🔥How to Use Turnitin AI Detection Checker For FREE

22 Jun 202310:10

TLDRThis video tutorial offers a free method to check AI-generated content with Turnitin's AI detection tool without actually using it. The host compares different AI detection tools for accuracy and discusses how to use them as proxies for Turnitin. The experiment involves generating essays on popular topics, testing them with various detectors, and analyzing the results. The video concludes that Copyleaks and Content at Scale can be reliable proxies for Turnitin, especially when outputs are transformed to appear more human-like.


  • 🔥 Many people worry about AI detection by Turnitin, but it's not a concern unless you're in a specific niche like Academia or content writing.
  • ⚠️ AI-generated content can still rank on Google, so you shouldn't be overly worried about AI detection if you're not in a specific field that requires it.
  • 🧪 The video explores different AI detection tools, comparing their effectiveness and accuracy against Turnitin.
  • 🛠️ The experiment involved generating essays using ChatGPT and testing them with various AI detection tools like CopyLeaks, CrossPlag, Content at Scale, and Originality.
  • 🔍 CrossPlag, CopyLeaks, and Content at Scale can be used for free or with minimal effort by bypassing their limitations.
  • 📊 The correlation between AI detection tools and Turnitin is low, except for CopyLeaks, which shows about 75% correlation with Turnitin's detection results.
  • 💡 If AI-generated content is transformed using tools like undetectable.ai, it often becomes undetectable by Turnitin, showing 0% AI.
  • 🧩 Tools like Content at Scale and CrossPlag can be used as proxies to check if AI-generated content passes Turnitin's detection.
  • 🔁 Switching browsers or VPNs can help bypass free limits on some AI detection tools, allowing for multiple uses.
  • 📈 The video's main takeaway: use proxies like CopyLeaks or Content at Scale to gauge if your AI-generated content will pass Turnitin without direct access to Turnitin.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern of the video?

    -The main concern of the video is addressing the concerns about AI detection, particularly for those not in academia or a niche market, and providing a method to check outputs with Turnitin without actually using it.

  • What is the speaker's position on AI detection?

    -The speaker's position is that one should not worry about AI detection unless they are in a niche market, academia, or writing for clients who use AI detection tools.

  • What evidence does the speaker provide to support their position?

    -The speaker provides evidence that AI-generated content can rank on the first page of Google and shares personal experience with their websites.

  • What is the trick mentioned in the video to check outputs without using Turnitin?

    -The trick involves using free AI detection tools like Copyleaks, Content at Scale, and CrossCheck to get a reading on the original and transformed AI-generated essays and then comparing these results to Turnitin's results.

  • What AI detection tools were tested in the video?

    -The AI detection tools tested were Copyleaks, Content at Scale, CrossCheck, Originality, and Turnitin.

  • What was the methodology used to test the AI detection tools?

    -The methodology involved generating a list of popular essay topics, creating AI-generated essays for each topic, and then testing these essays with various AI detection tools.

  • How were the AI-generated essays transformed to potentially bypass detection?

    -The AI-generated essays were transformed using Undetectable.ai with the 'High School' setting and 'More Human' option to increase the chances of bypassing AI detection.

  • What was the correlation between Turnitin and Copyleaks in detecting AI-generated content?

    -The correlation between Turnitin and Copyleaks was found to be 75% of the time, indicating that they often agreed on whether the content was AI-generated or not.

  • How did the transformed essays perform in the AI detection tests?

    -The transformed essays performed well in the AI detection tests, with Originality scoring them as 100% human and Turnitin returning 0% AI, indicating that the transformation was effective in bypassing detection.

  • What is the conclusion of the video regarding using AI detection tools?

    -The conclusion is that if you have your own methods of transforming AI-generated text, you can use Copyleaks for basic AI detection checks, and if you want to simulate Turnitin results, you can use Content at Scale or CrossCheck as proxies.



🤖 AI Detection and Content Creation

The speaker begins by addressing concerns about AI detection in content creation, reassuring viewers that it's only a concern for specific niches, academia, or professional writing scenarios. They emphasize that AI-generated content can rank well on Google, and they share their experience with their own websites. The video's focus is on demonstrating a method to check AI-generated content without using Turnitin, comparing different AI detection tools for accuracy, and discussing the selection process for these tools. The speaker outlines their experiment, which involved generating essays on popular topics, using AI detection tools to analyze the content, and comparing the results to establish reliable proxies for Turnitin.


📊 Analyzing AI Detection Tool Results

In this section, the speaker presents the results of their experiment with AI detection tools. They discuss the unreliability of Originality as a metric when used with Turnitin, due to inconsistent scores and a low correlation with Turnitin's AI detection. They also mention that CrossCheck and Content at Scale showed negative correlation, rendering them unsuitable as proxies. However, Copyleaks' Basic model demonstrated a 75% correlation with Turnitin, making it a reliable proxy for AI detection. The speaker then explains how to use these tools effectively, suggesting that if Copyleaks shows good results, it's likely that Turnitin will as well. They also discuss the results of transformed outputs using Undetectable.ai and how Originality consistently returned 0% AI, making it an ineffective tool for this purpose. The speaker concludes by recommending Content at Scale and CrossCheck for checking transformed AI-generated content, as they closely align with Turnitin's results.


🔚 Conclusion and Call to Action

The speaker concludes the video by summarizing the findings and providing a final recommendation on how to use AI detection tools effectively. They emphasize that if one has their own methods for transforming AI-generated content, tools like Copyleaks, Content at Scale, or CrossCheck can be used to check the content's authenticity. The speaker also encourages viewers to subscribe and share the video if they found it helpful, hinting at more content to come in future videos.



💡AI detection

AI detection refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to identify content that has been generated or altered by AI tools. In the context of the video, the creator is concerned with how AI detection tools can affect the perception of content, especially in academic or professional settings where originality is valued. The video discusses various AI detection tools and their effectiveness in identifying AI-generated content.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that is widely used in educational institutions to check the originality of student submissions. It is often feared by students and content creators as a tool that can identify AI-generated content. The video aims to provide alternatives to Turnitin for checking AI content without directly using the service.


Although not explicitly defined in the script, 'Torrential' seems to be a misspelling or a colloquial term for 'Turnitin.' It is used in the context of discussing AI detection and the concerns around using AI-generated content in academic or professional writing.

💡AI-generated content

AI-generated content is text produced by artificial intelligence algorithms. The video discusses the ability of AI to create content that can rank high in search engines, suggesting that AI-generated content is becoming more sophisticated and harder to distinguish from human-written content.


A niche refers to a specific segment or market within a larger industry. In the video, the creator mentions that one should not be worried about AI detection unless they are in a 'wild niche' or academic setting, implying that in more specialized or scrutinized areas, the risk of AI detection might be higher.

💡Content at Scale

Content at Scale is mentioned as one of the AI detection tools that the creator used in their experiment. It is described as a tool that can be used without limitations, suggesting that it is a free or easily accessible service for checking AI-generated content.


Copyleaks is another AI detection tool mentioned in the video. The creator discusses its effectiveness and how it can be used as a proxy for Turnitin, especially when the content has been altered to be less detectable by AI detection algorithms.


CrossCheck is a service that provides AI detection and is mentioned in the context of free trials per session. The video suggests that it can be used to check AI-generated content, and the creator discusses strategies for bypassing its limitations.


Originality.ai is an AI detection tool that the creator includes in their comparison. It is noted for its tendency to score content as 100% AI, which the creator finds to be an unreliable metric when used in conjunction with Turnitin.


Correlation in the video refers to the statistical relationship between two sets of data. The creator uses correlation analysis to compare the results from different AI detection tools to see how closely they align with Turnitin's results, helping to determine which tools can be used as reliable proxies.


Transformation in the context of the video means altering AI-generated content to make it less detectable by AI detection tools. The creator discusses using tools like undetectable.ai to transform content and then checking the results with various AI detection services.


Introduction to the video discussing AI detection and its relevance to different groups.

Reassurance that AI detection is not a concern for most people unless in specific niches or industries.

Evidence that AI-generated content can rank high on Google, including the speaker's personal experience.

Announcement of a trick to check outputs with Turnitin without actually using it.

Comparison of different AI detection tools for accuracy.

Process of generating a list of popular essay topics and creating essays for each.

Selection of AI detection tools for the experiment, focusing on those that are free or have easily bypassable limits.

Testing of AI detection tools on low quality AI output, human-written output, and high-quality AI output.

Findings that Originality.ai is not a reliable metric when used with Turnitin.

Correlation analysis between Originality and Turnitin showing a low correlation coefficient.

Negative correlation between CrossCheck and Content at Scale with Turnitin.

Copyleaks Basic Model's high correlation with Turnitin, making it a reliable proxy for AI detection.

Advice on using Copyleaks for checking AI-generated text if you have your own methods of bypassing AI detection.

Results of testing transformed outputs through Undetectable.ai and their reception by AI detection tools.

Originality.ai's inability to detect AI in transformed outputs, consistently showing 0% AI.

CrossCheck and Content at Scale's effectiveness in detecting transformed AI outputs, suggesting their use as proxies for Turnitin.

Conclusion on the use of free AI detection tools as proxies for Turnitin, specifically Content at Scale and CrossCheck.

Encouragement to use the findings to confidently check AI-generated text without needing access to Turnitin.