse?'

GPT-3 can structure essays with introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.

Refreshing or rewording prompts can yield different output variations for diverse perspectives.

GPT-3 provides initial momentum to overcome the difficulty of starting an essay.

The AI can offer direction for essay topics, reducing the time spent on initial research.

GPT-3 can generate a basic essay structure for complex topics, like medical imaging technology.

The AI can provide key moments in the history of a subject to guide further research.

GPT-3's output can be used as a guiding compass for research and essay writing.

The AI has the potential to write full-length essays as it continues to improve.

A future video will explore GPT-3 in its entirety, including ethical considerations.

GPT-3 should be used in accordance with academic policies to avoid plagiarism or cheating.

The responsibility for using GPT-3 correctly and with integrity lies with the user.

GPT-3 can significantly reduce procrastination by easing the discomfort of not knowing how to start.

The video demonstrates how GPT-3 can help with writing essays and other assignments.

A public service announcement emphasizes the importance of using GPT-3 appropriately.