Open AI SHIPS: "GPT o1" First Look! ("Strawberry" Chain of Thought Reasoning)

MattVidPro AI
12 Sept 202425:42

TLDROpenAI has launched a new AI model, 'GPT o1', based on the rumored 'Strawberry' architecture. This model showcases advanced reasoning capabilities, thinking through problems before answering. It's available to ChatGPT Plus users and has been tested with complex logic problems. While it sometimes requires specific prompting to achieve correct responses, it demonstrates significant potential, outperforming previous models in various benchmarks. The model also shows promise in coding, game creation, and other tasks, indicating a leap in AI reasoning and problem-solving abilities.


  • 😀 OpenAI has released a new model named 'GPT o1' based on the 'Strawberry' architecture, which is designed to think through problems before providing answers.
  • 🔍 ChatGPT Plus users now have access to two new models, 'o1' and 'o1 mini', with 'o1' offering the most advanced reasoning capabilities.
  • 🧠 The 'Strawberry' architecture is a new approach to AI modeling that emphasizes advanced reasoning and problem-solving abilities.
  • 📊 In tests, 'GPT o1' demonstrated the ability to correctly identify the number of 'R's in the word 'strawberry', showcasing its improved accuracy over previous models.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ The model was challenged with a complex logic problem involving ice cubes, a glass, and a microwave, which it initially struggled with but eventually solved after multiple prompts.
  • 📈 'GPT o1' has shown significant improvements in benchmarks for competitive programming, math, and physics, outperforming human experts in some areas.
  • 🎯 The model's performance is highly dependent on the quality of the prompts given to it, indicating that users need to be specific and clear in their inquiries to receive the best results.
  • 📝 OpenAI's blog post highlights that 'o1' thinks before it answers, using an internal Chain of Thought, and ranks highly on competitive programming and math Olympiad benchmarks.
  • 🚀 Community reactions to 'GPT o1' are mixed, with some users impressed by its capabilities and others noting the need for patience and realistic expectations as the model continues to be refined.
  • 🔧 The model is still in its early stages, with OpenAI acknowledging that there is ongoing work to make it as user-friendly as current models and to improve its reasoning in various tasks.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the 'Strawberry' architecture mentioned in the title?

    -The 'Strawberry' architecture refers to the new model released by Open AI, which is designed to perform advanced reasoning. It thinks through problems before providing answers, offering a more sophisticated approach to problem-solving compared to previous models.

  • What are the two new models introduced by Open AI based on the 'Strawberry' architecture?

    -The two new models introduced by Open AI are called 'GPT-01' and 'GPT-01 Mini'. They are designed to have advanced reasoning capabilities and are available for Chat GPT Plus users.

  • What is the main feature that differentiates 'GPT-01' from previous models?

    -The main feature that differentiates 'GPT-01' from previous models is its advanced reasoning ability, which allows it to think through problems before providing answers, similar to a human thought process.

  • How does 'GPT-01' perform on the classic 'RS' test mentioned in the transcript?

    -'GPT-01' correctly identifies that the word 'strawberry' contains three 'R's, demonstrating its ability to solve problems that were previously challenging for large language models.

  • What is the complex problem presented to test the reasoning capabilities of 'GPT-01'?

    -The complex problem presented is a scenario involving a cup of water, ice cubes, a silver bead, and a microwave. The model is asked to determine the state of each variable after a series of actions, including removing a teaspoon of water, freezing the rest into ice cubes, and placing them into a glass with the bead, then inverting the glass on a table and microwaving it.

  • What was the initial outcome of 'GPT-01' when presented with the complex problem?

    -Initially, 'GPT-01' did not provide the expected outcome for the complex problem. It suggested that the ice cubes melted into water under the inverted glass in the microwave, which was not the intended result.

  • How does 'GPT-01' improve its response after being prompted with additional instructions?

    -After receiving additional prompts and being asked to use human-level logic and reasoning, 'GPT-01' eventually arrives at the correct conclusion, demonstrating that it can improve its reasoning with the right kind of guidance.

  • What benchmarks does 'GPT-01' excel in according to the blog post mentioned?

    -'GPT-01' excels in various benchmarks, including competitive programming questions, where it ranks in the 89th percentile, and it exceeds human PhD level accuracy on a benchmark of physics.

  • What are the limitations of 'GPT-01' as discussed in the video?

    -Despite its advanced reasoning capabilities, 'GPT-01' still has limitations, such as getting caught up on certain nuances and needing specific prompts to perform optimally. It also struggles with basic logic problems if not prompted correctly.

  • What is the community's reaction to 'GPT-01' based on the video?

    -The community's reaction to 'GPT-01' is generally positive, with many impressed by its reasoning capabilities. However, there are also concerns about setting the right expectations and recognizing that it is not a 'miracle model' that excels in every aspect without the need for proper prompting.



🤖 OpenAI's New Reasoning Model: Strawberry Architecture

The video discusses OpenAI's release of a new model based on the rumored 'Strawberry' architecture. This model, available to ChatGPT Plus users, is designed to think through problems before responding, offering advanced reasoning capabilities. The video creator tests the model's reasoning by posing a complex scenario involving ice cubes, a silver bead, and a microwave. While the model initially struggles with the logic, it eventually arrives at the correct conclusion after several prompts, demonstrating its potential for complex problem-solving.


📊 Benchmarks and Reinforcement Learning Insights

The video delves into OpenAI's blog post about the new model, highlighting its performance on various benchmarks. The model, referred to as '01', shows significant improvements in reasoning and problem-solving, outperforming previous models on tasks like competitive programming and physics. The video discusses the model's use of reinforcement learning to enhance its reasoning abilities, suggesting that with more training time, the model's performance continues to improve. The video also touches on the model's limitations and the need for better prompts to maximize its capabilities.


📈 Comparative Analysis with GPT-4 and Community Reactions

The video compares the new '01' model with GPT-4, noting that while GPT-4 is close to human-level expertise in certain areas, '01' shows even greater proficiency, particularly in reasoning-heavy tasks. The video creator shares community reactions, including those from other YouTubers and OpenAI's CEO, who express excitement and positive feedback about the new model. The video also mentions the model's limitations, such as a weekly message cap, and the potential for the AI community to develop similar models in the future.


🛠 Practical Testing and Prompting Strategies

The video explores practical applications of the '01' model through a series of tests, including organizing a messy bedroom and launching an object into space. The video creator experiments with different prompting strategies to elicit the best responses from the model, emphasizing the importance of specificity and clarity in prompts. The model demonstrates its ability to think through problems step-by-step, providing detailed and organized solutions. The video also highlights instances where the model generates unexpected or incorrect responses, suggesting areas for further improvement.


🚀 Future Prospects and Community Feedback

In the final segment, the video creator reflects on the potential of OpenAI's new model and the broader implications for AI development. They express excitement for future possibilities and encourage the AI community to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible. The video also includes feedback from the community, with some users noting the model's impressive capabilities and others cautioning against setting unrealistic expectations. The video concludes with a call for patience and a focus on the ongoing development and refinement of AI models.



💡Open AI

Open AI refers to the artificial intelligence research laboratory known for developing AI technologies that are publicly available. In the context of the video, Open AI has released a new model named 'GPT o1', which is based on the rumored 'Strawberry' architecture. The video discusses the features and capabilities of this new AI model, highlighting its advanced reasoning abilities.

💡GPT o1

GPT o1 is the name of the new AI model released by Open AI. The 'o1' likely stands for 'GPT one', indicating it's a first of its kind or a new generation model. The video script discusses the model's advanced reasoning capabilities, suggesting it can think through problems before providing answers, which is a significant leap from previous models.

💡Strawberry architecture

The 'Strawberry architecture' is a rumored design or framework for the new AI model released by Open AI. Although not explicitly defined in the script, it is implied to be an innovative approach to AI that enables more sophisticated reasoning and problem-solving. The video suggests that this architecture allows the AI to perform complex tasks and think through problems in a more human-like manner.


Reasoning in this context refers to the AI's ability to logically work through a problem to reach a conclusion. The video emphasizes that the new model, GPT o1, has advanced reasoning capabilities, meaning it can analyze a situation, consider various factors, and provide a thoughtful response rather than a simple, direct answer.

💡Chain of Thought Reasoning

Chain of Thought Reasoning is a feature of the new AI model that allows it to break down complex problems into a series of logical steps before providing an answer. This is showcased in the video through examples where the AI thinks through a problem, step by step, to arrive at a solution, mimicking the way a human might approach a difficult question.

💡Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming is a term used in the video to describe a benchmark where the AI model's capabilities are tested. The script mentions that GPT o1 ranks in the 89th percentile on competitive programming questions, indicating that it performs at a level comparable to advanced human programmers.

💡Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to maximize some notion of cumulative reward. The video explains that GPT o1 is trained with reinforcement learning, which helps it perform complex reasoning tasks and improve its performance over time.

💡Prompt Heavy

In the context of the video, 'prompt heavy' suggests that the AI model requires specific and detailed prompts to perform optimally. The script indicates that the new model might need clear and well-structured input to fully utilize its advanced reasoning capabilities, as opposed to more generic or vague prompts.


The term 'microwave' is used in a logic problem presented in the video script. The problem involves a series of actions with a cup of water, ice cubes, and a silver bead, culminating in placing them in a microwave. The video uses this scenario to test the AI's reasoning capabilities and its ability to understand the physical implications of the actions described.


Self-Evaluation in the context of the video refers to the AI model's ability to assess its own responses and reasoning process. The script mentions that the model can run tests on itself to improve and refine its reasoning strategies, which is a sign of advanced AI capabilities and a step towards more autonomous and intelligent systems.


OpenAI releases a new model called 'GPT o1' based on the rumored 'Strawberry' architecture.

The 'GPT o1' model is designed to think through problems before giving answers, showcasing advanced reasoning capabilities.

Chat GPT Plus users gain access to two new models, '01' and '01 mini', with '01' featuring the most advanced reasoning.

Initial tests show the model correctly identifying 'strawberry' has three 'R's, a task that sometimes tripped up previous models.

A complex scenario involving ice cubes, a silver bead, and a microwave is presented to test the model's reasoning.

The model struggles with the ice cube scenario initially, suggesting it melts in the microwave, which is incorrect.

After prompting, 'GPT o1' corrects its reasoning and aligns with the expected outcome of the ice cube scenario.

The model is described as 'prompt heavy', requiring specific instructions to optimize its reasoning process.

Benchmarks show 'GPT o1' outperforming 'GPT 40' in competitive programming, math, and physics problems.

Despite improvements, 'GPT o1' still encounters issues with basic logic problems, indicating room for further enhancement.

The model's performance is said to improve with more reinforcement learning and training time.

OpenAI's blog post details how 'GPT o1' is trained with reinforcement learning to perform complex reasoning.

The model ranks in the 89th percentile on competitive programming questions and matches PhD-level accuracy in physics.

Community reactions suggest 'GPT o1' is impressive but may not be the 'miracle model' some expect, calling for tempered expectations.

The model's ability to self-evaluate and improve through testing is highlighted as a significant step forward in AI technology.

The video concludes with a call for the AI community to explore and adapt to the new capabilities of 'GPT o1'.