Stop Paying AI Humanizer, Use This Instead

16 Apr 202407:40

TLDRThis video advocates against paying for AI humanizer tools, which claim to make AI-generated content appear more human-like to avoid detection. It argues that these tools are based on unproven technology and are unnecessary as major search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo have accepted AI-generated content. The video suggests that instead of relying on AI humanizers, which have been shown to be inaccurate, content creators should focus on adding personal touches, creativity, and a human tone to their AI-generated articles to make them more engaging and less robotic.


  • 💡 You don't need to pay for AI humanizer tools as they are often based on unproven technologies and can be costly.
  • 🔍 Major tech companies have abandoned the idea of AI humanizers, suggesting their ineffectiveness.
  • 📈 The release of ChatGPT in 2022 led to a noticeable robotic tone in AI-generated content, prompting the need for humanization.
  • 🤖 AI like ChatGPT produces a predictable writing style, which contrasts with the dynamic nature of human-written articles.
  • 📉 The high predictability of AI writing has led to the development of AI content detector tools, challenging the effectiveness of humanizer tools.
  • 🚫 Google's stance on AI content has evolved; it now accepts well-produced AI content, reducing the necessity of humanization for SEO purposes.
  • 🔍 AI detection tools are neither accurate nor reliable, with accuracy rates as low as 39.5%, according to studies.
  • 🌐 The role of AI humanizer tools is diminishing as AI improves at mimicking human writing styles.
  • ✍️ To truly humanize AI articles, it's more effective to add personal opinions, experiences, and creativity rather than trying to deceive AI detectors.
  • 📝 Specific prompts can help AI generate content that is less robotic and more engaging, potentially bypassing AI detectors.

Q & A

  • Why should one not pay for AI humanizer tools according to the video?

    -The video suggests not paying for AI humanizer tools because they are expensive, built on unproven technologies, and many major tech companies have abandoned the idea. Moreover, AI detection tools are neither accurate nor reliable, making the need for humanization questionable.

  • What was the initial reaction to AI-generated content like ChatGPT in terms of search engine visibility?

    -Initially, Google considered AI-generated content to be spammy and it would not appear in search results. However, Google later changed its stance to display quality AI-generated content, as long as it answered the search query effectively.

  • How did the predictability of AI writing style lead to the creation of AI content detector tools?

    -The predictability and lack of creativity in AI writing styles, such as ChatGPT's, led to the creation of AI content detector tools that could identify content generated by AI due to its repetitive and formal tone.

  • What did Google clarify about AI content in June 2023?

    -In June 2023, Google clarified that labeling AI content is unnecessary and that it is okay with content generated by AI, as long as it is of high quality and answers the search query.

  • Why did OpenAI shut down its own AI detector?

    -OpenAI shut down its own AI detector in July 2023 due to low accuracy, indicating that the technology was not reliable enough for consistent use.

  • What is the current accuracy rate of AI detection tools according to the March 2024 study mentioned in the video?

    -According to the March 2024 study, AI detection tools have an accuracy rate of just 39.5%, which can go as low as 17.4% with manipulated content.

  • How does the video suggest improving AI-generated content to make it more human-like without using humanizer tools?

    -The video suggests adding personal opinions, experiences, and creativity to the AI-generated content. It also recommends using specific prompts to guide the AI towards a more engaging and human-sounding writing style.

  • What role does the AI's ability to mimic human language play in the future of AI humanizer tools?

    -As AI gets better at mimicking human language, the role of AI humanizer tools will diminish over time, potentially making it impossible for any software to consistently tell human and AI writing apart.

  • What does the video recommend as an alternative to AI humanizer tools for content creation?

    -The video recommends adding a personal touch to AI-generated content by spending time to add relevant images, personal stories, memes, and customizing the content to make it feel more human.

  • How can the predictability of non-native English speakers' writing be a challenge for AI content detectors?

    -Non-native English speakers often have limited vocabulary and predictable grammar, which can be mistaken for AI-generated content by AI detectors, thus challenging the accuracy of these tools.



🤖 The Flaws of AI Humanizer Tools

This paragraph discusses the unnecessary expense of AI humanizer tools, which claim to make AI-generated content appear more human-like to pass AI detection tools. The speaker argues that these tools are built on unproven technologies and have been abandoned by major tech companies. The video aims to show viewers how to avoid paying for such tools and instead use simple methods to make AI content pass detection without cost. The paragraph also reviews the release of ChatGPT in 2022 and how its predictable writing style led to the development of AI content detectors. Despite the rise of AI humanizer tools, the paragraph points out that major search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo have accepted AI-generated content, rendering the primary selling point of humanizer tools obsolete.


🚀 Enhancing AI Content Naturally

The second paragraph emphasizes the diminishing need for AI humanizer tools as AI improves at mimicking human writing. The speaker suggests that true humanization of AI content involves adding personal opinions, experiences, and creativity, rather than attempting to deceive AI detectors. The paragraph provides examples of how to instruct AI to create more engaging content by using specific prompts that include personal anecdotes, a friendly tone, and creative approaches. The speaker also recommends adding a personal touch to AI content by spending a short time to include relevant images, personal stories, and memes. The paragraph concludes by contrasting two versions of the same article, with the second version feeling more human due to the inclusion of uniquely human elements, and encourages viewers to share their thoughts and subscribe for more content.



💡AI Humanizer Tools

AI Humanizer Tools refer to software applications designed to modify AI-generated text to make it appear more human-like, with the aim of bypassing AI detection tools. In the video, the speaker argues against the use of such tools, stating that they are built on unproven technologies and are not cost-effective. The video suggests that these tools are unnecessary as major tech companies have abandoned the idea, and AI detection tools are neither accurate nor reliable.

💡AI Content Detector Tools

AI Content Detector Tools are systems that claim to identify whether content has been generated by an AI or a human. The video discusses the rise of these tools in response to the predictable writing style of AI, like ChatGPT. However, it also highlights that these detectors are not accurate, with studies showing accuracy rates as low as 39.5%, making them unreliable for distinguishing AI-generated content from human-written content.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that assists in content creation by generating text based on user prompts. The video mentions ChatGPT as an example of AI that produces a predictable and formal writing style, which can be easily identified as AI-generated. It also notes that OpenAI shut down its own AI detector due to low accuracy.

💡Predictable Writing Style

The term 'Predictable Writing Style' in the context of the video refers to the consistent and formulaic way AI, like ChatGPT, generates text. This style can be recognized by the repetition of certain words or phrases, which makes the content sound robotic and less dynamic compared to human-written articles. The video uses this concept to explain why AI-generated content is often easily detected.

💡Google's Content Guidelines

Google's Content Guidelines are the standards set by Google to determine the quality and relevance of content displayed in search results. Initially, Google considered AI-generated content to be spammy and not suitable for search results. However, as mentioned in the video, Google later revised its stance, stating that quality AI-generated content would be displayed, regardless of its origin, as long as it answers the search query effectively.

💡AI Mimicking Human Words

AI Mimicking Human Words refers to the ability of AI to generate text that sounds like it could have been written by a human. The video suggests that as AI technology improves, the distinction between human and AI writing will become increasingly blurred, reducing the effectiveness of AI humanizer tools and detectors.

💡Personal Touch

Personal Touch in the context of the video means adding unique elements to AI-generated content that reflect individuality, such as personal experiences, opinions, and creativity. The speaker argues that adding a personal touch is a more effective way to humanize AI content than using AI humanizer tools, as it makes the content more engaging and less robotic.


In the context of AI content generation, a 'Prompt' is an input or instruction given to an AI model to guide the type of content it generates. The video emphasizes the importance of being specific with prompts to influence the AI's output, such as specifying the target audience, writing style, and tone, to create content that is less detectable as AI-generated.

💡Reassess AI Content

Reassessing AI Content is the process of reviewing and refining AI-generated text to improve its quality and human-like characteristics. The video suggests that spending time to reassess and add elements like relevant images, personal stories, or memes can make AI content feel more human and less like it was generated by an AI.

💡AI Detection Score

The AI Detection Score mentioned in the video refers to the output given by AI detectors, which attempts to quantify how likely it is that a piece of content was generated by an AI. The speaker argues that this score is arbitrary and not a reliable measure of content quality, suggesting that focusing on adding human elements to the content is a better approach.


You don't have to pay for AI humanizer tools.

AI humanizer tools are built on unproven technologies and many tech companies have abandoned the idea.

AI content detector tools are neither accurate nor reliable.

Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo approve AI content as long as it's quality and answers the search query.

AI humanizer tools claim to make AI content undetectable by AI detectors for a fee.

The main proposition of AI humanizer tools is to make articles sound more human.

OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, shut down its own AI detector in July 2023 due to low accuracy.

AI detection tools have accuracy rates as low as 17.4% with manipulated content.

AI detectors work by assessing how unexpected the next word is in a sentence.

Truly humanizing AI articles is about adding opinions, experiences, and creativity, not fooling AI detectors.

AI can emulate some human qualities if given the right prompt.

To create AI content that passes AI detectors, be specific in your prompt about target audience, writing style, and tone.

Adding personal touch to AI content, like images, personal stories, and memes, can make it feel more human.

Content that feels human includes elements that can only be created by humans, making it a better approach than focusing on AI detection scores.

The video encourages viewers to add their personal touch to AI-generated content for a more authentic feel.

Engaging titles created by AI can sometimes sound out of place due to their predictability.

AI writing style is often predictable and lacks creativity, leading to the development of AI content detector tools.

AI humanizer tools assess AI content before attempting to make it sound more human.