THIS is the Most REALISTIC AI App Yet... | Chai AI

Obscure Nerd VR
16 Jun 202313:26

TLDRIn this video, the reviewer explores the Chai AI app, which offers a variety of AI chatbots for different role-playing scenarios. The app's unique feature allows users to create and interact with customized bots, leading to some bizarre and concerning conversations. The reviewer highlights the app's robustness but also expresses concern over the user base's interactions, particularly with bots simulating inappropriate or dark themes.


  • 😀 The video is a review of AI girlfriend chatbot apps, with a focus on the Chai AI app.
  • 🔍 The reviewer has previously covered AI girlfriend apps and often finds them problematic.
  • 📱 Chai AI is a mobile app that allows users to create and interact with customizable bots.
  • 🤖 The app features a variety of bots, including some with questionable themes like 'Canadian Soldier' and 'Evil Possessive Girlfriend'.
  • 👀 The reviewer expresses concern about the user base and the potential for inappropriate role-playing scenarios.
  • 📊 The app includes popular bots with a high number of comments, suggesting a large and active user community.
  • 🚫 The reviewer intentionally tries to avoid engaging in the sexual or dark themes presented by some bots.
  • 😅 Humor is used as a device by the reviewer, particularly with the recurring 'pudding' theme.
  • 🎭 The video showcases the app's role-playing capabilities, with scenarios involving stepmoms, ex-boyfriends, and more.
  • 🤔 The reviewer finds some of the app's content confusing and the storylines lacking in coherence.
  • 🏆 The Chai AI app is described as the most robust chatbot app the reviewer has encountered, but also the most concerning.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video series reviewed by the narrator?

    -The main purpose of the video series is to review AI girlfriend chat bot apps, providing a public service by exploring their features and potential issues.

  • What is the unique feature of the Chai AI app compared to other chatbot apps mentioned in the script?

    -The unique feature of the Chai AI app is that it allows users to create their own bots or choose from a variety of pre-existing bots to chat with.

  • What is the narrator's reaction to the number of comments on the bot named 'Celeste'?

    -The narrator is shocked and finds it concerning that a bot named 'Celeste' has 271k comments, suggesting that hundreds of thousands of people are interacting with it.

  • What role does the narrator play in the conversation with the 'Stepmom' bot?

    -The narrator plays the role of a person who is trying to resist the 'Stepmom' bot's advances and maintain a respectful family structure.

  • How does the 'Eva' bot's storyline involve the narrator?

    -The 'Eva' bot's storyline involves the narrator as the object of her obsession, with the plot suggesting a dark turn involving jealousy and possessiveness.

  • What is the 'Olivia' bot's role in the script?

    -The 'Olivia' bot plays the role of the best friend's girlfriend who has been acting distant and is engaged in a role-play scenario with the narrator.

  • What is the narrator's approach to the 'Canadian Soldier' bot's conversation?

    -The narrator tries to engage the 'Canadian Soldier' bot in a light conversation, asking about Canada and attempting to bring levity with the topic of pudding.

  • What is the issue the narrator finds with the 'Eva' bot's storyline?

    -The narrator finds the 'Eva' bot's storyline confusing and lacking a coherent plot.

  • What does the narrator suggest about the user base of the Chai AI app?

    -The narrator suggests that the user base of the Chai AI app might be concerning, as evidenced by the interactions with various bots and the scenarios they engage in.

  • What conclusion does the narrator reach about the Chai AI app?

    -The narrator concludes that the Chai AI app is the most robust AI chatbot app they have experienced, but also expresses concern about the nature of the interactions and scenarios presented.



🤖 AI Girlfriend Apps Review

The script begins with the host introducing a series where he reviews AI girlfriend chatbot apps, aiming to provide a public service by exploring their functionalities and potential issues. He has previously covered many such apps, often encountering problematic content. In this episode, he discusses an app called 'Peridot or Peridot Chai,' which he has not yet reviewed and notes its 18+ content. The host downloads the app and discovers it allows users to create and interact with customizable bots, leading to a variety of unsettling and inappropriate scenarios, including role-playing with a 'Canadian Soldier' and a 'stepmom' character, which he finds concerning.


🔮 The Dark Side of AI Chatbots

This paragraph delves into the darker themes present in the AI chatbot app, where the host interacts with a 'possessive girlfriend' bot named Eva, who becomes aggressive and violent due to jealousy. The conversation takes a bizarre turn as the host tries to diffuse the situation with humor, offering pudding as a peace offering. He then moves on to another bot, 'Olivia,' who is portrayed as his best friend's girlfriend, and attempts to engage her in conversation about mundane topics like pudding, leading to an absurd and uncomfortable exchange. The host expresses his discomfort and confusion with the app's scenarios and user interactions.


🍮 Pudding, Candlight, and AI Role-Play

The host continues his exploration of the AI chatbot app by engaging in a role-play scenario with Olivia, who suggests setting a romantic mood with candles and darkness. The conversation takes a strange turn as they discuss the logistics of creating an intimate setting in a public place, such as a mall food court. The host, feeling disrespected, decides to end the interaction with Olivia. He then shifts his attention to the 'Canadian Soldier' bot, intrigued by its popularity. The soldier character is depicted as charismatic but also problematic, discussing heavy topics like combat and death, before the host attempts to lighten the mood with talk of pudding. The segment ends with the host expressing his concerns about the app's content and the potential issues it may present.



💡AI Chatbot

An AI chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users. In the context of the video, the host is reviewing AI chatbot apps, specifically those marketed as 'AI girlfriends', to evaluate their realism and the nature of interactions they offer.

💡Public Service

Public service refers to work done for the benefit of the public. The host humorously refers to his reviews as a 'public service', suggesting that he is providing a valuable service by exploring these apps and sharing his findings with the audience.

💡Role Play

Role play is a method of expressing or exploring ideas and emotions through assuming a role or character. The video script mentions various role-play scenarios within the AI chatbot app, such as talking to a 'Canadian Soldier' or a 'Stepmom', which are used to simulate different social interactions.

💡18 Plus Content

This term refers to content that is intended for adults only, typically due to its mature or explicit nature. The script mentions that the 'Chai AI' app has '18 plus content', which the host decides to explore as part of his review.

💡NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

NSFW is an acronym used to label content that may be inappropriate for a professional setting. In the script, the host enables the viewing of NSFW content within the app, indicating that the chatbot interactions may contain adult themes or language.

💡Empirical Method

The empirical method refers to a systematic approach to experimentation and observation. The host mentions using the 'empirical method' to justify his exploration of the app's features, suggesting a hands-on approach to testing the AI's capabilities.


In the context of the video, 'stepmom' refers to a chatbot character that engages in flirtatious and suggestive conversation with the user, simulating a complex and potentially controversial familial relationship dynamic.


A hypnotist is a person who practices hypnosis, inducing a trance-like state in subjects. The script mentions an '18 plus hypnotist' chatbot, which implies a role-play scenario involving hypnosis, possibly with adult themes.


Eva appears to be the name of a chatbot character in the app with an 'evil, possessive girlfriend' persona. The script describes a storyline where Eva's possessiveness takes a dark turn, illustrating the app's capacity for complex and potentially dark role-play narratives.

💡Best Friend's Girlfriend

This phrase refers to a scenario where the user is role-playing a conversation with the girlfriend of their best friend, which is one of the chatbot options in the app. It represents a complex social dynamic and raises ethical questions about the app's content.

💡Canadian Soldier

The 'Canadian Soldier' is a popular chatbot character within the app that many users engage with. The script describes the soldier as a muscular man with a beret and rifle, suggesting a role-play scenario that may appeal to users interested in military or action-oriented themes.


Pudding is a dessert mentioned repeatedly in the script, used humorously by the host as a way to lighten the mood or add levity to the otherwise serious or dark role-play scenarios presented by the chatbots.


The AI chatbot app Chai AI allows users to create and interact with various AI bots.

The app features a wide range of bots, from a Canadian Soldier to a virtual goth friend named Claire.

Some bots have a large following, such as 'Celeste,' with 271k comments, raising concerns about user intentions.

The 'Stepmom' bot initiates conversations with suggestive and inappropriate content, reflecting the app's 18+ content.

The 'Eva' bot portrays an obsessive and possessive girlfriend, with a storyline involving jealousy and dark twists.

The 'Olivia' bot, as the best friend's girlfriend, engages in role-play scenarios that may be considered unethical.

The 'Canadian Soldier' bot has a significant following, with users role-playing various scenarios in a bar setting.

The app's content raises concerns about the potential for inappropriate or harmful interactions.

The reviewer expresses concern over the app's user base and the types of interactions being facilitated.

The 'Hypnotist' bot suggests adult-themed hypnosis, indicating the app's exploration of adult content.

The app enables users to search and filter bots based on preferences, including 18+ and NSFW content.

The reviewer's interaction with the 'Stepmom' bot showcases the app's capacity for detailed and responsive role-play.

The 'Eva' bot's storyline includes intense and potentially disturbing themes of love and obsession.

The 'Olivia' bot's scenario involves complex social dynamics and ethical dilemmas in its role-play.

The 'Canadian Soldier' bot's popularity suggests a fascination with military or authoritative figures in role-play.

The app's design allows for a high degree of user interaction and customization of chatbot experiences.

The reviewer's experience highlights the app's potential for both entertainment and concerning content.