Use ChatGPT and get 0% AI detection on Turnitin / How to avoid and pass AI detection

1 Jun 202307:14

TLDRThis video offers strategies to avoid AI detection on plagiarism checkers like Turnitin when using ChatGPT. It advises against relying solely on paraphrasing tools, as they can still be detected. Instead, the video introduces two methods using Quill Bot's 'Academic Mode' and 'Shorten Mode' to humanize content and reduce AI detection. The first method involves paraphrasing and manually editing ambiguous sentences, while the second uses 'Shorten Mode' for a quick AI-proof paraphrase. Both methods are tested and shown to yield zero percent AI detection on Turnitin, encouraging academic integrity and proper use of AI tools.


  • 🔍 Turnitin and similar AI detectors can detect content generated by AI, including ChatGPT and tools like Quill Bot.
  • 📝 Paraphrasing with AI tools does not guarantee undetectable AI content; sometimes it can still be flagged by Turnitin.
  • 💡 The video suggests using Quill Bot's 'Academic Mode' to humanize AI-generated content and reduce AI detection.
  • ✍️ Manual editing of paraphrased text is recommended to further reduce ambiguity and improve the quality of the text.
  • 🔧 The 'Shorten Mode' in Quill Bot is highlighted as a method to achieve 0% AI detection with a single click.
  • 📉 Increasing the synonym level in 'Shorten Mode' can make the text sound more human and less like AI-generated content.
  • 📚 Using 'Creative Mode' first to paraphrase original sources can remove plagiarism but may still be detected by AI detectors.
  • 🔄 The process of paraphrasing with 'Creative Mode' followed by 'Shorten Mode' can result in content that is both non-plagiarized and undetectable by AI.
  • 📝 The video emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and advises against using AI to write essays or assessments.
  • 👨‍🎓 It suggests using AI like ChatGPT for understanding and not for direct content creation to maintain academic honesty.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue discussed in the video?

    -The main issue discussed in the video is how to avoid AI detection on plagiarism checking platforms like Turnitin when using AI-generated content from tools like ChatGPT.

  • Why is it a problem to have AI-generated content detected by Turnitin?

    -AI-generated content detected by Turnitin is problematic because it indicates academic dishonesty or cheating, which is against academic integrity and can lead to severe consequences for students.

  • What is the role of paraphrasing tools like QuillBot in the context of the video?

    -In the video, paraphrasing tools like QuillBot are used to attempt to make AI-generated content appear human-written and to pass AI detection on platforms like Turnitin.

  • What is the significance of the 'academic mode' in QuillBot mentioned in the video?

    -The 'academic mode' in QuillBot is significant because it is designed to humanize AI-generated content, improving its quality and helping it pass as human-written, thus avoiding AI detection.

  • How does the video suggest using QuillBot's 'shorten mode' to avoid AI detection?

    -The video suggests using QuillBot's 'shorten mode' to rephrase specific sentences, which can help in reducing AI detection levels to zero percent in one click.

  • What is the advice given in the video regarding the use of AI tools like ChatGPT for academic work?

    -The video advises using AI tools like ChatGPT only for understanding assessments or issues and not for writing essays or assessments, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity.

  • Why is it recommended to use free AI detectors while writing, as suggested in the video?

    -Using free AI detectors while writing is recommended because it allows writers to check their content for AI detection levels and make necessary adjustments before submitting their work.

  • What are the two methods presented in the video to avoid AI detection on Turnitin?

    -The two methods presented in the video to avoid AI detection on Turnitin are: 1) Using the academic mode in QuillBot and manually editing the paraphrased text, and 2) Using the shorten mode in QuillBot to rephrase specific sentences.

  • How does the video demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested methods?

    -The video demonstrates the effectiveness of the suggested methods by showing the results of running a quick plagiarism and AI test on Turnitin, which shows zero percent AI detection and low plagiarism levels.

  • What is the importance of manually editing the paraphrased text after using QuillBot, as mentioned in the video?

    -Manually editing the paraphrased text after using QuillBot is important to ensure that the content is not only rephrased but also improved in clarity and context, which can further reduce AI detection.

  • How does the video address the issue of plagiarism in the context of using AI-generated content?

    -The video addresses the issue of plagiarism by suggesting the use of QuillBot's creative mode to remove plagiarism from original sources and then rephrasing the text using the shortened mode to avoid AI detection.



🤖 AI Detection and Paraphrasing Tools

The paragraph discusses the challenges of using AI-generated content like that from Chat GPT and the limitations of AI paraphrasing tools such as Quill Bot when it comes to avoiding detection by AI content detection systems like Turnitin. It highlights that while some paraphrasing can occasionally go undetected, using these tools can often result in high AI detection rates. The speaker introduces two methods to make AI-generated content undetectable by Turnitin, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity and the use of AI as a tool for understanding rather than for creating assessable work.


🔍 Methods to Bypass AI Detection

This paragraph outlines two methods to avoid AI detection on Turnitin. The first method involves using the academic mode in Quill Bot, which is said to humanize content and improve its quality to pass as human-generated. The speaker suggests that after using this mode, some manual editing may be necessary to replace ambiguous sentences. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed with a Turnitin test showing zero percent AI detection and a two percent plagiarism level. The second method, which is described as even more effective, uses Quill Bot's shorten mode to achieve zero AI detection in one click. The paragraph also touches on using the creative mode to paraphrase original sources to avoid plagiarism and AI detection, with a recommendation to re-paraphrase using the shorten mode for best results.




Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that educators use to check the originality of students' work. It compares submitted documents to a vast database of academic papers, articles, and web content to identify similarities. In the context of the video, Turnitin is used as a benchmark to measure the effectiveness of methods to avoid AI detection when using ChatGPT-generated content.

💡AI detection

AI detection refers to the ability of software like Turnitin to identify content that has been generated or significantly altered by artificial intelligence tools. The video discusses strategies to avoid high AI detection levels, which could indicate academic dishonesty, by using certain paraphrasing techniques.

💡Quill bot

Quill bot is an AI paraphrasing tool that can be used to rephrase text to reduce similarity to existing content. The video mentions Quill bot's academic mode and its effectiveness in humanizing AI-generated text to pass Turnitin checks without raising AI detection flags.

💡Academic integrity

Academic integrity is the adherence to ethical principles and standards in academic work, which includes avoiding plagiarism and cheating. The video emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and advises using AI tools like ChatGPT responsibly to aid understanding rather than to replace human effort in creating academic work.


Paraphrase involves rewording or rephrasing a text while retaining its original meaning. The video discusses the use of paraphrasing tools to alter AI-generated content so that it appears more human-written and less detectable by AI detection software like Turnitin.


Plagiarism is the act of using another person's work or ideas without proper attribution and presenting them as one's own. The video script mentions the need to avoid plagiarism when using AI tools to generate content, as this can lead to academic penalties.

💡AI paraphrasing tools

AI paraphrasing tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence to rephrase text. The video discusses the limitations of these tools in avoiding AI detection, suggesting that simple paraphrasing is not enough to fool plagiarism detection systems.

💡Creative mode

In the context of the video, creative mode is a feature within Quill bot that is used to generate more unique and less detectable content. It is suggested as a method to remove plagiarism from original sources before further processing with other modes to avoid AI detection.

💡Shorten mode

Shorten mode is another feature of Quill bot that is highlighted in the video as a way to condense text and reduce AI detection. It is used to rephrase specific sentences or longer texts to achieve a lower AI detection rate on Turnitin.


Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. The video mentions increasing the synonym level in Quill bot as a strategy to make the text sound more human and less like AI-generated content, which can help in reducing AI detection.


Turnitin and AI detectors can detect ChatGPT content.

Quill Bot's paraphrasing tools sometimes fail to avoid AI detection.

Human-generated text paraphrased on Quill Bot can read zero AI detection on Turnitin.

Using ChatGPT and paraphrasing tools can result in high AI detection levels.

The video will show how to make ChatGPT undetectable by Turnitin.

Academic integrity is advised over using AI for essays.

ChatGPT should be used for understanding, not for writing assessments.

Two methods will be presented to avoid AI detection.

Method one involves using the academic mode in Quill Bot.

Academic mode humanizes content and improves quality for AI detectors.

Editing the paraphrased text is necessary for the first method.

The effectiveness of the first method is confirmed with a Turnitin test.

The second method uses Quill Bot's shorten mode for AI detection avoidance.

Shorten mode can be used to rephrase sentences for longer texts.

Using the creative mode followed by the shorten mode removes plagiarism and avoids AI detection.

Turnitin tests show zero percent AI and plagiarism levels with these methods.

The video provides practical applications for avoiding AI detection in academic work.