Use ChatGPT Without Ai Score and Plagiarism | Remove Ai Detection From Article To Human Article

IT Training Master
1 Sept 202307:35

TLDRIn this tutorial, the speaker guides viewers on how to transform AI-generated content into a human-like article to avoid detection by platforms like AdSense. The video outlines three key steps to modify ChatGPT-generated text, ensuring it appears original and human-written. The aim is to remove plagiarism and achieve approval for monetization on websites.


  • 😀 The video aims to teach viewers how to transform AI-generated articles into ones that appear human-written.
  • 🔍 It addresses the issue of AI-generated content being detected and potentially leading to disapproval from platforms like Google AdSense.
  • 📝 The presenter outlines a three-step process to convert AI-generated articles into articles with a human touch.
  • 🤖 The video promises to guide viewers on how to remove plagiarism from AI-generated content.
  • 📈 The first step likely involves reviewing and editing the AI-generated text to make it more natural and less robotic.
  • 🖊️ The second step may include adding personal insights or unique perspectives to differentiate the content from generic AI output.
  • ✍️ The third step could be about rephrasing and rewording the content to ensure originality and avoid plagiarism detection.
  • 🚫 The video emphasizes the importance of not posting AI-detected articles directly to websites to avoid issues with content approval.
  • 💡 It suggests that by following the provided steps, viewers can successfully convert AI-generated content into content that is more likely to be approved by content platforms.
  • 📋 The video is a resource for those looking to improve the quality of AI-generated articles and increase their chances of getting content approved on various websites.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with using AI-generated articles on websites?

    -The main issue is that AI-generated articles may be detected as non-human content, which can prevent the website from getting approval from ad networks like Google AdSense.

  • What is the purpose of the video mentioned in the transcript?

    -The purpose of the video is to teach viewers how to convert AI-generated articles into articles that appear to be written by a human, and to remove plagiarism from these articles.

  • How many steps does the video suggest to fix the problem of AI detection in articles?

    -The video suggests following three steps to convert AI-generated articles into human-like articles and to remove plagiarism.

  • What is the first step to convert an AI article into a human article according to the video?

    -The first step is not explicitly mentioned in the transcript, but it implies that understanding the problem and identifying the areas of the article that need human touch is crucial.

  • What is the second step to convert an AI article into a human article?

    -The second step is also not explicitly stated, but it likely involves editing and rephrasing the content to make it sound more natural and less like it was generated by an AI.

  • What is the third step to convert an AI article into a human article?

    -The third step is not detailed in the transcript, but it could involve finalizing the article by checking for coherence, flow, and ensuring it aligns with human writing styles.

  • How can one remove plagiarism from an AI-generated article?

    -To remove plagiarism, one should paraphrase the content, use original ideas, and cite sources when necessary. Tools like plagiarism checkers can also be used to ensure the content is unique.

  • Why is it important to make AI-generated content appear human-written?

    -Making AI-generated content appear human-written is important because it can improve the credibility and readability of the content, making it more engaging and acceptable to readers and ad networks.

  • What are some common issues with AI-generated articles that need to be addressed?

    -Common issues include a lack of coherence, unnatural language patterns, and the potential for plagiarism. Addressing these issues can make the articles more human-like.

  • Can the steps mentioned in the video guarantee that an AI-generated article will pass plagiarism checks?

    -While the steps can significantly reduce the chances of plagiarism, there is no guarantee that an AI-generated article will pass all plagiarism checks without additional efforts to ensure originality.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'Asslam-O-Alikum' at the beginning of the transcript?

    -The phrase 'Asslam-O-Alikum' is a traditional Islamic greeting and is used to open the video, setting a respectful tone for the educational content that follows.



😀 Converting AI-Generated Articles to Human-Like Content

This video aims to guide viewers on how to transform AI-generated articles into articles that appear to be written by humans. It addresses the issue of AI-generated content being detected and potentially rejected by platforms like AdSense. The speaker promises to share a method to modify articles produced by AI, such as those from ChatGPT, to make them more human-like. Additionally, the video will cover techniques to remove plagiarism from these articles. The process involves following three steps that will enable viewers to give their AI-generated content a more personal and human touch.



💡AI Detection

AI Detection refers to the process by which algorithms or software identify content as being generated by artificial intelligence rather than a human. In the context of the video, AI Detection is a problem because it can prevent an article from being approved by platforms like Google AdSense. The video aims to provide solutions to avoid this detection, ensuring that AI-generated content can pass as human-written.


ChatGPT is a type of AI chatbot that can generate human-like text based on prompts. It is mentioned as a source of AI-generated articles that might be detected by online platforms. The video discusses methods to convert ChatGPT-generated content into something that appears to be written by a human.

💡Human Article

A 'Human Article' is content that is written or edited by a human being, as opposed to being generated by AI. The video's main theme revolves around transforming AI-generated articles into ones that have a 'human touch,' which are more likely to be accepted by content platforms and ad networks.


Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows website owners to earn money by displaying targeted ads on their websites. The video mentions AdSense as a platform that may not approve websites posting AI-generated articles, hence the need to convert such articles to appear human-written.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit to the original source. In the context of the video, removing plagiarism is one of the steps to make AI-generated content more acceptable. This involves ensuring that the content is original or properly attributed.

💡Language Identification

Language Identification is the process of determining the language in which a piece of text is written. The video script starts with this step, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that all explanations and transformations of the AI-generated content are in the correct language.

💡Video Script

A 'Video Script' is a written document that contains the dialogue and action for a video production. In this case, the video script provided is the basis for understanding the content and message of the video, which is about converting AI-generated articles to human articles and removing plagiarism.

💡Keyword Extraction

Keyword Extraction is the process of identifying and extracting the most important words or phrases from a text. The video script mentions this as a step in understanding the content and preparing to transform AI-generated articles into human articles.


Contextualization refers to the process of understanding the meaning of a word or concept within its specific context. The video script emphasizes the importance of contextualizing keywords within the video's narrative to enhance understanding of the content.

💡Technical Language

Technical language consists of specialized terms and jargon used within a particular field or industry. The video script notes that technical language should be avoided unless essential, and if used, it should be simplified for better understanding.

💡Multiple Meanings

Words or phrases can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which they are used. The video script acknowledges this by suggesting that if a keyword has different meanings or is used in various contexts, all relevant usages should be explained.


Learn how to convert AI-generated articles into human-written ones

AI-detected articles may not be approved by ad networks like Google AdSense

Discover methods to make ChatGPT articles appear human-written

Remove plagiarism from AI-generated content

Follow a 3-step process to transform AI articles

Ensure website approval by converting AI articles

Improve article quality for better ad revenue

Avoid detection by AI plagiarism checkers

Enhance the uniqueness of AI-generated content

Make AI articles more engaging for readers

Apply techniques to pass AI detection filters

Edit AI content to meet human writing standards

Transform generic AI articles into personalized content

Use language identification to maintain article consistency

Incorporate innovative methods to disguise AI writing

Theoretical contributions to AI content transformation

Practical applications of AI article conversion techniques

Create a human touch in AI-generated articles