How I memorised 400 pages of notes in 24 hours using AI (ChatGPT)

2 Jul 202310:00

TLDRIn a race against time, the video details how the creator, with the help of AI, memorized 400 pages of notes in 24 hours for a final exam. The key strategy was using AI to generate questions from notes, creating a study table, and employing active recall. The video also recommends using Brilliant for interactive learning, making summary pages, working with friends, and creating mind maps for better understanding and linking concepts. Additional tips include scribbling while memorizing and performing brain dumps to identify knowledge gaps.


  • 😲 The speaker and their friend Saki had to memorize 400 pages of notes in 24 hours for their final exam in Immunology.
  • 🧠 To memorize effectively, understanding the material is crucial, as it prevents information from being forgotten quickly.
  • ❓ Creating questions and answers is a fast way to learn and memorize, which can be facilitated by AI like ChatGPT.
  • 💻 The speaker used ChatGPT to generate questions and answers from their notes, which they then organized into a table on Google Docs.
  • 📚 They recommend using the question and answer format for studying as it aligns with how one would answer exam questions.
  • 🎮 For engaging and fast learning, especially in STEM, the speaker suggests using the interactive website Brilliant.
  • 📝 Summary pages for each topic, limited to one page per lecture, were created for quick revision and to prioritize key information.
  • 🤝 Collaborating with friends is emphasized as it aids in workload division and helps in understanding difficult topics through peer explanation.
  • 🕒 Studying the material twice a day, morning and night, leverages the power of repetition and active recall for better memorization.
  • 🧠 Creating mind maps was a game-changer for understanding complex topics by linking different concepts and processes.
  • 🖊️ Scribbling terms, diagrams, or phrases while studying can be an effective, albeit unexplained, memorization technique.
  • 📝 After studying, performing a 'brain dump' by writing everything remembered can help identify gaps in knowledge for further revision.

Q & A

  • What was the challenge the speaker faced with their Immunology syllabus?

    -The speaker and their friend Saki had almost 400 pages of notes to memorize for their final exam with only one day left.

  • What is the first and crucial step in memorizing information according to the speaker?

    -The first step in memorizing information is to understand it, as information that is not understood tends to be forgotten quickly.

  • How did the speaker utilize AI to create questions and answers from their notes?

    -The speaker used AI, specifically ChatGPT, by entering a prompt and pasting their notes into the chat to generate questions and answers quickly.

  • What study technique did the speaker use to test their memorization?

    -The speaker used a technique where they covered the answers and tested themselves with the questions, writing the answers on a separate piece of paper.

  • Why did the speaker recommend creating questions and answers based on learning objectives?

    -Creating questions and answers based on learning objectives helps to structure the study material in a way that mirrors how the information will be used in exams.

  • What interactive website does the speaker suggest for learning difficult topics?

    -The speaker suggests using the website '' for its interactive approach to learning STEM topics, which makes learning more engaging.

  • How did the speaker and Saki divide the workload for studying?

    -The speaker and Saki divided the workload evenly, with each taking responsibility for different parts of the syllabus and then explaining their sections to each other.

  • What is the significance of creating summary pages for each topic according to the speaker?

    -Creating summary pages helps in prioritizing important information and is beneficial for quick revision, especially on the morning of the final exam.

  • Why is studying the same material twice a day beneficial for memorization?

    -Studying the same material twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, helps in practicing active recall, which strengthens memory retention.

  • How did the speaker use mind maps to understand complex Immunology topics?

    -The speaker created a mind map by picking a confusing concept, searching it on YouTube, and then connecting related topics and processes in the mind map to understand the material better.

  • What is the 'scribbling' memorization tip mentioned by the speaker?

    -The 'scribbling' tip involves freely writing or drawing terms, diagrams, or phrases while studying, which has been found to aid in memorization, although the exact reason is not clear.

  • What method did the speaker use to test their memory after studying a chapter?

    -The speaker used a 'brain dump' method where they would write down everything they could remember from a chapter without looking at the book, then fill in any gaps as a form of revision.



📚 Last-Minute Study Strategies for Exam Success

The speaker recounts a frantic last-minute cramming session with a friend, Saki, to prepare for an Immunology exam with 400 pages of notes. They emphasize the importance of understanding information to memorize it effectively and share their strategy of using AI, specifically ChatGPT, to generate questions and answers from their notes. This method is said to be a game-changer for learning quickly. The speaker also introduces the use of flashcards and creating a table on Google Docs for self-testing. They mention the value of studying with friends to cover more ground and understanding topics better through mutual explanations. The speaker concludes by recommending for interactive learning and summarizing key points for quick revision.


🤝 Collaborative Study Techniques and Memorization Tips

In this paragraph, the speaker highlights the benefits of working with friends to divide the workload and gain a deeper understanding of the material. They discuss the process of creating summary pages for each topic, which aids in prioritizing important information. The speaker also shares their experience of studying the same material twice a day to enhance memory retention through active recall. They introduce the concept of mind mapping as a powerful tool for linking topics and understanding complex subjects like Immunology. The speaker also suggests a unique memorization technique involving scribbling terms and diagrams while studying, which has proven effective for some. Lastly, they recommend testing memory by 'brain dumping' onto paper after studying a chapter to identify gaps in knowledge.




Memorization refers to the process of committing information to memory, typically for later recall. In the context of the video, memorization is a key theme as the speaker shares strategies for quickly memorizing a large volume of notes. The video emphasizes that understanding the material is crucial for effective memorization, which is why the speaker uses AI to create questions and answers, aiding in the comprehension and recall of information.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, the speaker utilizes AI, specifically ChatGPT, to generate questions and answers from their study notes, which is a creative application of AI to facilitate the study process and enhance memorization.


Flashcards are small cards used as an educational tool, typically consisting of a question on one side and the answer on the other. The video mentions turning questions and answers into flashcards as a method for studying and memorizing information. This technique is beneficial for quick review and testing one's knowledge.

💡Active Recall

Active recall is a learning technique that involves actively trying to remember information without looking at the material. The video suggests studying material twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, to practice active recall and reinforce memory. This method is highlighted as an effective way to improve memorization and learning.

💡Mind Maps

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information, typically consisting of a central idea surrounded by related concepts. In the video, the speaker describes creating a mind map as a strategy for understanding complex topics, such as Immunology, by linking different concepts and processes. This method aids in the visualization and integration of knowledge.


Brilliant is an interactive learning platform that offers courses in STEM fields. The video recommends Brilliant as a resource for those who want to excel in difficult topics quickly. It is described as gamified, making the learning process more engaging and less intimidating.


Cramming is the act of studying or learning a lot of information in a short period of time, often just before a test or exam. The video acknowledges that while cramming is not ideal, the speaker provides strategies for effective last-minute studying, such as creating summary pages and utilizing active recall.

💡Summary Pages

Summary pages are concise, focused notes that summarize key points of a topic. In the video, the speaker and their friend create one-page summaries for each lecture topic, which are used for quick revision before the exam. This method helps in prioritizing important information and is an effective tool for last-minute studying.


Immunology is the study of the immune system. In the video, the speaker discusses creating questions and answers, as well as a mind map, specifically for the challenging subject of Immunology. This example illustrates how the memorization techniques discussed can be applied to complex academic subjects.


Saki is a friend of the speaker mentioned in the video. The speaker discusses how they worked together with Saki to divide the workload of creating study materials, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in the study process. Saki's involvement also highlights the value of explaining concepts to each other for better understanding and memorization.

💡Study Tips

Study tips are advice or strategies to improve learning and retention of information. The video is centered around the speaker's personal study tips for memorizing a large amount of information quickly. These tips include using AI for question creation, summarizing notes, and utilizing active recall through repeated study sessions.


Memorising 400 pages of notes in 24 hours using AI assistance.

The importance of understanding information for effective memorization.

Creating questions and answers as a fast learning method.

Utilizing AI, specifically ChatGPT, to generate study materials.

The process of entering a prompt into ChatGPT to create questions from notes.

Transforming AI-generated Q&A into flashcards for study.

Using Google Docs to create a table for self-testing with Q&A.

The effectiveness of the question and answer format for information digestion.

The lack of past year papers and the strategy of creating questions as a solution.

Recommendation of the website '' for interactive learning.

The benefit of summarizing pages for quick revision before exams.

Collaborating with friends to divide the workload and explain difficult concepts.

The practice of studying material twice a day for better memorization.

Active recall as a method for improving memory retention.

Creating mind maps to link and understand complex topics.

Using color-coding in mind maps to identify recurring elements.

The unique memorization tip of scribbling terms and diagrams.

The 'brain dump' technique for identifying gaps in memorized information.

Encouragement for viewers to comment on their memorization abilities.

Invitation to follow on social media and subscribe for more study tips.